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Alle erstellten Inhalte von hubert.visschedijk

  1. Hallo alle, Mal ein anfang prepariert mit die unterteilen die ich schon habe von EMD SD70Ace Welchen Unterschied würde ein Kupplungsdrehpunkt machen ... vielleicht für einen V8?
  2. Great !
  3. Just ungroup the bridge if its one. Because the streets and the bridge are regular catalog models. Probebly you have saved it with a new name or so, as a group? Have a try, it should go...
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EMD_GP38 Fur fotos >>>> https://www.railpictures.net/showphotos.php Und https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EMD_GP38-2 "In addition, all 257 of Southern Railway's GP38-2s had Southern's "standard" high-short-hoods, which were later sold to Norfolk" Und vielleicht.... https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traction_Truck Vorausplanen schadet nicht... Viele grusse
  5. Ich werde in der Beschreibung erwähnen, dass es zu diesem Modell passt. Es kann auch nützlich sein, im Kipper zu erwähnen, dass es sich um ein amerikanisches Gerät handelt. Viele grusse.
  6. No problema at all. Thats sharing for ! i should have added streetlights....
  7. who i am to judge...
  8. who i am to judge....
  9. Some sarcasm can be fun sometimes, when its mentioned in a healthy way and not intended to offend someone.... my 2 cents...
  10. You will need to EV there, allthough with the new V7 version that might resolve itself. At least... that is what i understood with what i have heard.
  11. good for the driver ! But who send the poor guy over the bridge in the first place ??? Be sure i will follow you updates when posted. Not to criticize, but because its a pleasure to look at, and enjoy, your layout ! (edited) Perhaps you consider doing something special... leaving the bridge on its original scale and add a invisible switch on those spots where the pillars are. Every truck follows the switch position. As if hes deviating from the pillar. Somewhat excessive perhaps to make, all in all with the layout, but it could be an funny option... With kind regards,
  12. So with me as mine is modest too... but the result was worth it !
  13. No. Because they are ROTARY COAL WAGONS. And build only for the purpose of coal transport in the USA Ballast wagons are other type of wagons, like on the picture that you have posted here. With kind regards,
  14. Well, you should post it only when you want to. Just give a shout when you got some substancial alterations that you want to share. You can be proud of the work and efford you have put into your layout untill now ! Nothing wrong in sharing ! Inspires ! But its in the same way as you did first. You can save it normally or save and share. When you choose that option, it will upload again and will have the same ID number which was created on your first upload. You could see it like this; The first time is upload, the rest is update. Same ID allways. many greetings,
  15. Yes, you cant scale it down as a whole model because of that. I have seen that you scaled the bridge down first and then added the roads. My only objection to that is that a car might ( the trucks perhaps for sure) will touch the pillars. But on such a large layout, that is something I could live with... somehow. Offcourse, a smaller version of such a nice bridge would be welcome. Who knows i may pick up the sketch again sometime. Not for now, for sure. Many greetings.
  16. Hallo zusammen, Die Kohleanimation wurde hinzugefügt. Es ist der normale Weg, von oben nach unten. Viele grusse
  17. The rock version is being made. with kind regards
  18. Schon freigegeben... in einen tag. .........
  19. I found it... woow, gratz. So much detail and nice how you did the height diferences. You created some nice individual sceneries like that. And, you have used the "golden gate" bridge. That was some work to get it alinhed for the roads. (it could need an update) I made one for myself in the past also... 265C8BC5-5339-4E07-8169-6359A5385897 (even started to build a new one... but lost interest...) If you call this one unfinished... cant wait to see it finished then. And if, upload it. People love to see it and get inspired ! Id for one, need some EV lessons.. chinese for me.... Many greetings and gratz again ! from 09/09/2018
  20. Hallo zusammen, Heute morgen bin ich (zu) früh aufgewacht und habe ein bisschen gebastelt, nachdem ich den Post von @220hotwheels gelesen habe... Sagen Sie mir, ob es hilfreich ist, dann werde ich @Neobitten, es im Katologen verfügbar zu machen. Viele Grüße F568DD94-EBD0-4339-8BBC-6C4BA923B61C
  21. Pete, Id like to see your layout when its done. Or even the way it is. Could you load it into the catolog ? I dont mind if its not finished. You can always update it as you go. What i do when i am building a layout is, is setting the grafics as low as possible. So no shades etc... That might help because i like large layouts aswell to create a real scene. I am not fond of "roundabout" layouts. Since i saw the picture in your post, i crafted some sidings for the landstreets with 11 diferent textures to exchange. These can be applied with the follow tool and also have a left and right version of it. So you can have dirt earth on one side and cobblestone on the other for example. For i recall, roads have sidings of stones or whatever, especially on the inner curve or busstops and crossroads. Check it out; F568DD94-EBD0-4339-8BBC-6C4BA923B61C
  22. Danke EASY, alles corrigiert !
  23. Und CSX und Burlington Northern im LOD_2 hat auch eine probleme...
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