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Moving items via Lua from one place to another
220hotwheels antwortete auf 220hotwheelss Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hi Goetz Forgive me but I am unclear what you are referring to with regard to the entire pack of rotation data. Where do I find this. Whenever I have needed to use Lua for this purpose I have always managed to convert the degrees to radians using a recognised calculator. It has usually been correct. I can however appreciate your advice with regard to storing the data in a variable but am unclear as to how to achieve this too. I bet you get tired at times dealing with members with so little actual knowledge of this wonderful hobby. I'll take a fresh look into all of this tomorrow. Kind regards Pete -
Moving items via Lua from one place to another
220hotwheels hat Thema erstellt in [International] Problems and solutions
Hi to all me fellow members On one of my layouts I have two gantry cranes. Each one will lift 3 x 40' containers from the ground onto the train and then lift 2 x 20' containers on to each of 2 articulated truck/trailers. Both gantry cranes have the Z rotation element set at 90 degrees Each of the cargo pads on the train have their Z rotation set at 90 degrees as do the cargo pads on each of the trailers The containers are similarly set at 90 degrees in the container port. After each has loaded the Z element for each container remains at 90 degrees. After completing their respective journeys both train and trucks stop whilst the containers are returned to the container port using Lua script. When this was first performed I made a note of the degree setting for each container once back at the container port and set about making the necessary adjustments for each container in it's respective Lua script. On the following operation all was well and each of the containers ended up back at the container port all showing 90 degrees. However on the next pass there was a variance of 0.01 with most. I reset all of the containers to 90 degrees and sent the vehicles and train on there merry way. The following results showed a variance between 89.99 or 90.01 or 90.02. My best results are that I can complete 3 cycles before things begin to loose accuracy. I cannot explain why this might be happening, has anyone else come across this anomaly and if so how did you resolve it. Puzzled Pete Hallo an alle meine Kollegen Auf einer meiner Anlagen habe ich zwei Portalkräne. Jede hebt 3 x 40-Fuß-Container vom Boden auf den Zug und hebt dann 2 x 20-Fuß-Container auf jeden von 2 Sattelschleppern/Anhängern. Bei beiden Portalkränen ist das Z-Drehelement auf 90 Grad eingestellt. Die Z-Drehung der Ladungspolster auf dem Zug ist auf 90 Grad eingestellt, ebenso wie die der Ladungspolster auf den einzelnen Anhängern. Die Container sind im Containerhafen ebenfalls auf 90 Grad eingestellt. Nach dem Beladen eines jeden Containers bleibt das Z-Element für jeden Container auf 90 Grad eingestellt. Nach Beendigung ihrer jeweiligen Fahrten halten sowohl der Zug als auch die Lastwagen an, während die Container mit Hilfe eines Lua-Skripts zum Containerhafen zurückgebracht werden. Als dies zum ersten Mal durchgeführt wurde, notierte ich mir die Gradeinstellung für jeden Container, sobald er wieder im Containerhafen war, und machte mich daran, die notwendigen Anpassungen für jeden Container in seinem jeweiligen Lua-Skript vorzunehmen. Bei der folgenden Operation war alles in Ordnung und jeder der Container landete wieder am Containerhafen und zeigte 90 Grad an. Bei der nächsten Überfahrt gab es jedoch bei den meisten eine Abweichung von 0,01. Ich setzte alle Container auf 90 Grad zurück und schickte die Fahrzeuge und den Zug auf ihren fröhlichen Weg. Die folgenden Ergebnisse zeigten eine Abweichung zwischen 89,99 oder 90,01 oder 90,02. Meine besten Ergebnisse sind, dass ich 3 Zyklen abschließen kann, bevor die Genauigkeit abnimmt. Ich kann mir nicht erklären, warum das passiert. Ist jemandem diese Anomalie aufgefallen und wenn ja, wie haben Sie sie behoben? Verwirrter Pete -
Hi Klaus That's' great news, I had in fact spotted them reappear in my "On the Move" layout last night replacing that dreaded question marks, thanks too to @Neo for accepting them into the catalogue. Best regardss Pete
Creativity issue
