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Ich kannte Henry leider nicht als späteren Neuzugang bei MBS, aber der Ausdruck von Respekt und Liebe seitens so vieler langjähriger MBS- und Forumnutzer zeigt, wie wichtig er für die Community war. Denken wir daran, dass hinter jedem Beitrag im Forum eine Person mit eigener Bedeutung und eigenem Beitrag steht und den Wunsch hegt, ein schönes, konstruktives Hobby mit uns allen zu teilen. @streit_ross Ihre Hommage scheint sehr passend! RIP Henry und Wünsche/Gebete an seine Familie und viele Freunde. Respektvolle Grüße, Henrik --- I sadly did not know Henry, as a later arrival to MBS, but the outpouring of respect and love from so many longterm MBS and forum users shows how he mattered to the community. Let's remember that behind every post of the forum are a person with his/her own importance, contribution and wish to share a nice constructive hobby with us all. @streit_ross Your tribute seems very fitting! RIP Henry and wishes/prayers to his family and many friends. Respectful regards, Henrik
Hi Brummi, wonderful work and I look forward to building a deepsnow winter module around the station I will only state that I hope you will add a winter variant as well someday. Respectful regards, Henrik
Hi Brummi, After testing I have 2 comments; 1) As Ronald, I do think the stone face rocks are too embossed next to each other. The original is "flatter" in texture. But I think you could simply remove dark "shadows" from the stone textures and then blur it a bit. 2) From the images I can find, the floor level door color is identical to the windows on the above floors. See attached image. With that said, I have a spot reserved on my little RhB layout for this great work of yours Kind regards, Henrik
Hi Karl @brk.schatz, I will allow myself 2 comments after testing it. A) The watch face has a far too low resolution, creating a very pixilated result. You could add a round, separate, flat mesh for the clock and then use a higher resolution image without having to change the main wall "paint" resolution. B) Rotating the building creates a pattern to the left and right (shown) of the glass window on the wall paint. I can't see your mesh file, but it indicates the surface is not one flat polygon surface. Since repeated shades are being made on the surface. It is very hard to see on the exported image, but more visible in MBS. This might be due to MBS rendering, so I might be wrong about the mesh interpretation. But the overall look is great! Kind regards, Henrik
Hi SualokinK, a true quality addition to the online katalog Respectful regards, Henrik
Hi Brummi, a wonderful future addition to the "RhB katalog" I remember arriving at the station on the Bernina Express back in October 2000 and watching lake Bianco for the first time with its amazing light blue water. Unfortunately I could not get of the train to enjoy the view from the station and the station itself. Now I get the chance once again in MBS and this time I have the time to enjoy this beautiful building. PS. Can I ask you to create a "Winter snow" variant, so we can enjoy it all year around? Kind regards, Henrik
Hi Brummi @Roter Brummer, I have sent the following message to the design responsible at RhB in Chur: " Sehr geehrter Herr Simon Rageth, ich habe einen 2-Jahres-Vertrag erhalten, um die RhB-Logos ausschließlich für nichtkommerzielle Zwecke in 3D-Zugsimulator-Modellen verwenden zu dürfen. Im Rahmen dieser Vereinbarung habe ich Ihre Kontaktdaten für Designanfragen erhalten. Den beigefügten Vertrag im PDF-Format habe ich bereits eingesehen. Derzeit arbeiten wir an der Umsetzung des RhB ABe 4/4 III. Designmäßig haben wir keine Probleme mit den rein roten Farbgestaltungen. Allerdings haben wir keinen Zugriff auf die allgemeinen Lokomotiv-“Themen”-Designs, wie sie im beigefügten Beispiel zu sehen sind. Ich möchte Sie daher fragen, ob diese Designs in digitaler Form als Seitenansichten verfügbar sind oder ob Sie mich auf eine Webseite verweisen können, auf der eine Übersicht darüber zu finden ist. Meine eigenen Recherchen haben bisher nur schräge Bilder, niedrige Auflösung oder Objekte im Vordergrund ergeben. Die Anfrage bezieht sich auf digitale Dateien der Designs in anständiger Auflösung und im 90-Grad-Winkel. Vielen Dank im Voraus, Henrik R. Jensen" I have no idea about the response or the response time on this request Kind regards, Henrik
Hi Brummi, I can write RhB and ask if they have digital sideviews of the designs. But getting an answer will take some days. Have not been able to find a site with decent quality images without them being at an angle or with objects partly covering them. Kind regards, Henrik
Hi Brummi, nothing has to live up to my expectations, since I only state an opinion and not necessarily empirical facts. But as an opinionated comment to your new spring texture, I think it is a massive improvement and looks really good now Kind regards, Henrik
