Eric Lord Geschrieben 7. Dezember 2022 Geschrieben 7. Dezember 2022 I had to reinstall my base board last week. Since doing so I have noticed that in all three views that when I add a switch point that the short straight end next to the turn out isn't showing although the rest of the switch is. When I add a track piece to this now invisible end it shows green as though connected. Any help is appreciated. Thanking you in advance. Eric Lord
Goetz Geschrieben 7. Dezember 2022 Geschrieben 7. Dezember 2022 (bearbeitet) Please, Eric learn how to take a screenshot of the situation and how to insert that picture into your posting. Unlike you, we see nothing of your situation and your description is too arbitrary to figure out what the problem is. Better still: Publish your layout, to give me the oportunity to inspect it. Thank you Goetz Bearbeitet 7. Dezember 2022 von Goetz
simonjackson1964 Geschrieben 7. Dezember 2022 Geschrieben 7. Dezember 2022 Best guess, your new baseboard isn't level. Assuming you are using Windows 10 or later, in the start menu, under "Windows Accessories", you should have a "Snipping Tool" - a pair of scissors overlaid on a white ellipse with a red border. This tool will allow you to "snip" a portion of your screen and save it to a file (default name is "Capture" but can be changed) Click "New", then select the area of the screen you wish to "snip" - The snipping tool automatically disappears as you do (I did these screen-shots the old fashioned way). If you miss the bit you want, just click "New" again and keep trying until you have what you want. Once you have your image: Click the save icon. Remember where you saved it and insert the image here using the attachment box below. This will make it much easier for Goetz, and te others (even me) to help figure out what is wrong. Cheers Simon
Eric Lord Geschrieben 8. Dezember 2022 Autor Geschrieben 8. Dezember 2022 Thank you to the people who have replied. Here are some shots of the problem. Eric
Roter Brummer Geschrieben 8. Dezember 2022 Geschrieben 8. Dezember 2022 Hallo Eric Lord, wenn ich das richtig sehe, sind deine Gleise in die Bodenplatte versenkt. Im Planungsmodus werden die inaktiven Spuren einer Weiche leicht abgesenkt und die aktiven Spuren leicht angehoben. So kann man sehen, wie die Weiche gestellt ist. Damit verschwinden bei dir die inaktiven Spuren unterhalb der Oberfläche. Ein leichtes Anheben der Gleise wird das Problem lösen. if I see this correctly, your tracks are sunk into the floor slab. In planning mode, the inactive tracks of a turnout are lowered slightly and the active tracks are raised slightly. This way you can see how the turnout is set. This way the inactive tracks disappear below the surface. Raising the tracks slightly will solve the problem. HG Brummi
Eric Lord Geschrieben 8. Dezember 2022 Autor Geschrieben 8. Dezember 2022 Thanks Brummi, Now how do I raise the tracks please. Eric
Roter Brummer Geschrieben 8. Dezember 2022 Geschrieben 8. Dezember 2022 Markiere alle Gleise, drücke "g" und ziehe an der blauen Achse des Gizmos. Mark all tracks, press "g" and pull the blue axis of the gizmo.
simonjackson1964 Geschrieben 8. Dezember 2022 Geschrieben 8. Dezember 2022 (bearbeitet) Hi Eric As a way of stopping it happening again and also to make sure that you have the track aligned on the baseboard correctly, make sure that the Automatic Height Adjustment on the positioning tool is set to "Terrain", then move the track without using the Gizmo, it should automatically align itself to the top of the baseboard. Make sure this state is also set when laying new track, unless you actually want it at a different height. It's really easy to forget to set that and end up with things at random heights. Bearbeitet 8. Dezember 2022 von simonjackson1964 Adding snip
Goetz Geschrieben 8. Dezember 2022 Geschrieben 8. Dezember 2022 Hello simonjackson1964, Eric's mishap came about the other way round. After deleting his original base panel by accident, he dragged a fresh one from the catalogue onto his layout. Which ended up being stacked on top of the tracks, due to the height adjustment settings He should have reset the base panel's z position to 0. But raising the tracks was okay too as a solution. Greets Goetz
Eric Lord Geschrieben 8. Dezember 2022 Autor Geschrieben 8. Dezember 2022 Hello Goetz, After reading your reply to simonjackson1964 how about if I deleted my base again and then installed a new as before. But how do I set the zposition to 0 so this doesn't happen again or can I do this without deleting this base I have now. Thanks for any help as always. Eric
Goetz Geschrieben 8. Dezember 2022 Geschrieben 8. Dezember 2022 Am 8.12.2022 um 14:18 schrieb Eric Lord: how do I set the zposition to 0 Erweitern by first selecting the base plate and then opening the "positioning" panel where you enter a 0 in the appropriate field. Please note the various labels, designed to guide you Hope this helps you to not only solve your current riddle but also understand a little better, how the user interface is struchtured? Goetz
Eric Lord Geschrieben 8. Dezember 2022 Autor Geschrieben 8. Dezember 2022 Thanks again Goetz. The reason I didn't reply to your message saying that I should learn how to do a screen shot was because I only got to sèe it after another person sent a reply. I then found that I couldn't reply directly to you for some reason and that was why I posted the pictures on the forum. I still can't do a screen shot but found a program called Snagit. I will look at the base ths evening and get back to you. Eric
Eric Lord Geschrieben 8. Dezember 2022 Autor Geschrieben 8. Dezember 2022 Thanks again Goetz. It's all OK now Eric
simonjackson1964 Geschrieben 9. Dezember 2022 Geschrieben 9. Dezember 2022 Moral of the story: Don't delete the baseboard!
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