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Hi Hawkeye I had a feeling it was something like that. The wagons should all be pointing the right way from now on, so hopefully I won't have the problem again. I made sure to swap all the wagons to point the right way. Odd that if I hadn't wanted the shunt loco to be facing the consist. it wouldn't have happened. Also it's good to know thatbI only have to check the wagon at the rear. Thanks for the assist. Simon
Hi folks. A fairly straight forward question, I hope, but I would love an answer, please. I'm using the following event to load all the wagons in a consist into a table list on the loco that's pulling them. Everything works just fine, but on one particular consist I noticed it loaded backwards. (With rather strange results when it came to loading the wagons!) I think it was because the wagons were the wrong way around, the loco attached to the back of the train and the iteration went the wrong way. So I have flipped the direction of those wagons. What I want to know is, am I correct, or is there some other reason? If the latter, what can I do about it? Cheers Simon Hey Leute. Eine ziemlich einfache Frage, hoffe ich, aber ich würde mich über eine Antwort freuen, bitte. Ich verwende das folgende Ereignis, um alle Waggons in einem Verband in eine Tabellenliste auf der Lok zu laden, die sie zieht. Alles funktioniert einwandfrei, aber bei einem bestimmten Zug ist mir aufgefallen, dass er rückwärts geladen wurde. (Mit ziemlich seltsamen Ergebnissen bei der Beladung der Waggons!) Ich denke, es lag daran, dass die Waggons falsch herum waren, die Lok am Ende des Zuges befestigt war und die Iteration in die falsche Richtung fuhr. Also habe ich die Richtung dieser Wagen umgedreht. Was ich wissen möchte ist, liege ich richtig oder gibt es einen anderen Grund? Wenn letzteres, was kann ich dagegen tun? Beifall Simon Übersetzung über Google Übersetzer
Construct Belgian signal
simonjackson1964 antwortete auf raf.sonnevilles Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hi. I agree with Herman, that is some fantastic work. I would love to have a copy of the various platform accessories. -
I would be interested to know how others handle this issue. Mich würde interessieren, wie andere mit diesem Problem umgehen. I'm running a "fast clock", with 24 hours = 1h 36min, meaning 1 Minute = 4 seconds. Ich arbeite mit einer "schnellen Uhr", mit 24 Stunden = 1 Stunde 36 Minuten, was 1 Minute = 4 Sekunden bedeutet. But the model portrays "scale speed" accurately. At 1:160 scale, 10 x 663.37mm lengths of track come out at just over 1km to scale. (663.37 x 10 x160 = 1061392 mm, / 1000 = 1061.392m). Set a vehicle to run this length of track at 60km per hour, and it does it in almost exactly 1 minute. Which is the time it would take a real vehicle travelling at 60km/h to travel 1km. Aber das Modell gibt die "Scale Speed" genau wieder. Im Maßstab 1:160 kommen 10 x 663,37 mm Schienenstücke mit etwas mehr als 1 km Maßstab heraus. (663,37 x 10 x 160 = 1061392 mm, / 1000 = 1061,392 m). Stellen Sie ein Fahrzeug so ein, dass es diese Streckenlänge mit 60 km pro Stunde fährt, und es schafft es in fast genau 1 Minute. Das ist die Zeit, die ein echtes Fahrzeug mit 60 km/h benötigt, um 1 km zurückzulegen. This is not an issue if running on "fixed" time, or running on real time. But how many of us have the time to sit and watch the model run for an entire 24 hours? Dies ist kein Problem, wenn es zu einer "festen" Zeit oder in Echtzeit ausgeführt wird. Aber wie viele von uns haben die Zeit, dem Modell ganze 24 Stunden lang beim Laufen zuzusehen? The problem is that at a realistic shunt speed of 20km/h, it takes a locomotive an unrealistic 9 minutes (virtual time) to get from one end of a 200m long platform to the other, a distance that should take 36 seconds at that speed. Das Problem ist, dass eine Lokomotive bei einer realistischen Rangiergeschwindigkeit von 20 km/h unrealistische 9 Minuten (virtuelle Zeit) benötigt, um von einem Ende eines 200 m langen Bahnsteigs zum anderen zu gelangen, eine Strecke, die bei sollte dieserGeschwindigkeit 36 Sekunden. Anyone who has completed secondary education should be able to recall that S=D/t, Speed=Distance travelled / time taken, and thus t=D/s. To make the time take more realistic, one must reduce the distance or increase the speed (or both). The only other option is to slow down the fast clock, but this only works in conjunction with one or other of the other options unless we reduce it to real time. Jeder, der die Sekundarstufe abgeschlossen hat, sollte sich daran erinnern können, dass S = D / t, Geschwindigkeit = zurückgelegte Entfernung / benötigte Zeit und somit t = D / s. Um die Zeit realistischer zu machen, muss man die Entfernung verringern oder die Geschwindigkeit erhöhen (oder beides). Die einzige andere Möglichkeit ist, die schnelle Uhr zu verlangsamen, aber das funktioniert nur in Verbindung mit der einen oder anderen der anderen Optionen, es sei denn, wir reduzieren es auf Echtzeit. Decreasing distances results in shorter train lengths, shorter block lengths and/or unrealistically long vehicles. Increasing the vehicles' speed gives potential issues with stopping distances, although I think V7 has most of those sorted, with the routes system. Verringerte Entfernungen führen zu kürzeren Zuglängen, kürzeren Blocklängen und/oder unrealistisch langen Fahrzeugen. Das Erhöhen der Fahrzeuggeschwindigkeit führt zu potenziellen Problemen mit dem Bremsweg, obwohl ich denke, dass V7 die meisten davon mit dem Routensystem sortiert hat. Anyway, what do other people do, please? Wie auch immer, was machen andere, bitte? Cheers, Simon.
