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Hello, It it possible the server of my provider goes strange, sorry, I hope it has nothing to do with V7, but because it occured immediate after the update ... Greetings, Herman, and sorry ...
@Neo Server problems there ? Even the forum ... ? Regards, Herman
@Neo Before when I wanted to take something from the catalog, V7 gets very, but very slow, does not give me the object, and then killed itself. I had it several times but then V7 did not start anymore. .... Now it starts again and it seems in order ? Kind regards, Herman
Hello @Neo, Problems ? There came an update for V7, and I just installed it. But V7 freeze and does not want to start properly. I will try again ... Grtz, Herman
Hallo @Goetz, Hallo, ich habe gerade die erste Stunde davon gesehen. Vielen Dank ! Um es mit Ihren Worten zu sagen: MBS macht viel Spaß. Und man lernt jeden Tag etwas Neues. Grüße. Herman
Hello @Goetz. I saw today your video on Youtube "Fahrstraen", it is amazing what can be done without the EV in the"schattenbahnhof". Thanks for this video ! I just managed to reconstruct it, but now with a little EV it's a "perpetuum mobile". The vehicles keep driving. Nice. So this one here, very happy ! We go on with V7 ... but still much to learn and experiment especially with the routes. Kind regards to all, Herman
For those who are interested. I tested with a several wagons in a train, each wagon has labels on it ( so a crane can put a container on that height ). The containers are linked to the labels, the labels are linked to the wagon. I even put some persons on the container and linked them to the container. All disappear and appear as they should in a depot. Nice ! Greetings, Herman
See also the answer of @Neo before. Thanks ! Kind regards, Herman
Hello, the same happens when you only reposition a signal even slightly on the same track ( signal involved in a route ). Seems logical. So I like BahnLand's proposal. Can we edit such a damaged route in the future? Greetings to all, Herman.
I apologise, this is not so, the TrCt works fine ! I was not at home and alreasy thinking how could the TrCt behave like that, sure the developers would have corrected it before. Explanation : I'm not yet familiar with the behaviour of the new signals. But others can also learn how not to fall in that trap ... as I did . There was a new signal a long way ago but before the TrCt with decelerate to 0. The train has many wagons. The train gets green on the signal, and accelerates to 80. Then he goes on an decelerates to 0 at the next TrCt. But, yes you already see what will happen. The last wagon, and so the vehicle was still on the signals track contact, so after the deceleration to 0, the train again accelerated to 80 km/u. Sorry, but I learned my lesson again. Kind regards to all. And have fun with the magnificient new things in V7. Herman.
Hello, already one : decelerate to 0 track contact. Train stops, an goes on with his previous speed ? Regards, Herman
Hello, V7 smooth installation. Smooth update. Personal : I had still some things to do in V6 so I kept them for a while apart. Works fine. I will keep remarks (if any) together for later. Kind regards, Herman Lets go testing
Tagebau berkwerk in V5 by opaX63, goes in error
Herman antwortete auf Hermans Thema in Technischer Support
Thanks Hubert, crossing messages. -
Tagebau berkwerk in V5 by opaX63, goes in error
Herman antwortete auf Hermans Thema in Technischer Support
Hello, @max two, Just to say, after I removed the cinema and some hidden tracks behind, it works again. Probably we destroyed some functionality But I'm glad it was nothing strange with my laptop ! ... Thanks for your help. Danke für Ihre Hilfe. Herman -
Tagebau berkwerk in V5 by opaX63, goes in error
Herman antwortete auf Hermans Thema in Technischer Support
Hello, I do not understand what you ment here. But it's not my layout it is from @opax63. Thanks to all that wanted to help, Danke an alle die helfen wollten, Bedankt Hubert. Kind regards, H. -
Tagebau berkwerk in V5 by opaX63, goes in error
Herman antwortete auf Hermans Thema in Technischer Support
Hello @Andy, this is Maxwei' s graphic card you ment ? Mine is NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1060. I just reinstalled the drivers, but that does not solve the problem. Kind regards, Herman -
Tagebau berkwerk in V5 by opaX63, goes in error
Herman antwortete auf Hermans Thema in Technischer Support
Hello Andy, The same here. Shadows disabled -> same error. The strange thing is. I looked at this layout on this laptop before. I then had V5, no problem at all. Grtz, Herman -
Hello, I just want to report this. For me nothing has to be done. But when starting this application this error occured after seconds. Then the 3D Studio V6 kills itself. There are many error windows alle the same , but it is very fast dissapearing. It is only with this layout : A84B0CC2-F553-4949-A664-CB7CBFD33B51 I just managed to make this picture. Kind regards, Herman
Bahn-Signale Übersicht ( auch ausländisch )
Herman antwortete auf h.w.stein-infos Thema in Anleitungen und Tutorials
Hallo, Sehr nett von dir ! Vielen Dank ! Nur eine Bemerkung : das gezeigte Bild ist von der gegenüberliegenden Spur, die Lichter blinken dann. Das normale Signal befindet sich auf der linken Seite und die Form ist gespiegelt. Normale Form. Diese Seite zeigt immer zum Gleis. Das Bahngleis ist hier rechts vom Signal. Gegengleis, die Lichter blinken. (nur für Sonderstrecke). Das Bahngleis ist hier links vom Signal. Grüße, Herman -
Hallo @Neo, danke für die positiven Nachrichten und das Verschieben in das richtige Thema. @Bobah, danke für die Übersetzung in die deutsche Sprache. @Goetz, vielen Dank. Sie haben mich dazu gebracht, das Problem aus einem anderen Blickwinkel zu betrachten. Ich habe Fahrgäste in eine Listenvariable im Bus eingetragen. Aber jedem Passagier einen Schlagwort zu geben, ist eine wirkungsvollere Lösung. Und sicherlich mit Beladung auf einem Waggon. Grüße, Hermann ( Google translate )
Hello @Goetz, Thanks for your answer ! Yes, the solution of a keyword is also a good one. For the moment I have a list in the bus with all persons in it, works fine. Because of the iteration over the list. No, I would have posted it in problems and solutions then. Because I'm looking for another solution than that with the bus, some explanation. Cranes do store material on a wagon, and when doing so, they link automaticly with the place they store it. If I do not take action at the moment of the link ( giving a keyword or putting them in a list ), I will later on not know wich objects are linked to the wagon. ( or whatever object ). And it's not only for disappearing, also for moving/linking. I thought, that @Neo has a fine solution in V7 to find the objects that are linked to an object because of the dissapearing of goods on a wagon, in a depot. ( But I could be very wrong, it might be much more complex than that, and behind my grasp ) @Goetz, you are always very logical, and always trying to give the most simple solution. Do you think my suggestion for an EV extention is not applicable ? If it can be done after all, of course. Thanks for the suggestion of the keyword. Greetings, Herman
Hello @Neo , With V7 coming, An iteration like : "For all linked objects to an object" would be a nice EV extention, not ? Maybe for the future ? Sincerely, Herman PS/ I looked to the methods of layout: but I cannot fabricate something like that in Lua at the moment.
Hallo, Götz, vielen Dank. Genau das was ich wissen musste. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Herman
Hallo @Goetz, Ein Zitat aus deinem Video. Auch mit Gütern beladene Züge verschwinden in einem Depot. Wie wäre es mit einem Bus mit Leuten darin ? Grüße, Herman
Hello @arguing_ross, the answer from Neo in this topic : "Technically, portals are only virtual track connections, ie no breaks are possible there. However, it is possible to have a train arriving in Depot A leave depot B again later" Kind regards, Herman