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  1. Hi Simon I've already set up something similar. The delivery guy leaves the van and takes it to another guy who appears from the garage bay. As one, theoretically hands over the package the one carriedd by the delivery guy disappears and the one receiving the package appears. He then takes it back into the garage and places it on a workbench. Timing is key so still fine tuning but it looks OK so far. Cheers Pete
  2. Hi BahnLand Silly question but how do I install both of these. Baffled Pete
  3. Well Brummi As always you have out done yourself, another minor master piece, and yes most certainly we do need something like this. Brilliant, many thanks. I'll now have to start making a list of all other elements that would benefit from your ingenuity!!! All the best Pete
  4. Hi Brummi What a brilliant solution, and love the sense of humour. Now I wonder if I will be able to modify it so that the driver can take the parcels round to the back, leave them there and then put a note through the letterbox to say what he has done!!! Or, as sometimes happens, drop them at the front door, take a photo and then pick them up and take them back to his van. Only very naughty drivers would consider this but it does happen on occasions. My house cameras have picked this up. Anyway this is a make believe world so perhaps I should always look on the good side and keep everything perfect!! Between this and the one from Herman I think I should be able to cover all possibilities in my layout so very many thanks for your solution. All the best Pete
  5. Ha ha, I'd forgotten about your sense of humour!! But if possible then what a challenge.
  6. Hi Herman That would seem to solve my problem perfectly. I'm not at home right now but will give your suggestion a try early tomorrow morning. I'll let you know how I get on. Once again many thanks, your speedy reply is very much appreciated Best regards Pete
  7. Hello to all my fellow members. I need to rotate a person on a virtual track by 180 degrees when he gets to each end of a virtual track, as can be seen in the attacked screenshot The person on a virtual track moves from the side door of a van towards another person who walks out of a garage. The crate being carried by the delivery person is then handed over to the other person who returns to the garage. At that point I want to rotate the delivery person on the track by 180 degrees and send him back to the van. All other refinements I can manage but I cannot see how to rotate said person other than in "Positioning" - "Rotation" - and then set "X" to 180 degrees. If I can get this issue sorted then it will also simplify the movement of the guy from the garage and will allow greater flexibilty at other stops on this route I'm sure this action will be possible using Lua script but my knowledge does not allow me to produce said script. Can anyone help or do you know of another way I can create this in my EM. Ever hopeful Pete
  8. Hi Herman I'm not too sure if the attached will be of any use but I find that it is extremely flexible for many different crane operations. Nothing lost if it isn't of any use. Kind regards Pete Gantry crane operation.mbp
  9. Not a problem, brutal honesty makes me take action, the softly, softly approach is sometimes ignored. At the end of the day being able to put your ideas into practice and see them work is a real tonic, almost as good as a 12 year old Spanish brandy or a mature Scotch whisky. The former however helps to sharpen the little grey cells, the latter simply numbs them. Thanks again Goetz Pete
  10. Hi Goetz Well, as always you were right. It was a problem in my EM. Having taken it all back to basics I found the error. This container movement operation is, for me, quite complex. There are 2 container trains each with 9 containers. I'm only concentrating on one of these at present in order to get the EM right but as the train pulls into the depot, on the inward leg it triggers the trucks to leave the depot and head for the terminal. Because I am loading/unloading on both inward and outward legs it was necessary for me to "enable or disable" each relevant module and this is where I had come unstuck. My EM had instruction in the wrong place as well as the right place. I also found that by resetting the crane at the end of the outbound element it was causing me a problem with part of the inbound operation. Having now removed that instruction it all works perfectly, no need for my temp fix, so I can now move on to get the third gantry crane running before I move on to do it all over again for train 2. Many thanks once again for steering me in the right direction. Without the kick up the backside I was overlooking the obvious, ouch. Best regards Pete
  11. How right you are. A fix at any cost is not always the safest way. I will take a second copy of the layout and then take the EM back to basics and begin again for the crane movements in an effort to find the problem. If that doesn't work then I'll create a demo layout for the purpose in order to find the issue. I'm happy to send you a copy of the layout but would have to completely exonerate myself from the results of the permenant laughing fit that you might encounter along with the ensuing medical problems that might bring on!!!! The file size is 5060kb or there abouts. I also have some bespoke trucks that would appear as ? marks unless I also send you the relevant files. It all seems a bit messy so perhaps I should just try to find the error myself. In hindsight I'll make a demo layout and if I can't solve the problem with that then perhaps I could send you that for your opinion. Best regards Pete