Construct Belgian signal
simonjackson1964 antwortete auf raf.sonnevilles Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
I think @Dad3353 has had some success with UK style signals? I'm pretty sure you need to animate the model. -
String Concatenation // String-Verkettung
simonjackson1964 antwortete auf simonjackson1964s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Thanks, Andy. This works: $("Events").variables["TimeS"] = tostring(time) $("Events").variables["List Name"] = "List " .. $("Events").variables["TimeS"] Giving me the name of a list variable that is to be actioned at a given time! Now for the next bit! -
String Concatenation // String-Verkettung
simonjackson1964 hat Thema erstellt in [International] Problems and solutions
I can't seem to find how to do this in Lua, but it must be possible because it is the most basic of programming functions. I seem to remember: Begin Var A = "Hello" Var B = " World" Var C = A + B WriteLn C End As being the first ever program I wrote! -
Signal does not go to red after a train is passing.
simonjackson1964 antwortete auf Hermans Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
So basically, you could set the route to "do nothing" and then have an event on the signal's track contact "upon leaving"... This makes perfect sense to me. (Half second delay added for the signalman's reaction time!) -
Road Junctions
simonjackson1964 antwortete auf simonjackson1964s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
I have a new favorite: "Fáhrtrichtungsanzeiger" With "-links" or "-rechts" on the end. That's the one on the buses! -
Signal does not go to red after a train is passing.
simonjackson1964 antwortete auf Hermans Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hi Herman. I could be wrong, but I think the whole purpose of the "Route gets released" function is to set the signal to red, or to whatever you want it to be, as the train passes. You can select any of the signal aspects and that is what the signal changes to as the train passes. I'm not entirely sure why you would set it to anything other than HP0, other than (possibly) SH1 or Zs1, but it's nice to have the option. Hallo Hermann. Ich könnte mich irren, aber ich denke, der ganze Zweck der Funktion "Route wird freigegeben" besteht darin, das Signal auf Rot zu setzen oder auf was auch immer Sie es wollen, wenn der Zug vorbeifährt. Sie können einen der Signalbegriffe auswählen und das Signal ändert sich zu diesem, wenn der Zug vorbeifährt. Ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher, warum Sie es auf etwas anderes als HP0 setzen würden, außer (möglicherweise) SH1 oder Zs1, aber es ist schön, die Option zu haben. -
Road Junctions
simonjackson1964 antwortete auf simonjackson1964s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Yes this is what I have done with the road vehicles on the test track. A somewhat more daunting task for all those vehicles stored in that virtual depot. I'll do it because I want to, but it's a mammoth task. And I do understand that the various vehicles were made by different people at different times, and I'm both grateful and impressed. But I still think a bit of streamlining is in order! -
Road Junctions
simonjackson1964 antwortete auf simonjackson1964s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Thank you, Herman. There's all these neat little animations, so it's worth figuring out how to use them. It's just a shame they're called any of... "Blinker Links", "Blinker-Links", "1 Blinker Links" "xx Blinker Links" (where xx is any number from 01 to 10), or my personal favourite: "01 - Blinker-Links" - note the two spaces after the hyphen? These really should be standardised, remove all hyphens and numbers and just call them "Blinker Links" and (of course) "Blinker Rechts". (The same applied to aircraft with opening doors, raising undercarriage etc). It's going to be nightmare implementing this on my main layout, that has a V-Depot with over 250 road vehicles in, mostly for the variety, but also to generate rush-hour traffic jams! Because I will have to look at each vehicle individually and put the names of the animations manually into a couple of variables! -
Road Junctions
simonjackson1964 antwortete auf simonjackson1964s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
It needs a kick is all, set the silver tractor moving and everything else should solve itself! For some reason that vehicle doesn't auto-accelerate properly. -
Road Junctions
simonjackson1964 antwortete auf simonjackson1964s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Now even flasher! B18BF551-1677-4277-AE1B-6019275E4E4E Unfortunately that's a pun that only works in English! By the way, someone needs to take a day or two and go through all the model vehicles and tidy up the names of the animations! -
