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Hello dear members,

The picture give a clue what I ‘m looking for. I have already a solution for this. I am able to convert the groups into two single objects , a cross and a working track switch with positions.
I use edit for it. But it is time consuming, a combination of writing down the lengths and angles + measuring with feurerfighter’s ruler.

Are there experts among you ( @Henry - others ? ) that have a nice and general solution for this type of problem ? Thanks for looking. Kind regards, H


Posted (edited)

Hello fellow members,
I want to go a little further. The shown track switch is in this case accidentally easy to convert.
Just make an extra route for the curved track, with the same length and angle in “geometry”.
This is because the x,y,z positions and x,y,z angles are 0,0,0, the same for both routes.


But the cross is more difficult. There must certainly be a way to calculate the x,y,z positions and x,y,z angles. ( In stead of measuring with the ruler ).
In this picture, the correct geometry is used. How can I find the position / rotation for both ?


Any help ? Kind regards, H.

Edited by Herman
Sorry wrong picture, this is the correct one
Posted (edited)
vor 22 Minuten schrieb Herman:

Any help?

What's the separation between the two parallel tracks, Herman?

That value is the offset in X for the position.
That value is also what you want to add to the radius.
All other values remain identical.

Have a little think why that is. I'm sure it will help you with other, similar situations.

Kind regards

Edited by Goetz
Posted (edited)

Hello @Goetz , Thank you for looking at the problem. I'm not clever enough to understand directly what you mean.
My figure for the cross was not the correct one, so I edited previous post.  The angles are now correct. By using FeuerFighter ruler and putting the object on 0,0,0 in the layout, I measure the x and y offset from the curved rail.  And it works.

But it should be much easier if I find the x and y offset by calculation, not with the ruler.


I will put here the demonstration layout I used for the pictures. The parallel tracks are separated by 77,4 mm.
Can you calculate the x and y offset to use in EDIT, positions.  Maybe then I can understand what you ment. Sorry.

Track conversion V6.mbp

Kind regards, and thanks in advance. Herman

Edited by Herman
type mistake

Sorry Herman,

due to your misleading picture in the original post, I got the wrong idea what you're trying to accomplish.
I thought you're trying to achieve this:



my bad




Thank you @Goetz , now I can follow what you ment in your post with the -77,4.  I was not looking for that as you understand already.
If someone knows a method  to convert two correct placed tracks to a single object ? Maybe a look from another angle ? On the other hand I will still use @FeuerFighter 's ruler. Kind regards, H.

vor 2 Minuten schrieb Herman:

Maybe a look from another angle?

Angle is the keyword here. You'll need trigonometry to establish the starting point of the continuing curve.

I'm just not fit at the moment and not in the mood to wrap my head around it. Sorry.


Hello Herman,

I have seen that you used Märklin tracks. When using the "normal" radius (360 mm) for the inner circle and the "parallel" radius for the outer circle, you can use the original Märklin switches for both circles:


The gray tracks are Märklin tracks from the metallic track product line. The yellow crossway must be constructed by use of the "3D model setup".


The picture above shows the same configuration as a technical drawing with model numbers. The new crossway is marked with "Neu" (New).


For constructing the crossing regard the picture above with measures. You may derive all measures from the radius of both circles and the angle of the outer switch arc. With an angle of ß=24,29° and a radius of R2=437,4mm of the outer circle, you get as horicontal part R2*cos(ß) = 398,7mm and as vertical part R2*sin(ß) = 180mm. The last measure corresponds exactly with the length of the straight Märklin standard track.


Therefore, starting with the straight track at (0,0) in the 3D model setup, also the curve starts at y=0. The horicontal shift is now calculated as (R2*cos(ß) - R1) = 38,7mm for the present example. This is now the correkt crossing for realization a parallel turnoff with the Märklin metallic track product line.

Many greetings

Posted (edited)

Waw, @BahnLand , what a detailled explanation for this specific track layout. Thank you very much for your solution with standard Märklin tracks, and a conversion, for the cross. The fact that an expert member takes the time for making this , very nice, I appreciate it a lot ! 
Kind regards, Herman

feedback :
1) I understand your solution and calculations. 
2) This night I was thinking of another way, another viewpoint ( not an angle to calculate 9_9 ) to the problem. Possible a dead end, I will not disturb anyone with it. ( Only very bad for my sleep :( )

Edited by Herman
type errors

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