hubert.visschedijk Geschrieben 14. August 2021 Geschrieben 14. August 2021 (bearbeitet) Am 14.8.2021 um 12:45 schrieb 220hotwheels: And I thought I had a twisted sense of humour! Erweitern Some sarcasm can be fun sometimes, when its mentioned in a healthy way and not intended to offend someone.... my 2 cents... Bearbeitet 14. August 2021 von hubert.visschedijk
220hotwheels Geschrieben 14. August 2021 Autor Geschrieben 14. August 2021 Hi Douglas Glad you are enjoying the rides, so to speak and yes I was aware of the potential incident with the BB63000 goods train and the VT 641. Its all a question of timing and whilst the latter does not quite run into the back of the goods train I have yet to address a safer element for said passenger train. The dilemma at present is that the BB63000 has a much longer cycling time than the VT 641 so any adjustment that I make has got to be purely on the run from Sudbury Halt to Fairmont for the VT 641 but only on the occasion that it is likely to met the BB63000 goods train. If I alter the timing on a general basis then there would be a head on collision at some point as the BB6300 departs the Port loading bay on it's way back to the goods depot. As for the two container trucks. After discharging at Sudbury port they simply return to Fairmont port to await reloading, Nothing too complicated. One of the trickier movements is the low-loaders from Fairmont port to Lockington Power Station. Trying to ensure they don't collide with anything else at present until I sort out my junctions properly is an ongoing battle. Still that's much of the pleasure of this hobby. As I mentioned to Hubert earlier I am keen to see how long it might take for anyone to spot one of my true mistakes, one that I thus far have not found a solution to other than a revamp of certain vehicles. You might also have noticed that many of the vehicles are running at slow speed at times. This is done for a reason. It helps me to spot my errors quicker. I know the size of this layout can take a while to load. On my computer it is around two minutes now and when I am making adjustments to scenery there can be pauses of up to 15 - 20 seconds before my theoretical brush takes effect. Hopefully V7 will make this problem a tad easier that way I can consider adding my island just off the Sudbury coastline and use Hubert's suspension bridge to make the crossing. I am working on a couple of amendments now where the programming seems to have caused a bit of an upset with some vehicles on a specific route but hope to conclude this later today so will upload the amended version then. Happy hunting. Kind regards Pete
220hotwheels Geschrieben 14. August 2021 Autor Geschrieben 14. August 2021 Hi Hubert I couldn't agree more. The trouble with so many people today is that they seem to have lost that sense of humour and fun. All I say is "bring it on" life's too short not to enjoy a bit of healthy, good humoured banter. A smile on your face is worth so much more than any shrink might be able to do. Kind regards Pete
220hotwheels Geschrieben 14. August 2021 Autor Geschrieben 14. August 2021 I agree with your view regarding V7. Do you think it will allow for one vehicle to slow down, flash its lights and allow the other through before it? or am I now being just a bit silly! Kind regards Pete
hubert.visschedijk Geschrieben 14. August 2021 Geschrieben 14. August 2021 Am 14.8.2021 um 13:19 schrieb 220hotwheels: just a bit silly Erweitern who i am to judge....
hubert.visschedijk Geschrieben 14. August 2021 Geschrieben 14. August 2021 Am 14.8.2021 um 13:19 schrieb 220hotwheels: just a bit silly! Erweitern who i am to judge...
