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Alle erstellten Inhalte von Herman

  1. Hello, , Just to reduce the number of objects ( tracks ) I sometimes edit a track ( rail ) to another length with edit and geometry len/rad. I did the same with an ordinary street from the catalog, and it works not ( only in the beginning of the street ). However good news : extends with the Gizmo works fine. Probably - if not my mistake - a known problem. I just wanted to give the remark here to other members. Greetings, Herman note : changing in the bad solution the "model only" to "road"; only makes the middle track available. TEST street.mbp
  2. @Goetz Hallo, Ich habe auch vergessen, dass eine Tabelle auch Zeichenfolgen als Namen hat. Schande Ich habe getestet : local w = { x=26.1, y=26.1, z =0 } $("Buche").transformation.position = w $("Label01").text = w["x"] / 87 -> 0.3 = 0,3 m = 300 mm in HO Viel gelernt, dankeschön.
  3. Wenn wir uns die Tabelle ansehen, ist der Inhalt keine Zeichenfolge und keine Zahl, daher müssen wir konvertieren ? Luas table.tostring ist hier nicht gültig Aber Problem gelöst. Danke Goetz
  4. So einfach, aber du musst es wissen. Wirklich danke ! Um eine Antwort zu finden habe ich versucht, den Inhalt der Tabelle in einem Etikett anzuzeigen. local t = $("xxx").transformation.position $("Label01").text = t[1] Aber er hat das Element nicht angegeben Was ist hier los? Wahrscheinlich ein Missverständnis von mir ?
  5. google hat ein paar großbuchstaben auf deutsch geschrieben, sorry
  6. Hallo, Danke für dieses Thema. Nach einer Weile verstehe ich : vehicle.transformation:rotateZ(z) $("xxx").transformation:translate(0.1*87, 0.1*87, 0) ( in HO ) local t = $("xxx").transformation.position und verwandte Angelegenheiten. Aber um ein Objekt nach (x, y, z) zu verschieben, verwende ich : local zero = {} $("Buche").transformation.position = zero $("Buche").transformation:translate(26.1,26.1,0) -- Transformation zu (300,300,0) mm in scale HO Also über (0,0,0). Funktioniert gut. Ich kann nicht direkt zu (x, y, z) gehen. Eine kleine Reaktion der Experten bitte. Grüße, Herman
  7. Hello Everybody, Since I use the forum it's time to introduce myself to more members than the few I met in a topic. My name is Herman, born in 1950, living near Antwerp and my language is Dutch. Joined 3D Studio aug.2020. Of course retired, since 2010. Career : first a math teacher for 12-14 years old pupils, started to program on a HP67 calculator in reverse polish notation. And gave free lessons wednesday afternoon on some of those pupils. Went in the software branche as a cobol programmer on HP3000, then analyst programmer on IBM S38 in RPGIII. Administrative systems. Because I wanted to go back to the educational field, but lacked an IT degree, back to the VUB to study applied informatics. Believe it or not, one of the pupils I knew was now my assistant prof and docent. Ended my career as an IT teacher in adult education ( in the evening ) combined ( a short time ) with lector for future IT teachers. Hobby : judo, always more of a technician than a competitor, youth trainer and referee. Stopped after 45 years of practice. In my youth I had a Märklin train table, and built a second when my son was 12. Quite simple things a lot of tracks, a tunnel, 6 switches, 2 signals and 3 trains... When retired, I restarted the model train hobby with virtual model train tables. It was "Rule the Rail" from "Brain Bombers", quite nice. Only recent I discovered 3D Studio and I like it a lot. The fact that there was an EV and a program language, made me a member. Many thanks because you all kindly help us newbees. And a quote although it is not mine : "Trains connect stations, train models connect people" Kind regards, HP,
  8. Hello, I'm still a bit confused and come back here for some minor help. 1) Just for now I managed to put the coca cola board and mountain background in "My 3D models" for future local use. If you do not make models, and use only those from the catalog ... so it took a long time to discover "My 3D Models". Even I'm not planning to do so ( for now ), how can I put a model in the main catalog ? I can upload a layout, but did not figure it out how this works with a model. ( even upload as a draft until Neo approved it ? ) 2. Just to be sure : modified tracks or track switches as in the picture, ( Edit and 3D Model Setup) are always available for everyone, once uploaded with their layout ? Kind regards, Herman.