  12. Hi Goetz Well I have carried out my trials and my conclusions are as follows: 1. Without any modification to the EM each gantry crane carries out it's scheduled tasks perfectly when left to do so independently. 2. If the second gantry crane is set in motion whilst the first one is still completing it's schedule then it causes the first crane to go into error mode. 3. I have got round this by adjusting the time for the second truck to arrive so that the second gantry crane operation only starts when the first one has finished. The result of this is a perfect loading and unloading of both cranes. I do however have to introduce a third crane to this operation so that might be interesting. Now that that part is sorted I have sent the train on its way. Once it gets back the operation must start all over again but this time repositioning all of the containers back to their original positions. I think this part might also require a little manipulation to ensure a smooth operation. By the way I am now sorted with Coral Videoplus 2023 for video editing, I've use it before, instead of Shotcut so look forward to being able to put the odd video on the youtube site. Best regards Pete
  13. Hi Goetz Thanks for the headsup regarding the video. Having never done one before I wasn't sure what was best. I've run the crane operation this morning after deactivating completely the second crane operation and it worked fine. I've since checked all of the EM for the second crane operation and can't see any issue with it at all. My only thought is that perhaps as I copied the first crane EM and thern changed each of the components for the second one that somehow something has stuck and it is that causing the problem. It seems to centre around the 4th movement so I'll rewrite that from scratch for the second crane and see if that solves the issue. I'll let you know what the outcome is. I'll also try the video element, just so I know what I'm doing for future reference. Thanks once again. Pete
  14. Hi Goetz Thanks for confirming that. I'll see if I can get the video into an acceptable format tomorrow and if so then I'll post it so that you can see just what happens. I'll also deactivate the second crane operation and then try the first one again just to rule out a conflict. I'll let you know what happens. Pete
  15. Hi fellow members I have a really strange situation with one of the crane operation at my container terminal. At present the train pulls into the terminal, 2 trucks leave the depot and head for the train. They arrive and in doing so trigger the cranes, 1 and 2, to begin operations. Crane 1 starts first and gets halfway through its proceedure but then as it goes to pick up container 07a it overruns and basically freezes. Crane 2 has similar functions to perform and it does so without hickup. I have checked all of the EM for crane 1 and it appears to be correct. If I manually tell crane one to go back and pickup container 07a it does so and then continues to fullfill the remainder of the EM . I have tried to attached 2 video's to try to demonstrate this issue but the sizes are too large. I've managed to reduce it using Shotcut but it's not in the format for this program, I'll have to do more work on that to change the file type, so I hope the screenshots of the EM covering the point in question will be sufficient. I hope someone can let me know just what I have overlooked. If I scratch my head anymore I'll have lost what little hair I have left!!!! Here's hoping. Pete
  16. Hi Eggu That is a really nice spec you have there and I cannot see why you would continue to have such problems with "freezing" everything should work perfectly. Clearly there must be another issue, possibly with your EV. As a last resort perhaps it might be worth seeking help from Neo. I'll be keen to hear what the issue is once you manage to solve it. Best regards Pete
  17. OK, well best of luck sorting that one out. I realise my computer spec is quite good. When I try to work on my laptop none of my larger layouts run so smoothly, I can only assume that as the i7 processor is 8th generation and the graphics card and ram are not so good that this is the problem, but fortunately I don't often need to use my laptop for this program. Just a thought but have you checked your task manager, device manager to see which graphics card the program is using. Most PC's have 2 graphics cards and I had to manually tell 3D Train Studio to use the Nvidia one rather than the UHD graphics, that did make quite a difference. Best of luck Pete
  18. Hi Eggu My knowledge of graphics settings is pretty limited but I have always assumed that 60fps was about the right maximum. My current layout is, at present 4803kb, so quite involved but after reducing the number of V. Depot's to just 5, 2 for the aircraft and 3 for all the trains, with a completely revised fiddle yard together with the revised graphics settings as per the screenshots I have to say that all seems to be running as smooth as silk, well at any rate it has for the last couple of days so long may it continue. I've also attached a few screensjots of some arears of this layout just to show how involved some of it is. The wood mill for example has logs being loaded onto AGV's taken into the milling shed and then they come back out with the finished timber. Trucks come and go loading finished timber, staff move around checking on various elements. The diggers move wood shavings away from the mills to a holding area where they are loaded onto tipper trucks to be whisked away. The airport is a hive of activity with luggage tugs, catering vans and fuel trucks all buzzing about servicing the various planes. I've still got plenty to do in order to complete this layout and expect it to finish well over 5000kb, All of that said I find the fps usuall runs between 45 and 60fps depending upon the amount of detail I have on screen so as long as movement remains nice and smooth then I will be a very happy bunny!! Best regards Pete
