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Hello, Just for those that want to see a demonstration video from the 3D studio announcing new things in V6. Wiki Overview of the new functions 4. Distance control - convoys and autopilot Kolonnenfahrt und Autopilot - 3D-Modellbahn Studio V6 Greetings, Herman
Hello again, Thanks, Kind Regards, Herman
Hello, This ref. 81A75E39-DCC6-4212-BB42-FDBEFDE15C36 leads to nothing her at home. Something special ? If I search for it in the catalog, it jumps to the 3D Models, but the zone My 3D models is empty and I cannot use that zone it. ( or do not now how ) Probably a plugin is needed ? But for now, I'm not working with 3D models. ( ex. Blender ); only with the 3D Train studio. I can read the Mini-Exp. from Brummi. Greetings, Herman
Hello, Thanks a lot. I' m learning again. I will certainly look at Roter Brummer's example. Greetings, Herman
Hello everybody, Some help please . Can someone explain what this property exact does ? And if possible an example how to use it. Thanks, Kind regards, Herman
Hello, Old Gray. Off the record : I wondered where the 27.8 m/s² came from. Accidently or not ? It seems to be the deceleration used to bring a vehicle with speed 100 km/h to 0 in 1 second. ( If my calculations are ok ) Remark. And mostly you/others might have noticed it too. A vehicle with ex. current speed 105 km/h and a deceleration 2,5 m/s² will break trough a decelerate to 0 track contact. So signals that relay only on this decelerate to 0, without an emergency stop when red, ... Of course an extra deceleration track contact before to ex. 60km/h can help. ( Prince used a deceleration event before his signals ) As a newbee, I saw too late that reducing the deceleration speed without some extra actions, can give not wanted results. The only reason I put this on the forum. For the moment I still use the 27.8 m/s² ( poor passengers ) By the way : great work Prince ! Kind regards, Herman * mbp in the attachments test deceleration contact.mbp
Hello members, Another remark. I made a signal (*) based on this technique and found that it not such a good idea that a train has two vehicles with a speed. ( even if they can drive in V6 ) And some people ( I too ) use sometimes two locs in a train, one with a speed, the other with speed 0. Suggestion : break the second loop if a vehicle with an engine is found. So only one vehicle will take the speed, the other stays 0. for i, Iter in ipairs(t) do local v = Iter if v:hasEngine() then v.engine.active = true v.targetSpeedAbs = signal.variables["Geschwindigkeiten"][state] break end end Kind regards, Herman (*) attached Test SignalG.mbp
Hello, Just a positive remark. The solution for finding a pushing vehicle works also if you use front-tail locomotives. Both vehicles are detected. And both vehicles their speed is reset after the signal changes to green. Signal green situation : Train situation : But that’s nice, it works fine. The whole train resumes with a 80km/u speed as we wanted. Greetings. Herman Special thanks to Roter Brummer and Goetz.
It should be placed in in the mini-experiments theme ...
ME 08 Block Signal Generic is found in the catalog As you can see it is contributed by Roter Brummer and the script is from Goetz. The signal has a variable, type table, you can set another speed as value in the second entry. (now 80) The 0 and 1 in the name will later in the code correspond with the state of the Signal. Do not change them. A suggestion is to make it “all purpose” so it can handle trains with negative speed, and even vehicles pushing their wagons. Neo worked out a solution, it is for a signle signal named “Form signal1” With a little change in the script we can make it generic. I kept the original code but set it not activ. One can say : another generic signal, but I, and maybe other members can benefit from studying this approach. Regards, Herman A tested version of the generic signal is included, also an oval with signals to test it. ME 08 TEST.mbp ME 08 Block Signal generic V6 v01a.mbp
Toggle Switch problem ?
Herman antwortete auf Hermans Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hello, Thanks, totaly my mistake, I apologize. Kind regards. Herman -
Toggle Switch problem ?
