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Hi Neo

May I take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy New Year and to thank you once again for the magic that your program provides.

One of the greatest elements to learning the intricacies of this magical program is the forum, where we can exchange ideas and, most of all, get help. The ability to be able to translate from any language to our own is essential and it works really well.

However, another very important aspect of learning is to be able to understand how others put together their ideas and implement them in their EV's. For example, I might want to understand how a fellow member has constructed a very clever piece of EV but it is in German, for example. Whilst I can take each element, word for word, and copy/paste into say Word to get a translation, this is very time consuming and in most instances does not portray an accurate conclusion.

I wonder, therefore if it would be possible to add a translation button to the top screen menu that would allow that particular page to be translated in one hit, much like it is in the forum.

Anyway, your thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards



Hi Peter

Unfortunately, this won't work well. The problem is the identifiers, which can't be easily translated, otherwise event management won't work anymore. Because I realize this, I always use English identifiers, but even that doesn't work for animations, for example. If the author called the interior lighting "Innenbeleuchtung", then I am not allowed to change that, because "Innenbeleuchtung " is an identifier that must not be changed.

By the way, the German-speaking users are partly attacking me because I post screenshots where everything is in English. But I don't care, because if you create programs, you can also understand English.

Machine translation also has its limitations. You can already see this in the names of the lasyouts in the catalogue. Instead of "layout" you will find such funny things as "plant", "annex" and "attachment". I haven't seen "investment" yet, but even that could come up with a machine that doesn't take context into account.

Kind regards


vor 26 Minuten schrieb Phrontistes:

the German-speaking users are partly attacking me because I post screenshots where everything is in English.

Das ist eine Fehlinterpretation deinerseits!

Niemand hat dich deshalb angegriffen!
Roter Brummer hat lediglich einen Screenshot mit deutschen Texten hinzugefügt, weil er der Meinung war, dass es dem Fragesteller so leichter fallen wird die Antworten zu verstehen. Er hat dich nicht angegriffen, sondern dein Posting ergänzt.

Und ich hätte dir das lieber privat geschrieben. Aber ich stehe auf deiner Ignore Liste und muss es dir deshalb ganz öffentlich sagen.
Denn deine Falschaussage werde ich gewiss nicht unkommentiert stehen lassen.

Viele Grüße



It wasn't my intention to stir up any trouble between members but many thanks Phrontistes for your insight into why my request would not be practicable. For we less knowledgeable souls we feel there must be an answer to any problem but then we are not able to take account of programming restraints, in my case I just thought it might be a good idea to be able to translate more easily.

Many thanks for your reply and to both you and Goetz all the very best to you for 2024.

Best regards



vor 6 Minuten schrieb 220hotwheels:

It wasn't my intention to stir up any trouble between members

You didn't, Pete.
Phrontistes' unjustified accusation had nothing to do with you.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Hi Peter,

I am a Dane with a much better English (Professionally) as second language than German. Love the German language, have been schooled in it for 6 years, but unfortunately I have had no business opportunity to maintain my language knowledge until present time. Therefore I write all posts in English and provide a german translation through https://www.google.com/search?q=translate in major posts. Since I do know the German language, I do screen the translation for obvious mistakes.

But I have never experienced being looked down on due to that. I always try to provide a German translation in nearly all posts, since the majority of users seems to be based in the German language for MBS. That is the fact us "Foreigners" have to contemplate providing input on this forum.

It is also my view, that providing a decent German translation ensures your message reaches the broadest possible audience!

So, I support the idea of @Neo implementing a first tier, quality translator in a button :) Both for what we write and what we read. 

Be aware that you can highlight text, right click and have it translated to your local language in all major browsers.

Kind regards,




Hallo Peter,

Ich bin Däne und habe als Zweitsprache (beruflich) viel bessere Englischkenntnisse als Deutsch. Ich liebe die deutsche Sprache, lerne sie seit 6 Jahren, aber leider hatte ich bis jetzt keine geschäftliche Gelegenheit, meine Sprachkenntnisse aufrechtzuerhalten. Deshalb schreibe ich alle Beiträge auf Englisch und stelle in größeren Beiträgen eine deutsche Übersetzung über https://www.google.com/search?q=translate zur Verfügung. Da ich die deutsche Sprache beherrsche, überprüfe ich die Übersetzung auf offensichtliche Fehler.

Aber ich habe noch nie erlebt, dass ich deswegen herabgewürdigt wurde. Ich versuche immer, in fast allen Beiträgen eine deutsche Übersetzung bereitzustellen, da die Mehrheit der Benutzer in der deutschen Sprache für MBS zu leben scheint. Das ist die Tatsache, dass wir „Ausländer“ darüber nachdenken müssen, in diesem Forum Beiträge zu leisten.

Ich bin auch der Meinung, dass eine gute deutsche Übersetzung dafür sorgt, dass Ihre Botschaft ein möglichst breites Publikum erreicht!

Deshalb unterstütze ich die Idee, dass @Neo auf Knopfdruck einen erstklassigen Qualitätsübersetzer implementiert – sowohl für das, was wir schreiben als auch für das, was wir lesen.

Beachten Sie, dass Sie in allen gängigen Browsern Text markieren, mit der rechten Maustaste klicken und ihn in Ihre Landessprache übersetzen lassen können.