220hotwheels antwortete auf simonjackson1964s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hi Simon I tried to send you these files via your email address but it just bounced back so here goews again. hope they prove to be of some use. D8ED1623-8BCD-45D8-95BF-BD62AAAAA700 https://photos.app.goo.gl/hCjxBoUCAG3KKM4eA Also attached is a suggested start to fill in that gap. I'm sure your creative juices will take over. Pete Sinon layout 1.mbp -
Creativity issue
220hotwheels antwortete auf simonjackson1964s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hi Simon Just a thought but do you fancy having a go at revising my Woodridge layout. I mean the EV is probably rubbish compared to your method, the fiddle yard perhaps needs a major overhaul and the signalling system is stone age, but if you like a challenge then I'm happy to send it to you via your email. Kind regards Pete -
Hi to all I have several layouts in which I have used the original Renault Magnum truck produced for me by Douglas ( DAD3353). As these have now been very kindly remodelled by Klaus (Sualokink) I would like to replace the question marks with the new trucks/trailers. Is there a specific way to replace this without loosing the route for each vehicle and without having to work through all of the EV to replace said trucks. Kind regards Pete
Creativity issue
220hotwheels antwortete auf simonjackson1964s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hi Simon I'm really sorry to hear of your dilemma. I know we all say that this sort of situation won't happen to us as we are constantly backing up but, hey life is a b----r, as they say and yes we are all probable guilty of overlooking a most important backup. I personally go over the top. I backup via MBS, I back up to my computer, I then copy all files to an encrypted portable hard drive as well as backing up the whole computer to another hard drive once every month. Yep, way over the top, but then when you've been there and lost stuff you don't want to make the same mistake again. Not too sure what you are asking for. Can you be more specific and I'm sure help will follow. I have it at the back of my mind that you sent me at least one of your layouts so will look back through my files and see what I find. If I find anything do you want me to send you it? Pete -
Hi Easy Many thanks for the above clarification. My knowledge of fps was definitely limited to the realisation that in order to have a smooth picture flow 30 plus fps was necessary. I had not appreciated that individual components also required to have the fps set. As they say, a day without leaning is a day lost. Thanks once again Kind regards Pete Hallo Easy Vielen Dank für die obige Klarstellung. Mein Wissen über fps beschränkte sich definitiv auf die Erkenntnis, dass für einen reibungslosen Bildfluss 30 plus fps erforderlich sind. Ich hatte nicht bedacht, dass auch die einzelnen Komponenten die Einstellung der fps benötigen. Wie man so schön sagt: Ein Tag ohne Neigung ist ein verlorener Tag. Nochmals vielen Dank Mit freundlichen Grüßen Pete
Hi Easy Just had time to play about with your demo's. After a little while I got the 3 seconds version working fine but the 1 second version would not connect to the track. Anyway, the latter is great. To be honest I don't really understand the technicality but by playing around with the switch position I have managed to achieve quite a nice result. setting 0 = 0 and no circular selected setting 1 = 0.15 circular selected, 2 = 0.25, 3 = 0.5, 4 = 0.75, 5 = 0.9, and 6 = 1 Whether the speed can be slowed further I do not know, my ability ran out after setting the switch positions. Anyway, many thanks for your recommendation. Kind regards Pete
Hi Brummi Thanks for that, it's a shame but I fully understand. It was worth a shot anyway. Perhaps if I send everyone to the pub first then the turning speed would not be so noticeable !!!! Best regards Pete Hallo Brummi Vielen Dank dafür, es ist schade, aber ich verstehe das sehr gut. Einen Versuch war es trotzdem wert. Vielleicht, wenn ich alle erst einmal in die Kneipe schicke, würde die Abbiegegeschwindigkeit nicht so auffällig sein !!!! Mit freundlichen Grüßen Pete
@Roter Brummer Hi Brummi I wonder, would it be possible to add a speed control to the rotation thereby allowing a more gradual turn? Pete Hallo Brummi Ich frage mich, ob es möglich wäre, die Rotation mit einem Geschwindigkeitsregler zu versehen, der eine allmählichere Drehung ermöglicht. Pete
