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MBS-Controller : Official Forum Page


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     So, I think this plug-in has pretty much reached the point where I can release it, or more accurately, let it escape as a Beta to the general users.
    It should now (or soon) be available in the plugins / simulation section.


    The plug-in is intended to allow users to "easily" design and run an automated layout by following a few simple naming conventions, design rules, and editing tools. 

    Rather than clogging up Neo's. forum, and to make it easier to maintain and reference from the help menu in the application, I have set up a separate website that documents the plug-in in detail.

     Due to the complexity of the plug-in I strongly suggest you at least read the home page theory first at http://www.aaadbs.com/mbs_controller/

     The user interface is detailed here... http://www.aaadbs.com/mbs_controller/UI.html

     And I put together a step-by-step tutorial to get you started here...  http://www.aaadbs.com/mbs_controller/Tutorial.html


     As I said, this is a Beta release. The plug-in is still a work in progress and robustness is, as yet, to be determined.
     Further, features may change or expand as time progresses.




Edited by trevor
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  • 2 weeks later...

Soon to be released new version of the controller now includes a cockpit function that allows you to watch the auto-pilot drive a train.
(As seen in the video),

BTW: Driving trains is A LOT harder than it looks.... esp. on fast short section layouts.
It IS a lot of fun though ;)
I have a whole new respect for train drivers...




Edited by trevor
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  • 11 months later...


I try to use your step-by-step tutorial and I'm directly stopped :

1. The MBS_Controller_Template could not be found

2. - I start the empy project and the MBS_controller plugin
    - I am connected to "contrôleur de MBS V:  -  connected  -  Loading project
    - I let the scale to HO and I press OK
    - This results in a annel with 4 errors and 3 warnings and the project is not loaded
    - The status becomes "Not ready"


==> my question is : what am I doing wrong.

Thank you in advance for helping.



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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...


I finaly foud a method for loading the appropriate Template.  Do the following :

  1. search the templates for your scale at the following adress : http://www.aaadbs.com/mbs_controller/Templates.zip
  2. open the Template you need for your scale, for example MBS_Controller_Template_N.mbp for scale N
  3. save this Template into your layout directory using the "save as" buttom and give it the name you want
  4. open your own layout that you plan to translate to MBS controller
  5. Press "Past from + Layout" from the edit menu, select the template's name you just saved.  Press enter 
  6. The Template is now part of your layout.

Hopping this may help.


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vor 8 Minuten schrieb ademes:

Finally, the templates are not available on the net; when you select "Template" from the MBS_controller Plug-in home page document, all templates are copied either on a default place on your computer, either to the place you mention.



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  • 1 year later...
Am 21.1.2017 um 18:30 schrieb trevor:


      Due to the complexity of the plug-in I strongly suggest you at least read the home page theory first at http://www.aaadbs.com/mbs_controller/

     The user interface is detailed here... http://www.aaadbs.com/mbs_controller/UI.html

     And I put together a step-by-step tutorial to get you started here...  http://www.aaadbs.com/mbs_controller/Tutorial.html


These 3 addresses point to "address unavailable".



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Hi Neo,

Ok!  But now, as the corresponding plugin is well present in the official catalog and all needed documentation has been removed, what will be your solution therefore.  Don't you have a copy of these pages?

This enforces my position concerning the plugins : they must be grouped in one official place including all their relevent info and documentations.  This place has to be managed by official responsible persons of 3D studio to guaranty their perenity.  So, one can give to the users a warranty for these additional programs.  What is your position about this, Neo?

Best regards


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Hi André,

because of such problems, the plugin feature is deprecated and I'm focussing on better solutions in the coming version V5, like an integrated scripting language (Lua) so that external applications/plugins are not needed anymore.

Kind regards,


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Hello Neo,

When will the version 5 be available?

I ask this because, as you probably know, I'm trying to automate my layout with as few events as possible, taking the special logic of 3d (conditions first, actions after) into account.  And I would like to know if these efforts are a good way and if they will not be made useless with the new version.

Thank you


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Hi André,

a public beta test of V5 will start in mid july. Automating layouts with as few events as possible was one of the main focus of the new event management, so you will have new options. Independently, layouts designed in V4 will also work in V5.

Kind regards,


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  • 1 year later...

Liebe Mitglieder des Forums.

Ich bin gerade dabei, einige Plugins auszuprobieren. Bei einigen ist es die Steuerung sehr einfach und ich brauche keine Anleitung aber das MBS Controller Plugin ist sehr komplex. Also wollte ich nachschauen wie das geht und habe auf „Weitere Informationen im Internet" geklickt. Mein Browser hat diese Seite im Forum geöffnet. Da hier aber keine direkte Anleitung, sondern nur ein Link auf eine andere Seite, in der angeblich eine Anleitung steht ist, habe ich auf den Link geklickt und eine komische Seite mit einer Fehlermeldung und Chinesischen Schriftzeichen hat sich geöffnet:


Jetzt frage ich mich ob es überhaupt noch eine Anleitung gibt. Und wenn ja auf welcher Internetseite.

Viele Grüße




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Hallo KarlFerdinand,
wenn Du die weiter oben stehenden Posts mal übersetzt findest Du Antworten. Ich denke, dieses Plugin wird heute auch nicht mehr gebraucht. Man muß da keine Zeit mehr reinstecken.


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