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Beiträge erstellt von 220hotwheels

  1. 4 hours ago, Dad3353 said:

    Give me a couple of days and I'll sort out a 'quick'n'easy' box trailer for you to try your hand on. Nothing too fancy; just to ease you into the armchair. It's not that hard; take it as proof that even I can do the simple stuff..!

    Geben Sie mir ein paar Tage Zeit und ich suche einen „quick'n'easy“-Kartonanhänger aus, den Sie ausprobieren können. Nichts Besonderes; nur um Sie in den Sessel zu setzen. Es ist nicht so schwer; nimm es als Beweis, dass sogar ich die einfachen Sachen machen kann..!

    Hi Douglas

    Now you're not just showing off are you!!! I will wait with baited breath for your box trailer. You do realise though that a proper fleet requires curtain siders and flatbeds as well as box trailers!!!! Now you really have set yourself a challenge, but I for one will be eternally grateful to be able to have a more personalised fleet.

    This is almost like next Christmas come early.


  2. 2 hours ago, Herman said:

    Hello, I once read something like this on the forum. You get then a square with the original textures and with a graphical program you can change some parts.
    Sorry for this question, I want to known this.  Since you then change the texture with some texture of your own (and the 3DStudio does not know of),  it is only for home use ? Or not ?
    Thanks for a reaction. Kind regards, Herman.

    Hi Herman

    I'm sorry but I don't think I can answer your question. My technical ability is quite limited but from what curt84328 was suggesting there seemed to be a lot of logic to his recommendation. I have noted on some models there is the ability to personalise some elements. Unfortunately the trucks that I wished to alter do not support such modification and thus far I have not even attempted to make any changes to any models. Perhaps as my knowledge grows I might have a go at trying this out.

    Kind regards


  3. 8 hours ago, Dad3353 said:

    Good evening, Pete...

    Sorry to interrupt, but, by coincidence, I'm presently playing about with these Renault-inspired trucks. As can be seen from the picture, they're not at all ready to roll, but would they be of any use, if I can get them further advanced..? I also have a box trailer 'in stock', which could be attached to either (or any other MBS truck...). I'm a bit of a beginner with Blender myself, and learn a lot with every model I take on; these are no exception. Could they fit your bill, maybe..? I could use the opportunity to find out, myself, how best to do these 'exchange textures'. You'd need patience, of course; I'm not as rapid as some here.

    Guten Abend Peter...

    Entschuldigen Sie die Unterbrechung, aber zufällig spiele ich gerade mit diesen von Renault inspirierten Lastwagen herum. Wie auf dem Bild zu sehen ist, sind sie noch nicht fertig zum Rollen, aber wären sie von Nutzen, wenn ich sie weiter vorrücken lassen könnte? Ich habe auch einen Buganhänger 'auf Lager', der an beide (oder jeden anderen MBS-LKW ...) angehängt werden könnte. Ich bin selbst ein kleiner Anfänger mit Blender und lerne viel mit jedem Modell, das ich annehme; diese sind keine Ausnahme. Könnten sie vielleicht zu Ihrer Rechnung passen? Ich könnte die Gelegenheit nutzen, um selbst herauszufinden, wie man diese „Texturen austauschen“ am besten macht. Du brauchst natürlich Geduld; Ich bin nicht so schnell wie manche hier.





    8 hours ago, Dad3353 said:

    Good evening, Pete...

    Sorry to interrupt, but, by coincidence, I'm presently playing about with these Renault-inspired trucks. As can be seen from the picture, they're not at all ready to roll, but would they be of any use, if I can get them further advanced..? I also have a box trailer 'in stock', which could be attached to either (or any other MBS truck...). I'm a bit of a beginner with Blender myself, and learn a lot with every model I take on; these are no exception. Could they fit your bill, maybe..? I could use the opportunity to find out, myself, how best to do these 'exchange textures'. You'd need patience, of course; I'm not as rapid as some here.

    Guten Abend Peter...

    Entschuldigen Sie die Unterbrechung, aber zufällig spiele ich gerade mit diesen von Renault inspirierten Lastwagen herum. Wie auf dem Bild zu sehen ist, sind sie noch nicht fertig zum Rollen, aber wären sie von Nutzen, wenn ich sie weiter vorrücken lassen könnte? Ich habe auch einen Buganhänger 'auf Lager', der an beide (oder jeden anderen MBS-LKW ...) angehängt werden könnte. Ich bin selbst ein kleiner Anfänger mit Blender und lerne viel mit jedem Modell, das ich annehme; diese sind keine Ausnahme. Könnten sie vielleicht zu Ihrer Rechnung passen? Ich könnte die Gelegenheit nutzen, um selbst herauszufinden, wie man diese „Texturen austauschen“ am besten macht. Du brauchst natürlich Geduld; Ich bin nicht so schnell wie manche hier.