Hi Brummi Just wanted to let you know that your recommendation works perfectly. I set the VT track position 1 to 0.9 and as you can see from the attached screenshot its perfect. This is going to allow so much flexibility in trying to create added realism. Thanks once again. Pete Hallo Brummi Ich wollte Sie nur wissen lassen, dass Ihre Empfehlung perfekt funktioniert. Ich habe die VT-Track-Position 1 auf 0,9 gesetzt, und wie Sie auf dem beigefügten Screenshot sehen können, ist es perfekt. Dies wird so viel Flexibilität bei dem Versuch, zusätzlichen Realismus zu schaffen zu ermöglichen. Nochmals vielen Dank. Pete
Hi Brummi Many thanks for getting back so quickly and for the example. It certainly looks as though I should be able to adapt this for my needs and I think it will have more long term benefits too as I am sure it might be possible to replace the deceleration contact when used to control a stop for people. It has always bugged me that when they stop, as if to talk to someone they do not rotate to face the person in question. Now with your virtual gismo that looks as though it too will be possible. I'll spend some time playing around with this this evening and see what happens. Once again many thanks for both the gismo itself and for getting back with a solution to my request. Kind regards Pete Hallo Brummi Vielen Dank für die schnelle Rückmeldung und das Beispiel. Es sieht auf jeden Fall so aus, als ob ich dies für meine Bedürfnisse anpassen könnte, und ich denke, dass es auch langfristig Vorteile haben wird, da ich sicher bin, dass es möglich sein könnte, den Verzögerungskontakt zu ersetzen, wenn er verwendet wird, um einen Halt für Personen zu kontrollieren. Es hat mich immer gestört, dass sie sich beim Anhalten, wenn sie mit jemandem sprechen wollen, nicht zu der betreffenden Person drehen. Mit Ihrem virtuellen Gismo sieht es so aus, als ob auch das möglich sein wird. Ich werde heute Abend ein wenig damit herumspielen und sehen, was passiert. Nochmals vielen Dank sowohl für das Gismo selbst als auch dafür, dass Sie eine Lösung für meine Anfrage gefunden haben. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Pete
@Roter Brummer Hi Brummi Having started to use your virtual turning track I have to say that I now find it much easier to use than I had first thought and in many ways it is simpler as a layout piece than using Lua script. One thought I have had that, if possible, would greatly add to the realism. Is it possible to modify this item so that it performed similarly to that of a turntable. In other words a person could stop, turn either left or right to a specified degree then either rotate back to the original position before continuing or rotate the remaining degrees so that the would then have completed a 180 degree turn ready to retrace their steps. With such a feature it would mean that a person could stop, turn to talk to someone on their left or right before returning to their original point to continue on their route or as previously mentioned rotate so that they retrace their steps. Perhaps I am letting my imagination run wild here but it's just a thought. Kind regards Pete Nachdem ich begonnen habe, Ihr virtuelles Drehgleis zu benutzen, muss ich sagen, dass ich es jetzt viel einfacher finde, als ich zuerst dachte, und dass es in vielerlei Hinsicht einfacher ist, als ein Lua-Skript zu benutzen. Ein Gedanke, den ich hatte, würde, wenn möglich, den Realismus stark erhöhen. Wäre es möglich, diesen Gegenstand so zu modifizieren, dass er ähnlich wie eine Drehscheibe funktioniert? Mit anderen Worten: Eine Person könnte anhalten, sich entweder nach links oder nach rechts bis zu einem bestimmten Grad drehen und dann entweder in die ursprüngliche Position zurückkehren, bevor sie weiterfährt, oder die verbleibenden Grad drehen, so dass sie dann eine 180-Grad-Drehung vollzogen hätte und bereit wäre, ihre Schritte zurückzuverfolgen. Mit einer solchen Funktion könnte eine Person anhalten, sich umdrehen, um mit jemandem links oder rechts von ihr zu sprechen, bevor sie zu ihrem ursprünglichen Punkt zurückkehrt, um ihre Route fortzusetzen oder, wie bereits erwähnt, ihre Schritte zurückzuverfolgen. Vielleicht lasse ich hier meiner Fantasie freien Lauf, aber das ist nur ein Gedanke. Herzliche regards Pete
Hi Klaus Perhaps I am a little biased when it comes to these trucks but I have to say that you have once again excelled yourself in producing such a great fleet of vehicles for all to enjoy. Pete Hallo Klaus Vielleicht bin ich ein wenig voreingenommen, wenn es um diese Lastwagen geht, aber ich muss sagen, dass Sie sich wieder einmal selbst übertroffen haben, indem Sie eine so großartige Fahrzeugflotte für alle geschaffen haben. Pete