  9. @streit_ross Probably you ment how does it look in the layout ? The background is made in the same way. Kind regards, Herman
  10. @streit_ross Hello, it was only an old advertisement picture for "Coca-Cola'. So certainly it is not made by me. But since i'm not a modeller, i do not really need upload rights. Thanks for the reaction anyway. Greetings, Herman
  11. I found this conversation on the forum Hello David, you need upload rights in order to share content with the community. Please note that only models designed and created by yourself are allowed to be uploaded to the catalog. Kind regards, Neo I suppose it's the same rule for textures in an "ebene" from a file. I will use the technique only at home layouts. Kind regards, Herman
  12. @Curt84328 Thanks for the reaction. How can I upload a .JPG to the catalog ? And am I allowed to do so ?
  13. Hello, I used the primitive "Ebene" in an experiment to make a personal background, and a billboard in a station based on a .JPG picture. This works fine as long as the connection to the .JPG file on my laptop is found. So no problem at all for layouts at home. Suppose in the future it's a fine layout and I want to put it in the catalog on the internet. Where do I place such .JPG files that they stay connected with the layout ? Greetings, Herman
  14. Did you try to correspond with Hermann , you can find him in discussions on the forum about models ... Regards, Herman
  15. @Goetz Thanks for sharing the layout 81A75E39-DCC6-4212-BB42-FDBEFDE15C36 , or Crossroads. It was a great help. And there are also impressive idea's to study : virtual garage and shadow station. Kind regards, Herman
  16. Sorry, I'm not a modeller... Kind regards, Herman
  17. Hello, Just for those that want to see a demonstration video from the 3D studio announcing new things in V6. Wiki Overview of the new functions 4. Distance control - convoys and autopilot Kolonnenfahrt und Autopilot - 3D-Modellbahn Studio V6 Greetings, Herman
  18. Hello again, Thanks, Kind Regards, Herman
  19. Hello, This ref. 81A75E39-DCC6-4212-BB42-FDBEFDE15C36 leads to nothing her at home. Something special ? If I search for it in the catalog, it jumps to the 3D Models, but the zone My 3D models is empty and I cannot use that zone it. ( or do not now how ) Probably a plugin is needed ? But for now, I'm not working with 3D models. ( ex. Blender ); only with the 3D Train studio. I can read the Mini-Exp. from Brummi. Greetings, Herman
  20. Hello, Thanks a lot. I' m learning again. I will certainly look at Roter Brummer's example. Greetings, Herman
  21. Hello everybody, Some help please . Can someone explain what this property exact does ? And if possible an example how to use it. Thanks, Kind regards, Herman
  22. Hello, Old Gray. Off the record : I wondered where the 27.8 m/s² came from. Accidently or not ? It seems to be the deceleration used to bring a vehicle with speed 100 km/h to 0 in 1 second. ( If my calculations are ok ) Remark. And mostly you/others might have noticed it too. A vehicle with ex. current speed 105 km/h and a deceleration 2,5 m/s² will break trough a decelerate to 0 track contact. So signals that relay only on this decelerate to 0, without an emergency stop when red, ... Of course an extra deceleration track contact before to ex. 60km/h can help. ( Prince used a deceleration event before his signals ) As a newbee, I saw too late that reducing the deceleration speed without some extra actions, can give not wanted results. The only reason I put this on the forum. For the moment I still use the 27.8 m/s² ( poor passengers ) By the way : great work Prince ! Kind regards, Herman * mbp in the attachments test deceleration contact.mbp
  23. Hello members, Another remark. I made a signal (*) based on this technique and found that it not such a good idea that a train has two vehicles with a speed. ( even if they can drive in V6 ) And some people ( I too ) use sometimes two locs in a train, one with a speed, the other with speed 0. Suggestion : break the second loop if a vehicle with an engine is found. So only one vehicle will take the speed, the other stays 0. for i, Iter in ipairs(t) do local v = Iter if v:hasEngine() then v.engine.active = true v.targetSpeedAbs = signal.variables["Geschwindigkeiten"][state] break end end Kind regards, Herman (*) attached Test SignalG.mbp
  24. Hello, Just a positive remark. The solution for finding a pushing vehicle works also if you use front-tail locomotives. Both vehicles are detected. And both vehicles their speed is reset after the signal changes to green. Signal green situation : Train situation : But that’s nice, it works fine. The whole train resumes with a 80km/u speed as we wanted. Greetings. Herman Special thanks to Roter Brummer and Goetz.
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