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Hello, please some help.

I want to combine streets ( with routes in it ) and those without by the use of virtual tracks. 
But even in the most simple connection there is a bump down. ( my best my best attempt  for the virual routes is now  z=1,99, at 2 the routes in the street and the virtual routes do not match any more). What am I doing wrong ? Is a smooth connection possible in this case ?


Greetings, Herman

vor 3 Stunden schrieb Herman:

there is a bump down

To overcome this problem, you can find two ramps in the "virtual track" section:




Hello @Goetz,

Thanks for this solution ! This does the job indeed. I took the ramp as Goetz said. And with the gizmo it's easy to adjust the z from the ramps just to the connecting points.



Just personal remarks.

  • My fear becomes true, both types of streets are not 100% compatible. Probably due to historical growth in previous versions ? 
  • Not that it bothers me, but there is still a small gap between the two kinds of streets. And putting the lower streets a 0,25 mm higher that can hide it, but then the sidewalk does not match anymore.
  • Special thanks to @Henry for his topic to use virtual tracks in the special streets without routes like that for a bus stop etc. 
  • I wanted to use the benefits of both worlds. ( streets with and without routes)

Thank you Goetz ! 

Kind regards,


  • 2 Wochen später...
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)


There is a way to resolves those gaps with existing models. Perhaps not very known.... its a puzzle.... ;)

Take these models and adjust

5443C6CA-19C1-4236-B12F-59536D492880 (under paths)

A80AE929-B752-4856-85D7-260DF3616B17 (under country roads)

Then set the texture (choose from the online catalog) and the form to the settings as on the picture. 


Below the result once you have placed the sidewalk. (ID number at the end of this page)


The gap is gone, but the little height diference will be there... (the left piece is the middle part of the buslane)



Street 3.jpg

Here is the ID number of the piece i made. Download it and save as your own model.




Bearbeitet von hubert.visschedijk
On 7/6/2021 at 12:21 PM, Herman said:

there is still a small gap between the two kinds of streets. And putting the lower streets a 0,25 mm higher that can hide it, but then the sidewalk does not match anymore.

Hello @hubert.visschedijk , thank you, again I learned something, and it is sure an answer to the quote above. I just made such a street as you proposed. Nice !

The following has nothing to do with your answer, but I still find it a pitty that if we want to connect the streets without routes ( via virtual routes ) with the newer ( splines ) through a ramp. 

Thanks again, kind regards, Herman

vor 6 Minuten schrieb Herman:

 ( via virtual routes )

Herman, contrary what has been adviced, i would use the single lane country road by @BahnLand being A1CD9002-78F4-4B46-9AA0-75FDAF46E262 for building those roads that not have the routes included. Set them all to the colored lines (in the options of the model itself) and start building OVER the no-route models.

When finished, including EV , set them to inivisible. Only diference will be that the cars "float" a litte over the no-route models. But that can hardly be seen.

Many greeetings,

1 hour ago, hubert.visschedijk said:


Just a remark : twice the same number, same layout.

Hello @hubert.visschedijk,

Thanks ! I will certainly try those out later ... but not very soon due to a total different project I'm working on. (*) And one without streets this time.
So sorry for now...  I learned one thing here, stick a reasonable long time to your project, if I jump to much from one idea to another, nothing has been realized.
But you really piqued my interest!  And I appreciate your ideas a lot !  I'll be back ... :D

Kind regards, Herman
(*) Märklin catalog Primex80 275x155 cm. 

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

you´re welcome Herman.

But i should try the country roads from @BahnLandto build as much as possible. They are very versatile. Sidewalks can be added (in one-lane streets) by using the "follow-me" tool.

You can change so much on them and even the texture can be changed or edited your self. For me i have made this one, using Bahnlands texture as a basis, for those spots where i think no grass should be. (Hint for @BahnLandto create some for the oficial catalog.... :D)

Many greetings



And now made in 3 minutes... so easy it is....




Bearbeitet von hubert.visschedijk

The one thing missing from those country roads is a junction. Or rather, the existing "Diversion" is from the old set of country roads.

I can see that i's possible to construct them, but getting all the lengths and radii right is a thing in itself...

3 hours ago, simonjackson1964 said:

but getting all the lengths and radii right is a thing in itself.

Hello @simonjackson1964 , they can be taken from the diversion in city streets, but still a work to do.
Or maybe you just ment this.  Then it's an hint to others.
Kind regards, Herman

3 minutes ago, Herman said:

So  I did not understand what you ment. .

Yes in the streets without routes is of course a diversion without routes. Why not take the new one in the new country roads with routes ?
Greetings, H

1 hour ago, Herman said:

Yes in the streets without routes is of course a diversion without routes. Why not take the new one in the new country roads with routes ?
Greetings, H

Hi Herman

That's what I am using. But the one in the country roads with routes:

  • Has a different road surface to the new set of country roads
  • Has only the one option for it's appearance.

I'm talking about 0571B49A-8E07-4977-ABD5-54F80A9A5D28.

Basically is doesn't match the rest, except for DD62251F-8EE9-46F5-B50A-567CEA5032F7. That is the old country road spline with route, and the junction goes with it.. If there's a new junction available, I can't find it.


Hello Simon,

Thanks for your  answer. 
If we take A80AE929-B752-4856-85D7-260DF3616B17 from the country roads, the surface is not the same.
But maybe a change to ... ?

 1269094031_Asphaltgrob.jpg.f1f924df607c3e7ff4827f0deb728953.jpgHubert gave me this suggestion

On 7/20/2021 at 10:07 PM, hubert.visschedijk said:

Then set the texture (choose from the online catalog)

Greetings, Herman

vor 16 Stunden schrieb simonjackson1964:

Basically is doesn't match the rest, except for DD62251F-8EE9-46F5-B50A-567CEA5032F7. That is the old country road spline with route, and the junction goes with it.. If there's a new junction available, I can't find it.

Hello all,

You can use the junctions with no splines if the want the same texture.

Use the single lane country roads to create the lanes.

Spline on 0 = 3D model and spline

Left lane on -178,05 =Street and virtual

Right lane on +187,05 = Street and virtual

A little hint what i normally do; i actually use railtracks. its more comfortable to see the result on your layout. And then change them to the single lanes by the automatic changing tool. After that i place the no spline junction over the country roads (the colored line version) and set those to invisible afterwards.

I cant recall where on this forum, but there are some subjects on the matter somewhere... good luck and feel free to contact me if you need any more help.

With kind regards


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Here is is... :D



And since i allready made it just now, a waste not to share it.... Notice that in the left lane of the crossing i made the straight piece of the left lane curve a litte shorter. You complete it with a little single piece (in red and here 400 cm) to be able to use it in EV, to have the cars stopped in front of the white line of the crossing. Now, if the cars stop to far away ( i havent tested it) you can edit lane 3 in the crossing by making the straight part shorter or longer. Offcourse, you will need to edit the red piece also after that.



Bearbeitet von hubert.visschedijk

All very nice, but doesn't actually solve the problem that the only two junctions available that don't have pavements have a different road surface from the new country road set, and the white lines and verges are also different. See:


I mean I could go through the entire layout and change the surface on all the new road pieces to match the junction, but wouldn't it be better to have a junction available that matches the new roads with at least some of the same features?

That junction is the one from the country roads with routes, but the one without routes looks exactly the same, by the way.

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