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Hi to all

Having installed Windows 11 a few weeks ago I have noted that I seem to get quite a few instances where the program seems to hang for several seconds. I first noticed this when moving the mouse around the screen. After moving it simply freezes for a few seconds. By lifting the mouse off the mat and placing it back on again movement seems to be back once more. However the same thing happens if I simply wait a second or two and then move the mouse. Clearly this becomes quite irritating when moving items around the screen.

Thus far I have assumed this is an anomaly caused by Windows 11 rather than V7 and have therefore run trouble shooter and subsequently run the program in Windows 8 compatibility mode. That however does not seem to have solved the problem totally. There were no such instances with V6

I would be interested to know if anyone else has a similar problem. At first I thought is was a problem with my mouse but I have changed the batteries, no difference. I have tried a new mouse, still no difference.

Has anyone got any thoughts on this please.

Many thanks



Hi @220hotwheels

Zur Info....

Habe bei mir auf beiden Rechnern Windows 11 vor 2 Monaten installiert und bisher keinerlei Probleme damit gehabt.

Hi @ 220hotwheels
For info....

I installed Windows 11 on both computers 2 months ago and haven't had any problems with it so far.


2 hours ago, MS-Sandokan said:

Hi 220hotwheels

Zur Info....

Habe bei mir auf beiden Rechnern Windows 11 vor 2 Monaten installiert und bisher keinerlei Probleme damit gehabt.

Hi @ 220hotwheels
For info....

I installed Windows 11 on both computers 2 months ago and haven't had any problems with it so far.


Hi @MS-Sandokan

Many thanks for taking the trouble to reply. It's great news to hear that you do not have any problems. Not so good news for me as it begins to point towards a problem at my end. Since posting my question earlier I have begun to wonder whether the wireless mouse that I use, both Logitech, are the actual culprits. Perhaps I will have to dig out the USB mouse that came with the Dell PC and see if that makes any difference. In a way I hope not as returning to a wired mouse seems a bit of a retrograde step. Still if it solves the problem then I'll just have to live with it!!

Many thanks


Posted (edited)

Hi Pete

Ich habe auch eine drahtlose Maus von Logitech dran hängen (MX Master 3)

Daran wird es nicht liegen.

I also have a Logitech wireless mouse attached (MX Master 3)

It won't be because of that.

Edited by MS-Sandokan
3 hours ago, MS-Sandokan said:

Hi Pete

Ich habe auch eine drahtlose Maus von Logitech dran hängen (MX Master 3)

Daran wird es nicht liegen.

I also have a Logitech wireless mouse attached (MX Master 3)

It won't be because of that.

Hi Grube

In that case the problem just get more mysterious. The setup that I am using is very similar in spec to yours although mine is a PC rather than a laptop but my monitor is only 24". Since our last messages I did find the Dell mouse that came with the PC and have been using it for about 1 hour 30mins. The lag problem has not happened since but I have had an occasion where the mouse has frozen so that where every I move it on the screen everything moves with it. In order to "un freeze" it I need to depress the scroll wheel, then all is fine again.

Perhaps I need an earth strap around my wrist!!!!! or some would say my neck!!!! or a new mouse.

Once again thanks for your input.

Kind regards



Hi Pete

Have you updated the drivers for your video card and mouse? This can sometimes fix issues like this. Not saying it will - apparently my computer won't load Windows 11, despite being only 6 or so years old. When I tried to install Blender it refused to load, and I was told that I should update my drivers... So I did and it had no effect whatsoever!

But it's something to check.



Posted (edited)

A year or two ago, a Windows 10 update walked all over some drivers my stuff uses. It could a while to sort it out, and I reverted to an older Windows 10 version, from 2016, and laboriously turned off the Windows update system. Only the Defender gets updated, the rest stays as I want it, stable. I don't need nor want the new functionalities. I'm old, and don't do 'smart' stuff, or multi-apparatus synchronising, so I see no advantage, to me, of moving to any other system now, at my age. This hasn't prevented the loss, the other day, of a 3Tb USB drive, from which I'm recovering painfully (yes, I have back-ups, but it's still a pain in the wotsit, just the same...).
Stability and familiarity are by far the most important criteria for me, so, once I have a system running as I want it, I'm very loath to change. If, one day, I upgrade the PC (maybe a bigger SSD System drive, or better video card..?), I'd still install this same OS. I have an old car, too, that doesn't break down. 'If it ain't broken, don't fix it' works for me.
Just sayin'.

Vor ein oder zwei Jahren ging ein Windows 10-Update über einige Treiber, die meine Sachen verwenden. Es konnte eine Weile dauern, das zu klären, und ich habe auf eine ältere Windows 10-Version von 2016 zurückgegriffen und das Windows-Update-System mühsam ausgeschaltet. Nur der Defender wird aktualisiert, der Rest bleibt so, wie ich es möchte, stabil. Ich brauche und will die neuen Funktionalitäten nicht. Ich bin alt und mache keine "intelligenten" Dinge oder Synchronisierung mit mehreren Geräten, daher sehe ich für mich keinen Vorteil darin, jetzt in meinem Alter zu einem anderen System zu wechseln. Dies hat den Verlust eines 3 TB USB-Laufwerks vor kurzem nicht verhindert, von dem ich mich mühsam erhole (ja, ich habe Backups, aber es ist immer noch eine Qual, trotzdem...) .
Stabilität und Vertrautheit sind für mich mit Abstand die wichtigsten Kriterien. Wenn ich also einmal ein System habe, das so läuft, wie ich es möchte, ändere ich mich sehr ungern. Wenn ich eines Tages den PC aufrüste (vielleicht ein größeres SSD-Systemlaufwerk oder eine bessere Grafikkarte...?), würde ich immer noch dasselbe Betriebssystem installieren. Ich habe auch ein altes Auto, das nicht kaputt geht. "Wenn es nicht kaputt ist, repariere es nicht" funktioniert für mich.
Ich sag bloß'.

Edited by Dad3353

To @simonjackson1964and @Dad3353

Hi Guys

Many thanks for your thoughts. Your not the first people to suggest it could be a driver issue. I sent an error log to Neo regarding another issue and he too came back and suggested that it must be a problem with the Nvidia drivers. Problem is all drivers are completely up to date. Strange thing but Windows did some updates this morning and since then, coupled with ditching my 18 month old Logitech mouse and reverting back to the wired Dell basic I've had no issues, fingers, legs, toes and anything else crossed, I hope it continues. I will admit that I find the wired mouse a bit of a pain so have ordered an MX Master3 which I hope will be OK.

Hey Douglas no one is older than me, I'm well into my 70's now but still like to keep up with new technology. Modern cars, up to date computers, you name it I like to give them all a try. I'm not saying that I know a lot about them but I do like to jump in with two feet and go for the crash course in learning, refraining of course to make sure I don't crash the cars. As for computers. The one I mainly use is only 18 months old, it's a good spec  but I'm always looking to upgrade. My wife however is not happy when I do change. She says it takes up all my time familiarising myself with it and sorting out problems transferring programs. I however find it a challenge, irritating some times but ultimately quite therapeutic.

Once again thanks for your thoughts.




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