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Signals and track contacts disappear ?


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I know that I'm sometimes distracted, but this one ?
I was testing this layout yesterday evening. It is in the fase finishing touch.
When I opened it this morning, three traffic signals and a lot of track contacts disappeared in the second crossing. ( crossing : a copy of the first via paste from layout )
When looking at the list, they were all there on the layout, and should be visible ?
( In the layout I did not yet gave the copy signals their own names, but because the events are object related, all seems to work )
It still is possible I overlooked something. Please have a look at it. 9AC60BB0-7621-4DF3-BB2F-C942EE0ACF38 as a draft.

Kind regards, Herman






Bearbeitet von Herman
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Hallo @Neo ,

And you can do also this on the track contact #RCLa BeforeWarr01-1 at the corrupt crossing ( I gave later the extra -1).
Fill in for RED, GREEN, ORANGE the proper values for Decelerate to and Accelerate to.  Save the layout. 
Do nothing more, close the layout and open it again. Those values in that track contact are gone.  

Just extra info. Kind regards, Herman

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Hello @Goetz ,

I did nothing but a save. All this track contacts and signals were on the right place when I saved it. When I opened this morning the layout they were moved....
Also the pole from a signal as you can see.  But thank you at least they are found. 
Still strange, because I just mentioned another failure after the save. ( and nothing was running )
Kind regards, HP

Bearbeitet von Herman
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And @Goetz , even if they moved to such a strange place, they still did their job as track contact correct. (*)
( I'm now looking at my own layout) How did you make them visible ? Sorry ...  Found them. 
Kind regards, and thank you ! Herman

* I mean the cars react correct on the track contacts ( as if before the signal ) even if they are on another place.

Bearbeitet von Herman
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1 hour ago, Herman said:

Those values in that track contact are gone. 

Hello, extra info  I can repeat this error many times.
But only for this two track contacts #RCLa BeforeEarr01-1 and #RCLa BeforeWarr01-1, before the arrow traffic lights in the corrupt crossing. If I change and save those values in other track contacts the values remain after reopening.
Kind regards, Herman

Bearbeitet von Herman
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1 hour ago, Herman said:

But only for this two track contacts

Hello everybody,

Only extra information. 

After several tests. Those corrupt track contacts had this corruption already in my starting tool, and so in each copy again . That does not put a light why they behave so strange on this layout on the country roads "3 spuren". If I moved to another street, then the values can be saved. When you put them back to the "3 spuren" the good behaviour is lost again. A copy to another layout from the signal + track contact works good.  Reset of the corrupt track contact on my layout did not help.
I destroyed the corrupted track contacts in the tool and replaced them with new ones --> ok.  Nobody knows how they get this nasty behaviour, but why look after it. -->  For me this point may be closed, not necessary to put further time in this. 

For the other problem : I'm  quite sure the signals and track contacts were on their place when saved. Later on they moved ? Even if I moved them accidently ( such a lot ... and not all the signals? why is the pole moved, but not with the other signals ? ), it stays that the contacts are working as if before the appropriate signal, even if the contacts are far away on another place ? 

Here I gave up, it's for the experts. Or leave it ... I will work on with a fresh one. 

I thank everybody that read this. Remarks however are still welcome.   Have a nice weekend, greetings, Herman

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