  19. Thanks Phrontistes, I've done that in part leaving just 3 V.depots to combine 2 seperate elements. Clearly I will have to try to rethink these so that I can get rid of these 3 depots, just leaving the 2 for the planes to disappear and then reappear. Best regards Pete
  20. Hi @Goetz, @prinz, @Phrontistes Hi Guys As promised here are my conclusions. Whilst my solution to add the program to my Nvidia control panel of approved programs made a significant difference it did not solve the problem entirely. I don't know sufficient about the Nvidia settings to be able to play around with them and so have left well alone. I have therefore reduced the number of V.depot down to 5, re:evaluated the hidden holding area, which in doing so has increased the program size from 4645kb to 4820kb, not great as it probably means that the finished layout is going to be around 5500kb but it has provided a much smoother conclusion for all moving objects. The animated people now walk with a confident step rather than the occasions hop and skip!!! So if any other members have thoughts that will improve the situation further then, as the saying goes, "I'm all ears". Best reghards Pete
  21. Hi Prinz Many thanks for your comment. At least if Neo is aware of this problem them hopefully in time it will be fixed. In the meantime as you have probably noted I do seem to have found a possible intrim solution. Whilst I only ran the program yesterday afternoon for one hour I did notice a difference. Before, when planes were taking off, they would judder at least twice as they ran along the runway. After my possible fix they did not judder at all. Now this may just be a fluke but a much longer test during today with more than just the planes will give me a greater insight. I'll let everyone know if the inprovement is universal and applies to all moving items. I currently have over 20 V. depots so remodelling to remove them would be quite a feat. Fingers crossed it won't be necessary. Best regards Pete
  22. Hi Phrontistes Thanks for your comment. It would seem that you and Goetz have the same conclusion. As you have probably noticed I have added 3D modellbahn to my list of approved users in my Nvidia control panel and whilst I have only run the program for 1 hour since doing so, it does appear to be much improved. I'll test it for longer tomorrow but if the only solution is to ditch the V. Depots then I would judge that the problem is with the program!!! It will be interesting to get Neo's input. Best regards Pete
  23. Hi Goetz I trust you are well. To answer your question, yes I am using depots. Whilst I can understand your conclusion I have to say that I have noticed this anomaly even after I have been using the program for several hours. Since posting this enquiry I have gone into the Nvidia control panel and added 3D Modellbahn to the list of approved programs. It does appear to have made a difference but I will have to monitor it all for several hours just to make sure it's not just my imagination. So fingers crossed, unless someone else comes up with a more complete solution. Best regards Pete
  24. Hi everyone I don't know if this applies just to my layouts but I have always found that vehicle movements, can at times be a little "jittery". I initially thought that this might be caused as the vehicle, could be car, van, truck, bus or train, passing over a track connection or a track contact but the more I study this phanomina the more I have come to realise that this is not the case. I have checked my graphics settings and they appear to be as they should be. When I look at the fps they too seem to be OK, between 42 and 60fps. My graphics card is a Nvidia Geforce 4070 with 12Gb, an i7 13th generation processor and 32GB of RAM so I don't think the problem is with the equipment. I have turned off special effects in the programs graphic settings, put anti-aliasing to high but still no improvement. My conclusion therefore is that perhaps the problem lies with my EM, but thats just a last guess. If anyone can enlighten me further on this anomally then I would be most grateful. Puzzled Pete
  25. Hallo Ich verwende Ihr ziemlich brillantes Modell, wie oben, als Teil meines neuesten Layouts, das eine umfangreiche Holzmühle und einen Holzplatz umfasst. Wie Sie dem beigefügten Screenshot entnehmen können, ist es mein Wunsch, die Beladung dieses Anhängers mit Hackschnitzeln/Sägespänen simulieren zu können, was ich bisher nur mit einer Kombination aus "Sand-Hell-Grob und Sand-Hell-Hugelig" simulieren konnte, die den zu verladenden Abfallhaufen bilden. Meine Bitte lautet also. Wäre es möglich, dass du einen alternativen Inhalt für den Trailer zur Verfügung stellst, der meinem schwachen Versuch mit Holzspänen/Sägespänen ähnlicher ist? Wir würden uns sehr über Ihre Gedanken dazu freuen. Herzliche Grüße Pete
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