220hotwheels Geschrieben 14. August 2021 Autor Geschrieben 14. August 2021 Having just spent an hour or so redoing my suspension bridge at scale 0.9 I was still finding it problematic getting the trucks to more through on both sides without catching the rear view mirrors and so I have removed my attempt and introduced yours, I hope you don't mind. It does look right and I simply have to redo some of the lower road and scenery, no real problem. If only real life was that simple!! Kind regards Pete
hubert.visschedijk Geschrieben 14. August 2021 Geschrieben 14. August 2021 (bearbeitet) Am 14.8.2021 um 15:32 schrieb 220hotwheels: Having just spent an hour or so redoing my suspension bridge at scale 0.9 I was still finding it problematic getting the trucks to more through on both sides without catching the rear view mirrors and so I have removed my attempt and introduced yours, I hope you don't mind. It does look right and I simply have to redo some of the lower road and scenery, no real problem. If only real life was that simple!! Kind regards Pete Erweitern No problema at all. Thats sharing for ! i should have added streetlights.... Bearbeitet 14. August 2021 von hubert.visschedijk
220hotwheels Geschrieben 15. August 2021 Autor Geschrieben 15. August 2021 Hi Hubert I have just completed my scenery change to take account of your suspension bridge, rectified the program error that was affecting the vehicles on the Windall Village route and sorted out the timing problem with my VT 641 so that it doesn't run the risk of running into the back of the goods train, Douglas will be pleased, I think he imagined I might have the N.U.T. on my back for dangerous practices!!!! Having done all of that I decided to post the amended version online but whilst so doing it came up with a message saying that no draft elements can be uploaded so as I'm not prepared to remove your suspension bridge it would seem that I am rather stuck for now. The original errors will have to remain. No doubt many more will be spotted so perhaps the next upload will be even more precise. Kind regards Pete
Dad3353 Geschrieben 15. August 2021 Geschrieben 15. August 2021 (bearbeitet) Am 15.8.2021 um 15:10 schrieb 220hotwheels: ...Douglas will be pleased... Erweitern He is indeed (he told me so himself..! ). I'm far from expert in these things, but I think that the real solution for prevention of accidents of the sort is 'blocking signals', whereby once a section of track is occupied, there's a signal that stops any other train from entering that section. Once the leading train clears the end of the section, the signal changes, releasing the following train. There would be no timing issues if such a protocol was in place. Just sayin'. I had another look over the layout, and this time enjoyed the wood truck, unloading and then sagely parking up. So many details... I did remark, though, that, although there's an engineer in the cab, the trains are running empty..! Are fares that expensive..? Das ist er in der Tat (er hat es mir selbst gesagt...! ). Ich bin alles andere als Experte in diesen Dingen, aber ich denke, dass die wirkliche Lösung zur Verhütung von Unfällen dieser Art darin besteht, Signale zu blockieren, wobei, sobald ein Gleisabschnitt besetzt ist, ein Signal vorhanden ist, das jeden anderen Zug daran hindert, in diesen einzufahren Sektion. Sobald der führende Zug das Ende des Abschnitts passiert, ändert sich das Signal und gibt den folgenden Zug frei. Es würde keine Zeitprobleme geben, wenn ein solches Protokoll vorhanden wäre. Ich sag bloß'. Ich habe mir das Layout noch einmal angeschaut und dieses Mal den Holzlaster genossen, entladen und dann weise abgestellt. So viele Einzelheiten... Ich habe jedoch bemerkt, dass die Züge leer fahren, obwohl ein Lokführer im Führerhaus ist..! Sind Tarife so teuer..? Bearbeitet 15. August 2021 von Dad3353
220hotwheels Geschrieben 15. August 2021 Autor Geschrieben 15. August 2021 Hi Douglas Yep fares here require mega bucks. The cheapest way to travel by train is to know when you plan to use it about two years in advance!! Personally I haven't used a train or bus in more years than I care to remember. Not that I don't like either but I like to choose my own time for everything and I enjoy driving. I'm a bit of a car freak, love my cars!! The only reason there are no passengers on the trains, busses etc is simply down to the basic fact that the more I add the slower ever thing is. And I've been a bit lazy. Your solution with the blocking signal is spot on. I really do welcome all suggestions for me to make improvements. The only problem is that at the moment I don't really understand them. I will have to make a concentrated effort to get to grips with them. As you say so much easier than constantly having to play about with timings and quite frankly much of my layout relies on timings. With regard to posting updates. I am now in the process of reproducing my own version of the suspension bridge using all catalogue approved bits and to a scale that won't damage the larger vehicles, ie scale 1 rather than scale 0.8, 0.9 If in time Hubert's version does not get beyond the draft stage then I will be able to make the swap until his version is OK'd but for now his version stays mine will be put in the cupboard. kind regards Pete
