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2795 Profilaufrufe
  1. Hi @ralf3, wonderful nighttime, "enlightened" views of your city module. I always enjoy following you layout progress. It is very inspiring! Respectful regards, Henrik
  2. Hallo @Spurwechsel Das sind viele Pakete, die Sie dorthin verschieben Aber vielen Dank und ein wunderbarer Aufbau/Layout zum Anschauen. Diese Doppelwaggons gehören auch zu meinen Lieblingsklassikern und ich habe ziemlich viel Zeit damit verbracht, sie herzustellen; „Eine Arbeit voller Liebe“ Mit freundlichen Grüße, Henrik --- Hi @Spurwechsel, that is a lot of packages you are moving there But thank you and a wonderful consist/layout to watch. Those dual wagons are some of my own classic wagon favorites too and I did spend quite a lot of time making them; "A labor of love"
  3. Hallo @Spurwechsel, Krankheitsbedingt bin ich im Moment nicht viel online, aber wenn mir ein anderer MBSer eine direkte Frage stellt, werde ich auf jeden Fall eine Antwort geben Erwarten Sie auf absehbare Zeit keine Hintergründe ohne „Himmel“. Der Hauptgrund dafür ist, dass die Grafikmaskierung (Entfernung des Himmelsbereichs) eine sehr mühsame Aufgabe ist. Ich verwende die Software Photoshop und Affinity Photo mit langjähriger Erfahrung. Aber die Maskierung muss sehr genau sein und den „zwischen Himmel und Land“ umreißen, um hässliche Artefaktpixel entlang der Skyline in MBS zu vermeiden. Meine ersten Versuche haben weder zu einem zeiteffizienten Arbeitsablauf noch zu einem maskierten Ergebnis geführt, das ich selbst akzeptieren kann. Es sieht einfach hässlich aus mit unerwünschten Pixeln entlang der Skyline. Aber den Fortschritt der KI-Tools, auch im 2D-Grafikbereich, teste ich gerade (insbesondere neue KI-Tools in Photoshop und Affinity Photo). Sie werden bald eine maskierende KI bereitstellen, von der ich sicher bin, dass sie eine Lösung liefern wird, die ohne großen Aufwand Nicht-Sky-Versionen mit guter visueller Qualität möglich macht. Mit freundlichen Grüße, Henrik --- Hi @Spurwechsel, due to illness I am not much online right now, but when a fellow MBSer asks me a direct question, I certainly will provide an answer Don't expect the backgrounds without "sky" for a foreseeable future. The main reason for this is that the graphics masking (removal of sky area) is a very tedious task. I use Photoshop and Affinity Photo software with quite many years experience. But the masking has to be very accurate outlining the "between sky and land" to avoid ugly artifact pixels along the skyline in MBS. My initial trials have not provided a time effective workflow, nor a masked result I can accept myself. It simply looks ugly with unwanted pixels along the skyline. But the advance in AI tools, also in the 2D graphical area, is something I am testing right now (Especially new AI tools in Photoshop and Affinity Photo) They will soon provide masking AI that I am certain will provide a solution, which will make non-sky versions with good visual quality possible without extensive work. Kind regards, Henrik
  4. I forgot the "Apply All Transforms" before recalculating. I forgot that due only meeting flipped normals very rarely... Thank you so much ! Respectfully, Henrik
  5. Thank you Max, These pipes have caused me a headache from the start. For some reason flipping the normals wont help at all, so I have deleted them and will rebuild them from a beveled path instead of bending cylinders... Input highly appreciated Kind regards, Henrik
  6. Hallo alle, Der offene aussichtswagen wurde nun hochgeladen und wartet auf die kritische Betrachtung und Zustimmung von Neo --- Hi all, the open observation wagen has now been uploaded and awaits the critical eye and approval of Neo Kind regards, Henrik
  7. Hi Brummi, I have not been able to find any English language site clearly stating the specific font for the number plates. I tried using online sites that are supposed to identify fonts from a picture, but most just return 50 font samples, where no one is the right one. Most results are San Serif and the used font is clearly a Serif. So I wrote to RhB to get an answer. Where I just now got the autoreply that the contact person had just stopped working for RhB. So no reply expected in the short run. I am pretty sure that some German language site contains this historical design information. But I have not found it yet... I do hope others of our German speaking MBS members might know the right place to look. Regarding the latest draft I only have 1 question left. Will you add PBR materials to the design? Because I think that metallic shine on the engine brown would make the final touch Kind regards, Henrik