Road Junctions
simonjackson1964 antwortete auf simonjackson1964s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
I'm in the process of transposing it into my work-in-progress layout -
Road Junctions
simonjackson1964 antwortete auf simonjackson1964s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hi BahnLand Thanks. I had a feeling that might be the case, that's the sign I used on my test track (just for completeness). Vielen Dank. Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass das der Fall sein könnte, das ist das Zeichen, das ich auf meiner Teststrecke verwendet habe (nur der Vollständigkeit halber). -
Road Junctions
simonjackson1964 antwortete auf simonjackson1964s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Okaaaaaay........ B18BF551-1677-4277-AE1B-6019275E4E4E Try that! As far as I can tell it works perfectly 99% of the time, and the only glitch is when a small car is waiting to turn left into the side road, sometimes the car behind will "pass through" it, and this is because I don't know exactly where to put the stop contacts, so that they are on the correct route, but far enough back to stp the shortest vehicle while part of it is still on the joint route. Does Germany have these road signs? I can't find them in the catalogue. Versuch das! Soweit ich das beurteilen kann, funktioniert es zu 99% perfekt, und der einzige Fehler ist, wenn ein kleines Auto darauf wartet, nach links in die Seitenstraße abzubiegen, manchmal "passiert" das hintere Auto durch, und das liegt daran, dass ich nicht genau wissen, wo die Haltekontakte angebracht werden sollen, damit sie auf der richtigen Route sind, aber weit genug zurück, um das kürzeste Fahrzeug anzuhalten, während ein Teil davon noch auf der gemeinsamen Route ist. Hat Deutschland diese Verkehrszeichen? Ich finde sie nicht im Katalog. -
Road Junctions
simonjackson1964 antwortete auf simonjackson1964s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
That works, but is actually just traffic lights without the lights. The problem with "trimming " the EV code is that I might "trim" something important! -
Road Junctions
simonjackson1964 antwortete auf simonjackson1964s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
I've tried, honestly. But it gets too complicated for words with a counter for each route and conditions that have multiple "or" statements. Personally I'd rather concentrate on the railways and just leave the roads empty! -
Road Junctions
simonjackson1964 antwortete auf simonjackson1964s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Seriously, the counters are not really the problem. Just maker sure that there are more operations subtracting than adding, and after every subtraction set it to if it's negative. This is a red herring , distracting everyone from the real issue: Why do cars end up between tractor and trailer? And is there any way of stopping this from happening? -
Road Junctions
simonjackson1964 antwortete auf simonjackson1964s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Actually no. This is something I've been wrestling with since V4. A vehicle enters the the junction, and hits the track contact, causing +1 to the count. Unless I go the whole hog and count each track contact separately, checking which route each vehicle is on and decide whether or not to slow or stop it on that basis, I have no way of saying that this vehicle is turning left therefore must wait for oncoming traffic. The only solution that doesn't require a "degree in astrophysics", is to say that traffic entering the junction from the straight routes adds 1 to the count when entering and subtracts 1 when leaving. Then to at least try and prevent the mess on the uncontrolled junction where cars jump out on top of each other, I say that when the count is > 0 the contact on the side road is set to decelerate to 0 and when it is 0 (or less) it will accelerate to 30. The problem here s that when a vehicle enters the track contact on the side road, if this sets the count up by 1, the vehicle will always stop. Unless it sets the count when leaving the contact, but for a longer vehicle that is too late. I would appreciate constructive advice on how to solve this conundrum. In the mean time I will have a go at "Total Junction Management" to see if it can be made to work, involving a separate counter for every possible direction a vehicle can turn, which may even result in realistic right turns that don't have trucks passing through each other. -
Road Junctions
simonjackson1964 antwortete auf simonjackson1964s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
