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Alle erstellten Inhalte von Derrick

  1. Google macht's möglich: Alle lesen Chinesisch!
  2. Schönen 4. Advent! Derrick
  3. Hello Douglas, Look at the below photo. It shows your 1st class coach, right, and Brummi's updated model on the left. As far as I see it, Brummi's version is absolutely in conformity with the real coach. The difference is in form and size of the windows. I think, that is due to the fact that BahnLand made his textures to comply with existing models from the catalogue i.e. Eurofima coaches. The latter had different windows with only small upper skylight (?) whereas the AM 203 had windows with a partition in the middle so that the windows could be opened. Coaches of that time did not yet have aircondition. So, to obtain full authenticity you should think about an update of your fine models. Very best regards Derrick
  4. Hello Douglas, I could integrate a TGV into my layout I'm working on at the moment. It is a virtual landscape in the surrounding of Frankfort. And from my own experience I know that there is a TGV-connection between Paris and Frankfort. Best regards Derrick
  5. Hallo Brummi, ich kann Little nur voll zustimmen. Du hast ein sehr schönes Modell auf die Schienen gesetzt. Aber eins bereitet mir Kopfschmerzen: Bist Du wirklich sicher, daß die Toilettenfenster dieser Baureihe ein schmales Oberlicht hatten, während alle anderen Fenster die Mittelteilung aufwiesen? Ich bin kein Eisenbahnexperte, aber meine Recherchen im Internet unter Am 203 haben mich nur Bilder finden lassen, die ein mittig geteiltes Toilettenfenster zeigen auf Aufnahmen von echten Zügen, nicht aus Spielwarenkatalogen. Beispiel siehe unten aus Wikipedia. Auch ich meine mich an ein Toilettenfenster erinnern zu können, daß unten aus Milchglas, oben aus Fensterglas bestand. Aber das muß bei Nachfolgemodellen gewesen sein, als auch die übrigen Fenster nur noch ein schmales Oberlicht hatten, bevor diese dann später ganz verschwanden. Das andere paßt auch nicht wirklich zur Linienführung. Viele Grüße Derrick
  6. Hello Douglas, congratulations for your coaches being in the catalogue now. And thank you for your engagement! Best regards Derrick
  7. Heute abend scheint ein Update von V8 gelaufen zu sein: Ich konnte die Halb-Restaurantwagen auf meine Anlage importieren. Gruß Derrick
  8. Lieber Brummi, ist Dein "Spitzname" eigentlich Programm? Deine Sachkritik ist durchaus berechtigt und wird absolut geschätzt. Aber mußtest Du den armen Douglas so anfahren, wie Du es auf seine Frage nach der Größe der Fenster getan hast? Ich finde, das sollte man unter Freunden einfach nicht machen. Daher mein Kommentar. Liebe Grüße Derrick
  9. Hello Douglas, Your test of the green 2nd class coach is the best possible result on which the majority of participants in our long discussion should be able to agree. That's at least what I think. Good night. Derrick
  10. Ich habe das Problem in derselben Weise. Derrick
  11. Stimmt. Aber der Ton sollte immer verbindlich sein! Derrick
  12. Sed friedlich, Freunde! Hier bemüht sich einer redlich und freiwillig, und alle anderen "kritteln" an ihm herum. Das ist nicht fair! Derrick
  13. Hello Douglas, It was never my intention to blame you!! Just your wish to help us is more than we can expect. Of course, it is not easy to make a model if you never saw the original. But I thought you got enough information from your cooperation partners to know how the coaches looked in reality. The following link seems me to be able to give you a good impression of the coaches which were subject of my first enquiry: https://www.ewmb.de/product_info.php?info=p2000110585_roco-54450-h0-schnellzugwagen-der-db-4er-set.html&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIlL6Pj7nn-wIVifJ3Ch3EmA5JEAkYASABEgLZiPD_BwE Since DB changed look and colours of their coaches very often in a couple of years, it is impossible to model all possible types. So, I would be quite content to have the models you have prepared on my layout. But what I do no understand is why just the green 2nd class coach has a dark grey roof whereas all other variations have a light grey roof. You may see that from my attached picture. I don't want to prejudice all other interessees to this subject but I would wish to have one unitary colour of the roofs. And that would be the light grey variation. Best regards Derrick
  14. Hello Douglas, I'm pleased to finally greet the 2nd class models. A fine piece of handycraft! I wouldn't mind, that the real difference between 1st and 2nd class is the number and size of windows since the appartements in the 1st are, of course, larger. But I wonder why the roof of only the green version of 2nd is darker than all the other models. And what about the luggage coaches? Best regards Derrick
  15. Hello, as far as I know, all the coaches of our set were on track with a silver roof. But not exclusively. No train company in all Europe made so many experiences with colours in order to find their definite image. Would it be too much work, if all varieties could be delivered with a silvern or a dark roof. It would, of course, mean the double number of textures. As said before, i wouldn't mind to have only dark roofs. Regards Derrick
  16. Hi, auch bei mir wird die Berechtigung versagt! Derrick
  17. Hello Douglas, perhaps this may be helpful to you: The colour I think to be most adequate can be found on ID 8BA4A33E-1D93-4DF1-9923-B168C1019F40 from the MBS catalogue. I repeat: For me it is not deciding, that every detail corresponds to history. I would be absolutely content if all the roofs are dark. Don't worry too much. Advising is much easier than doing! Best regards Derrick
  18. Hello Douglas, hello all other participants of correspondence about looking of coaches of DB in the 80s! I do not intend to blow up the discussion about colour of the roofs again. But I am convinced that at this time the roofs had a shade of silver. As a proof I enclose two homemade photos of coaches on my real model layout in Märklin Z. I started it just at the time we are talking of, i.e. early 1980s. They show, too, that the first series of the ivory/ocean blue coaches had this roof. We know them also from MBS catalogue. I don't matter what will be the choice of majority. I also like the models of Douglas with the dark roofs. The main thing is to have coaches from that time. Best regards Derrick
  19. Hello Douglas, the colour of the coach in blue seems to be out of discussion. The silvery roof is the version I took out of the Märklin catalogue from the early 1980s. That was the time when DB changed its colours to ivory/ocean blue. So, it must have been the last version of the old coloration. The two-coloured coaches were only experiences that didn't last for long. But I'm not overly accurate and would accept also the dark roof as the standard for your models. Best regards Derrick
  20. Hello Douglas, I just come from updating V8 and indeed I got the model on my layout. We need still a 5th texture: Blue. That was the longtime colour at DB. By the way, i clicked your link to Google drive for Stephanie. I find several files but I cannot open them. Best regards Derrick
  21. Hello Douglas, I need your help still in an other respect: By a regrettable error I deleted the mbe-file of Stephanie 01. Trying to restore it from your downloaded Google link I were facing error remarks from the programs, i.e. V7 and V8. Is your link invalid or do you have any other explanation for this? I think that it is due to the change of version in the meantime. Thanks in advance for your help and best regards Derrick
  22. Hello Douglas, Your photos look nice. But I were unable to get the models with the code in your message. My fault or what? Please help. Best regards Derrick
  23. Die Begründung scheint stimmig. Ich habe kein Problem mit dieser Variante. Derrick
  24. Hello Douglas, I vote for option number 1. Both varieties are in use in the catalogue. I think it to be a good idea, however, to find all components of a train under one item number - except of the locomotives, of course. Best regards Derrick
  25. Hello Douglas, that's really good news!!!! Best regards Derrick
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