raf.sonneville Geschrieben 18. Januar 2018 Geschrieben 18. Januar 2018 Hi Sorry for doing this in english but I don't know any german. I tried to use the Direct-X extension in Sketchup to make .X files to import in TS4, but from the moment I put a colouring or a material on what i made in sketchup then i get an error in TS4 that the file is in an unsupported format, Why is that ? Can anyone help me pls? What software do you use to make MBE files or .X files to import in TS4, and can you use the same software to load an MBE file that is exported from within TS4? Thx
Neo Geschrieben 18. Januar 2018 Geschrieben 18. Januar 2018 Hi raf, MBE files are "object files", not only 3D models. There is no way to create such files outside the studio. You can only import DirectX (.X) files for new 3D models. Please attach a model including any texture here, so that we can check for any problems. Kind regards, Neo
raf.sonneville Geschrieben 18. Januar 2018 Autor Geschrieben 18. Januar 2018 HI Neo Thx for the reaction. Here is a very simple example. I can't bring it into TS4. I go in the menu to Catalog - 3D models - New Then i click on the plus sign and select the Test.X file. Then i get the message "The model could not be loaded, it has an unsupported format." Thx in advance Test.zip
Neo Geschrieben 18. Januar 2018 Geschrieben 18. Januar 2018 Hi raf, you are using a texture with spaces in its name (Blacktop Old 01.jpg), try to replace the spaces by underscores and try again. In addition, make sure that your textures have a size of power of 2, for example 256x256 or 512x512. BahnLand DirectX supports texture names with spaces, but not material names with spaces, like "_Blacktop Old 01_" in this case. Does the material name come from your exporter or from Sketchup? Is it possible that you replace all spaces in material names by underscores during export? Kind regards, Neo
raf.sonneville Geschrieben 18. Januar 2018 Autor Geschrieben 18. Januar 2018 Hi NeoThx man .... it worked now I made new materials with the format 512x512. The ones i sent you came with Sketchup Now I just have to find out how to attach snap points. I think I saw a post of someone about that. 1000x thanks
hubert.visschedijk Geschrieben 18. Januar 2018 Geschrieben 18. Januar 2018 Am 18.1.2018 um 16:58 schrieb raf.sonneville: Now I just have to find out how to attach snap points. I think I saw a post of someone about that. 1000x thanks Erweitern That was probebly my post.... Greetings. And if there´s anything i can help you with...be my guest. Allthough the gentleman from the posts above are the supreme masters on the matter
raf.sonneville Geschrieben 18. Januar 2018 Autor Geschrieben 18. Januar 2018 Hi Was indeed your post. Helped me a lot. Works now. Thx Greets
raf.sonneville Geschrieben 19. Januar 2018 Autor Geschrieben 19. Januar 2018 Hi Hubert I can already in Sketchup make street parts with snap points. I can bring them in TS4 and the pieces connect to each other, so far so good. Next step... put like tracks on the street parts so vehicles snap to the street parts. I am trying but no succes yet... Maybe you can help me if you know how Thx
BahnLand Geschrieben 19. Januar 2018 Geschrieben 19. Januar 2018 Hello, Am 18.1.2018 um 15:33 schrieb Neo: BahnLand DirectX supports texture names with spaces, but not material names with spaces, like "_Blacktop Old 01_" in this case. Does the material name come from your exporter or from Sketchup? Is it possible that you replace all spaces in material names by underscores during export? Erweitern Material names including spaces may be come from Sketchup (predefined materials) but not from the exporter. The automatic replacement of all spaces by underscores within material names during export will be supported with the next release of the Sketchup DirectX Exporter. Many greetings BahnLand
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