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A small berthing issue
220hotwheels antwortete auf 220hotwheelss Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hi Goetz It sure would and it certainly does, see attached. This reminds me of that age old saying "great minds think alike", we'll forget about the last part of that saying. Kind regards Pete Berthing Experiment.mbp -
A small berthing issue
220hotwheels antwortete auf 220hotwheelss Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
To @Phrontistes, @Herman Hi Guys Thanks for the kind words, the screenshots show roughly half of the layout. Incidentally Herman this is the layout that started as the trial for rotating people for which you so kindly sent me the Lua script. The layout is called "On The Move" in which everything that can move does move. Its proving to be quite a challenge at times, but still lots of fun. I think I have just about sorted the berthing issue by using a dummy track section. Just a few more experiments to go and if all does go well then I'll post the full solution. Kind regards Pete -
A small berthing issue
220hotwheels antwortete auf 220hotwheelss Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hi to all for your replies, @Eggu,@Phrontistes, @Goetz and @Roter Brummer Many thanks to you all for taking the trouble to reply to my question. I had already realised that the simple solution was to move the track on which the ship moved rather than move the ship itself. My issue there is that the port area in my layout is principally a narrow inlet, see attached screenshots, and the track in and out will be used by two other ships. I have managed to modify the track to allow the ship to berth on it's own but unless I can solve the side movement without having to move the track itself then my only solution is for the vessel to back out so far before connecting to the main track in order to proceed along the inlet to the basin area where it can turn ready to set forth on its journey. The irritation thus far is that the basic principle of operation works but it requires this final minor twitch of the ship in order to ensure it is perfectly aligned on the main track. If Lua code is the answer then I will have to look into that but whatever solution I come up with need to work every time and not just some of the time. During my deliberations I found that when the ship stopped on the main track the x,y,z, position might vary minutely one time to another. So too after the side movement with SX2, upon returning to the main track the x,y,z, positions could be different again and I can't explain this. One thing that I will try is to add a dummy track in parallel to the main berthing track. As the main track moves to berth the ship the dummy moves with it to replace the main track ready for either of the other two ships to navigate the inlet. When I want to return the container ship to the main track the dummy will be replaced by the main section. I'll let you all know if this works. Once again many thanks for your thoughts. kind regards Pete -
Hi I'm a little puzzled about the following: A vessel pulls into port, stops. It is then moved sideways to the berth and stops. After a period of time, in this experiment 10 seconds, it is then moved back to the original track and given the instruction to continue on its merry way. All works perfectly upto the point of its continuation of its journey. Once back on the main track it simply refuses to move unless it is given the most minor of nudges. My conclusion is clearly that I have got something wrong but having spent several hours experimenting I am still no further on. I'm hoping that a fresh, and more experienced set of eyes, might be able to show me the errors of my ways. Puzzled Pete Berthing Experiment.mbp
Hi Klaus That's great, many thanks to you firstly for actually doing all the hard work in producing such great models and secondly to Neo for accepting all of the additions and modifications into the catalogue. It now feels that the catalogue is beginning to offer a little more continuity between models with such as personnel suited to different situations with many more models. It allows we mere mortals with no ability to create actual models to use our imagination to a greater extent when using those created by others. Brilliant. Cheers Pete Hallo Klaus Das ist großartig. Vielen Dank an Sie, erstens für die harte Arbeit, die Sie bei der Herstellung solch großartiger Modelle leisten, und zweitens an Neo, der alle Ergänzungen und Änderungen in den Katalog aufgenommen hat. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass der Katalog jetzt ein wenig mehr Kontinuität zwischen den Modellen bietet, mit Personal, das für verschiedene Situationen geeignet ist, und mit viel mehr Modellen. Es erlaubt uns Normalsterblichen, die nicht in der Lage sind, echte Modelle zu erstellen, unsere Vorstellungskraft in größerem Umfang zu nutzen, wenn wir die von anderen erstellten Modelle verwenden. Brillant. Prost Pete