Hi Brummi @Roter Brummer, what a pleasure to see this wonderful model come to life I have tested it and found no design, driving og animation issues. The "removable" roof is a great idea. I will allow myself this texture critic: I would recommend a higher resolution "spring" texture on the bogeys. The spring have more coils in the real life locomotive and here they seem a bit too rescaled to the different heights from the same texture. Respectful regards, Henrik
Hallo alle, I have added an additional four color variations, B-E in the picture, of the track ballast texture "Ballast Grey (SE2xx)" (A in the picture) They are online now with the joint name "(SE2xx)" in the titles. Kind regards, Henrik
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Hallo alle, an additional 8 backgrounds, bringing the total in the series to 17 so far... Kind regards, Henrik
An absolut pleasure to follow the creation of your beautiful layout Ralf Respectful regards, Henrik
Hallo alle, I have 20 additional landscape/backgrounds as splines on the way. Each in 4 variants, allowing for a very wide usage. Here the first batch of 4 Kind regards, Henrik
Hallo alle, Ende 2021 habe ich an einem meiner Lieblingsprojekte gearbeitet: dem Doppelwagen “Stueckgut Schnellverkehr” Gllmghs 37. Aus verschiedenen Gründen habe ich ihn zu 95 % fertiggestellt, aber das Paar nie veröffentlicht. Nun habe ich mir die Zeit genommen, sie zu vervollständigen, und ich habe das Wagenpaar sowohl in “sauberen” als auch in “schmutzigen” Varianten veröffentlicht. Sie warten nun auf die Zustimmung der wachsamen Augen von Neo. Ich hoffe, sie werden euch gefallen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Henrik .... HI all, in late 2021 I worked on a favorite of mine, the "Stueckgut Schnell verkehr" dual wagon Gllmghs 37. But for many reasons I got it 95% ready and never released the pair. Now I have taken the time to complete them, and I have now published the pair of wagons in both "Clean" and "Dirty" variations. They are now awaiting approval by the always watchful eyes of Neo. I hope you will enjoy them Kind regards, Henrik
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Hi Easy @EASY, that is true innovation in MBS. Thank you for making this come true. Respectful regards, Henrik
Hi @urs.zoss, I will add this to Brummi's last post regarding upcoming locomotives Kind regards, Henrik
Hallo alle, Ich habe diese kleine Übersicht über die bisher veröffentlichten RhB-Rollmaterialarbeiten der Community zusammengestellt. Besonders gewidmet an @urs.zoss für seine RhB-Anfrage zu kommendem RhB-Material. Auch an @Roter Brummer für seine großartige und inspirierende RhB-Arbeit. Und an @martin.rueedi in der Hoffnung, dass seine großartigen Flugsim-Meshes im Laufe der Zeit in MBS zum Leben erweckt werden. Schließlich in der Hoffnung, dass wir andere Erbauer dazu verleiten können, sich dem Erstellungszug für RhB-bezogene Objekte anzuschließen. --- I have compiled this little overview of the community's published RhB rollingstock work so far. Especially dedicated to @urs.zoss for his RhB enquiry about upcoming RhB stock. Also to @Roter Brummer for his great and inspiring RhB work. Plus to @martin.rueedi in hope of seeing his great flightsim meshes coming to life in MBS over time. Finally in the hope we can lure other builders to join the creation train for RhB related objects Kind regards, Henrik
Hallo alle, changing gear from 2 bogey wagons, my next project will be the RhB Geaf 2/2 2060x hybrid shunting locomotive. Including a pantograf animation in Blender, I have never done before. Kind regards, Henrik
Hallo alle, after a conversation with RhB in Chur, I have been given an official license to use the RhB logo and images for non-commercial purposes here in MBS. The approval means I now have a contact person at RhB, that I can contact for construction plans. These are not free but should be of marginal cost for purposes here. This might be very useful for especially the classic locomotives and wagons with more complicated meshes. Not all plans, with the necessary scale and details, are available for download online. Kind regards, Henrik
Hi Urs, do follow this thread
Hallo alle, final LODs done and the wagen "RhB Uah 81xx" has now been uploaded and is awaiting the strict eye of approval from Neo Kind regards, Henrik
Hallo alle, the final 4th variation of RhB Uah 81xx, 8141, is now done. Now a bit of LOD work on the 8138/8141 and I will publish the wagon Kind regards, Henrik
Hi Martin @martin.rueedi, great to see your models coming alive in MBS. They are most welcome Initial comments: Your wagen is floating over the rails. It can be addressed in the properties of the wagon. (see the first image) Poly count: It is still about double the amount of polygons I would use myself for a wagon at 71054 polygons. In comparison my coming RhB Uah 8141 is 49626 and that is still a lot (see the second image) Materials: And it has 4 materials, which won't allow you to publish it (maximum of 3 allowed) But ofc you have not addressed texturing yet. So, the 4 materials are just 4 untextured colors right now. 2 additional observations: Animation: No wheel animation, which I personally think is a minimum requirement. Mesh: No attachment hooks at the buffer. But your meshes are great and would love to see them added to the MBS RhB stock someday Kind regards, Henrik