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Hi Klaus It's a very wise man that givers credit to the program used. In my view a program is only as good as the person using it and the imagination that they apply to the task in hand. Best regards Pete
Hi Klaus Personally I like all and think they can so easily be included into a layout. Any chance of one on the phone one directing traffic and do we need a police woman, just to maintain equality balance!! One in riot gear would not be appropriate, everyone in our layouts are much better behaved!!! Best regards Pete Hallo Klaus Ich persönlich mag alle und denke, dass sie so einfach in ein Layout eingebunden werden können. Jede Chance, dass einer am Telefon den Verkehr regelt, und brauchen wir eine Polizistin, nur um das Gleichgewicht der Gleichberechtigung zu wahren!! Einer in Kampfmontur wäre nicht angemessen, jeder in unseren Layouts ist viel besser erzogen!! Alles Gute Pete
Hi Klaus It all looks amazing. It's perfect that there is such continuity between depot, vehicles and personnel. A great job, so what's next on your model making agenda, apart from the Octo Magnum? Best regards Pete Hallo Klaus Es sieht alles fantastisch aus. Es ist perfekt, dass es eine solche Kontinuität zwischen Depot, Fahrzeugen und Personal gibt. Ein toller Job, was steht als nächstes auf deiner Modellbau-Agenda, abgesehen von der Octo Magnum? Alles Gute Pete
Thanks Douglas, how quick you are at problem solving. Pete
Thanks Douglas
Hi Douglas Only just noticed that there is the same wheels issue with The Flying Scotsmen. Cheers Pete
Hi Klaus I don't envy you trying to produce models to suit all people and all occasions. True, all of us use both steam and modern diesel and electric locomotives in our layouts. For those who strive for era perfection then your task is almost impossible, but for others like myself who tend to mix and match between past and present then the choice is simple, go modern. |My theme has always been to create what is in the present but add a little nostalgia with steam trains from the past that can run in the present day as special trains operated by enthusiasts. On that note I attach another picture of the British police officers in high viz jackets. Best regards Pete Hallo Klaus Ich beneide Sie nicht darum, dass Sie versuchen, Modelle für alle Menschen und alle Gelegenheiten herzustellen. Es stimmt, dass wir alle sowohl Dampflokomotiven als auch moderne Diesel- und Elektrolokomotiven in unseren Anlagen verwenden. Für diejenigen, die nach der Perfektion einer Ära streben, ist Ihre Aufgabe fast unmöglich, aber für andere wie mich, die dazu neigen, Vergangenheit und Gegenwart zu mischen, ist die Wahl einfach, gehen Sie modern. |Mein Thema war es immer, das zu schaffen, was in der Gegenwart ist, aber ein wenig Nostalgie mit Dampfzügen aus der Vergangenheit hinzuzufügen, die in der Gegenwart als Sonderzüge fahren können, die von Enthusiasten betrieben werden. In diesem Sinne füge ich ein weiteres Bild der britischen Polizisten in Warnwesten bei. Alles Gute Pete
Hi Douglas Just downloaded both the loco and tender and I can see that you have already addressed the question of the gap between both, brilliant. Whilst I don't wish to sound too picky I have also noticed that the front sets of wheels don't quite touch the track. Can this also be remedied, if not then I can certainly live with this. It's only when examined closely that it is noticeable. Once again you have produced stunning model. Cheers Pete
Hi Douglas Just had time to take a closer look at The Mallard, it's great, well done you. I also have to concur with @BahnLand, the distance between the cab and the tender is too large, I think the rail company might find themselves getting through quite a large number of stokers, unless of course they are supplied with very long shovels, but apart from that brilliant once again. Cheers Pete
Hi Klaus Well in my opinion it certainly passes as a police officer compared to the other two choices in the catalogue although a British police officer would look slightly different. I've attached a photo for your consideration. I suppose it really comes down to which nationality of police officer are we creating. It would seem logical to go for a German policeman and I guess they dress differently to ours in the UK Best regards Pete Hallo Klaus Nun, meiner Meinung nach geht er im Vergleich zu den anderen beiden Optionen im Katalog sicherlich als Polizist durch, obwohl ein britischer Polizist etwas anders aussehen würde. Ich habe ein Foto für Sie angehängt. Ich vermute, es kommt wirklich darauf an, welche Nationalität von Polizisten wir schaffen. Es scheint logisch zu sein, sich für einen deutschen Polizisten zu entscheiden, und ich denke, sie kleiden sich anders als wir in Großbritannien Alles Gute Pete
Hi Douglas I can't wait to see the 'cleaned up' version. Cheers Pete
Douglas, It's brilliant, well done you. I would very much like to incorporate both engine and carriages into my personal catalogue. Any chance of you emailing me the *.mbe files. I notice the carriages seem to have grey doors. Is this for any specific reason or could they be in the same matching green as the rest of the carriage? Cheers Pete
Thanks Douglas, I'm more than happy to include your brilliant models in my personal layouts. Cheers Pete
Sorry Douglas but my personal view would be to complete all of it. Total realism works best for me. Cheers Pete
Hi Douglas Looking good. Once the valve gear is finished, and don't forget The Flying Scotsman front name plate, it will be a brilliant model. Forgive my ignorance but as an *.mbe fiile will this transfer in the layout for others to see or will this produce the dreaded question mark? Cheers Pete
