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Signal does not go to red after a train is passing.


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Hello members, developers, 
I saw today that a train, with a route does not set the signal on red when passing. This was certainly not so before. A solution is route get released -> Hp0, already when the train leaves the signal, not when released.  But my routes in some previous layouts have "Do nothing" when route gets released. I isolated it.  Test.mbp
Please some help or explanation. Thanks, Herman

Hallo Mitglieder, Entwickler, 
ich habe heute gesehen, dass ein Zug mit einer Strecke das Signal bei der Vorbeifahrt nicht auf Rot stellt. Das war vorher sicher nicht so. Eine Lösung ist Fahrstraße wird freigegeben -> Hp0, schon wenn der Zug das Signal verlässt, nicht wenn er freigegeben wird.  Aber meine Strecken in einigen früheren Layouts haben "Nichts tun", wenn die Strecke freigegeben wird. Ich habe es isoliert.  Test.mbp
Bitte um Hilfe oder eine Erklärung. Danke, Herman


Edited by Herman
Routes in previous layouts are ok !
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Hello members, developers,
Here the same test, but I removed also my EV. And a fresh signal from the catalog. It behaves the same way.
Kind regards, Herman
Hallo Mitglieder, Entwickler,
Hier der gleiche Test, aber ich habe auch meinen EV entfernt. Und ein frisches Signal aus dem Katalog. Es verhält sich genau so.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Herman


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Hi Herman.

I could be wrong, but I think the whole purpose of the "Route gets released" function is to set the signal to red, or to whatever you want it to be, as the train passes. You can select any of the signal aspects and that is what the signal changes to as the train passes.

I'm not entirely sure why you would set it to anything other than HP0, other than (possibly) SH1 or Zs1, but it's nice to have the option.

Hallo Hermann.

Ich könnte mich irren, aber ich denke, der ganze Zweck der Funktion "Route wird freigegeben" besteht darin, das Signal auf Rot zu setzen oder auf was auch immer Sie es wollen, wenn der Zug vorbeifährt. Sie können einen der Signalbegriffe auswählen und das Signal ändert sich zu diesem, wenn der Zug vorbeifährt.

Ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher, warum Sie es auf etwas anderes als HP0 setzen würden, außer (möglicherweise) SH1 oder Zs1, aber es ist schön, die Option zu haben.

Edited by simonjackson1964
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vor 5 Stunden schrieb simonjackson1964:

I could be wrong, but I think the whole purpose of the "Route gets released" function is to set the signal to red

You ain't wrong at all, Simon
On the contrary, you're spot on.

The cause for Hermans Problem is found in his screenshot



The default setting here is that the signal at the beginning of the route is set to HP0 upon release.
A route isn't released in its entirety, all at once, but section by section, with the signal at the beginning of the route being the first one affected.

The last signal of the route stays untouched upon release, because it isn't related to this route (except for marking its finish point)

Goetz (to tired to write in two languages)

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Hello @simonjackson1964 , @MichelLombart , @Goetz,

First of all thanks for the explanations.  Zunächst einmal vielen Dank für die Erläuterungen.

Perhaps I should have asked my question differently. Vielleicht hätte ich meine Frage anders stellen sollen.

14 hours ago, MichelLombart said:

I deleted the route and recreated it from scratch and everything seems to work when you activate the route.

Yes but on scratch, your sample  takes Hp0 when the route get released. I know that the problem was there. But not why.
Ja, aber bei Scratch nimmt Ihre Probe Hp0, wenn die Route freigegeben wird. Ich weiß, dass das Problem da war. Aber nicht warum.

12 hours ago, simonjackson1964 said:

I think the whole purpose of the "Route gets released" function is to set the signal to red,

Yes that is true, I only was wrong with "Route get released" the route  is not released at all when the train is passing, until the end point.
Ja, das stimmt, ich habe mich nur bei "Route get released" geirrt, die Route wird bei der Durchfahrt des Zuges bis zum Endpunkt gar nicht freigegeben.

6 hours ago, Goetz said:

A route isn't released in its entirety, all at once, but section by section, with the signal at the beginning of the route being the first one affected.

I did not know that, this is the explanation I was searching for (y).  Das wusste ich nicht, das ist die Erklärung, die ich gesucht habe(y)

Can somebody give me a reason or example to ever use "Do Nothing" in this case ? But even not important...
Kann mir jemand einen Grund oder ein Beispiel nennen, warum man in diesem Fall "Nichts tun" verwenden sollte? Aber auch nicht wichtig...

Thank you all ! I'm very pleased with your help, kind regards, Herman Ich danke Ihnen allen! Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit eurer Hilfe, mit freundlichen Grüßen, Herman

Edited by Herman
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Hello Herman,

vor 1 Stunde schrieb Herman:

a reason or example

The signal is considered "passed" when the middle of the train runs over the signal's contact.
Depending on where the contact sits (in relation to the signal itself), some purists may consider this to be too early for switching the signal back to red.

With different periods and different signal types, it varies when a signal ist set to red. With old semaphore type signals and a junction box with large levers, the "Fahrdienstleiter" would first check the passing train. In particular, he'd  verify that the "train end" signals are in place on the last waggon. Missing train end indicators may indicate that a waggon was lost somewhere back. After the entire train has passed the signal, the controller would turn to his lever bank and change the signal. 

Modern signals typically switch to red automatically, when the engine has passed. i.e. long before the complete train went through.

The "Do nothing" option gives you the reqired flexibility to model real world behaviour as you desire ...


Edited by Goetz
Schreibfehler korrigiert
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