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vor 2 Stunden schrieb Eric Lord:

but I am more baffled than ever

what's baffeling you?

I need to know where you're stuck to decide, which info has the best chance to be of help.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Hello Eric,

on my Twitch channel, I demonstrated today how you may raise your existing landscape and then carve a river bed into it.

The recording of the stream can be found using this link:

Goetz - Twitch

Please skip the first 22 minutes to reach the part where my demonstration starts. It isn't very long. The remaining (and lengthy) part of that stream  that follows is merely me playing around.


Bearbeitet von Goetz
link to recording added
vor 4 Stunden schrieb Eric Lord:

Do you think that it be easier for me to try and use the one which is yours even though the dialogue is in German?

I guess you should try them all, and see which one is easier for you to comprehend. both lead to the same result.


With kind regards,


Hi Goetz,

I have just seen your reply as I had an appointment at the eye hospital yesterday for a small operation.

Because of this, I am not typing this message.

It's the raising of the baseboard which I am having a mental block with.

I am assuming that raising the board is the equivalent of a thicker board or is it a sandwich with a void filling.

When the board has been raised is the track which has been laid still at ground level on the top layer.

Could you please talk me through all the procedure including digging a river/valley and forming a mountain as well as the colouring of them?

I know it's a lot to ask but I can't get my head around it even after watching the videos, is it an age thing I wonder.

There is no rush as I don't think that I will be using the PC until the weekend at the earliest because of yesterday.

By the way, what is twitch?

Thanks for all your help.


vor 28 Minuten schrieb Eric Lord:

By the way, what is twitch?

Please, click on the underlined link in my previous posting.
It takes you straight to Twitch and to my recording of yesterday's video stream.

Skip the first 22 minutes of the video to find the part, where I explain what you're searching for.
That section is only 15 minutes long and my commentary is in English.



I wish Eric all the best and a speedy recovery.

And he won't need to rush it. If he needs more time, there's a way to conserve the video for a longer period.
Or I'll make a new one when he's ready. Maybe even with him present, while I stream?

Best regards


Thank you, Goetz, for your good wishes he says that he can't wait to view the video.

If you can conserve it for a longer period that would be ok.

He also wants to know if it's downloadable.

Thank you again for your thoughts.

4 hours ago, Goetz said:

... Skip the first 22 minutes of the video to find the part, where I explain what you're searching for.
That section is only 15 minutes long and my commentary is in English...

Very interesting, Goetz, thanks for that. (y) There was much in your brief 'lesson' that I would not have been able to guess in decades. Way beyond my abilities, but it would be wonderful if there was a way of creating a comprehensive and complete guide to all this stuff, in one place, for all curious newcomers to consult and learn from. It's all the more delicate for those without German language skills 'searching' here when the terms are in German..! Thanks, then, are all the more due when these sessions are made available in English. One day, the Interweb will be able to translate speech in real time, but I doubt that I'll live to see (or hear..!) that..! 

Sehr interessant, Goetz, danke dafür. (y) In Ihrer kurzen „Lektion“ gab es viel, was ich seit Jahrzehnten nicht hätte erraten können. Weit über meine Fähigkeiten hinaus, aber es wäre wunderbar, wenn es eine Möglichkeit gäbe, einen umfassenden und vollständigen Leitfaden für all diese Dinge an einem Ort zu erstellen, an dem sich alle neugierigen Neulinge beraten und von denen sie lernen können. Es ist umso heikler für diejenigen ohne Deutschkenntnisse, die hier "suchen", wenn die Begriffe auf Deutsch sind ..! Vielen Dank also, wenn diese Sitzungen auf Englisch zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Eines Tages wird das Interweb in der Lage sein, Sprache in Echtzeit zu übersetzen, aber ich bezweifle, dass ich leben werde, um das zu sehen (oder zu hören ..!) ..!

  • 4 Wochen später...

Hi Goetz

Firstly thanks for your good wishes and at the moment things a looking good.

I have today watch your Twitch video which I downloaded in case it had disappeared I hope that's ok with you.

In it you made your brush either 10,000 or 100,000 times larger to cover the base board, I have tried to do this but find that my brush always reverts back to around the 800 mark which is too small.

Have you any idea why this is happening and what is the solution.

Best wishes,



Hi Eric,

I'm glad to hear that you're getting better.

Of course it's alright that you downloaded the video.
Unfortunately, I have no idea why your brush size is limited to approx. 800.


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