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Hallo alle, next variation on its way, 8731, in grey with yellow band and dark bogey Kind regards, Henrik
Hallo alle, Der Wagen RhB Fad 78xx und die massenladungen wurden nun hochgeladen und warten auf @Neos Genehmigung --- The wagon RhB Fad 78xx and bulk loads have now been uploaded and are awaiting Neos approval Kind regards, Henrik
Thank you @maxwei for your comments Rust texturing It was on purpose I did not add that much to this newer version of the wagon. But when grey, brown and yellow variations are made, I might make much more "worn down" versions of the wagons. Normally RhB just don't allow their wagons to enter that state while still active. They get dirty but not very rusty Smooth texture In the past I have always avoided this, since it gave some strange rendering shadows in MBS. But with 8.5 I do not see that as a visual problem anymore and I have actually added it on other details. I will use your advice and try to use "Smooth shading" on additional details. Color of handles/grips etc. I have stuck to the colors given by the RhB for this time variation. This grey version is originally just painted grey everywhere. Even the bogeys! As you can see from this picture, it is grey in grey (in grey). With only a few splashes of yellow and red for handles and grips. I always try to create a research folder with real life/good model images to understand details and coloring schemes. Again thank you for taking the time to test and comment, it is highly appreciated. Kind regards, Henrik
Hallo alle, I have uploaded a preview version of the wagon: D47707CA-16ED-4F2B-B668-B663008AD208 And the bulk loads as: 3491E977-6C13-41BD-ABC3-2964CC2BE3A9 They will stay in "Draft" for a few days... Should you have the time and interest in testing them, I would appreciate your input to ensure I have not overlooked anything. Kind regards, Henrik
Hi @ralf3 I really enjoy this RL aspect of layout building. Respectful regards, Henrik
Looks fantastic @maxwei, I too must point out the night lights. They are inspiring quality wise. Kind regards, Henrik
Hallo alle, last texturing details on the grey version including interior storage panel "wear and tear" (A) and topside dirt runoff (B) added. Now to LOD version Kind regards, Henrik
Hallo alle, after evaluating the different methods of providing bulk loads for the wagon type, I have decided to use the newest method using attachment points and treating the bulk loads as separate objects. The bulk loads will then be found in "Cargoes, Freight / Bulk" That makes it quite easy to provide additional bulk types over times. Here are the initial 8 bulk types I have created for the wagon: Ballast Coal Grain Gravel Iron ore Sand Woodchips Tarp (For sensitive materials that needs cover from the elements) I will be happy to add more bulk loads upon request Kind regards, Henrik
Hallo alle, I dont think you ever get satisfied with the level of mesh details and weathering, but at some point you have to stop. I think I am close now Then comes the "how to load bulks" in the wagon challenge. I expect to provide the wagon in both the modern grey, old brown and work train yellow over time. Kind regards, Henrik
HI @JimKnopf, what a great layout you are building. As a narrow-gauge fan, I look forward to driving on this. Respectful regards, Henrik
Haha, I was about to suspect that @Neo wasn't a fan of Bulk loaders But seems you have to submit it once more @Roter Brummer...
Hi Brummi @Roter Brummer I agree on the solution. The problem I see is the need to create bulk loads to each size of wagon. That can end up in a lot of bulk loads, each with a description of which wagon they fit. Perhaps not that user friendly. But I personally does not like the alternative, having to make mesh load/unload as animations in the actual wagon for. I personally prefer the attachment point method. Let's talk about this later when I have the bulk wagon ready Kind regards, henrik
Hi @Roter Brummer (and all that will take the time to express their opinion), I have this idea to use your 511 BillerBahn bulk loads for the wagon, using load attachment points (2 in this case). And I would suggest we do that for all bulk RhB wagons. What do you and the community think of this idea? It would allow the creation of new bulk loads, then automatically supported by the RhB wagons as a standard. An alternative is that we together create new bulk loads for specific RhB bulk car wagons... Opinions are very valued. Kind regards, Henrik
Finally a basic coat of grey and nearly out of paint Still a lot of texturing to do and then light weathering... Kind regards, Henrik
Hallo Alle, mesh nearly done to the level of detail I have decided to use. I do tend to use meshes where others use textures, making objects I make "heavier" polygon wise. But I enjoy defining details in meshes, so I will continue to do that Now texturing have begone on the modern "grey" livery of the wagon. Kind regards, henrik
Hi Horst, enjoying you contents very much as a lifelong LEGO fan (due to both being Danish and growing up with LEGO) Do you know if there are any online sources for 3D model LEGO models with true "Freeware" licensees? Would not rule out having fun porting a LEGO train model to MBS Kind regards, Henrik
