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Hi @Neo My sincere apology for adding yet more anomalies to your list of things to look at but here is yet another strange event. I had noticed the problem shortly after running V9 and corrected each container but after only 1 hour of running the layout the containers have decided to have a mind of their own as per screenshot attached. Perhaps this is the after effect of Halloween!!!! Kind regards Peter
Hi @Neo Another strange effect relates to virtual track. I realise that track that has been laid in V8.5 may well need to to perfected in V9 but I cannot understand why having done so and got all nice green junction lines, I then run a vessel over it's intended route only to find that some of the junctions have opened up once more, see attached screenshots. Any ideas please. Kind regards Pete
Thanks for the reassurance Herman, it's nice to know that I'm not going mad. At rest I have upto 170fps but as soon as you start to run it goes into snail pace. Cheers Pete
Thanks for the clarification, common sense really if I had thought about it. Just goes to show how your mind can go to mush when you start to get uptight about an issue. Pete
Hi Alex I've now published the draft under reference 07721643-AFD8-4312-B3FE-B7180B517BD1
It's now published as a draft
No do I need to do so first?
Hi Alex Here's the CID reference number 07721643-AFD8-4312-B3FE-B7180B517BD1 Any thoughts you have to improve matter would be appreciated. Pete
Hi Herman Here's the CID reference number 07721643-AFD8-4312-B3FE-B7180B517BD1 Any thoughts you have to improve matter would be appreciated. Pete
Thanks Goetz.
Silly question, I'm really good at those, but where do I find the CID number or do I need to create one first? Pete
Hi to all I've downloaded V9 beta and taken a look at several elements as I am now in the process of reworking a demo layout for Nikolaus II which is now in the catalogue. Clearly there are anomalies that need to be corrected, several of which have already been mentioned. However, there appear to be two, for me quite major problems that I have mentioned in two other posts. In hindsight they should perhaps have been posted here and so, not wishing to sound too impatient I thought I would pass these two problems by everyone for, I hope, a considered conclusion. The water effect in terms of reflection has changed considerably between V8.5.5 and V9, see attached screenshots. I hope this can be corrected as the effect, especially when running the models with a camera is not great. My main concern, however, is the immense drop in frame rate. A layout in V8.5.5 of 5400MB runs perfectly with frame rates generally between 40fps and 170fps, in V9 this same layout has both increased in size, it's now 5960MB but the frame rate has dropped to between 1 and 9fps. I can't blame the equipment, all graphic setting are the same, so the only conclusion has to be a difference between the two versions, or am I overlooking an obvious solution? Puzzled Pete
Hi Alex I have a PC with a gaming monitor (refresh rate 170htz. The computer has 32gb ram Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070. I have a layout that has been running in V8.5.5 with no problems. The file size is just a tad short of 5400MB but I still get between 40fps and 160fps with ease. Since adding V9 and importing this same layout the frame rate has dropped to 2fps max 9fps, I've compared all of the graphic setting for both the V8.5 and V9 versions of this layout and there appears to be no difference. I am beginning to wonder if V9 cannot support a file size of 5400MB. That said the file size in V9 for this layout has jumped to 5960MB. As you might imagine I am not a very happy bunny at this point and wonder if you you have any printable suggestions that might help to resolve this as it appears you are much more in the know, so to speak,than myself. Cheers Pete
@Neo Good morning Another possible issue with V9. I have a layout created in V8.5 which runs perfectly with min fps around 40 and max 170fps. This layout included the model Nikolaus II when it was in draft form and for total file size had reached 5400mb. Since the draft time had expired I was left with loads of question marks, which I understand, but still the program ran well with everything else. Since importing this into V9 the frame rate for this program has dropped to 1fps max 5fps. There has been no change to the graphics settings so I am once again left rather puzzled. Any thoughts please and taking the worst possible scenario is it possible to be able to add Nikolaus II and all it's siblings to V8.5 so that I could continue to use the complete layout in that version. I also noted that the file size has increased from 5400mb to 5960mb simply be having Nikolaus II etc replacing the question marks. Kind regards Peter
@Neo Hi One strange anomaly I have noted when comparing V8.5 and V9. The reflection off the water has changed. It now appears "much dirtier", for want of a better explanation. Please see attached screenshots. I have checked the graphics setting for both versions and they appear to be identical so any suggestions please as I am not happy with the effect so far in V9 Kind regards Peter
Thanks, I'll give that a try right now
@Neo Hi Neo I've just downloaded V9. All seems well at first but I am unable to save my layouts in V9. My username and password are not recognised. I'm signed in but in V8.5 only. Have I misunderstood the annual fee paid recently which I believe said that V9 would be included or am I just not doing something right. Kind regards Pete