Hi Klaus Great news, congratulations and many thanks to @Neo too. Pete Hallo Klaus Tolle Neuigkeiten, herzlichen Glückwunsch und vielen Dank auch an Neo. Pete
A small berthing issue
220hotwheels antwortete auf 220hotwheelss Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
@Eggu, @Goetz Hi to you both Just to let you know that having implemented your recommendations all is working perfectly. Another tick in the learning curve box, so time to move on and try to find the next problem that I can create that needs outside help. What would we do without the brilliant help from the forum!!!! Pete -
A small berthing issue
220hotwheels antwortete auf 220hotwheelss Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hi Goetz Thanks for that, one less bit to have to keep tabs on. Pete -
A small berthing issue
220hotwheels antwortete auf 220hotwheelss Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Thanks Eggu, now that makes total sense. I can implement that without a problem, I think. Why is it that the obvious answer is always right in front of you but you just don't see it until someone points it out. Anyway, thanks again for getting back so quickly with the right solution. Pete -
A small berthing issue
220hotwheels antwortete auf 220hotwheelss Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hi Eggu Thanks for that although if I'm absolutely honest I don't really understand quite what you are suggesting for the action event. To activate or deactivate manually is not an issue as can be seen in the screenshots above. Kind regards Pete -
A small berthing issue
220hotwheels antwortete auf 220hotwheelss Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Good morning Goetz I wonder if I might trouble you once more in order to pick your brains, so to speak. Berthing the ship is now sorted and working perfectly. I have two distinct parts to the unloading and subsequent loading of said container ship. The first part has the ship arriving, docking and then discharging 10 containers after which it loads 12 containers before going on its merry way. The second part has the same ship returning, docking and then discharging the 12 containers before loading the 10 ready to begin the round trip all over again. So far so good. In an effort to try to distinguish between the 2 trips I introduced both a switch and separate trigger for each different arrival. So let us say that arrival 1 triggers switch 1 with the condition that the trigger is in position 2 ( the trigger is an SX1 that moves between two stops stop 1 and stop 2). Unfortunately this does not work while both sets of instructions in the EV are "live". If I deactivate one set of instructions then all is perfect and visa versa. So my question to you, with your vast knowledge of these matters., is can I program in my EV to deactivate one set of instructions whilst the other is running and then reverse this action, or do I need to rethink my EV. I have attached three screenshots of the EV to show how the process is set to work. Kind regards Pete -
Hi Phil I commiserate with your problem. I have always found it necessary to play catchup with the latest program/my computer performance, but I think Neo has a good point. Check to see which GPU you are using for MBS. My computer has 2. The first GPU 0 is the Intel UHD, I don't use that for MBS. the second is GPU1 a Nvidia GeForce RTX4070 12GB and it is this one that I use for MBS. My computer also has 32GB of RAM. When running MBS I find that the graphics card fluctuates between 4% and 60% which gives me an fps range between 35 and 60, which is fine for the large layouts that I tend to work on. I also have 2 year old laptop with only 8GB of RAM and a much older NVidia GeForce graphics card. Both have Windows 11 but if I try to run my layouts on the laptop then performance is absolute rubbish in comparison. The point I make is that the higher the spec of your computer the better it will run MBS. Hope this helps Kind regards Pete
A small berthing issue
220hotwheels antwortete auf 220hotwheelss Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hi Brummi Great solution. It's amazing that one problem can be solved in so many different ways but I suppose the basics are all very similar. The added scenery is a nice touch. Kind regards Pete Hallo Brummi Großartige Lösung. Es ist erstaunlich, dass ein Problem auf so viele verschiedene Arten gelöst werden kann, aber ich nehme an, die Grundlagen sind alle sehr ähnlich. Die hinzugefügte Kulisse ist eine nette Idee. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Pete