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Beiträge erstellt von 220hotwheels

  1. 33 minutes ago, Eggu said:

    yeep, just found the clip from 5 weeks ago, done with V7, same effect ..

    group-move in-V7

    Well in a way I'm glad it did do it for you in V7 although I had hoped that my skills for messing things up was a unique skill solely attributable to me. Just goes to show that I'm not alone in the messing up department!! whether by chance , over enthusiasm, through a unique skill or just plain carelessness. I think I like the unique skill the most!!

    Kind regards


  2. 31 minutes ago, Eggu said:

    I had the same or similar effect.
    When moving a group around with the mouse button pressed down, some parts of the group slightly moves a little bit slower or faster than the rest of the group, so for e.g. tracks and contacts lost their contacts. Might be I have a video clip of this, I have to look.


    Many thanks for your thoughts and the clip. That you have not been able to reproduce this in V7 is surprising. I seem to be able to make all kinds of mistakes in just about every version of the program that I have had, V4,V5,V6 and V7. It must just be one of my many talents!!!

    Kind regards


  3. 39 minutes ago, Goetz said:

    That is the most likely explanation, Pete.
    Because it is not a common problem.

    What may be causing this is an inadvertent selection of objects using the lasso function. This happens to me on occasion, when I actually try to click an empty space in order to deselect stuff. I hold the mouse button a little too long and move the mouse at the same time. The result is that a few nearby objects are marked.

    I suggest you record one of your sessions. That would allow you to "spool back the tape" and watch exactly how it happened.

    Windows 10 has in inbuilt screenrecorder. Press the Windows key + G to open / close the widget menu, from where you my select screen recording.
    NVidia also offers a screen recorder for their graphics cards. It can be found in "GeForce Experience"

    Kind regards


    Hi Goetz

    Many thanks for that. It certainly explains what I might be doing to cause this so I will have to be more careful in the future and take your advice with regard to recording via either Windows or Nvidia. It has taken me almost one hour to correct these errors, which is an hour I could have spent on more productive activities. That said it's all part of the learning curve!!!

    Kind regards


  4. Hi everyone

    I wonder if anyone else has found that some TC's seem to magically move off track every now and then. Perhaps it is something that I am doing that makes this happen. The only conclusion in that regard so far is that when moving my mouse over the layout I am inadvertently catching an object and causing it to move but it would seem to be rather coincidental that it only seems to affect TC's and the occasional piece of track. All of that said I have also noted that some cargo pads, locked to waggons, also seem to move every now and then and those are definitely not through anything that I have caught inadvertently.

    I am generally curious to know why this might happen and is there a solution short of applying some Gorilla glue!!!!

    Kind regards


  5. Hi Herman

    I do agree with you that there are lots of very interesting post especially with regard to V7. My personal; view, although I only have V4,5 and 6 as comparisons is that V7 is by far the most exiting. There's lots to get used to but ultimately once these new skills have been mastered, even to a degree, the scope for improvement to layouts from earlier versions is really exiting. Currently I am remodelling one that I started in V4, which remained unfinished, when I was just a raw beginner but with the help of friends on the forum I have been able to make such improvements. Roundabouts though still pose one of my items to solve at some point.

    Kind regards


  6. On 10/28/2021 at 4:32 PM, Herman said:

    Hello everybody,
    Maybe sombody noticed something simular in going from V6 to V7.
    In V6 I have a working parking spot. It does not work in V7.
    Problem : when the autos leave the parking spot backwards they turn back into the parking. Why ? They reach the green track contact too soon in V7, in V6 it is fine.

    Solution : move the green track contacts slightly backwards. Verify that an auto comes to the straight position before touching the green track contact. 
    I did that verifying also in V6, but there the autos reach sooner the straight position. 


    Kind regards, Herman

    If anyone is interested, here is the V6 version. BC17F424-575F-4535-8910-915943F01111 ( draft )

    Hi Herman

    Only just picked up your post. I am not very good at explaining how things work but might I suggest you take a look at an item I posted earlier "reversing out of a parking bay". I think the answer that you are seeking might well lie in this item with the solution provided by @simonjackson1964with a comment by @Goetz. I now have the problem solved. My next dilemma is roundabout control. At the moment I have just too many very poor drivers who just don't want to give way. But that is a problem for another day.

    Hope the above helps.