Hi Ralf @ralf3 I really enjoy this mixture of 3D and real-life planning documentation Looking forward to seeing more of your coming real-life layout. Do you expect to implement narrow-gauge as well? Kind regards, Henrik
Hi @HoWe, are you following this German gentleman and his LEGO layout https://www.youtube.com/@Brick_Crafts ? I am! Kind regards, Henrik
Hi Brummi, so glad to see the HAIK come to life according to my model book " Die Fahrzeuge der Rhaetischen Bahn 1889 - 1997", the distance on the FAD between the bogeys is 7000 mm. With a distance of the axles on each bogey of 1400 mm. On the HAIK this distance between the bogeys is 9030 mm. (the HAIK is about 2000 mmm longer than the FAD) But it would still account for the bogeys to look "further out" than on the FAD. I think we have both made the right measurements Note: Just to coordinate; My wish is to continue on the 4-axle tanker UAH 81x after completing the FAD in february. Do tell me if you have already started on that one Respectful regards, Henrik
With bogey done, detail work on the loader structure have started on the RbH Fad 78xx Kind regards, Henrik
Hi Ralf, do you have an update on the elder mans accident? Is he ok? Kind regards, Henrik
Hi Peter, I am a Dane with a much better English (Professionally) as second language than German. Love the German language, have been schooled in it for 6 years, but unfortunately I have had no business opportunity to maintain my language knowledge until present time. Therefore I write all posts in English and provide a german translation through https://www.google.com/search?q=translate in major posts. Since I do know the German language, I do screen the translation for obvious mistakes. But I have never experienced being looked down on due to that. I always try to provide a German translation in nearly all posts, since the majority of users seems to be based in the German language for MBS. That is the fact us "Foreigners" have to contemplate providing input on this forum. It is also my view, that providing a decent German translation ensures your message reaches the broadest possible audience! So, I support the idea of @Neo implementing a first tier, quality translator in a button Both for what we write and what we read. Be aware that you can highlight text, right click and have it translated to your local language in all major browsers. Kind regards, Henrik --- Hallo Peter, Ich bin Däne und habe als Zweitsprache (beruflich) viel bessere Englischkenntnisse als Deutsch. Ich liebe die deutsche Sprache, lerne sie seit 6 Jahren, aber leider hatte ich bis jetzt keine geschäftliche Gelegenheit, meine Sprachkenntnisse aufrechtzuerhalten. Deshalb schreibe ich alle Beiträge auf Englisch und stelle in größeren Beiträgen eine deutsche Übersetzung über https://www.google.com/search?q=translate zur Verfügung. Da ich die deutsche Sprache beherrsche, überprüfe ich die Übersetzung auf offensichtliche Fehler. Aber ich habe noch nie erlebt, dass ich deswegen herabgewürdigt wurde. Ich versuche immer, in fast allen Beiträgen eine deutsche Übersetzung bereitzustellen, da die Mehrheit der Benutzer in der deutschen Sprache für MBS zu leben scheint. Das ist die Tatsache, dass wir „Ausländer“ darüber nachdenken müssen, in diesem Forum Beiträge zu leisten. Ich bin auch der Meinung, dass eine gute deutsche Übersetzung dafür sorgt, dass Ihre Botschaft ein möglichst breites Publikum erreicht! Deshalb unterstütze ich die Idee, dass @Neo auf Knopfdruck einen erstklassigen Qualitätsübersetzer implementiert – sowohl für das, was wir schreiben als auch für das, was wir lesen. Beachten Sie, dass Sie in allen gängigen Browsern Text markieren, mit der rechten Maustaste klicken und ihn in Ihre Landessprache übersetzen lassen können. Mit freundlichen Grüße, Henrik
Hi Brummi @Roter Brummer, I am spotting a certain classic RhB locomotive, I can't wait to drive Kind regards, Henrik
Hallo Ralf, Du hast Recht! Das Erstellen von Assets für einen Simulator ist nicht einfach und bedeutet, dass Sie viele neue Fähigkeiten erlernen müssen. Sie müssen sich mit dem Erlernen aller Aspekte der 3D-Modellierungssoftware befassen, beispielsweise mit der Erstellung von 3D-Objekten in Blender. Einschließlich der Suche nach genauen Modellierungsplänen, tatsächlichen 3D-Modellierungswerkzeugen, der Anwendung von Texturen und möglicherweise der Animation von Rädern oder Frachtladungen. Erstellen Sie dann in einer Grafiksoftware Texturdateien in bestimmten Größen, nicht nur für die eigentliche Farbgebung, sondern auch für Ebenen für Effekte, z. B. wie metallische Objekte glänzen sollen. Erstellen Sie dann Dateien mit den richtigen Einstellungen, einschließlich der Erstellung der „Detailebene“ für MBS, und fügen Sie dann beim Importieren der Dateien zusätzliche Einstellungen in MBS hinzu. Es ist eine ziemliche Reise, aber sehr lohnend, wenn Sie Ihr erstes „funktionierendes“ Asset erstellen Gute Ideen für neue Assets sind also immer willkommen und wir hoffen, dass die Ersteller im Laufe der Zeit auf Ihr gutes Anliegen eingehen