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Hallo alle,

Ich bin ein grosser Fan der Schweizerischen RhB.
Die wunderschöne Berglandschaft im Sommer und Winter und die erstaunlichen Züge, die sie durchqueren. Ich hatte vor einigen Jahren das Vergnügen, auf der Berninastrecke zu fahren.

Ich würde gerne wissen, ob andere Schöpfer die Leidenschaft für die RhB teilen?
Wenn ja, habe ich alle Pläne für ihre Lokomotiven, Personen- und Güterwagen. Es ist eine Buchreihe, die ich vor vielen Jahren gekauft habe.

Meine Absicht ist es, vielleicht mit der Entwicklung der ABe 4/4 II zu beginnen. Wenn andere an ihren Kreationen teilnehmen möchten, kann ich die Pläne/Zeichnungen für das, was Sie bauen möchten, scannen und Ihnen zusenden.

Kind regards,




Hallo Henrik,

ich teile deine Leidenschaft in allen Punkten und finde es ganz großartig, dass sich jemand dieses Themas annimmt. Die Reise mit der Bernina-Bahn habe ich auch als unvergessliches Erlebnis im Kopf.

Ich würde ja liebend gerne beim Modellbau mitmachen, muss aber jetzt mal aufpassen, dass ich mich nicht verzettele. Da sind einfach zu viele angefangene Dinge, die ich endlich mal zu Ende bringen will.



  • 4 years later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi Brummi, @Roter Brummer

Your recent work on the RhB locomotives have inspired me to return to model creation for the RhB :) I missed the community and making models...

First I need to update the flatwagon Lb 7852 and 5 containers with contact points. But I have encountered a problem, I hope you will provide me with a solution to, since you have just launched the great new 20 containers with contact points.

1) I have no problems adding and getting the container contact point to attach to a wagon that supports it. Like your Sp - w 8250. (Back track on picture)

2) But when I move the wagon, my container stays stationary, while your container correctly stays in position on the moving wagon.

 do I technically specify the container as a cargo, which attaches and stays with the wagon position?

Happy new year and thanks in advance,

Henrik ;)



Hello Henrik,

First of all, I'm delighted that you've found your way back to MBS. That is good news.

The contact point in your container model must be named "_CP_Source".

On the other hand, the contact point from the loading area must be named "_CP_Target".

This way, the load and wagon remain permanently connected.

Kind regards


Hi Brummi,

the devil is in the detail. Here the correct name after the "_CP_"!

Thank you so much for the assistance and really looking forward to your ABe 4/4 II :)

My next project (after contact point updates) and updating myself on using Blender 4, will properly be some additional freight wagons. Staring with the Gb 58xx series closed box wagon.

Kind regards,


Aktualisierungen an RhB-Containerwagen Lb 7852 und Kühlcontainern C745. Plus neue Müll- und Postcontainer.

1) Containerwagen Lb 7852 aktualisiert mit Kontaktpunkt für Ladungen wie Container.
2-5) Vorhandene Kühlcontainer mit Kontaktpunkt aktualisiert.
6-7) Neuer separater Müllcontainer mit Voll- und Leervarianten.
8) Neuer SBB-Postcontainer „DIE POST“ mit Kontaktstelle.
9) Neuer SBB-Postcontainer „DIE POST“ auf Beinen, passend zu allen Varianten der Kühlcontainer.

Jetzt können alle meine C745/Müllcontainer als Ladung auf Waggons dienen, die Kontaktpunkte unterstützen, genau wie Brummis tolle „RhB-Rungenwagen“ (A-B) ;) 

Alle warten auf Genehmigung!


Updates to RhB Lb 7852 container wagon and cooler C745 containers. Plus new trash and mail containers.

1) Lb 7852 container wagon updated with contact point for loads like containers.
2-5) Existing cooler containers updated with contact point.
6-7) New separate trash container with full and empty variations.
8) New "DIE POST" SBB post container with contact point.
9) New "DIE POST" SBB post container on legs to match all variations for the cooler containers.

Now all my C745/Trash containers can act as load on wagons that support contact points, just like Brummi's great "RhB Stake wagons" (A-B)

All awaiting approval!

Kind regards,


  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Brummi,

so glad to see the HAIK come to life :)

according to my model book " Die Fahrzeuge der Rhaetischen Bahn 1889 - 1997", the distance on the FAD between the bogeys is 7000 mm. With a distance of the axles on each bogey of 1400 mm.

On the HAIK this distance between the bogeys is 9030 mm. (the HAIK is about 2000 mmm longer than the FAD)

But it would still account for the bogeys to look "further out" than on the FAD.

I think we have both made the right measurements :)


Just to coordinate; My wish is to continue on the 4-axle tanker UAH 81x after completing the FAD in february. Do tell me if you have already started on that one :)

Respectful regards,




Posted (edited)

Hallo Alle,

mesh nearly done to the level of detail I have decided to use. I do tend to use meshes where others use textures, making objects I make "heavier" polygon wise. But I enjoy defining details in meshes, so I will continue to do that :) Now texturing have begone on the modern "grey" livery of the wagon.

Kind regards,


Edited by henricjen
Posted (edited)

Finally a basic coat of grey and nearly out of paint :) Still a lot of texturing to do and then light weathering...

Kind regards,


Edited by henricjen
Posted (edited)

Hi @Roter Brummer (and all that will take the time to express their opinion),

I have this idea to use your 511 BillerBahn bulk loads for the wagon, using load attachment points (2 in this case). And I would suggest we do that for all bulk RhB wagons.
What do you and the community think of this idea? It would allow the creation of new bulk loads, then automatically supported by the RhB wagons as a standard.

An alternative is that we together create new bulk loads for specific RhB bulk car wagons...

Opinions are very valued. :) 

Kind regards,




Edited by henricjen

Hi @henricjen,

vor 30 Minuten schrieb henricjen:

An alternative is that we together create new bulk loads for specific RhB bulk car wagons...

I think this is the better approach.

The Biller-Bahn loads do not fit exactly into the RhB wagons. In addition, the animation is specially designed for the Biller-Bahn wagons.

If you want me to help, I would need the exact dimensions of the loading space. Preferably on a scale of 1:1.

Is an animation also planned here?

Kind regards


Hi Brummi @Roter Brummer

I agree on the solution.

The problem I see is the need to create bulk loads to each size of wagon. That can end up in a lot of bulk loads, each with a description of which wagon they fit.
Perhaps not that user friendly.

But I personally does not like the alternative, having to make mesh load/unload as animations in the actual wagon for. I personally prefer the attachment point method.

Let's talk about this later when I have the bulk wagon ready :)


Kind regards,

vor 57 Minuten schrieb Roter Brummer:

However, the model has been waiting for approval from Neo since June 19, 2023.

Eine Verladeanlage kann ich nicht in der Warteschlange sehen.

Viele Grüße,



Hallo @Neo,

irgendwie läuft hier alles schief bei mir.:D

Der Link zeigt auf die falsche Stelle im Thread. Es geht um die Waggonbeladung weiter unten. Diese habe ich jetzt noch einmal hochgeladen:



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