Dad3353 Geschrieben 15. August 2021 Geschrieben 15. August 2021 Am 15.8.2021 um 18:10 schrieb 220hotwheels: ...I will have to make a concentrated effort... Erweitern Pete... Let me say that I think it's bloomin' marvellous what you've been able to do with such a huge layout, in the way that you have. Double (or more...) so, as it's so much easier to expand and maintain if one has a half-decent grasp of programming with the Events. Not that you've done anything wrong, but there are approaches and techniques, not in themselves difficult, or even complicated, that make Life so much more simple, and more powerful, once understood and adopted. I've had a brief look at your Events, and was astounded to see so little in there (don't misunderstand me; it's all doing splendidly, and you're doing great...), but there's so much that comes down to repetition that could (some would say 'should'...) be done with Common modules, called up by many Events. There are no Variable in there..! That, in itself, cames as a surprise. I'll not labour the point, and, far from criticism, take this as kudos for having such a detailed layout working so well in that way. We each have our own way of doing things; I'd be hard pushed to do half as much, set out in this way. Maybe one day a few tips could be tested, to see if you could improve still further, not the quality of your work, but the methods by which you obtain your fine results..? Just a thought; ignore if you're doing fine as you are. What's the expression..? 'If it ain't bust, don't fix it'..? Lassen Sie mich sagen, dass ich es großartig finde, was Sie mit einem so riesigen Layout auf die Art und Weise tun konnten, die Sie haben. Doppelt (oder mehr...) also, da es so viel einfacher zu erweitern und zu warten ist, wenn man ein halbwegs anständiges Verständnis für die Programmierung mit den Events hat. Nicht, dass Sie etwas falsch gemacht hätten, aber es gibt Ansätze und Techniken, die an sich nicht schwierig oder sogar kompliziert sind und das Leben so viel einfacher und leistungsfähiger machen, wenn es einmal verstanden und übernommen wurde. Ich habe mir eure Events kurz angeschaut und war erstaunt, so wenig darin zu sehen (versteht mich nicht falsch, es läuft alles wunderbar und ihr geht es großartig...), aber es kommt so viel zusammen zu wiederholen, was (manche würden sagen 'sollte'...) mit Common-Modulen, die von vielen Events aufgerufen werden, getan werden können. Da sind keine Variablen drin..! Das kommt an sich schon überraschend. Ich werde mich nicht mit dem Punkt beschäftigen und dies weit von Kritik als Lob dafür auffassen, dass ein so detailliertes Layout auf diese Weise so gut funktioniert. Jeder von uns hat seine eigene Art, Dinge zu tun; Es würde mir schwerfallen, nur halb so viel zu tun, wenn ich auf diese Weise vorgehe. Vielleicht könnten eines Tages ein paar Tipps ausprobiert werden, um zu sehen, ob Sie nicht die Qualität Ihrer Arbeit, sondern die Methoden, mit denen Sie Ihre guten Ergebnisse erzielen, noch weiter verbessern können..? Nur ein Gedanke; ignorieren, wenn es dir gut geht, wie du bist. Wie lautet der Ausdruck..? 'Wenn es nicht kaputt ist, repariere es nicht'..?
220hotwheels Geschrieben 15. August 2021 Autor Geschrieben 15. August 2021 Hi Douglas I am please that you have found and been good enough to point out the error of my ways. In many comments that I have made on the forum I have described my methodology as rather akin to a Heath Robinson approach, relying a lot of Murphy's Law. Quite frankly as yet I really do not understand much to do with the use of variables, iteration, and as you so rightly reminded me earlier blocking signals. The problem for an old duffer like me is that if there's a simple way round a problem without having to use too much brain power to achieve a goal then that's the route I have taken. Not the most professional approach but as time goes on I try to gain just a bit more knowledge in order to move away from my rather ham fisted approach. Therefore ALL advice is greatly appreciated. To that end uploading my unfinished layout will hopefully provide me with some useful pointers from our more professional members like yourself. With that in mind I would welcome any suggestions that you might have but please ensure they are simple step by step instructions. Pretend you're dealing with an idiot!!! Kind regards Pete
