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Mouse-over highlight line. // Mouseover-Kontur-Hervorheben.

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I love the feature where each object gets a faint white outline as the mouse passes over it, as it makes it a lot easier to pick out a individual object, say an animal that is hiding in a forest, or an invisible object like a smoke emitter. But is there a way of turning it off? Sometimes you just want to look at the layout without the outline highlight following the mouse around. I thought going into "Simulation mode" might turn it off but it doesn't.

Ich liebe die Funktion, bei der jedes Objekt einen schwachen weißen Umriss erhält, wenn die Maus darüber fährt, da es viel einfacher ist, ein einzelnes Objekt auszuwählen, beispielsweise ein Tier, das sich in einem Wald versteckt, oder ein unsichtbares Objekt wie einen Rauch Emitter. Aber gibt es eine Möglichkeit, es auszuschalten? Manchmal möchten Sie einfach nur das Layout betrachten, ohne dass die Umrissmarkierung der Maus folgt. Ich dachte, in den "Simulationsmodus" zu wechseln, könnte es ausschalten, aber das tut es nicht.


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vor 6 Minuten schrieb simonjackson1964:

is there a way of turning it off?

There isn't. At least not yet.
The simulation mode doesn't turn it off, because you still want to select switchable objects like signals, buttons, switches, vehicles and more.
But @Neo is aware that users would like to turn it off once in a while and from what I know, he's thinking about a method that fit's the paradigms

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19 hours ago, Sintbert said:

Just fix the layer those object's are on, and its turned off for them.
It's good practice to fix the layers you aren't working on anyway, so you don't accidentally select and move things on them.

Ah. Another advantage of using layers! It's something I'm actually still learning, because I never used them before. I have found that they can be handy if (for example) I want to get the trees out of the way to paint the forest floor, or remove the catenary while I muck about with the track... But I didn't know what those little pins did! So thanks. that's really helpful!

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Interestingly enough, pinning the layers does prevent the highlight in simulation mode, for everything except:

  • Signals
  • Turnouts/points
  • Vehicles
  • Signs

However, it might be something worth looking at, that virtual depots are not included in that list - of course they are invisible in Simulation mode, but my thought here is that you might want to manually release a train from a virtual depot in Simulation mode?

I mean obviously it's possible to achieve that by adding a button to the control panel that activates the event that releases a train, but it seems a bit Heath-Robinson!

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vor 13 Stunden schrieb simonjackson1964:

However, it might be something worth looking at, that virtual depots are not included in that list - of course they are invisible in Simulation mode, but my thought here is that you might want to manually release a train from a virtual depot in Simulation mode?

I mean obviously it's possible to achieve that by adding a button to the control panel that activates the event that releases a train, but it seems a bit Heath-Robinson!

There is no need to set an event. You can also use the "Structure view" (F3) in Simulation mode to mark a virtual depot to release a train manually (you can set the filter to "Virtual depots / portals").

Es ist nicht erforderlich, ein Ereignis festzulegen. Du kannst im Simulationsmodus auch die 'Strukturansicht' (F3) verwenden, um ein virtuelles Depot zu markieren, um einen Zug manuell freizugeben (Du kannst den Filter auf 'Virtuelle Depots / Portale' setzen).



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