    Hi Douglas

    Well whose a clever fellow then!!! Your Renault looks pretty good so far and I would be more than happy to include this in my layout, especially if there was the ability to select my own livery. I had a fleet of 12 trucks at the time I sold out to Norfolk Line. They were all Renaults as I was well in with that particular manufacturer.  Their local  dealer was very much into Formula 1 as was I and so we were fortunate to be invited into the Renault hospitality box at several race meetings each year. At that time Frank Williams, god rest his sole, had a fleet of Renault's too and so I became quite involved with them also. At that time Nigel Mansell, Damian Hill and David Coulthard were driving for him. They were great times. I have a special picture presented to me by Williams in 1994 when they were in the Rothmans colours and it is signed by Damian Hill and David Coulthard.

    As the saying goes, watch this space, and I will certainly do so with regard to your Renault truck and trailer.

    Many thanks 



  4. 9 hours ago, fmkberlin said:

    Hallo Pete,

    diese Modelle habe ich zu einer Zeit gebaut, als es noch keine Tauschtexturen gab.
    Außerdem haben sich die Bedingungen für den Modellbau stark verändert.
    Diese Modelle würden Heute keine Freigabe für den Katalog bekommen.
    Ich habe damals auch mit chaotischen Texturen geabeitet.
    Daher weiss nur, wie man mit dieser Textur arbeiten muss.
    Ich kann Dir also leider nicht Helfen.

    Viele Grüsse


    Hello Pete,

    I built these models at a time when there were no exchange textures.
    Also, the conditions for model building have changed a lot.
    These models would not get a release for the catalog today.
    I also worked with chaotic textures at that time.
    Therefore I only know how to work with this texture.
    So I can not help you.

    Many greetings


    Hi fmkberlin

    Many thanks for taking the trouble to reply to my request. I do fully understand the problem. I had hoped that as this particular model was only published in August 2020 there might be a chance of effecting the colour change but it's not really a problem. I still think the model is absolutely great and has allowed me to have a fleet of 10 trucks which run between their depot, the quayside and railhead.

    As you have probably noticed Douglas might have a possible solution in the pipe line so we will just have to wait and see.

    Kind regards


  5. Hi

    Many thanks for your advice. Clearly I must now look at the Heavy Truck spec and see if it offers the facility for custom texture. If it does then I'll give it a go. Certainly it would seem to be more straight forward than trying to learn how to use such as Blender to change the colours if indeed that is where they would otherwise need to be changed.

    Many thanks


  6. Hi

    This message is primarily directed to @fmkberlin

    I have been using numerous of your items in several layouts and must say that I really do admire you and all other contributors who produce such fantastic models for we humble members, who lack such skills, to produce such things ourselves.

    The layout that I am currently working on requires me to use your Heavy Tractor unit many times, basically the layout contains a fleet of trucks and whilst I am happy to continue with the yellow as the fleet colour I was wondering if it would be possible to create a more personal colour scheme. I am quite happy to undertake this task if a) it is possible and b) you are able to provide me with some tuition as to how to go about this.

    One of the companies that I owned and ran for many years was a road haulage company and I have taken the liberty to include a picture of the type of colour scheme that I hope to be able to achieve, if at all possible.

    Clearly if this is not possible then I will happily stay with the yellow and simply add some text to personalise each truck, but as the saying goes, if you don't ask then you never know if it's possible.