    Kind regards


  7. 1 hour ago, 220hotwheels said:

    Hi Simon

    I have tried the option of clicking the target section in the properties tab, made no difference. Your second option is, to me, just a bit too technical unless I am reading too much into the way forward with it. My solution has been to delete all of the EV relating to that particular operation. This might seem radical but so far, fingers crossed it does seem to have got rid of that b----y route, so I'll start again, set a route from the car park exit round a test route and back to the stop point in the parking area. From that point I will adopt your suggestion to set the relevant targets to reverse out and to then proceed to the track contact just before the one currently set as the start point for the auto route. I hope that works. If not then the auto route is out completely and I will simply set a number of targets for the car to hop from one to the other. The latter we know will work from your demo but it seems a shame not to take advantage of the new auto routing system.

    I'll let you know how I get on.


    Hi Simon

    Pure genius, that's all I have to say on the subject. Having followed your example to the letter I now have a properly working parking area. I'll now add a few more vehicles to the pot plus a police patrol vehicle and see if I can eliminate road rage and the odd collision. At least I now have a blueprint from which to experiment.

    Many thanks for your guidance.


  8. Hi Simon

    I have tried the option of clicking the target section in the properties tab, made no difference. Your second option is, to me, just a bit too technical unless I am reading too much into the way forward with it. My solution has been to delete all of the EV relating to that particular operation. This might seem radical but so far, fingers crossed it does seem to have got rid of that b----y route, so I'll start again, set a route from the car park exit round a test route and back to the stop point in the parking area. From that point I will adopt your suggestion to set the relevant targets to reverse out and to then proceed to the track contact just before the one currently set as the start point for the auto route. I hope that works. If not then the auto route is out completely and I will simply set a number of targets for the car to hop from one to the other. The latter we know will work from your demo but it seems a shame not to take advantage of the new auto routing system.

    I'll let you know how I get on.


  9. Good morning one and all, @simonjackson1964  @Dad3353 

    Your solutions seem to hit the mark. I cannot wait to put them fully into practice. I do seem to have one issue though that I just have not been able to resolve. I have a small section of route selected via the auto route system and I just cannot get rid of it. I've tried replacing each of the contacts, the road sections and the vehicle but all to no avail. The problem seems to be that as soon as the contact to start that route is tripped then the route is initialised and all other routes are deleted, anyone know why? If I set up another independent route it does not delete the old one!!!

    Before I can fully appreciate the genius of your joint efforts I need to get rid of that b-----dy route.


  10. 2 hours ago, simonjackson1964 said:

    Hah. Cracked it!

    After setting the vehicle in motion in the reverse direction, delay execution for half a second and then set the target.

    I've got a vehicle doing a waltz around the large 4-way crossing to prove it!


    Now that's sound perfect. I have been experimenting too but only to se if I can incorporate the "autopilot" system in conjunction with your solution. Both systems work absolutely fine, to a point. Your bit is no problem but I am having real problems with the auto routing. I can set the start point, set the route all the way round to the parking bay. However, in my earlier experiments I set a short auto route from the equivalent of your contact 0 to the parking bay contact 1 and I cannot for the life of me get rid of it. The problem now is that the vehicle follows the little green line all the way round the given route but as soon as it get to contact 0 the short route takes over and the full route is deleted. The same thing happens when the vehicle reverses out of the parking bay and hits the stop contact 2. 

    Perhaps after I have slept on this I might see the solution. Either that or I will have to duplicate this part of my layout in a demo one and try that one instead until I get it right.


  11. 18 hours ago, simonjackson1964 said:

    Mhhhh Well it works, the problem I have with it is that the cars all crash into each other when reversing out. (So pretty realistic I suppose).

    It was a bit more complicated than I had anticipated, but if you can handle the traffic control, something I'm not that good at, then it should work!

    Hi Simon

    Well you're right it does work brilliantly. Hmmm, so much for the auto routing system. No doubt as I begin to tweak things on my layout it will be possible to mix and match but for now your solution is Numero Uno. I have a few thoughts that might help with the poor driver behaviour so if I get those to work then I'll let you know. Otherwise I plan to sell all of my shares in the 3D Train Studio driver insurance company and set up a vehicle repair shop!!!

    Once again many thanks for your assistance.


  12. 3 hours ago, Neo said:

    Hi Pete,

    the error log is cleared/deleted after restarting the studio, so it can only be found after closing the app due to an error.

    Kind regards,


    Hi Neo

    In that case all I can do is wait until it happens again and then see if I can locate the errors log at that time and send it through to you.

    Kind regards


  13. 2 hours ago, Neo said:

    Hi Peter,

    please have a look at C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Local\3D-Modellbahn Studio V7, find the Errors.log and send me the file please.

    Kind regards,


    Hi Neo

    I've worked through the directories as your suggested and got to 3-Modellbahn Studio V7 but the only sub directories are Cache, Catalog and settings.xml plus of course my backup file and mbp file for the layout. Would you be so kind as to advise where I might find the errors.log please. 

