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Love the Maerklin stellpult Brummi
Hi all, the first release version of the track/gleis textur and the matching ballast/schotter textur is now available in the online database: Gleis: Holz und grau schotter NB-GLTX-01 Boden: Schotter grau NB-BOTX-01
Cant wait to use them on my layouts Brummi You are indeed the head gardner
Looks great but watch all that coffee and cigarettes
Very good usage of backgrounds (hintergrunden) blended with the hills
Texture upload rights to the online database?
henricjen antwortete auf henricjens Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Danke Wüstenfuchs -
Texture upload rights to the online database?
henricjen hat Thema erstellt in [International] Problems and solutions
Hi all, Do I have to upload a layout and get 25 likes to rank (rang) 1 before I can upload my first textures? (Thats what I get from https://en.3d-modellbahn.de/wiki/8072#help-ratings) Right now my professional v4 account does not allow me any uploads at all. See the attached acccount information. Kind regards, Henrik -
Hi all, I have decided to base the schotter on a freeware texture. I have also created a new boden schotter texture from this. So after a lot of Photoshop work, trial and error, the initial result is this:
Wonderful 3D work and texturing Reinhard
Wonderful trees and scenary Brummi
Hi all, getting to know how to create contents for this fun simulator, I have started working a bit with textures. I have worked on the basic track texture to try to: Create shading under the rails in the gaps between the sleepers. Sharpen the textures. Add rust to the rail sides. narrow the round top of the rail a bit. Adding a little dirt to the length of the tracks along the rails and in the middle of the track.
Looking for template to make new track texture...
henricjen antwortete auf henricjens Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Ok, turns out you can export a texture template to the .dds format. And then open it in a graphics editor with a .dds import plugin ( I use Photoshop CC with a freeware .dds plugin) It opens as a 512x256x72 RGB 8 bit image. Then you can create a new texture with the right track and ballast graphics at the right positions and save it as a .jpg. This .jpg can then be imported as a track texture. Got to love reverse engineering -
Looking for template to make new track texture...
henricjen hat Thema erstellt in [International] Problems and solutions
Hi all, I am new to the simulator and would like to try to make a new track texture. But I can not find any downloadable graphics template I can work on. And I cant seem to find a way to download one from the online library and then replace it with a new image. Is the such a track texture template anywhere online? Or can I find a link in a PDF guide? Kind regards, henricjen -
Drehscheibe mit Blender
henricjen antwortete auf k.cornelsens Thema in Modellbau mit externen Programmen
Hi, love the turntable and the Gleis S49. Is the S49 available for download? -
Hi Wustenfuchs, I certainly plan to upload it. But it will properly take some months for me to get to a "finished" state
Very nice track and catenary work Hans Could we see an overview of the entire trackplan?
Hi Brummi, your name "Roter Brummer" seems to pop up on so much on the models I choose to use. From stations to the excellent catenary, you seem to be one of the super creators here in 3d-modellbahn. Thank you for all your work That of course goes for all the creators that share their work online for us to use.