    Kind regards


    Diese Nachricht richtet sich in erster Linie an @fmkberlin Ich habe zahlreiche Ihrer Artikel in verschiedenen Layouts verwendet und muss sagen, dass ich Sie und alle anderen Mitwirkenden, die so fantastische Modelle für uns bescheidene Mitglieder produzieren, denen solche Fähigkeiten fehlen, wirklich bewundere, um solche Dinge selbst zu produzieren. Das Layout, an dem ich gerade arbeite, erfordert, dass ich Ihre Schwere Zugmaschine viele Male benutze, im Grunde enthält das Layout eine Flotte von Lastwagen und während ich glücklich bin, mit dem Gelb als Flottenfarbe fortzufahren, habe ich mich gefragt, ob es möglich wäre, ein persönlicheres Farbschema zu erstellen. Ich bin sehr glücklich, diese Aufgabe zu übernehmen, wenn a) es möglich ist und b) Sie in der Lage sind, mir etwas Unterricht zu geben, wie man das macht. Eines der Unternehmen, die ich viele Jahre lang besaß und leitete, war ein Straßentransportunternehmen, und ich habe mir die Freiheit genommen, ein Bild von der Art der Farbgebung aufzunehmen, die ich hoffentlich erreichen kann, wenn irgend möglich. Klar, wenn das nicht möglich ist, dann bleibe ich gerne beim Gelb und füge einfach etwas Text hinzu, um jeden LKW zu personalisieren, aber wie das Sprichwort sagt, wenn man nicht fragt, dann weiß man nie, ob es möglich ist.
    Herzliche Grüße Pete

    AFS truck.JPG

  7. To @simonjackson1964and @Dad3353

    Hi Guys

    Many thanks for your thoughts. Your not the first people to suggest it could be a driver issue. I sent an error log to Neo regarding another issue and he too came back and suggested that it must be a problem with the Nvidia drivers. Problem is all drivers are completely up to date. Strange thing but Windows did some updates this morning and since then, coupled with ditching my 18 month old Logitech mouse and reverting back to the wired Dell basic I've had no issues, fingers, legs, toes and anything else crossed, I hope it continues. I will admit that I find the wired mouse a bit of a pain so have ordered an MX Master3 which I hope will be OK.

    Hey Douglas no one is older than me, I'm well into my 70's now but still like to keep up with new technology. Modern cars, up to date computers, you name it I like to give them all a try. I'm not saying that I know a lot about them but I do like to jump in with two feet and go for the crash course in learning, refraining of course to make sure I don't crash the cars. As for computers. The one I mainly use is only 18 months old, it's a good spec  but I'm always looking to upgrade. My wife however is not happy when I do change. She says it takes up all my time familiarising myself with it and sorting out problems transferring programs. I however find it a challenge, irritating some times but ultimately quite therapeutic.

    Once again thanks for your thoughts.




  8. 3 hours ago, MS-Sandokan said:

    Hi Pete

    Ich habe auch eine drahtlose Maus von Logitech dran hängen (MX Master 3)

    Daran wird es nicht liegen.

    I also have a Logitech wireless mouse attached (MX Master 3)

    It won't be because of that.

    Hi Grube

    In that case the problem just get more mysterious. The setup that I am using is very similar in spec to yours although mine is a PC rather than a laptop but my monitor is only 24". Since our last messages I did find the Dell mouse that came with the PC and have been using it for about 1 hour 30mins. The lag problem has not happened since but I have had an occasion where the mouse has frozen so that where every I move it on the screen everything moves with it. In order to "un freeze" it I need to depress the scroll wheel, then all is fine again.

    Perhaps I need an earth strap around my wrist!!!!! or some would say my neck!!!! or a new mouse.

    Once again thanks for your input.

    Kind regards


  9. 2 hours ago, MS-Sandokan said:

    Hi 220hotwheels

    Zur Info....

    Habe bei mir auf beiden Rechnern Windows 11 vor 2 Monaten installiert und bisher keinerlei Probleme damit gehabt.

    Hi @ 220hotwheels
    For info....

    I installed Windows 11 on both computers 2 months ago and haven't had any problems with it so far.


    Hi @MS-Sandokan

    Many thanks for taking the trouble to reply. It's great news to hear that you do not have any problems. Not so good news for me as it begins to point towards a problem at my end. Since posting my question earlier I have begun to wonder whether the wireless mouse that I use, both Logitech, are the actual culprits. Perhaps I will have to dig out the USB mouse that came with the Dell PC and see if that makes any difference. In a way I hope not as returning to a wired mouse seems a bit of a retrograde step. Still if it solves the problem then I'll just have to live with it!!

    Many thanks


  10. Hi to all

    Having installed Windows 11 a few weeks ago I have noted that I seem to get quite a few instances where the program seems to hang for several seconds. I first noticed this when moving the mouse around the screen. After moving it simply freezes for a few seconds. By lifting the mouse off the mat and placing it back on again movement seems to be back once more. However the same thing happens if I simply wait a second or two and then move the mouse. Clearly this becomes quite irritating when moving items around the screen.

