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No need to translate, as my browser does this for me, through Google. Not always perfect, but adequate for understanding the main ideas.

Sie müssen nicht über Google übersetzen, da mein Browser dies für mich erledigt. Nicht immer perfekt, aber ausreichend, um die Hauptideen zu verstehen.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
5 minutes ago, kutscher said:

I still have one. My transition still doesn't work.

Coachman calls for help

Sorry, lost in translation. What do you mean by 'transition' ..?

Sorry, lost in translation. What do you mean by "transition"?

Bearbeitet von Dad3353

Ah, if you mean the level crossing, I think the train is too fast, and doesn't give enough time before the barrier closes. I moved the 'close' contact much further back (halfway round the previous curve...). I'll have another look...

Ah, wenn Sie den Bahnübergang meinen, ich denke, der Zug ist zu schnell und gibt nicht genug Zeit, bevor die Barriere schließt. Ich habe den "engen" Kontakt viel weiter nach hinten verschoben (auf halber Strecke um die vorherige Kurve ...). Ich werde noch einen Blick darauf werfen ...

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

OK, I see the problems. There are several. The simplest way would be to look again at my one, posted above, and see how I did it. Here, though, the changes are needed ...
1 - The animation for closing is 'End', 'Backwards', so you need to invert all three events (for the two gates, and the gatekeeper ...).

2 - It should be triggered by 'Entering'

3 - The animation for opening is correct, but you've chosen 'All animations'; you only need the last one in the list.

4 - You need to add the animation for the gatekeeper, it's absent for opening

5 - The event name for opening is not the name of the contact. That will work, but it's confusing. Name the events the same as their contact.

6 - The 'opening' event should be triggered by leaving.

7 - As mentioned above, the 'close' contact has to be much earlier, to have the barriers closed before the train passes. Once closed completely, the opening will be smooth; It's not the case if the train triggers the opening too early.

Hope this helps.

OK, I see the problems. There are a few. The easiest way would be to take another look at my post above and see how I did it. But here are the changes needed ...
1 - The close animation is "End", "Backward". So you have to invert all three events (for the two goals and the goalkeeper ...).

2 - It should be triggered by 'Enter'.

3 - The opening animation is correct, but you have selected "All Animations". You just need the last one in the list.

4 - You need to add the animation for the gatekeeper, it is missing to open

5 - The event name to open is not the name of the contact. This will work, but it's confusing. Name the events just like their contact.

6 - The opening event should be triggered by leaving.

7 - As mentioned above, the "close" contact needs to be much earlier in order for the barriers to close before the train passes. Once it is completely closed, the opening is smooth; It is not the case if the train triggers the opening too early.

Hope that helps.

Bearbeitet von Dad3353

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