Road Routes
220hotwheels antwortete auf 220hotwheelss Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Brilliant, many thanks -
Road Routes
220hotwheels antwortete auf 220hotwheelss Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Thanks Goetz I think I was already warming to that particular solution although it will mean making quite a number of changes at places where the road splits to sent vehicles through different portals to different destinations but with careful planning I am sure there are preformed road sections that can be made use of instead of the self created junctions. Where the problem would arise is when there are road sections with laybys, for example at a station, I don't think there are pre set sections that are suitable so I might have to stay with my manually constructed junctions in order to cope so that taxis and buses can enter and exit independently. This, so far, has not presented an issue as every vehicle using such junctions is set on a round trip. I'll just have to make sure that any vehicle with its route set in my EV stays away from those particular road sections. So, time to make some changes. Thanks once again Kind regards Pete -
Hi to all my fellow members Whilst I realise that much has already been said on the subject of setting road routes I would appreciate clarification on one aspect. Setting a road route using the gizmo in the speed control is very straight forward. If there are no additional junctions, for example splitting the road into two to send different vehicle through different portals, then setting the route either by this method, assuming it is a basic round trip route is simple. If there are additional junctions to cope with as per the above then that too is straight forward just so long as you have already pre-set these junctions to the correct setting for a through route. That said once that route has been applied any vehicles assigned to that route will automatically set the correct junction position when reached. Now for my dilemma. If the route is not a round trip then it is necessary to program this route in the EV, see attached screenshot. In order to set this route it is necessary to ensure that any additional junctions are also set to the correct position for said route. So far all is well. However, if other vehicles have followed their own pre-set routes then the ones for the vehicle with the route set in the EV will not automatically set themselves from the start. My question therefore is can this be remedied in the EV as a whole route or does it have to be split into sections with the start of each section setting the junctions for the next section etc. I hope the above is clear enough Kind regards Pete
Switch with Keyword to Toggle itself...
220hotwheels antwortete auf Dad3353s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hi Douglas Is it possible to set the stop for the vehicle on the junction leg a little further back from the main route so that this does not happen, incidentally I use traffic lights everywhere and find it the easiest way to control all junctions. Pete -
Switch with Keyword to Toggle itself...
220hotwheels antwortete auf Dad3353s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hi Douglas When you use the word "coupling" do you mean that, vehicle 2 (behind vehicle 1) joins vehicle 1 when both set off. If so then have you made sure you have set auto accelerate/decelerate to on, see attached screenshot. This ensures that vehicle 2 stops a small distance behind vehicle 1. As vehicle 1 set off so too does vehicle 2 but it keeps a respectful distance behind vehicle 1 and goes its own way once past the junction. Just a thought. Cheers Pete -
Testing Road Routes (they're new to me...)...
220hotwheels antwortete auf Dad3353s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Thanks for that, the mystery thickens. Perhaps the hand of the almighty has taken pity on our plight!!!!! -
Testing Road Routes (they're new to me...)...
220hotwheels antwortete auf Dad3353s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hi Douglas I do fully understand the point that Goetz has made about routes, they are basically designed for trains, however, and this might just be a pure fluke, but I was having problems with cars loading onto a car transporter. The problem was solved by setting "routes" in addition to the more traditional method for vehicles, so that I could activate or deactivate them in the EV when necessary. This solved my problem and I am the first to admit that it might simply be by chance, there may well be no meaningful reason for this. That said I applied the same philosophy to your layout, see attached screenshot. Since doing so I have had no issues with the buses deviating from their routes. No logic but it seems to work. Cheers Pete test layout for road routes3a.mbp -
Testing Road Routes (they're new to me...)...