    Thus far I have assumed this is an anomaly caused by Windows 11 rather than V7 and have therefore run trouble shooter and subsequently run the program in Windows 8 compatibility mode. That however does not seem to have solved the problem totally. There were no such instances with V6

    I would be interested to know if anyone else has a similar problem. At first I thought is was a problem with my mouse but I have changed the batteries, no difference. I have tried a new mouse, still no difference.

    Has anyone got any thoughts on this please.

    Many thanks


  11. 9 hours ago, Goetz said:

    Ah, yes

    You cannot transfer vehicles from one depot to another, Pete.

    But you can release a bus from depot 2, which is held in depot 1.

    That's why the send command has two fields for depots. 

    The "virtual depot" at the top is your source (i.e. your bus garage)
    The "target" at the bottom (defaulting to "current depot") is your exit spot.

    Kind regards

    Many thanks for that. As always the solution is simple, the key is knowing how to interpret the clues. Poirot's little grey cells getting just a bit confused, again!!

    Many thanks 


  12. Hi @Goetz

    I wonder if I might intrude on your expertise once more in order to establish what I am not doing in order to get my bus to exit from Depot 2 through my EV. 

    On the face of it the process is quite straightforward. The bus enters depot 1 and is transferred to depot 2 where after a given period of time it should exit depot 2 in order to continue it's journey. This only happens at the moment if I manually release it, clearly not the best solution.

    Kind regards


    virtual depot test layout.mbp

  13. I've added a counter now to each track and am just monitoring the effects, so far so good so onwards and upwards, as they say. Once again many thanks for your help, I apologise for being something of a slow learner but with perseverance I think I get there in the end. You just need to have the patience of Jobe for members like me!!!



  14. 18 hours ago, Goetz said:

    Hello Doug,

    Then allow me, please ...

    In the following example, the steam train has a marginally longer round and runs at a speed 1 km/h slower than the railcar.
    This causes the time gap between the two to increase slightly each round.


    For two rounds, the barriers stay closed between the railcar leaving and steam train entering.
    On the third round, the barriers open after the railcar. And this time they stay open long enough for a few cars to pass through.
    They close again just in time before the steam train crosses.

    level crossing example.mbp 42.55 kB · 4 downloads

    The actual closing happens very late in this example. The barriers reach the down position at the very moment when the train arrives. This is deliberate to help you understand what's happening when and why.

    I find this a very useful principle. That's why I'm so eager to demonstrate it.


    Hi Goetz

    Having watch The Chain I decided to begin my example of the level crossing barriers again and to work through it stage by stage noting just what happened as I made alterations to my EV. So I basically started off with everything working as it should, both cars and trains, from the original example that you provided and just on a single track. Then I stopped the loco on that track and checked that the one on the second track was fine. Next I set both locos in operation and noted that there were times when the timings for the trains to trip the 'close contact' meant that the barriers would jump if one of the trains was arriving too late and the barriers were beginning to open. I solved this by noting there positions of each loco and adjusting the position of each of the two 'close barriers' contacts. Thus far having run them for 30mins solid all has worked perfectly. I then addressed the operation of the vehicles and these too now seem to function as they should. As I worked through each stage I stopped to ask myself what was happening and how should I proceed to create the next step. Logic and cause and effect at work I hope.

    Having now seen the example that you have produced to explain your methodology to Douglas I can now see how I might improve my rather haphazard attempt to create one that relied more on trial and error, so many thanks for that.



  15. 19 hours ago, Goetz said:

    it's a gem, innit?
    So very clever

    How very true. Alf Garnett was very popular back in the 80's/90's. My Dad worked in removals for Pickfords. When he retired he was General manager of their Manchester branch. During school holidays, back in the early 60's I used to work on the vans to earn a bit of pocket money and some of the lads that I worked with were certainly a colourful lot! We also came across many "very thrifty" clients but I don't recall any of them going so far as to take the ashes out of the grate.

    Anyway many thanks for sharing that little gem. As they say the older ones are the best and that is often so very true.



  16. 1 hour ago, Goetz said:

    Hi Pete,
    that's not what you should be striving for.
    Instead, you should work on gaining a better understanding.

    Here's an example from your current attempt:

    The outer condition checks if the variable has a value greater than 1.
    And when that is not the case, the inner loop checks if it is greater than 0.
    When both conditions (not > 1, but > 0) are met, the barriers are closed.