    Kind regards


  14. 56 minutes ago, simonjackson1964 said:

    I think the solution lies in having different targets.


    Contact 0 would normally have code to decide which bay to go to... If no vehicle on contact 1 set target to contact 1 else if no vehicle... etc.

    When the car hits contact 1, we stop it, wait, then set Contact 2 as its target and set its speed to a negative value.


    Then when it reaches contact 2, which is only active in the reverse direction, we set speed 0, set the target to contact 3 wait a second and set the speed to a positive value.


    I put a portal on either end of the test track  just to make it easy to test, but on your layout, Contact 3 should decide where the car goes next.

    Hope that helps?


    (I'll pit a bigger and better version together to prove the theory. I did test it with one car, but I want to see what happens with more cars.)

    Hi Simon

    Just picked up your solution so will give it a try tomorrow. By the looks of it it should solve my problems so many thanks for that.


  15. @Neo Hi Neo

    I have been experiencing occasional program crashes since upgrading to V7, in much the same way that I did with V6 after upgrading to that version. I have sent an explanation via the site but thought the attached screenshot might help. When it has appeared before I have not been quick enough to capture the screenshot. 

    I had been working in the program, saved what I had done and updated my *.mbp file, so nothing lost. I simply minimized the screen so it sat on my task bar and went into Google to sort out some emails etc. When I closed Google I had the error message that I replied to and after sending that I clicked on the 3D icon in the task bar and was greeted with the info as per the screenshot.

    Back in the program everything is fine, nothing lost but clearly there is an issue somewhere. Unfortunately I would be unable to send you my mbp file as it is now around 5200kb unless there is some other way that I can send it to you. I do also run a regular backup copy as well but that is now over 6000kb

    Your thoughts on this anomaly would be very much appreciated.

    Kind regards


    application error.jpg

  16. 1 hour ago, Goetz said:

    Hi Pete,

    Currently I'm at my dad's place with no access to a PC. Only my tablet to read and reply. Not sure yet when I'll find the time to take a look. 



    Hi Goetz

    That's absolutely no problem. Only when it fits in will be absolutely fine. I am in no particular rush, just like to solve problems at some point. For now I need to spend some time on the airport taxiways, and much more to achieve a more realistic airport. Your advice at some point, when it is convenient, will be brilliant.

    I hope you enjoy your visit with your Dad.

    Kind regards


  17. @GoetzHi Goetz

    I have another issue that I would like your help with please.

    Having introduced an airport into my layout I am in the process of sorting out passenger parking. The layout itself seems straightforward, setting the test route seems straightforward. The test car stops in the appropriate parking bay and after a given period of time will reverse out of the bay ready to continue on it's way. However instead of continuing it simply goes back into the parking bay. 

    I have tried several different options but all to no avail. Clearly with V6 it would simply be a case of set the switch for parking bay D4 from 1 to 0 but that does not seem possible with V7. I have tried my Hercule Poirot bit within EV but nothing seems to solve this issue. Clearly there is a solution but I cannot find it . Would you be so kind as to point me in the right direction please.

    Kind regards


    airport parking 1.jpg

    airport parking 2.jpg

    airport parking 3.jpg

  18. 3 hours ago, Goetz said:

    See? That's what I mean by "copying is no learning method"

    With understanding, you would have realised that what you want to do here is to change the property of a contact.
    Because that's where you find that value: In the contact's properties:


    I know I sound harsh, as if I'm telling you off.
    I don't mean to.
    I just can't help it when I try to clarify things.

    So, once again: Please, don't feel sorry 
    I'm only trying to help you understand the underlying structure.


    Hey, don't worry. I can take it. I do so appreciate your guidance in these matters. I have been pondering on and off during the afternoon and come to the conclusion that MBS is a bit like a murder mystery movie or book. The obvious is never the answer, you need to dig deeper and use the "little grey cells" more. Perhaps that's one reason there is no detailed manual, we are all being trained to be investigators!!!!! That so then it's not a bad thing.

    Kind regards



  19. 2 minutes ago, Goetz said:

    Hi Pete,

    not clumsy, Pete

    You cannot see your mistakes when you don't understand what you copy.

    The flaw that still upsets your barrier closing routine is in the first iteration.
    You (correctly) iterate over a bunch of contacts.
    And then you attempt to set a vehicle property. You should set a contact property instead.



    You stand no chance to spot these errors when all you do is copy.
    I copy first and understand later is tempting, but impossible.

    So - don't feel sorry that you didn't spot it. You couldn't.