Dad3353 Geschrieben 15. August 2021 Geschrieben 15. August 2021 (bearbeitet) Am 15.8.2021 um 19:50 schrieb 220hotwheels: ...Pretend you're dealing with an idiot!!! ... Erweitern So talking to myself, eh..? No worries, it'll be the blind leading the blind, that's certain. I'll see if I can concoct a little experiment, based around your low-loaders, that have a closed circuit. Nothing too fancy, but I'll see if I can come up with a system which might illustrate a different approach. I insist; I'm still very much a beginner at this too, but that makes me all the more curious to see if I can sort it out in my own aged, and aging, grey cells. We'll see ... Also mit mir selbst reden, eh..? Keine Sorge, der Blinde führt den Blinden, das steht fest. Ich werde mal sehen, ob ich ein kleines Experiment zusammenstellen kann, basierend auf Ihren Tiefladern, die einen geschlossenen Kreislauf haben. Nichts Besonderes, aber ich werde sehen, ob ich ein System entwickeln kann, das einen anderen Ansatz veranschaulicht. Ich bestehe darauf; Ich bin auch noch ein absoluter Anfänger darin, aber das macht mich umso neugieriger, ob ich es in meinen eigenen betagten und alternden grauen Zellen zuordnen kann. Wir werden sehen ... Bearbeitet 15. August 2021 von Dad3353
220hotwheels Geschrieben 15. August 2021 Autor Geschrieben 15. August 2021 Hi Douglas As I have said before All advice is most gratefully received. From comments that you have posted thus far I would have thought you to be pretty clued up on this intricate EM work!! After my last posting I decided to revisit the Wiki page and see if I can now make more sense of some of the advice. Despite knowing more than I did when I last looked I am still getting quite confused by some of the narrative largely because the screen shots provided are in German and therefore trying to match to the English equivalent that I use is proving to be less straight forward than it might be. I think this is why I basically went my own way, which yes it is very repetitive and also very time consuming. If I could get hold of a full English version of all of the screenshots that I can match to my own computer version then I might just get the hang of "proper EM work" a little faster. Who ever compiles the tutorials might take this difficulty on board for future versions. In the meantime I await with baited breath and a very keen interest for your suggested project advice. That you are taking the trouble to do this is very much appreciated. Many thanks Kind regards Pete
Dad3353 Geschrieben 15. August 2021 Geschrieben 15. August 2021 S'no trouble, it's a retirement pleasure. I have had (and still have...) exactly the same 'difficulties' faced with the barrier of the Teutonic tongue. Google, of course, but I wholeheartedly agree concerning the screenshots. I have, on occasion, downloaded a 'demo' layout that inspired, and laboriously 'Googled' it into English. This helped me understand a bit more, but there is no substitute, for me, to creating a 'demo' layout, simply to get to grips with any one concept. In fact, I have a score or more of such circuits, and I still refer to 'em on occasion when the old memory fails (again...). That's what I'll do with the lowloaders; I'll whip up a simple 'test rig', jst to see a couple of specific points. (When I type 'whip up', don't go imagining that it'll be quick, though..!). Kein Problem, es ist ein Ruhestandsvergnügen. Ich hatte (und habe immer noch...) genau die gleichen 'Schwierigkeiten' angesichts der Barriere der germanischen Sprache. Google natürlich, aber bezüglich der Screenshots stimme ich voll und ganz zu. Ich habe gelegentlich ein "Demo"-Layout heruntergeladen, das inspirierte, und es mühsam ins Englische "gegoogelt". Dies hat mir geholfen, ein bisschen mehr zu verstehen, aber es gibt für mich keinen Ersatz dafür, ein "Demo"-Layout zu erstellen, um einfach ein Konzept in den Griff zu bekommen. Tatsächlich habe ich eine Menge oder mehr solcher Schaltungen, und ich beziehe mich immer noch auf sie, wenn das alte Gedächtnis (wieder...) versagt. Das mache ich mit den Tiefladern; Ich werde einen einfachen 'Teststand' aufbauen, nur um ein paar spezifische Punkte zu sehen. (Wenn ich 'peitschen' tippe, denken Sie aber nicht, dass es schnell gehen wird...!).
hubert.visschedijk Geschrieben 15. August 2021 Geschrieben 15. August 2021 (bearbeitet) Am 15.8.2021 um 15:10 schrieb 220hotwheels: draft elements can be uploaded so as I'm not prepared to remove your suspension bridge Erweitern Just ungroup the bridge if its one. Because the streets and the bridge are regular catalog models. Probebly you have saved it with a new name or so, as a group? Have a try, it should go... Bearbeitet 15. August 2021 von hubert.visschedijk
220hotwheels Geschrieben 16. August 2021 Autor Geschrieben 16. August 2021 Hi Hubert Many thanks for that. I'll give it a try and yes I had renamed it as Fairmont suspension bridge. Kind regards Pete
hubert.visschedijk Geschrieben 16. August 2021 Geschrieben 16. August 2021 Am 16.8.2021 um 05:59 schrieb 220hotwheels: Hi Hubert Many thanks for that. I'll give it a try and yes I had renamed it as Fairmont suspension bridge. Kind regards Pete Erweitern Great !