    If the value of Test Barrier 1.trains crossing is not greater than 1, but greater than 0,
    what is it's value, considering it's always a whole number?


    And when you close the barriers, it's also time to set the deceleration value to 0.
    Only then!

    The afore mentioned aspects are only cosmetic. The behaviour is correct.
    When it comes to opening the barriers however, matters are a little more serious.
    You once had a smart system, where you first raised the barriers and then, after a short time delay, set the cars in motion.
    Now you shuffled that order of events to where it no longer makes any sense.

    Yyou are making progress.
    But it's very difficult for me to decide if your

    understanding improves or if you're just following orders ...


    No, Doug, they don't!
    Because his code only lowers the barriers for the first train.


    Perhaps a bit of both! As for the vehicle movements. I hadn't really consider that and having taken a brief look the results are not good so I still have much work to do. For now however my little grey cells can't take any more logical thinking. Perhaps after I have watched "The Chain" and pondered further I might see the solution.



  17. 2 hours ago, Goetz said:

    That's already the case, Pete

    With the code for track 1 and track 2, you affect the same counter. 
    Trains on both tracks increment your number in barrier 1 when passing the entry contact.
    And the decrement this one number when they pass the exit contact.

    What's wrong is your condition for opening the barrier.
    Your code states that any number larger than 0 will do. 

    Ponder on why that isn't what you want.


    Hi Goetz

    Many thanks for your further prompt to my little grey cells. As a result I think I now have the EV right and the barriers seem to perform as they should. If this is so then your confirmation that my solution is as correct as it should be rather than just a lucky guess at my view of logic would be appreciated after all I might as well get the most perfect EV solution rather than just one that seems to work. Assuming all to be correct then I will look to apply this to my layout.



    Level crossing barriers test layout.mbp

  18. 15 hours ago, 220hotwheels said:

    I totally agree but without too much information to explain each element, its effects and aims then all you have left is a stab in the dark. It is rather like learning to become a motor mechanic. You either learn by example or you learn through training. Both provide you with a degree of information and one hopes skills to move forward but if the trainee is given the task of replacing the ABS system and left to get on with it then all he has available is the ability to take a stab in the dark.

    Anyway that said I continue my deliberations with the crossing barriers and am trying to apply logic. Perhaps it is too early to say but I am hopeful that I might have seen the errors of my "stab in the Dark" days, certainly with one track, now to move on and see if the same logic will allow both tracks to control the barriers correctly. I'll let you know how things turn out even if the criminal element of my EV gets the better of me!!



    Hi Goetz

    Well I have taken your advice and tackled the problem with both logic and cause and effect. The net result is to at least have the barriers working fine on the close front. They also work OK on the open front although I don't seem to be able to achieve the "last train past" element for opening the barriers. Each train does this independently. My conclusion is that instead of having this instruction in the EV for each track that I somehow need to have this only once, perhaps in common instructions. My dilemma is just how to construct this so that it refers to each track. Are you able to point me in the right direction please.



    Level crossing barriers test layout.mbp

  19. 1 hour ago, Goetz said:

    ... in some cases, Pete. Craftsmanship for instance. Dexterity and similar skills.
    But definitely not when you're learning control mechanisms. They are all about cause and effect. Nothing else.

    I totally agree but without too much information to explain each element, its effects and aims then all you have left is a stab in the dark. It is rather like learning to become a motor mechanic. You either learn by example or you learn through training. Both provide you with a degree of information and one hopes skills to move forward but if the trainee is given the task of replacing the ABS system and left to get on with it then all he has available is the ability to take a stab in the dark.

    Anyway that said I continue my deliberations with the crossing barriers and am trying to apply logic. Perhaps it is too early to say but I am hopeful that I might have seen the errors of my "stab in the Dark" days, certainly with one track, now to move on and see if the same logic will allow both tracks to control the barriers correctly. I'll let you know how things turn out even if the criminal element of my EV gets the better of me!!



  20. 10 minutes ago, Goetz said:

    Hello Pete,

    in your latest attempt (the small test layout) you are counting the trains going in and out, but without purpose.

    That was much better before, where at least you checked the number before opening the barriers.
    All that was missing then was the same check before closing.

