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How to get Blender models with custom textures into MBS...

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I have a loco, created in Blender, with a texture named '_Custom'. I have alternate textures which I wish Users to be able to select in MBS. How does one get these extra textures recognised by MBS, please..?

Ich habe eine in Blender erstellte Lok mit einer Textur namens '_Custom'. Ich habe alternative Texturen, die Benutzer in MBS auswählen können. Wie bekommt man diese zusätzlichen Texturen bitte von MBS erkannt?

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train red;herecomestheblenderfile;_Custom.png=red.png (the _Custom.png you have saved also as red.png)

train blue;sameasabovefile;_Custom.png=blue.png

train black;sameasabovefile;_Custom.png=black.png

You will need 4 PNG files

1 _Custom.png

2 red.png (which is the same as the _Custom.png but saved as red.png

3 blue.png

4 black.png


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2 hours ago, hubert.visschedijk said:

... You will need 4 PNG files ...

Excellent, Hubert; I've got it working, but a part of the issue has been a misunderstanding on my part. I thought that the Custom textures should show up as a drop-down list, in the same way as the Variant. This is not the case, as I now realize; one simply has to select the file required and the texture is applied. In fact, it seems that, as long as the texture file is '_Custom', the rest is either ignored or not used, and one may select any picture file at all; MBS will apply it to the model. Here's a picture (the cover of a guitar method book; not even multiple of binary ² dimensions, and MBS drapes it over the model.
I found that only the '_Custom' declaration is needed; the others never appear anywhere. I'm surprised, but it's working, so that's a Good Thing. As long as there's a declaration of '_Custom.png', any picture file can be used. I don't know if this is normal, but it works ..!

Excellent, Hubert; I got it working, but part of the problem was a misunderstanding on my part. I thought the custom textures should show up as a drop down list, just like the variant. This is not the case, as I now realize; All you have to do is select the file you want and the texture will be applied. In fact, it seems that as long as the texture file is '_Custom', the rest is either ignored or not used, and one can choose any image file; MBS applies it to the model. Here's a picture (the cover of a guitar textbook; not even a multiple of ² binary dimensions, and MBS drapes it over the model.
I've found that only the '_Custom' declaration is needed; the others do not appear anywhere. I'm surprised, but it works, so that's a good thing. As long as there is a declaration of '_Custom.png', any image file can be used. I don't know if this is normal, but it works ..!


Bearbeitet von Dad3353
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vor 11 Minuten schrieb hubert.visschedijk:


That is not needed and is redundant. If the name of the original texture is already _Custom, then the texture replacement feature gets enabled.

Kind regards,


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1 hour ago, arnyto said:

hello Dad3353 what a good job! I upload the model in the game to see and inside the cockpit we can see the back of the outside texture. I think you can create a cockpit wall or maybe there is an option ;) thanks again and tell me if i can help.

If only that were the only issue..! There are many, many 'issues' that I'm trying to resolve, slowly. So slowly, in fact, that I have often forgotten the solution when the same issue occurs, weeks later..! I try to note 'helpful hints' and jottings, but, with advancing years, I even forget that I've already noted the solution before..!
You are right, but the 'back of the outside texture' is a strange effect from not mastering the 'normals' of a mesh yet, and I still struggle to create a 'wrap-around' UV map for applying textures. Consultation of the Internet brings up many helpful information, but just as much redundant, out-of-date or even completely wrong stuff, and I find very little doing the same sort of things. If I wanted to know how to 'unwrap' a monkey's head, I'd be fine, but a locomotive..? Maybe I don't know how to look, after several decades of IT work..!
Patience, young Padawan. I am being assisted by very patient Masters, and am, despite everything, learning and improving (at a snail's pace, but still...). The model I posted to the Catalogue is simply a test piece, to see how to upload to the Catalogue, and will disappear shortly. Don't fret; I'll post a more complete model once I've stabilised my current modifications (merging textures, rationalising file names, creating low-poly passengers and more...), and you'll be able to give your views on those, to help even more. Nearly there, I hope..!