220hotwheels Geschrieben 17. August 2021 Autor Geschrieben 17. August 2021 Hi Hubert It has only just dawned on me that you are the author of the containership Ituana. The number of times I have looked at that in the catalogue without it actually registering who had produced it. May I say that in my humble opinion it is the best model boat in the catalogue. The detail is spectacular, and the overall design is so realistic. Much like your Shell tanker. If I had a request for you to consider for the future it would be for you to apply your brilliant design ability to creating a similarly realistic small cruiser and ferry. Whilst the ones currently available are pretty good if you were able to produce something as perfect as Ituana for those models then I for one would be eternally grateful. I've looked at programs such as blender, gulped, decided that I definitely do not have the skill set to produce anything other than perhaps a box, hmmmm., and closed the program, got myself a brandy to pacify my inadequacy and move back to creating scenery which is more my style. Anyway all of the above is just a thought but I admire your skill never the less. Kind regards Pete
220hotwheels Geschrieben 17. August 2021 Autor Geschrieben 17. August 2021 Just a short postscript to the above. I realise that Ferry 2 is your design too, I'm using that in my layout as you know but compared to the look of Containership Ituana it does not have quite the same visual appeal. Perhaps my view is wrong to compare the two but in my humble opinion the detail in Ituana is greater than in Ferry 2. Having now dug myself into a very large hole I will jump in and operate the digger by remote !!! kind regards Pete
hubert.visschedijk Geschrieben 17. August 2021 Geschrieben 17. August 2021 (bearbeitet) Am 17.8.2021 um 15:20 schrieb 220hotwheels: small cruiser and ferry. Erweitern mmm, not really on a short notice. I personally like the "titanic" that we have in the catolgue very much. And also our ferries. Unless you are looking for a cargo ferry, from which there are two also. The newer one is an updated version with 3 track conecting points in it (_CP) and some pre-indicated container spots on the top of the deck. But who knows... put some pics up for me to have an idea of what your are looking for. but... a long long long time ago i made a small ferry... so primitive... was for Rule The Rail. Other train game. See how primitive that even the wood lorry i made, the wheels wouldnt turn. But i liked it, untill i discovered MBS.. That lorry by the way one day i will update, unless somebody makes a new one. Because mine.... awfull compared to the quality trucks MBS has. Bearbeitet 17. August 2021 von hubert.visschedijk
220hotwheels Geschrieben 18. August 2021 Autor Geschrieben 18. August 2021 Hi Hubert Yep I agree the Titanic is good. Perhaps because it is less modern than your containership the appeal is not as intense but I only include in my layouts those models that I find really appealing so I think a good result all round. Over the next few days I will sort out some pictures of the two items that I mention in earlier posts for your consideration, and yes I do appreciate if you were to consider making such items that it will not be a quick result. As they say "patience is a virtue". I might not be all that virtuous but I can be very patient. Your MS Aguamarin 11 ferry is excellent. I like the fact that you can load both vehicles and containers so it will stay in the layout no matter what. Kind regards Pete
hubert.visschedijk Geschrieben 18. August 2021 Geschrieben 18. August 2021 Pete, Notice that there is a third rail option connect point in the middle, of the lower deck, so that you can plan oversized transport also with large trucks. And, if you use the @ and then start writing a name of somebody (after a few letters it will appear in blue) and hit enter, the person in question will be notified that you have comment something on his behalf. Or, copy a parte of the text the person has written it will also do. As you can see in earlier posts. A suggestion... Have a nice day !
220hotwheels Geschrieben 18. August 2021 Autor Geschrieben 18. August 2021 Hi Hubert I'd wondered how that element worked having noticed such items in earlier posts. What do they say "A day without learning is a day lost" true, but with such good members as there are in MBS then not many days are lost. Many thanks for the pointer. I will get back to you with those photo's a.s.a.p. By the way I have added street lighting to your suspension bridge. It looks great. See attached. Your comment regarding the third track in the ferry. I hadn't noticed but now you have pointed this out I will have to reconsider that aspect. Kind regards Pete
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