B18BF551-1677-4277-AE1B-6019275E4E4E There. It's actually much more elegant, code wise, removes that ugly nested condition. And while it removes the tail flick when driving by, which was the annoying but inconsequential one, it doesn't remove any of the other issues. Including the strange "failure to subtract 1" that seems to happen randomly. Fortunately this has a built in fix in that vehicles entering the junction from the side road don't add to the counter, but do subtract, and if the count goes below zero it is set back to zero. But a vehicle stopped permanently at the stop sign because of this, thus causing the side road to fill, will precipitate the"mega-tail-flick" problem when it starts moving again, This can be created artificially by stopping a vehicle in the side road, then starting it up once the traffic has backed up behind it in both directions -
Road Junctions
simonjackson1964 antwortete auf simonjackson1964s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Thanks Guys. I have to say that road vehicles are a particular bugbear of mine. I'll make the random route assignment more sophisticated, so it only assigns routes that are reachable from the present location and re-upload. Cheers Simon -
Hi. B18BF551-1677-4277-AE1B-6019275E4E4E That is my test track, uploaded as a draft so it doesn't clutter the catalogue. Dies ist mein Testtrack, den ich als Entwurf hochgeladen habe, damit er den Katalog nicht überfüllt. There's one junction that is controlled by counting vehicles in and out, and one junction that is uncontrolled. What I want to know is, is there a way of making the vehicles behave in a more realistic manner when turning left into or out of a junction? I can make them stop at the stop line until the junction is clear, but the longer vehicles are never clear of the junction before the next vehicle arrives at it. All the vehicles have auto-decelerate and auto-accelerate set, and yet some times for some reason a vehicle will crash into the back of a slower one and push it. Es gibt eine Kreuzung, die durch Zählen der ein- und ausfahrenden Fahrzeuge kontrolliert wird, und eine Kreuzung, die nicht kontrolliert wird. Was ich wissen möchte, ist, gibt es eine Möglichkeit, das Verhalten der Fahrzeuge beim Linksabbiegen in oder aus einer Kreuzung realistischer zu gestalten? Ich kann sie an der Haltelinie anhalten lassen, bis die Kreuzung frei ist, aber die längeren Fahrzeuge haben die Kreuzung nie verlassen, bevor das nächste Fahrzeug dort ankommt. Alle Fahrzeuge haben eine automatische Verzögerungs- und Beschleunigungseinstellung, und dennoch prallt manchmal aus irgendeinem Grund ein Fahrzeug gegen das Heck eines langsameren und schiebt es. And finally (and most annoying of all) especially on the uncontrolled junction, a car will occasionally insert itself between a tractor and trailer. This is the reason I no longer bother with articulated vehicles or trailers on my layouts. Und schließlich (und am ärgerlichsten), besonders an der unkontrollierten Kreuzung, schiebt sich gelegentlich ein Auto zwischen Traktor und Anhänger. Aus diesem Grund habe ich auf meinen Anlagen keine Sattelzüge oder Anhänger mehr. I've found that road vehicles are almost more trouble than they are worth to include, as they require constant micromanaging to keep them moving, which takes away the joy of running the trains. Ich habe festgestellt, dass Straßenfahrzeuge fast mehr Ärger bereiten, als es wert ist, absorbiert zu werden, da sie ein ständiges Mikromanagement erfordern, um sie in Bewegung zu halten, was die Freude am Fahren der Züge beeinträchtigt. The random target assignment works so far as it needs to and is just a way of making sure that things happen. Die zufällige Zielzuweisung funktioniert so weit wie nötig und ist nur eine Möglichkeit, dafür zu sorgen, dass Dinge passieren [edit to add] I also forgot the random "Tail Flick". This occurs when a vehicle goes over a junction that for some reason isn't set correctly and the back of the vehicle flicks over to the other route. Normally just annoying to look at, if there are a number of vehicles queueing up at the junction it can result in some very unrealistic "flicking" of the entire queue of cars, and I have seen this result in vehicles being on the wrong side of the road and heading backwards towards their target! Ich habe auch das zufällige "Schwanzschnippen" vergessen. Dies tritt auf, wenn ein Fahrzeug eine Kreuzung passiert, die aus irgendeinem Grund nicht korrekt eingerichtet ist, und das Heck des Fahrzeugs auf die andere Route wechselt. Normalerweise nur ärgerlich anzusehen, wenn sich eine Reihe von Fahrzeugen an der Kreuzung anstellt, kann dies zu einem sehr unrealistischen "Schwanzschnippen" der gesamten Fahrzeugreihe führen, und ich habe gesehen, dass dies dazu führt, dass Fahrzeuge auf der falschen Seite der Kreuzung stehen Straße und rückwärts zum Ziel!