220hotwheels antwortete auf Dad3353s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hi Douglas I think you will understand better if you proceed as follows: 1/ decide on the route that you wish the bus to take. 2/ place TC's at appropriate points on the route bearing in mind the 7 junction rule and make sure each TC is pointing in the direction of travel. (you will note on my example that I made sure only the arrow for direction of travel was highlighted.) 3/ make sure you have a start TC, at which point the bus will stop and then set off., and an end TC that allows you to complete the route. The latter simply needs to be positioned just behind the bus when stopped at the start point, or if there are no other junctions between the last TC(waypoint) and the start TC then the end TC can be positioned anywhere on that section of road but rule of thumb suggests that as close to the back of the bus when stopped at the start point would be best. 4/ select the bus, click on the route icon, top right of the speed control screen. Then select each TC (waypoint) on the route you desire and simply move from waypoint 1 to 2 to 3 etc. finishing at the end waypoint. If there is a problem with your choice of route, for example too many junctions or an overlap of the same piece of road then the route will not complete and you will get an error message. So rather than start again simply go to the test layout 3a, click on bus 1, go to the speed control icon at the bottom of the screen, select the route icon ( this should be highlighted) click it once and the route set will disappear. Make sure the bus is on the start TC and select the bus. Select the route icon from the speed control setting and then begin to select the TC's (waypoints). first select the start TC, then the next and so on until you get to the last TC (the end waypoint). As you select each TC the route will be highlighted in green. If all is set correctly then the whole route will be highlighted at which time you can select "apply" and your route is now set. I hope this helps. If there are any aspects that you want clarification on then please let me know. Cheers Pete -
Testing Road Routes (they're new to me...)...
220hotwheels antwortete auf Dad3353s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hi Douglas I've redone your layout in it's simplest form to hopefully show you how the road routes work. I've removed your EV and just set the 3 actual routes. Each bus will now run from the start and end at the final stop, the black CP. To get this to run automatically just add a start and stop instruction in your EV, I've done one as an example with bus 1. The main thing to remember with road routes is that a vehicle can only pass over each part of the route once and that all CP's must be set on the correct side of the road and pointing in the right direction for each route. Some of your CP's were on the wrong side of the road. Perhaps my way of setting routes is too simplistic but thus far it works well for me, and I have some quite complex routes on my layouts. Just remember that if you introduce multiple junctions then before you can set your route you will need to make sure that all junctions are set for your intended route, after that it's a piece of cake, so to speak. Any questions then feel free to ask. Enjoy your day. Cheers Pete test layout for road routes3a.mbp -
Testing Road Routes (they're new to me...)...
220hotwheels antwortete auf Dad3353s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hi Douglas I added the two extra CP's to provide continuity for the full route. I then set the bus at the start and set the route from there to waypoint 1, 2 3 end and the back to the start but used the new CP at the back of the start point to finish the route. Once you set the bus in motion it follows your EV. I hope that is sufficiently clear. If not then I'll sort out a more meaningful explanation tomorrow morning, I'm tied up now for the evening. Cheers Pete -
Testing Road Routes (they're new to me...)...
220hotwheels antwortete auf Dad3353s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hi Douglas I'm not sure if the attached helps but your bus should complete it's route successfully, I hope. There is another option if you need to stick to your precis route. Cheers Pete test layout for road routes.mbp -
Speed slower than 1 km/h..?