Hi Klaus You know me well by now so I hope I'm not being too picky but I wonder if it would be possible to have the DPD and Fedex logo's above bays 12 to 16 instead of bays 4 to 8. My main reason for this request is that my layout does not allow me to use bays 9 to 16 for artics so I am using your 7.5 ton box van and your sprinter van both of which work perfectly on those bays, as they do at bays 1 and 2. Bays 3 to 8 are now for all articulated trailers. Best regards Pete Hallo Klaus Sie kennen mich inzwischen gut, also hoffe ich, dass ich nicht zu wählerisch bin, aber ich frage mich, ob es möglich wäre, das DPD- und Fedex-Logo über den Feldern 12 bis 16 anstelle der Felder 4 bis 8 zu haben. Mein Hauptgrund für diese Anfrage ist, dass mein Layout es mir nicht erlaubt, die Buchten 9 bis 16 für Artics zu verwenden, also verwende ich Ihren 7,5-Tonnen-Kastenwagen und Ihren Sprinter-Van, die beide perfekt auf diesen Buchten funktionieren, wie sie es auch in den Buchten 1 und 2 tun. Die Stellplätze 3 bis 8 sind jetzt für alle Sattelauflieger vorgesehen. Alles Gute Pete
Hi Klaus Just got back home after yet another busy day remodelling my daughters garage, light at the end of that particular tunnel, and noticed your alterations to the logistics depot. It looks brilliant. With a little bit of ingenuity there is plenty of room for cargo and loading facilities into the vans, trucks and trailers. I'll take a closer look now. Many thanks once again. Best regards Pete Hallo Klaus Ich bin gerade nach einem weiteren anstrengenden Tag mit dem Umbau der Garage meiner Tochter nach Hause zurückgekehrt, Licht am Ende dieses speziellen Tunnels, und habe Ihre Änderungen am Logistikdepot bemerkt. Es sieht brillant aus. Mit ein wenig Einfallsreichtum gibt es viel Platz für Ladung und Lademöglichkeiten in die Transporter, Lkw und Anhänger. Ich schaue mir das jetzt mal genauer an. Nochmals vielen Dank. Alles Gute Pete
Is there no end to your talents!!! Cheers Pete
Wow Douglas, this is stunning. Yet again you've excelled yourself. I know you say there is still work to do, you mention centring the wheels. Will this then ensure the traction rods etc move rather than remaining static. Talking to Klaus that seems to be one of the most difficult elements to get right but overall the locomotive looks very impressive. You mentioned that the mono block came from Rig Models, might this be an issue getting this into the catalogue, is there any copyright infringements or is this likely to be a model for personal use only? What ever the outcome it's definitely a model for my layouts once it's finished. Cheers Pete
Hi Hermann Wow, that's great news on the one hand and a small problem on the other. Perhaps a collaboration might be a solution, not however with me as I would be about as useful as a chocolate fire guard in such matters but I'm sure there are other model makers who do use Blender and have the expertise to assist. I had asked @Sualokink (Klaus) if he was able to produce such models as I love all of his work and he recently undertook to produce a bespoke Renault Magnum, trailers and people for me, you might have seen the posts. Klaus undertook this request in order to try to ensure that the initial work undertaken by @Dad3353 (Douglas) could be added to the catalogue. Unfortunately the original that Douglas produced apparently had too many polygons or something and Neo could not accept it. My point is that these were completed by means of a collaboration, the end result is brilliant. So my hopes are now up, there may be a light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak as long as you are happy to seek assistance on this then I think you are on to a really brilliant addition to the catalogue. I only wish my expertise, or lack thereof, could be of more benefit. Cheers Pete
Hi Hermann The above look really good but please forgive my ignorance as I do not really understand the web references quoted. It's safe to say that anything to do with 3D model making is completely beyond me. That said I have promised myself to see if I can produce some office furniture using Sketchup but I think it is going to take some time. Are you suggesting that it might be possible to produce a model of The Mallard from information that you currently have? Pete
Hi Hermann Apologies for missing an 'n' off your name, I can't even get my own name right sometimes. Just imagine what my models would be like if I were able to create one!!! Cheers Pete
Thanks Herman, Clearly I need to keep an eye open on the above, however, having tried to get to grips with Blender about 12 months or so ago I decided that I clearly am not a model maker, my forte is in creating complete scenes but in doing so I have to rely upon the expertise of actual model makers to provide the 3D items that I can use. Kind regards Petet
Hi Henrik Many thanks for the informative view. Clearly for we mere mortals who take advantage of the skill and dedication applied by the many model makers who so generously contribute to MBS it goes to show just how little we know, We enjoy the end results and at times struggle to do justice to them in our layouts. At times we beef that the model is not quite as we might like it but lets be honest without their skill our layouts would look very different indeed. So in conclusion I can only dream and see what the future might bring with possible classic British steam engines. Cheers Pate
Hi to all my fellow members and to all those very clever modellers I would be curious to learn if there are any steam train modellers out there who would consider trying their hand at one of, or all of, the following classic British steam trains, The Mallard, The Flying Scotsman and the Prince of Wales, see photo's attached. Not being a modeller myself I haven't a clue as to what is involved in producing such classic locomotives but I think these would be a great addition to the catalogue if it is at all possible. Not holding my breath but still got my fingers crossed. Kind regards Pete