  8. Hi all, the "Aussichtswagen" is now nearly done. If anyone would have time to test it and give feedback, here is a draft link: E91ED064-4546-4469-9678-F6603B77AD47 It includes animations for the doors and wagen connections. 1) "Harmonica" connection to other passenger wagens. 2) Main side doors. Kind regards, Henrik
  9. Hi Brummi, the comments I will give now are entire subjective and originate from my way of adding many details using both mesh and textures, where you keep polycount much smaller by providing details in texture alone. I refer my comments to this model picture (see picture 1) 1) This area should have 4 3d protrusions. 2) These texture bolts are far too big and dominating. Should be much smaller and bled in discreet with the plate color. 3) Same as 2. 4) The vents should also protude from the main body in 3D and be a mainly horisontal line texture. You have used a mesh style texture. 5) The line of lighter "bolts" is far too light and therefore dominating the visuals on the bogey. Again, they should be very subtle. 6) The main drive wheel is flat and does protude in 3D mesh further out. 7) The main vertical silver divider in the windows missing. Technically I find a perfect running locomotive! And please see my above points as points of view, not "the one and only way" to balance mesh and texture. But you have produced a wonderful model with less polygons than the open oberservation wagen I am building right now I think you could be more generous with the polycount to make the sides become a bit more 3D, like the original. Without going overboard like I tend to do with the mesh Respectfully, Henrik
  10. Hi Urs, well, Brummi is in the process of making the Ge6/6I a reality. It is properly my favorite RhB locomotive. It's a beautiful, distinguished, harmonic "crocodil" design and emanates "Power" to conquer the many slopes I do read some saying that the transition from real locomotives to EMUs, like the Allegra, is turning modern RhB more into a set of tram routes that real rail lines. I don't complete disagree. What do you think? I would like to build a full set like the Allegra or Capricorn for MBS someday, but that is an immense project and demands very detailed construction plans to get the design right. Kind regards, Henrik
  11. I just wanted to add my appreciation for these beautiful English models and @Dad3353's work, in the hope that "copyright" issues could be solved, and full connecting rod animations could be added, ensuring meaningful availability in the online catalog. Kind regards, Henrik
  12. Hallo @urs.zoss, alle Kreationen hier müssen von der Begeisterung ihrer Schöpfer angetrieben werden. Das Erstellen großer Projekte wie Lokomotiven von Grund auf (auch mit guten Zeichnungen als Grundlage), sowohl in Bezug auf das Mesh, die Textur als auch die Animation, kann ein mehrmonatiger Prozess sein. Daher ist es für mich persönlich leider unmöglich, zukünftige Projekte mit festen Terminen zu versehen. Aber wenn Sie einen Favoriten auswählen müssten, welche RhB-Lokomotive würden Sie gerne als nächstes zum Leben erwecken? Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Henrik
  13. Hi Ralf @ralf3, Lupinus are some of my favorite flowers due to their color richness, intensity and resiliency. Just watch out for their self seeding over years, very quickly taking over your open grass areas on the layout I want to iterate what a pleasure it is to follow the construction of your layout. And the quality of your real-life layout building is of a most impressive standard! You are truly a master builder that inspires me! Respectful regards, Henrik
  14. Hallo alle, final mesh before texturing Kind regards, Henrik
  15. Hallo alle, Ich arbeite an einem besonderen RhB-Wagen, dem RhB B2 20xx Open Observation Passenger Wagen. Laut Wiki: “Eine Besonderheit der Bernina-Bahn und mittlerweile auch der Albula-Bahn sind die während der Sommersaison eingesetzten offenen Aussichtswagen B 2096-2101. Mit diesen Wagen können die Passagiere die Fahrt durch die Alpen ohne störende Fenster genießen und frische Bergluft atmen.” Diese Wagen passen sowohl zu modernen Touristenzügen als auch zu historischen Fahrten wie dem von @Roter Brummer Brummi gerade gebauten Ge 6/6 I. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Henrik --- Hi all, I am working on a RhB special wagon, the RhB B2 20xx open, observation passenger wagen. From Wiki: "A special feature of the Bernina Railway, and now also the Albula Railway, are the open observation cars B 2096-2101 used during the summer season. These cars allow passengers to enjoy the journey through the Alps without obstructive windows, breathing in the fresh mountain air." They will go well with both modern trains for turists and historical rides like the Ge 6/6 I Brummi is building right now Kind regards, Henrik
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