    You need one counter and one counter only for each level crossing. Not four (as you did now)

    When the first train enters "the zone", you want to close all barriers.
    When the last train exits "the zone", you want to open them.


    and therein lies your problem, Pete

    You try things at random, hoping to strike it lucky.
    You have no concept and you apply no logic.

    Don't try to memorise these principles, Pete. 
    You have to understand them. That's the only path to success.


    Hi Goetz

    As you have already noted, Douglas has also replied with more or less the same advice. You are perfectly correct in your comment that I do tend to do things at random in the hope that I get it right, using only a little true knowledge. I do find however that, for me at least, repetition is the most effective way to address a problem especially when some of the instruction is not necessarily immediately obvious.

    So time to try to apply a more logical approach. I'll let you know how I get on.



  21. 1 hour ago, Dad3353 said:

    I'm beginning to suspect that it's you, the monkey..! :P
    I see you're counting up when a train is coming; I can't see where you count down once they're passed.
    I see you're counting into each barrier; is not just one enough..?
    I see you're counting up, but I can't see where you're testing, with a condition, the result of this count.

    May I suggest starting with a single 'Train approaching' counter as a Variable. Whenever a train is on approach, test the Variable : if it's Zero, close the barriers, then increment the Variable. If a second train comes while they're closed, test the Variable (it won't be Zero, so the barriers remain closed...), then increment the Variable Whenever a train clears the crossing, count down one.
    Detect, at each change of 'Train approaching' Variable whether it's at Zero. If so, raise the barriers (all of them...).
    See if that helps...

    Ich beginne zu vermuten, dass du es bist, der Affe...! :P
    Ich sehe, du zählst, wenn ein Zug kommt; Ich kann nicht sehen, wo du herunterzählst, wenn sie vorbei sind.
    Ich sehe, du zählst in jede Barriere hinein; reicht nicht nur einer..?
    Ich sehe, dass Sie hochzählen, aber ich kann nicht sehen, wo Sie das Ergebnis dieser Zählung mit einer Bedingung testen.

    Darf ich vorschlagen, mit einem einzelnen 'Zug nähert'-Zähler als Variable zu beginnen. Wenn sich ein Zug nähert, testen Sie die Variable: Wenn sie Null ist, schließen Sie die Schranken und erhöhen Sie dann die Variable. Wenn ein zweiter Zug kommt, während sie geschlossen sind, testen Sie die Variable (sie wird nicht Null sein, damit die Schranken geschlossen bleiben...)
    Erkennen Sie bei jeder Änderung der Variable 'Zug nähert' sich, ob sie auf Null steht. Wenn ja, erhöhen Sie die Barrieren (alle...).
    Sehen Sie, ob das hilft...

    Hi Douglas

    Many thanks for your advice, some of which definitely sounds a bit like monkey business!!

    I can follow your comments to a point. One train runs round and operates the barriers correctly. If I check the variable just after the train has contacted the TC to close them then the variable count is. After it has passed the TC to open the barrier then the count is returned to zero. With both trains on the move the first passes the TC to close and adds 1 to the variable. If I stop that train before it gets to the crossing and allow the second one to proceed then the variable is increased to 2 . After both trains have passed their respective TC's to open the barriers then the variable returns to 0. So I conclude that is working fine. I have just had a message from Goetz which has basically told me the same thing as you have mentioned, no testing condition. I now think I know what to do in order to sort this out. I'll let you know how I get on.


  22. 17 hours ago, 220hotwheels said:

    Hi Goetz

    I have ben playing around with all sorts since my last message and have now got the barriers to come down when they should and go up when they should the only problem now is that each train as it triggers the action causes the barriers to go up and down so I have ended up with the equivalent of a Greek police man directing traffic and barriers going up and down as if chopping meat. It's quite comical really but for tonight I have decided that I cannot cope with any more humour, my sides just won't take any more laughter so I'll take another look tomorrow to see if I can see my next errors. 

    I would be quite happy to send you a copy of this amusing operation, I feel a bit like Inspector Clouseau, but I'm not quite sure how best to do so. I can't send you the whole mbp as it's over 5250kb so I might just have to redo a test layout tomorrow and send that.

    For now I will lay down my truncheon, hang up my handcuffs and call it a day!!!



    Hi Goetz

    As promised I have created a small test layout using my somewhat limited knowledge in order to extend the original operations perfectly functioning level crossing barrier control, albeit for just a single track. Clearly I am either barking up the wrong tree, metaphorically speaking, or just got the right bits but in the wrong order, or totally wrong all together. 