Herman antwortete auf Hermans Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Ok, but we cannot change anything in the filter in this case. And everywhere ALL is already selected. Why is the switch "wissel" not shown ? -
Hello, Something strange ? Or my mistake ? When a track contact is triggered, I cannot find the object for a switch to toggle. See attachment. (*) It worked fine in V5. But if the code exists before, it stays working. Take for example ME09 Run of Hill ( by Roter Brummer ). The toggle switch with random effect works nice. And it uses an object. But in a copy of that layout, when an own fresh track contact is used, the same problem occcurs. If a use that track contact and try to add a new event ( but the same code ), the same problem occurs. Kind regards, Herman (*) If we use name in stead of object, it works, but that's not wanted Toggle Switch Problem.mbp
Signals and their track contact
Herman antwortete auf Hermans Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hello, For me this topic is closed. I thank the members here for their help. , Greetings Herman -
Little mistake, the signal is from Roter Brummer : great.
Hello Thomas, I just looked at your "block signal universal 2", very elegant solution ! As you can think i'm specially interested in generic all purpose signals. Kind regards, Herman
Signals and their track contact
Herman antwortete auf Hermans Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hello Thomas, Here in my language they say "zijn frank valt traag", "slow to understand" haha. But I appreciate a lot you and Brummi cleared is out, something that's really simple to understand. Kind regards, Herman -
Signals and their track contact
Herman antwortete auf Hermans Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hello Brummi and Thomas, Very nice, You can make variables in the Signal and adress them with ex : v.targetSpeed = contact.variables["herman"] That's even a very interesting solution. Many thanks, Kind regards, Herman -
Signals and their track contact
Herman antwortete auf Hermans Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hello Brummi, We are nearby a solution, Please give an example how I can make my own variable and put it on the track contact. I can do so on the signal. If I put it on the SIGNAL, which is possible, should contact.variables["Herman"] work ? I will try out to test it. Because that's i'm looking for. Greetings, Herman -
Signals and their track contact
Herman antwortete auf Hermans Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hello Thomas, Very pleased with your reaction. Very useful , we are coming to the point. v.targetspeedabs = contact.variables["StreckenGeschwindigkeid"] I have the English version of 3D Studio, and mean that StreckenGeschwindigkeid indeed is set by the signal. But is it a own made variable set in the signal, that's where I'm looking for. But many thanks, Kind regards, Herman -
Signals and their track contact
Herman antwortete auf Hermans Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Kind regards, Herman -
Signals and their track contact
Herman antwortete auf Hermans Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hello, I appreciate your answer. I do not want to discuss, but I do not agree. Gleiskontakt Blocksignal 1 werd beim betreten ausgelöst The event says : the track contact from the corresponding signal is triggered. And that's a track contact not a signal. If you do not agree : you can easily give variables to a Signal. Try to do that with a track contact associated with that signal. Impossible not ?Really no offence, but when reading some forum topics, there is a confusion what is the signal, and what is that's signals track contact. The two are not the same at all. -
Signals and their track contact
Herman antwortete auf Hermans Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hello, Thomas, Thanks for the reply. More specific : The expanded variable version is known very well, and also contact in the script is known by me, and certain the use of contact.state. But I'm looking for something like contact.signalsobjectname ( or simular ) to use it and adress the signals variable. Something like contact.variables["#TRR OpenSignal"] == $("") but in this example the contact. is a triangular track contact, and it has variables. Hoping the question is clear enough. KInd regards Herman -
Signals and their track contact
Herman antwortete auf Hermans Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hello, I want to reopen a part of the topic, because my first question remains unsolved. A track contact from a Signal is triggered. Is there ( or not ) a possibility to find in that event the "object Signal itself" associated with that track contact ? If so, we can adress variables of the object signal. A solution is to place a triangular track contact near the signal with variable, type object, "MySignal", so please do not give that as an answer. Back to the question possible - please how ? Or not possible. Many thanks for a reply Greetings, Herman -
Signals and their track contact
Herman antwortete auf Hermans Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hello, A fine solution. We can close the topic. Kind regards, Herman