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Hello everyone, downloaded this one, and works fine here in V7. See solution of SputniKK and Roter Brummer Hello @bvoets, do I discover another Dutch speaking fellow member ? Kind regards Herman. ( near Antwerp ).
Hallo Martin, ich habe in einem anderen Beitrag von dir gesehen, dass du V4 verwendest. Ich habe mal mit V5 angefangen. Mit diesen V6-Aufsätzen kann man also wahrscheinlich nichts anfangen. Grüße. Bitten Sie daher andere um Hilfe. Grüße. H
Hello, @Neo, maybe you can delete this silly translations in the catalog nr ? The catalog nr is : Regards, Herman
= E5E ( Übersetzungsfehler ) " 911459D6-84DF-439B-AD37-E5E19B2EDE63 " Entschuldigung!
Sorry, 911459D6-84DF-439B-AD37-E5E19B2EDE63
-> 911459D6-84DF-439B-AD37-E5E19B2EDE63
Hallo Martin, Ein grundlegender Test zum Einstieg in den Containerumschlag. Vielleicht kann es auch helfen? Mit freundlichen Grüßen. 4CDA3760-0564-4692-8EEE-EC0589363FE1 ( als Entwurf veröffentlicht ). Grüße, Herman
Hallo Martin, In V6 habe ich dieses Tool für die Handhabung von Containerkranen erstellt. Es funktioniert auch in V7. Im Katalog als 911459D6-84DF-439B-AD37-E5E19B2EDE63. Vielleicht kann es helfen? Grüße, Herman ( google translate, I wrote this in English ) * Ich habe noch eine Startversion. Ich werde es als Entwurf veröffentlichen. Einen Augenblick.
Delete pending deferred executions
Herman antwortete auf Hermans Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hello @Neo Thanks for the answer and for transferring it to problems and solutions, where it belongs. ( I wanted to put it there but ... ) Kind regards, HP -
Delete pending deferred executions
Herman hat Thema erstellt in [International] Problems and solutions
Hello, We can delete deferred executions by hand, no problem. Is there a possibility to delete pending deferred executions of an event in the EV or in LUA trough a loop ? Kind regards, Herman -
Hello @Neo . Suddenly I have a layout that does not want to open again. I send the error and an export file to the studio. I have no clue what caused it. The layout was running fine when I closed it, kept it under an higher version nr to start again, but it will not open anymore. This layout was not in my backup in this V7 format. Some help please. Thanks, Kind regards, Herman
Hello @Goetz, I was typing when your previous not came in, and I closed it before ending. Sorry. In V6 I saw your video "route planning" and I made for myself a "route planning and locking in a traject". It was very important for me to handle crosses in the same way as switches and lock/unlock them. But I see a like ? Do you agree it should be preferable that a cross ( or cross-switch ) as far a route concerns has a common part ? Kind regards, Herman
Hello @Goetz, I think Ralf and I understand that. The end point of a route has to be far enough. Still it is a pity that is simple cross is not seen by a route a piece with a common path. Or not ? Kind regards, and thanks for reply
Ralf, I took a cross track from the catalog. And even if I use two crossing rails, with edit I make it to one piece. Those pieces should be considered to have a common piece, because they do. A route should recognise that as a common zone to be protected. Regards, HP
Hello, I do it in English, the Google translate seems to ugly this time. In my opinion crossing rails should be considered as having a common part for the routes. If not, we have a lot of work to do. Or am I wrong ? Greetings, HP
Danke Ralph für die Beispiele. Ich habe das gleiche mit einem normalen Kreuz gemacht. Trifft der Zug auf den Kontakt, wird die Route zu früh freigegeben. Sicher nicht erwünscht. An Bahnhöfen gibt es Kreuzungen und Übergänge. Grüße Herman.
Hello Ralf, Sorry German topic. Hallo, aber alle anderen Strecken sind noch gesperrt und das entsprechende (in einer anderen Strecke ankommende) Signal lässt den anderen Zug nicht weiter. Dann gibt es keine Unfälle. Soweit ich sehen kann, gibt es ein Problem mit der Routeneinstellung? Normalerweise kann es ohne das EV gelöst werden. Es sollte schön sein, dass ein anderer - erfahrenerer Benutzer - auch reagieren sollte. Aber vielleicht musst du dein konkretes Beispiel geben, um zu sehen, was los ist Grüße Herman
Hello, But all the other routes are still blocked and the corresponding (incoming in another route) signal will not let the other train go on. Then no accidents are there. So as far as I can see there is a route setting problem ? Normally it can be solved without the EV. It should be nice thet another - more experienced user - should react too. But maybe you have to give your specific example to see what's going on Kind regards Herman,
Hallo Test gemacht, super. Grüße, HP
Hello, thank you @Neo. The version just arrived here at home. I have still to test it, but for sure I will use it. Kind regards, Herman
Hallo Ja, und in V7 gibt es viele Möglichkeiten für den Straßenverkehr. Es ist daher schwieriger, Autos unfallfrei fahren zu lassen. Grüße, Hermann
Finding the target ( street traffic )
Herman antwortete auf Hermans Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hello for for those interested, für Interessierte -- keep the target in a variable -- behalte das Ziel in einer Variablen vehicle.variables["#AU target"] = vehicle.target -- test print( vehicle.target.name ) -- end test Kind regards, Herman -
Finding the target ( street traffic )
Herman antwortete auf Hermans Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hello, @Neo, of course Lua is fine for me. That's what I wanted to know. Thank you Neo. -
Finding the target ( street traffic )
Herman antwortete auf Hermans Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hello, I can of course note the target when it is first set in a variable of the car. The original question remains. Kind regards, Herman