hubert.visschedijk Geschrieben 19. August 2021 Geschrieben 19. August 2021 vor 23 Stunden schrieb 220hotwheels: Hi Hubert I'd wondered how that element worked having noticed such items in earlier posts. What do they say "A day without learning is a day lost" true, but with such good members as there are in MBS then not many days are lost. Many thanks for the pointer. I will get back to you with those photo's a.s.a.p. By the way I have added street lighting to your suspension bridge. It looks great. See attached. Your comment regarding the third track in the ferry. I hadn't noticed but now you have pointed this out I will have to reconsider that aspect. Kind regards Pete Pete, as you noticed, the street lights connect automatically to the spline. You allready found out how to resolve that, without everyhing being out of line? Kind regards
220hotwheels Geschrieben 19. August 2021 Autor Geschrieben 19. August 2021 Hi Hubert Everything with me is usually by luck rather than good management, but hey if it works, no problem. Kind regards Pete
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