    Also, when you defend or excuse your mistakes, you concentrate on the old. That leaves little romm for the brain to take in the new.
    The key to learning is joy. Appreciate every new realisation. Take it in, look at it from all angles. Love it for what it offers. But don't fret. Ever!

    So, here's some additional knowledge which I consider useful:
    The first "untoward" command in an event list causes the studio to exit from this entire action list.
    That's why the barriers didn't close, even though that part of your leist was now perfectly fine. 

    Kind regards

    Many thanks for that. I tried all sorts to try to get the same wording on that particular section as in the example from Brummi but all I got was either target speed or automatic deceleration but not both. Obviously I did not know where else to find the right wording. Now I do. I am most grateful. I take your point too about looking for the new rather than concentrating on the old. The more knowledge I gain the wider will be my search method, so onwards and upwards, as they say. Progress can be very addictive once you have mastered the overall concept.

    Kind regards


  20. 39 minutes ago, Goetz said:

    Hello Pete,

    Because a single command can perform only one action at a time.

    But that's not your problem.
    In the iteration over all barriers, you're only addressing one specific object instead of every object that you receive from the iteration.


    That's the point you overlooked.



    Hi Goetz

    There is always something no matter how careful I think I've been. Anyway many thanks for spotting that. I've made the relevant change, if that is all I needed to do, but still nothing works. Perhaps I have upset the railway unions!! or just plain clumsy somewhere else in my EV. Now that won't be the first time!!

    I have taken the liberty to attach my updated version. As you can see my traffic lights are working perfectly. My next experiment in that area will be to try to ensure there are no pushy drivers wanting to cross lanes at the junction and thereby incurring the wrath of the insurance companies but before that perfect level crossings await.


    traffic light and level crossing test layout.mbp

  21. @Roter Brummerand @Goetz

    Good morning to you both

    As seems to be the way with me, I feel I have completed my current learning task regarding the level crossing aspect by accurately following the example supplied by you, Brummi, but clearly there has to be something that I have either got wrong or totally overlooked. The only bit that I know for sure that is not quite as shown in your example refers to the "set property/variable" for both closing and opening the barriers. In your example the property shows as "automatic deceleration (target speed) =0 or automatic deceleration (target speed)=50" but I have been unable to get this precis wording. I can locate either one or the other from the drop down menu but not both.

    Could this be the reason for things not working or is there something else. I have attached my result thus far and would appreciate you taking a look and letting me know what I am not seeing please.

    Many thanks


    traffic light and level crossing test layout.mbp

  22. 9 hours ago, simonjackson1964 said:

    Oddly I'm still trying to figure traffic lights and traffic control out, mostly because I prefer to concentrate on the trains.

    Right now though I'm rapidly loosing patience with V7.


    Your comment about loosing patience with V7 does surprise me. Whilst I can concur that nothing is ever perfect my impression of V7 thus far is nothing but positive. For the element that I am most interested in, layout design first and technical aspects second I find it a vast improvement on V6 offering much greater flexibility. Even the technical elements that I have started to get involved with, in particular the routing of road vehicles along with the implementation of traffic lights at junctions has proved to be more straightforward than I had thought, albeit with the invaluable assistance of members in the forum.

    Overall I personally think V7 is absolutely great. If I had any less positive comment to make then it would not be directed at V7 but at every version and that is the lack of an informative manual that might provide a learning platform that would leave one feeling more independent and less reliant on the expertise of others. However, that said, the forum does provide a brilliant platform from which to secure new friends and at the same time move forward with problem solving. Sometimes, as in my case, advice offered can take several attempts to sink in but then I have found that most members seem to have infinite patience with we less knowledgeable folk.

    Anyway that's my opinion for what is might be worth. I'll now get off my soap box, take the dog for a walk ang get some breakfast. Stick with it Simon I'm sure you will benefit in the end. You have expertise to offer that we lesser mortals need.



  23. 2 hours ago, Goetz said:

    When you iterate over a list, every single element from that list is pulled and passed on to the code inside the iteration.
    For that, you need a placeholder to say "thing from the list here".
    The default name of that variable is Wdh, short for "Wiederholung" (= repitition)

    Hi Goetz

    Thank you for both explanations. Sometimes I tend to overthink things and in doing so overlook the obvious.


    51 minutes ago, simonjackson1964 said:

    On the English version it names it as "iter".

    Thanks Simon. As they say every little helps. It was from your example for carriage door opening that I was first drawn into the world of iteration. That example was so straightforward to follow it made me feel like a pro quite quickly. The same can be said for Goetz traffic lights solution so if I can do the same with level crossings then I shall feel as though the sky's the limit.


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