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Thema Rhätische Bahn - RhB


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Hallo alle,

I dont think you ever get satisfied with the level of mesh details and weathering, but at some point you have to stop. I think I am close now :)

Then comes the "how to load bulks" in the wagon challenge.

I expect to provide the wagon in both the modern grey, old brown and work train yellow over time.

Kind regards,



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Hallo alle,

after evaluating the different methods of providing bulk loads for the wagon type, I have decided to use the newest method using attachment points and treating the bulk loads as separate objects. The bulk loads will then be found in "Cargoes, Freight / Bulk" That makes it quite easy to provide additional bulk types over times. Here are the initial 8 bulk types I have created for the wagon:

  • Ballast
  • Coal
  • Grain
  • Gravel
  • Iron ore
  • Sand
  • Woodchips
  • Tarp (For sensitive materials that needs cover from the elements)

I will be happy to add more bulk loads upon request :)

Kind regards,





Edited by henricjen
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Hallo alle,

I have uploaded a preview version of the wagon: D47707CA-16ED-4F2B-B668-B663008AD208
And the bulk loads as: 3491E977-6C13-41BD-ABC3-2964CC2BE3A9

They will stay in "Draft" for a few days...

Should you have the time and interest in testing them, I would appreciate your input to ensure I have not overlooked anything. :)

Kind regards,

Edited by henricjen
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Hi Henrik

Nice model(y),
Rust texture is good, maybe a bit more all around?

A few small comments, if I may:
maybe you give a mooth on the twist grips and some other things

I don't know what the original looks like, but would a red color look better on the handles and twist grips?

best regards max

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Thank you @maxwei for your comments :)

Rust texturing
It was on purpose I did not add that much to this newer version of the wagon. But when grey, brown and yellow variations are made, I might make much more "worn down" versions of the wagons. Normally RhB just don't allow their wagons to enter that state while still active. They get dirty but not very rusty :)

Smooth texture
In the past I have always avoided this, since it gave some strange rendering shadows in MBS.
But with 8.5 I do not see that as a visual problem anymore and I have actually added it on other details. 
I will use your advice and try to use "Smooth shading" on additional details.

Color of handles/grips etc.
I have stuck to the colors given by the RhB for this time variation. This grey version is originally just painted grey everywhere. Even the bogeys! :)
As you can see from this picture, it is grey in grey (in grey). With only a few splashes of yellow and red for handles and grips.

I always try to create a research folder with real life/good model images to understand details and coloring schemes.

Again thank you for taking the time to test and comment, it is highly appreciated. :)

Kind regards,



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Hallo alle,

Der Wagen RhB Fad 78xx und die massenladungen wurden nun hochgeladen und warten auf @Neos Genehmigung :)
The wagon RhB Fad 78xx and bulk loads have now been uploaded and are awaiting Neos approval :)

Kind regards,


Edited by henricjen
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I want to rent it...3 hours of glueing ballast on the main track today....it is so boring. I mixed it from black and brown shrimp gravel. Thats much cheaper than the little bags from the model railway store. I just saw it's also available in gray, maybe for my narrow gauge tracks. Your wagon would help very much with the ballast..:D ;)

kind regards,


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Even though that wagons are too modern for my narrow gauge and it is H0m, not H0e, I like the details very much. It's RhB and not the smaller German Sächsische or Württembergische Railroads. So this one is a really new Version, not only an alternative texture. Respect for that load of work. I am just building model railroads. Construction of non-standard equipment for my real life model railroad is possible for me, but not here with blender or sketchup. Only a little work with the standards and altering textures.

Kind regards,


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Hallo alle,

Die 7 Hauptvarianten des RhB Fad 87xx sind nun fertig und hochgeladen.
Ich werde mir den Wagen für eine spätere „sehr rostige und abgenutzte“ Version noch einmal ansehen.

Ich weiß, Schmalspur und RhB sind nicht das beliebteste Thema auf MBS, aber RhB liegt mir am Herzen und meine nächsten Modelle werden auch für die 1000-mm-Schmalspur der RhB sein.

Ich hoffe immer noch, dass Sie Freude daran haben, sie zu verwenden, so wie ich Freude daran hatte, sie herzustellen. :)


Hi all,

the 7 primary variants of the RhB Fad 87xx are now done and uploaded.
I will revisit the wagon for at later "very rusty and worn down" version.

I know narrowgauge and RhB is not the most popular topic on MBS, but RhB is close to my heart and my next models will also be for the RhB 1000mm narrowgauge.

I still hope you will enjoy using them like I have enjoyed making them. :)


Kind regards,


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Zu diesem sehr spannenden Thema habe ich auch einige Modelle beizusteuern, und zwar ein kompletter Glacier Express der 60er, 70er, 80er Jahre mit einer HGe 4/4 der Furka Oberalp Bahn. Die Modelle sind im Moment noch als Entwurf hochgeladen, aber wenn Ihr sie Ok findet, werde ich sie definitiv zur Verfügung stellen.image.thumb.jpeg.4acca9a3c9152db048209af82691cecb.jpeg

Da dies mein erster Upload ist, ist mir der Prozess noch nicht 100% klar, wie Ihr den Zugriff auf die Modelle bekommt. Meldet Euch einfach, wenn ich noch etwas bereit stellen sollte.

Da die Modelle in Fusion 360 gemacht sind (ausser die Texturen), könnt Ihr die Cloud gespeicherten Modelle auch unter diesem Link angucken:

Ursprünglich habe ich diese Modelle für ein Flugsimuationsaddon gebaut, deshalb könnte Ihr sie auch hier in freier Wildbahn begutachten:

Beste Grüsse


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Hi Martin,

what a pleasure to see others having worked on Swiss 1000mm besides Brummi and me :) 
The fusion 360 preview is very slow, but the models look very promising. And quite a video! (I think I even saw the Uah 81xx I am building right now)

Personally, I will really look forward to testing this Glacier Express in MBS ;)

Please do publish the drafts when you are ready. And if you have further 3D models lying around, do consider them for MBS.

Respectful regards,

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vor 53 Minuten schrieb martin.rueedi:

wie Ihr den Zugriff auf die Modelle bekommt

Beim Upload wird dir eine Content-ID angezeigt, diese benötigen wir, um dein Entwurf betrachten zu können.

Viele Grüße,


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vor 2 Stunden schrieb Neo:

Beim Upload wird dir eine Content-ID angezeigt, diese benötigen wir, um dein Entwurf betrachten zu können.

Aha, danke für den Hinweis, dann wären es diese IDs:

HGe 4/4 


FO B, neue Bemalung




Viel Spass und Grüsse,

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