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Hello @Goetz, Thanks for the answer. It is indeed sufficient that only the portal can do the job. So tunnels to dissapear at the end of a layout do not need to swallow the whole train. It's fine like that. My question is answered, and I'm very happy with the possibility of portals. Also the depot is very useful. A great job @Neo ! Kind regards to all, Herman
Hello @Dad3353, I used this tactic in V6, but the tunnel has to be long enough. Another possibility is to use deferred actions. ( and measure the time for the wagons, but only working for one train and his specific wagons ). But in the introduction video from Roter Brummer in Götz twitch tv, I saw that wagons disappeard in a portal one by one. So I reacted immediate : V7 ? And if it is in V7, why not showing it in the last video of RB ? By the way the depots and portals are a great idea ! It will save us a lot of work. I look definitely to the start of V7. Kind regards, Herman
Hello, Nice work @Neo. I'm still missing the disappearing of trains wagon per wagon in a depot. And the same disappearing in a portal. But maybe I overlooked something. Can it be done in V7 ? Kind regards, Herman
Hello @Goetz, thanks for the explanation on twitch tv yesterday. Hello @Neo , what a What a huge and useful work. Thanks again. But did you leave a "byte" to program for us in the EV ? Hello fellow members, a question : Is it possible to run V6 and V7 on the same PC. Perhaps by another installation directory ? Kind regards, and a nice weekend to all of you. Herman
Hello Michel, You can try to let him smoke yourself. Online Catalog Browse Extra Particle effects, Rauch (dunkel). It has the property activated or not. It has to be connected on the train. After some experimenting with the scale and the height you can see for yourself if you can use that idea ? Have a nice day, kind regards, Herman
Hello Michel, If it smoke at other members, indeed, is that normal. I cannot help in this case. Kind regards, Herman
Hello, This locomotive ( I just checked ) does not have the smoke symbol. In the picture you see that this one has that necessary symbol to invoke smoke. Kind regards, Herman
And on the opposite track the lights are blinking.
Hello model railroad friends. Just a remark : In Belgium, when there are two tracks, trains drive left on the regular track. ( as in the UK ). The regular track. At the right the opposite track. However, we drive right on the streets as in the EU. ( UK left ). So there are two only two main signals but the shape is mirrored for the opposite track. Why do trains drive left in Belgium ? I guess it has historical grounds, Belgium was one of the first in Europe to work with UK locomotives and to start a railway network. 5-5-1835 ! Kind regards, Herman For those that are interested ( in Dutch, however the pictures are self declaring )basis-seingeving.pdf
Hello @Neo, Waw, ich warte länger auf selbst arbeitende Signale. Tolle Arbeit Grüße, Herman.
Hello everybody. First of all thank you developers, video makers, twitchers. It looks really great even fabulous. I took the time to follow this entire twitch, so thank you @Goetz. Mostly it is about landscaping. But ... Near the beginning I saw this, the dissapearing wagon per wagon. V7 ? Hopefully there is more to come in video's etc. I'm looking forward to those. Kind regards, Herman
Hello Michel, Welcome to the MBS. Have fun here. Kind regards. Herman ( BE - near Antwerp )
Hallo @opax63, Sehr gut. Aber warum mit einem Weihnachtslied anfangen? ( Layout im Katalog ) Ich habe es schon zu Hause geändert.
Herman antwortete auf Hermans Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
I'm sorry, distracted .... the answer came from Frank ( fmkberlin ). Grtz, Herman -
Herman antwortete auf Hermans Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hello everybody, Hubert gave already an answer in "V6 models from fmkberlin" And I thank him for that. Because it's a fine model a wrote this afternoon a little EV that works. You can find the mpb attached there if you want. Many greetings, Herman -
Hello, Kind that you did answer after all, and so soon,. I do like this "gabelstapler" and this afternoon I wrote a little EV-program to honor your model. Because with the EV it's working ! Only the EV is used. ( exept for the reset option ). The mbp is attached.Fork lift - Gabelstapler.mbp Kind regards, Herman Only a remark : This description is at this moment not included in the catalog with the model, although it could help it was there.
Hi Wolfgang, Certainly, and your explanations are clear ! A big thank you. I watched back in the days the tunnel video, but was focused on the tunnels. I will watch the other video soon to learn more. Kind regards, Herman
Hello @prince, Fantastic job. But I have a landscape beginners question, why not put it here. Can you give me a short explanation about the gradient in forming a landscape. Or a link to a relevant topic ? Thanks in advance, Kind regards, Herman
Herman antwortete auf Hermans Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hello Hubert, Thank you. I thought I did something wrong in using this model, because the other model works fine. Maybe the maker of the model fmkberlin can resolve this ? Kind regards, Herman -
Hello members, Some help please. I'm just working manual to see how this specific model behaves. I can use the crane symbol but nothing happens. I can use this animation but cannot lift a pallet. I have no problem using this nexr Gabelstapler, all works fine. Some explanation how the first one works... Thanks already, Kind regards, Herman
Hello, Since we are still in V6 .... But i understand Götz, probable Neo has a nicer solution in V7. Can you do something with one of those ? TB01 SignalL V6.mbp or this one TB08 SignalG V6.mbp Both signals are generic. Both signals use a variable to restart the train after the signal is green, with their own speed. The second is a based on ME08 Block signal. The main difference is that SignalL keeps the name of the train when triggering the track contact of the signal. SignalG looks which train is at that moment on the track contact of the signal. Both signals do handle pulling and pushing trains, with positive or negative speed. Feel free to use / ask about it. But it's only to help. Kind regards, Herman
No comments, just congratulations !
Smooth connection Streets - Streets without routes
Herman antwortete auf Hermans Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hello @hubert.visschedijk, a little explanation please. Thanks in advance. Grtz, Herman -
Smooth connection Streets - Streets without routes
Herman antwortete auf Hermans Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hello Simon, Thanks for your answer. If we take A80AE929-B752-4856-85D7-260DF3616B17 from the country roads, the surface is not the same. But maybe a change to ... ? Hubert gave me this suggestion Greetings, Herman