220hotwheels antwortete auf Dad3353s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hi Douglas Have you added a squish sound to the sound track? Cheers Pete -
Hi Klaus You are very welcome, they are much deserved for all of your hard work. I do fully understand that you must have other priorities. I am just so grateful for the time you have spent so far in producing such a wide range of models that provide such continuity. As the saying goes, good things come to those prepared to wait, and am am certainly prepared to wait for such as police vehicles, should you feel so inclined to make such models in the future. My garden too is now starting to wake up and so lots to do outside. weather permitting. At the moment I am replacing my greenhouse. The old one is now down, the base has been refurbished so it's time to start to construct the new one, with a little help from my son and one of my grandsons. I think I'll just supervise, hand out the drinks and biscuits and leave them to do all of the hard work. Best regards Pete Hallo Klaus Sie sind herzlich willkommen, sie sind für all Ihre harte Arbeit sehr verdient. Ich habe vollstes Verständnis dafür, dass Sie andere Prioritäten haben müssen. Ich bin einfach so dankbar für die Zeit, die Sie bisher investiert haben, um eine so breite Palette von Modellen zu produzieren, die eine solche Kontinuität bieten. Wie das Sprichwort sagt, gute Dinge kommen zu denen, die bereit sind zu warten, und ich bin sicherlich bereit, auf solche Polizeifahrzeuge zu warten, wenn Sie sich geneigt fühlen, solche Modelle in Zukunft zu bauen. Auch mein Garten beginnt jetzt zu erwachen und es gibt viel zu tun draußen. wenn das Wetter es zulässt. Im Moment ersetze ich mein Gewächshaus. Die alte ist jetzt heruntergekommen, die Basis wurde renoviert, so dass es an der Zeit ist, mit dem Bau der neuen zu beginnen, mit ein wenig Hilfe von meinem Sohn und einem meiner Enkelsöhne. Ich denke, ich werde nur beaufsichtigen, die Getränke und Kekse verteilen und sie die ganze harte Arbeit erledigen lassen. Alles Gute Pete
Hi Klaus Well, you've done it yet again, what a brilliant addition to the catalogue, always assuming that @Neo will OK the inclusion, although I can't see any reason why that would not be the case. So we now have a perfect police force, now all we need are vehicles that they can use, ie. with doors that open, especially a police van. Perhaps your sprinter van could have yet another makeover!!! Best regards Pete Hallo Klaus Nun, Sie haben es wieder einmal getan, was für eine brillante Ergänzung des Katalogs, immer davon ausgehend, dass @Neo mit der Aufnahme einverstanden sind, obwohl ich keinen Grund sehe, warum das nicht der Fall sein sollte. Wir haben jetzt also eine perfekte Polizeitruppe, jetzt brauchen wir nur noch Fahrzeuge, die sie benutzen können, d.h. mit Türen, die sich öffnen lassen, vor allem ein Polizeiwagen. Vielleicht könnte Ihr Sprinter-Van noch einmal überarbeitet werden!! Alles Gute Pete
Hi Douglas Many thanks for that. I've now downloaded the file so can play about with finding a suitable location on my layout. Will you ever consider these for the catalogue or would it require more work than you are prepared to allocate. The same goes for the Flying Scotsman and the Mallard. For these to be included in the catalogue would it require your knowhow to sort out the running gear to fit the *.gift files that Hermann has? It's all just a thought. Personally I just enjoy using your models in my own layouts. Cheers Pete
Thanks Douglas, the tradesman's entrance will do just fine. The guys will still keep hold of their wands, just in case they need to make a quick entrance or exit through the front door though!! Cheers Pete
That would certainly make life easier for sharing layouts without incurring the dreaded question marks. Cheers Pete
Thanks Douglas, yes it does, so for now all personnel will still have to be equipped with a Harry Potter wand so that they can enter and exit buildings at will. Not a problem, it all adds to the magic!!! Cheer Pete
Hi Douglas Love the models, they look amazing, not so sure about the explanation though, that part is beyond me, you might as well be speaking mandarin!! One question I do have, the answer to which is not apparent from the screenshot, do any of the doors open? If they do then I would be a very happy bunny, so to speak. Cheers Pete
Hi Klaus What can I say, brilliant. We now have a great line up of police personnel, what more could we ask for. Great job, can't wait for your next models for consideration into the catalogue. Best regards Pete Hallo Klaus Was soll ich sagen, brillant. Wir haben jetzt ein großartiges Aufgebot an Polizisten, was will man mehr. Tolle Arbeit, ich kann es kaum erwarten, dass Ihre nächsten Modelle in den Katalog aufgenommen werden. Alles Gute Pete