    Having taken the original system I concluded that I needed to introduce a counting mechanism in order to tell the barriers when to open and close and so I added a number variable to the barriers as well as the keyword. It seems to work by either adding one or subtracting one but the barriers still go up and down of their own free will.

    So my conclusion. It's definitely the chauffeur with monkey wrench who keeps attacking my poor crossing barriers, unless of course you know something different!!!



    Level crossing barriers test layout.mbp

  23. 31 minutes ago, Goetz said:

    Hello Pete,

    Grouping has no relevance in the context of EV actions.
    That's why you want an identical keyword in all four barriers. It enables you to address all four in one loop.

    And that also clarifies why a keyword is indeed the correct choice (and a number wouldn't be).

    Anyway, I'm really excited that you still keep me in the dark. I love a good mystery and though I'm pretty certain that the gardener is the evil doer this time, I wouldn't be surprised if you come up with a plot twist at the last minute and present me with an unexpected culprit after all.

    Hi Goetz

    I have ben playing around with all sorts since my last message and have now got the barriers to come down when they should and go up when they should the only problem now is that each train as it triggers the action causes the barriers to go up and down so I have ended up with the equivalent of a Greek police man directing traffic and barriers going up and down as if chopping meat. It's quite comical really but for tonight I have decided that I cannot cope with any more humour, my sides just won't take any more laughter so I'll take another look tomorrow to see if I can see my next errors. 

    I would be quite happy to send you a copy of this amusing operation, I feel a bit like Inspector Clouseau, but I'm not quite sure how best to do so. I can't send you the whole mbp as it's over 5250kb so I might just have to redo a test layout tomorrow and send that.

    For now I will lay down my truncheon, hang up my handcuffs and call it a day!!!



  24. 34 minutes ago, Goetz said:

    Hello Pete,

    Your theory is spot on.
    And your screenshots hold no information as to what's going wrong or why.


    Hi Goetz

    I've just been working through my EV in an effort to try to provide you with more detail. I began by looking at the four barriers, which I have in two groups but all four have the same variable "DECBARRIER. In carrying out this little exercise I noted that this variable is a keyword and I now wonder if it should be a number. I'll try that and see if it solves the problem. My only other thought is whether I should have all four barriers in just one group?

    Kind regards


  25. On 10/19/2021 at 1:07 PM, Goetz said:

    Hi Pete,

    not clumsy, Pete

    You cannot see your mistakes when you don't understand what you copy.

    The flaw that still upsets your barrier closing routine is in the first iteration.
    You (correctly) iterate over a bunch of contacts.
    And then you attempt to set a vehicle property. You should set a contact property instead.



    You stand no chance to spot these errors when all you do is copy.
    I copy first and understand later is tempting, but impossible.

    So - don't feel sorry that you didn't spot it. You couldn't.

    Also, when you defend or excuse your mistakes, you concentrate on the old. That leaves little romm for the brain to take in the new.
    The key to learning is joy. Appreciate every new realisation. Take it in, look at it from all angles. Love it for what it offers. But don't fret. Ever!

    So, here's some additional knowledge which I consider useful:
    The first "untoward" command in an event list causes the studio to exit from this entire action list.
    That's why the barriers didn't close, even though that part of your leist was now perfectly fine. 

    Kind regards

    On 10/19/2021 at 11:44 AM, Goetz said:

    Hello Pete,

    Because a single command can perform only one action at a time.

    But that's not your problem.
    In the iteration over all barriers, you're only addressing one specific object instead of every object that you receive from the iteration.


    That's the point you overlooked.



    Hi Goetz

    Having got to grips with the basics of level crossing barrier control, thanks to your advice and example, I now have the challenge of adapting this to cope with multiple tracks.  Sorting it out so that any train on any track operates the barriers and controls the vehicles was not so difficult but I now seem to be getting in a bit of a muddle trying to adjust this so that the barrier will only go up and the vehicles start to move after the last train has passed.

    I have taken the liberty to attach my efforts thus far which have been based on the assumption that each train would have to add '1' to the crossing barriers as they approach and a minus'1' as they leave so that when '0' is reached the barriers can go up and the vehicles start to move. Clearly I have not got this right and am not sure how to achieve this.

    Might I call upon your expertise for more guidance please.

    Kind regards



    Crossing barrier EV1.jpg

    Crossing barrier EV2.jpg

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