Wenn nur das das einzige Problem wäre..! Es gibt viele, viele „Probleme“, die ich langsam zu lösen versuche. So langsam, dass ich oft die Lösung vergessen habe, wenn das gleiche Problem Wochen später auftritt..! Ich versuche, 'hilfreiche Hinweise' und Notizen zu notieren, aber mit zunehmendem Alter vergesse ich sogar, dass ich mir die Lösung schon einmal notiert habe..!
Sie haben Recht, aber die "Rückseite der äußeren Textur" ist ein seltsamer Effekt, da ich die "Normalen" eines Netzes noch nicht beherrsche, und ich habe immer noch Schwierigkeiten, eine "umlaufende" UV-Map zum Anwenden von Texturen zu erstellen. Die Recherche im Internet bringt viele hilfreiche Informationen hervor, aber genauso viel redundantes, veraltetes oder sogar völlig falsches Zeug, und ich finde sehr wenig, das gleiche Dinge tut. Wenn ich wissen wollte, wie man den Kopf eines Affen auspackt, wäre ich in Ordnung, aber eine Lokomotive..? Vielleicht weiß ich nicht, wie ich aussehen soll, nach mehreren Jahrzehnten IT-Arbeit..!
Geduld, junger Padawan. Ich werde von sehr geduldigen Meistern unterstützt und lerne und verbessere mich trotz allem (im Schneckentempo, aber trotzdem...). Das Modell, das ich im Katalog gepostet habe, ist nur ein Teststück, um zu sehen, wie man es in den Katalog hochlädt, und wird in Kürze verschwinden. Mach dir keine Sorgen; Ich werde ein vollständigeres Modell veröffentlichen, sobald ich meine aktuellen Modifikationen stabilisiert habe (Texturen zusammenführen, Dateinamen rationalisieren, Low-Poly-Passagiere erstellen und mehr ...), und Sie können Ihre Ansichten dazu äußern noch mehr helfen. Fast da, hoffe ich..!

Si seulement c'était le seul problème..! Il y a beaucoup, beaucoup de « problèmes » que j'essaie de résoudre, lentement. Si lentement, en fait, que j'ai souvent oublié la solution lorsque le même problème se produit, des semaines plus tard..! J'essaie de noter les « conseils utiles » et les notes, mais, avec l'âge, j'oublie même que j'ai déjà noté la solution auparavant..!
Vous avez raison, mais le "dos de la texture extérieure" est un effet étrange de ne pas encore maîtriser les "normales" d'un maillage, et j'ai toujours du mal à créer une carte UV "enveloppante" pour appliquer des textures. La consultation d'Internet fait apparaître de nombreuses informations utiles, mais tout autant redondantes, obsolètes ou même complètement fausses, et je trouve très peu à faire le même genre de choses. Si je voulais savoir comment "déballer" une tête de singe, ça irait, mais une locomotive..? Peut-être que je ne sais pas à quoi ressembler, après plusieurs décennies de travail informatique..!
Patience, jeune Padawan. Je suis aidée par des Maîtres très patients, et je suis malgré tout en train d'apprendre et de progresser (à pas de tortue, mais quand même...). Le modèle que j'ai posté dans le catalogue est simplement une pièce d'essai, pour voir comment télécharger dans le catalogue, et disparaîtra sous peu. Ne vous inquiétez pas ; Je posterai un modèle plus complet une fois que j'aurai stabilisé mes modifications en cours (fusion de textures, rationalisation des noms de fichiers, création de passagers low-poly et plus...), et vous pourrez donner votre avis sur celles-ci, pour aider encore plus. J'y suis presque, j'espère..!

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  • 4 Wochen später...
Am 6.8.2021 um 03:27 schrieb Dad3353:

Excellent, Hubert; I've got it working, but a part of the issue has been a misunderstanding on my part. I thought that the Custom textures should show up as a drop-down list, in the same way as the Variant. This is not the case, as I now realize; one simply has to select the file required and the texture is applied. In fact, it seems that, as long as the texture file is '_Custom', the rest is either ignored or not used, and one may select any picture file at all; MBS will apply it to the model. Here's a picture (the cover of a guitar method book; not even multiple of binary ² dimensions, and MBS drapes it over the model.
I found that only the '_Custom' declaration is needed; the others never appear anywhere. I'm surprised, but it's working, so that's a Good Thing. As long as there's a declaration of '_Custom.png', any picture file can be used. I don't know if this is normal, but it works ..!

Excellent, Hubert; I got it working, but part of the problem was a misunderstanding on my part. I thought the custom textures should show up as a drop down list, just like the variant. This is not the case, as I now realize; All you have to do is select the file you want and the texture will be applied. In fact, it seems that as long as the texture file is '_Custom', the rest is either ignored or not used, and one can choose any image file; MBS applies it to the model. Here's a picture (the cover of a guitar textbook; not even a multiple of ² binary dimensions, and MBS drapes it over the model.
I've found that only the '_Custom' declaration is needed; the others do not appear anywhere. I'm surprised, but it works, so that's a good thing. As long as there is a declaration of '_Custom.png', any image file can be used. I don't know if this is normal, but it works ..!


hello @Dad3353how are you? what s news about the famous train? do you need help or info?

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