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Alle erstellten Inhalte von henricjen

  1. Hi Max @maxwei, this is when you could say "I misspelled on purpose to test the community sense of attention to details" But the hard truth is that I overlooked that misspelling. Thank you for seeing it and the error has been corrected Kind regards, Henrik
  2. Hallo alle, the next RhB Uah 81xx variation, the 8135, is now ready. I will be making 4-5 variations before final publishing. Kind regards, Henrik
  3. Thank you Brummi Respectful regards, Henrik
  4. Hallo alle, here a draft version of the RhB Uah 8134: 2DCB75FE-F1B9-4607-8C76-7B3B64D6EE62 I will keep this draft status open a few day, if anyone would have the time and interest to just try it out and comment if they find some overlooked issues The image is also a tribute to Brummi'ss clever solution to a 3 way end "turntable". With good aid from other clever people on the forum And in the hope @Roter Brummer will make a 1000mm version as well Kind regards, Henrik
  5. Hi Martin @martin.rueedi, I am so glad we did not completely discourage you by all the MBS aspects In my book, a locomotive or wagon of typical 2 bogey/ 4 wheels should end in a maximum of about 30000-60000 polygons. Others might set their own building requirements lower due to realizing details in texture rather than mesh. My advice to you; Select either the locomotive or a single wagon and focus on learning the MBS aspects on it. Forget all the others, since it is the initial "adapting for MBS" learning curve that is hard. And you will surely be able to find or ask for good advice among guides/fellow builders Kind regards, Henrik
  6. Hallo alle, texturing on the Uah 81xx is now done. I am looking into a bit more weathering, but the color variants I will make now are "well kept" wagons I have also used subtle "metallic/roughness" textures to ensure some shininess on especially the tank. But the problem is that it reduces the "weathering" effects. So a balance must be made, and I am still working on finding that... Kind regards, Henrik
  7. Hi @FeuerFighter, I like this multilevel arcade, most so as "Normal". Perhaps publish both? Would suggest a variant without "rocks on the top" to accommodate hills/mountains made with clearly different textures. Only a humble request Kind regards, Henrik
  8. Hi Martin, allow me, probably along others, to test the items and give you some constructive feedback ASAP... Here only the very first observations about the FO locomotive. HGe 4/4: Very good proportional modeling. But extremely high poly count: 553447. Even my own polygon heavy wagons are around 40000. In comparison Brummi's Ge 4/4 II is 18933 polygons, but he is a master of ensuring details with textures instead of polygons. But 553447 seems like far too many polygons for an MBS object. The model should be about 1/10 of this. Pantographs are not animated. Quite a difficult animation setup I soon have to do myself in Blender for another project. Locomotive hovers to high over the rails. (Easily solved in the 3D program or in engine settings in MBS) Bogeys are not defined as "Spezialobjekte", as defined in the Wiki, so wheels do not turn and bogeys do not turn in curves. The engineer cabins are mesh wise empty No working lights General mesh colors for FO colorscheme should be looked at As you have just begun your first uploads to MBS, this surely can be seen as "proof of concept" that your models will work and I think they have the quality. But they will need work to ensure above mentioned MBS functionality and reasonable size requirements. Kind regards, Henrik
  9. Hi Martin, what a pleasure to see others having worked on Swiss 1000mm besides Brummi and me The fusion 360 preview is very slow, but the models look very promising. And quite a video! (I think I even saw the Uah 81xx I am building right now) Personally, I will really look forward to testing this Glacier Express in MBS Please do publish the drafts when you are ready. And if you have further 3D models lying around, do consider them for MBS. Respectful regards, Henrik
  10. Hi @EASY, never seen this wagon before with this special self-unloading function. Most interesting to learn something new about this wagon's variations. Looking forward to it I too can only find unique real life pictures on https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mittenselbstentladewagen HWB's PDF link is clearly "the holy grail" Kind regards, Henrik
  11. Hallo alle, details are endless so the real job is to know when to stop. There, mesh done as good as I can make it! Now on to texturing... Kind regards, Henrik
  12. henricjen


    Hi Brummi, not all have a 60 feet shed in their backyard to be able to paint 40 feet containers, nor less the empty storage space and dedicated crane to handle these giants before upload Wonderful work and most useful additions to the catalog Kind regards, Henrik
  13. Hallo alle, mesh work proceeding and about 90% done. Kind regards, Henrik
  14. Hallo alle, the RhB Uah 81xx tanker is now in construction. Basic proportions being established... Kind regards, Henrik
  15. henricjen

    GV8 Isla Magma

    Hi @Koriander, that is a truly inspiring journey you put the viewer on And your utilization of MBS functionality is amazing. Thank you for the inspiration Kind regards, Henrik
  16. henricjen


    Only 8453 variations to go Brummi! Hang in there Great to get all the containers Kind regards, Henrik
  17. Thank you for all your innovative work in MBS Feuerfighter Respectful regards, Henrik
  18. Hallo @GKK Vielen Dank, dass Sie mich auf diesen Fehler hingewiesen haben. Ich habe die „Engine“-Einstellungen entfernt! (Neue Version hochgeladen und wartet auf Neo-Genehmigung) --- Thank you for pointing out this mistake from my side. I have removed the "engine" settings! (new version uploaded and awaiting Neo approval) Kind regards, Henrik
  19. Very impressive results Thomas Enjoyed the soundscapes!
  20. Hallo alle, Die 7 Hauptvarianten des RhB Fad 87xx sind nun fertig und hochgeladen. Ich werde mir den Wagen für eine spätere „sehr rostige und abgenutzte“ Version noch einmal ansehen. Ich weiß, Schmalspur und RhB sind nicht das beliebteste Thema auf MBS, aber RhB liegt mir am Herzen und meine nächsten Modelle werden auch für die 1000-mm-Schmalspur der RhB sein. Ich hoffe immer noch, dass Sie Freude daran haben, sie zu verwenden, so wie ich Freude daran hatte, sie herzustellen. --- Hi all, the 7 primary variants of the RhB Fad 87xx are now done and uploaded. I will revisit the wagon for at later "very rusty and worn down" version. I know narrowgauge and RhB is not the most popular topic on MBS, but RhB is close to my heart and my next models will also be for the RhB 1000mm narrowgauge. I still hope you will enjoy using them like I have enjoyed making them. Kind regards, Henrik
  21. Hallo alle, here the second last variation of 87xx: "Kieswerk untervaz ag" Kind regards, Henrik
  22. Hallo alle, the first brown variant comes to life with older levers for operating the unload valves. Kind regards, Henrik
  23. Hi Ralf @ralf3, we can do better than just a neutral rental. Here a customization with yellow racing stripes and a full load of premixed grey ballast included Kind regards, Henrik
  24. Hallo alle, almost out of yellow paint, the RhB ballast service variant comes to life Kind regards, Henrik
  25. Hallo alle, Thank you for the likes and the last grey variation, 8726, in full grey, black logo and dark bogey. Kind regards, Henrik
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