Thanks Neo, fully understood. Time to play around with a control panel. Yet something else to add to my repertoire and help to keep the little grey cells active. Kind regards Peter
Hi Neo Just to let you know that I now have the app working, how I don't know, but I can now view each of the 10 camera views saved in the layout. Is there any other control besides this please Kind regards Peter
Hi Neo I simply clicked on the android app on the home page and followed the instructions, see attached screenshots. The Google login details are different to those for MBS, could this have been the issues? Kind regards Peter
Hi Neo Yesterday I went through the motions of putting the MBS control app onto my android phone. All went well to the point that I was asked to input my email address and password. At this point I assumed that it required my Google email address and password, which I input. After doing so all I got was constant scrolling and nothing more. Clearly the app was unable to find the right IP address and so I put it in manually. Having done so I then found it to be the incorrect one and so input the right one. Once again all I got was the constant scrolling so I thought it prudent to completely remove the app from my phone and try again. This time I wondered if the email address and password should be the ones that I use to log into MBS but I cannot now get the app back on my phone as I keep getting a message telling me that it is already on the phone, which it is not now. Any suggestions as to how I might remedy this situation please. Kind regards Peter
My MBS experience and the impact it has made on my life
220hotwheels antwortete auf ern45s Thema in Allgemeine Diskussionen
Hi Ern45 @Neo Every now and then I take time out from my quest to create the perfect layout and just check out the forum to see what interesting items there are and this evening came across your post from early September. How appropriate are your views with regard to MBS. For me it has proven to be one of the most time consuming and challenging past time that I have ever had the pleasure to take up. When you have been used to working full time running several companies 15 hour days become the norm. When you stop the void needs to be filled with something other than simply reading, watching TV, playing the odd round of golf, working in the garden or taking the grandchildren out for the day. So, when I came across MBS back in April 2019 my addiction began. To begin with it was a bit daunting but with the help of other members my understanding became clearer and I quickly became hooked. Since then I have perhaps averaged 5 hours every day, sometimes much longer, time just flies once you turn the computer on and begin to create layouts from your imagination. Every day is a challenge, even now. For me there isn't a day goes by that I don't come across some element that I had previously overlooked and in doing so it allows me to broaden my knowledge and to create something quite magical. I therefore concur with your sentiment regarding Stefan Werner and his team. They have not only created a rather wonderful program but have provided an extremely therapeutic pastime for so many. We all wait with baited breath for the launch of V9 Kind regards Pete -
Luxusyacht Nikolaus II
220hotwheels antwortete auf SualokinKs Thema in Modellbau mit externen Programmen
Hi Klaus I'm impressed, once completed I must take a careful look at the EV, especially the lift off element which is much more impressive than my straight up attempt. I have tried to create a more realistic take off and was supplied with a very clever demo including a special rotor motor but so far I have been unable to recreate it satisfactorily. Best regards Pete -
Moving items via Lua from one place to another
220hotwheels antwortete auf 220hotwheelss Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hi Easy Thanks for that although the cargo pad is already set at 90 degrees as is the container before the crane lifts it. Once the train stops in the holding area each of the 6 containers requires a slightly different Lua setting adjustment in order to return it to the original position, the cargo pad at the end point is also set at 90 degrees. I plan to try to reset this operation using the guidance offered by Goetz in order to see if I can retain continuity but that might take me a little while to work through. Perhaps part of the issue is the fact that I am using 2 trains for this movement. One arrives at the depot with empty waggons. It disconnects from them ready to enter the depot for servicing. The second train comes out from the depot, through the turntable and moves to the opposite end of the waggons before hitching up and moving off once the containers have been loaded. The Lua rotation code is slightly different for this movement compared to that for the first train. The second train then returns to the depot with empty waggons and the process is repeated. The 2 trucks however are a constant which is the most puzzling element but hopefully once I set it up following Goetz advice all will be well. Time and a little effort will tell. Kind regards Peter -
Moving items via Lua from one place to another
220hotwheels antwortete auf 220hotwheelss Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Good morning Goetz Thank you for your patience and for your informative explanation. My knowledge of Lua is extremely limited, in fact just about none existent , but what little I do pick up over time is very useful. This is one such occasion so very many thanks for providing me with a little more knowledge to add to my little grey cells. Kind regards Pete