Mit freundlichen Grüße,

Bearbeitet von henricjen
12 hours ago, henricjen said:

Hi Peter,

I am a Dane with a much better English (Professionally) as second language than German. Love the German language, have been schooled in it for 6 years, but unfortunately I have had no business opportunity to maintain my language knowledge until present time. Therefore I write all posts in English and provide a german translation through https://www.google.com/search?q=translate in major posts. Since I do know the German language, I do screen the translation for obvious mistakes.

But I have never experienced being looked down on due to that. I always try to provide a German translation in nearly all posts, since the majority of users seems to be based in the German language for MBS. That is the fact us "Foreigners" have to contemplate providing input on this forum.

It is also my view, that providing a decent German translation ensures your message reaches the broadest possible audience!

So, I support the idea of Neo implementing a first tier, quality translator in a button :) Both for what we write and what we read. 

Be aware that you can highlight text, right click and have it translated to your local language in all major browsers.

Kind regards,




Hallo Peter,

Ich bin Däne und habe als Zweitsprache (beruflich) viel bessere Englischkenntnisse als Deutsch. Ich liebe die deutsche Sprache, lerne sie seit 6 Jahren, aber leider hatte ich bis jetzt keine geschäftliche Gelegenheit, meine Sprachkenntnisse aufrechtzuerhalten. Deshalb schreibe ich alle Beiträge auf Englisch und stelle in größeren Beiträgen eine deutsche Übersetzung über https://www.google.com/search?q=translate zur Verfügung. Da ich die deutsche Sprache beherrsche, überprüfe ich die Übersetzung auf offensichtliche Fehler.

Aber ich habe noch nie erlebt, dass ich deswegen herabgewürdigt wurde. Ich versuche immer, in fast allen Beiträgen eine deutsche Übersetzung bereitzustellen, da die Mehrheit der Benutzer in der deutschen Sprache für MBS zu leben scheint. Das ist die Tatsache, dass wir „Ausländer“ darüber nachdenken müssen, in diesem Forum Beiträge zu leisten.

Ich bin auch der Meinung, dass eine gute deutsche Übersetzung dafür sorgt, dass Ihre Botschaft ein möglichst breites Publikum erreicht!

Deshalb unterstütze ich die Idee, dass @Neo auf Knopfdruck einen erstklassigen Qualitätsübersetzer implementiert – sowohl für das, was wir schreiben als auch für das, was wir lesen.

Beachten Sie, dass Sie in allen gängigen Browsern Text markieren, mit der rechten Maustaste klicken und ihn in Ihre Landessprache übersetzen lassen können.

Mit freundlichen Grüße,

Hi Henrik

Thank you for your comments on this matter. I picked up your reply last night on my phone and thought I had sent a reply but this morning whilst browsing the forum it would seem that it did not send.

Whilst I fully concur with your sentiment regarding posts in English including an appropriate German translation, and I have also adopted this practice on occasions using the same Google or Microsoft Word translation facility, we do seem to be in the minority. I rarely see the same consideration with many of the posts in German, but then as mentioned, it is easy enough to translate any post from German to English and visa versa whilst in the forum so perhaps providing a translation in each post is somewhat irrelevant.

Phrontistes very kindly answered my initial question with regard to a possible translation button in the main screen header menu which is where I had hoped a translation would be possible. Whilst I appreciate many, if not most of the models, so kindly created and donated to the program by some very talented modellers will naturally use their own language during creation it would be nice if, as the program is in both German and English, the English version was able to translate the content instruction for each model. That said, over time, this particular language lazy Brit is beginning to recognise many different German words more quickly.

So, as I have said in so many post in the past, "Onwards and upwards"

Kind regards


vor einer Stunde schrieb 220hotwheels:

the English version was able to translate the content instruction for each model.

Hi Peter,

Hi Henrik

As far as the models are concerned, there is unfortunately an additional problem. If the builder of the model does not enter an English text, then you will not see any description in the English language version of the program, not even the German one. I've pointed this out to @Neo before. He said he doesn't want to display anything that the user doesn't understand. When I pointed out that the user could then throw the German text into a translation program, he said that no one would do that. I suspect the two of you and many others would ;). Maybe @Neo will reconsider.

Best regards



@Neo Why not use automatic translations for unsupplied descriptions? Better than nothing and it can even be markt as automatic translation since it might get things wrong. This can even be built purely on server side.


vor 9 Minuten schrieb Sintbert:

Why not use automatic translations for unsupplied descriptions?

As I understood Peter correctly, he wants to translate German entries in the event management window (variable names, animation names etc.). This can not be translated server side.

Automatic translations of online catalog titles/descriptions might be an option for the future, but does not solve Peter's EV problems.

Kind regards,


19 minutes ago, Neo said:

As I understood Peter correctly, he wants to translate German entries in the event management window (variable names, animation names etc.). This can not be translated server side.

Automatic translations of online catalog titles/descriptions might be an option for the future, but does not solve Peter's EV problems.

Kind regards,


Thank you Neo, you have just confirmed what Phontisties first mentioned with regards to the EV element of my initial enquiry. 

Just out of curiosity is there any provision for the actual model maker, should they so wish, to include both languages? Would the program be able to incorporate this added facility or is the whole thing simply a none starter.

Kind regards


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