badattitude77 Geschrieben 11. April 2016 Geschrieben 11. April 2016 I don't speak German, and I don't see a forum for English anymore, so I'll just share some pics from a small harbor layout I designed to experiment with and shared in the community. The final layout is about 6 times larger than this one, but there are too many scratch built items that have to be saved to my own catalog, so I won't be sharing the full size layout since it will have a lot of question marks on it. The harbor Aerial view Intermodal docks Intermodal service area Service trucks, container forklifts, yard trucks and container chassis in the service area. Container yard Pier side gantry cranes Loading dock Loading gondolas Heavy equipment dock Heavy equipment dock Steel dock Coil shed Cargo ship with steel coils Cargo ship with steel plate and pipe Loading steel onto semi trucks Liquid chemical loading and unloading tracks Liquid chemical dock Tank truck loading platform Tank truck loading platform Fisherman's wharf and cannery row Passenger station and cruise ship dock Yacht club Deep sea dredge Deep sea dredge close-up Scuba divers exploring ship wreck Entertainment district Skyline from fisherman's wharf EMD "Big Mac" road engines at the interchange yard Fueling cranes and sanding tower at the interchange yard Repairing a container gantry crane Changing a flat tire on a container forklift in the intermodal yard Containers being loaded onto rail cars View across the harbor from the intermodal yard
EASY Geschrieben 11. April 2016 Geschrieben 11. April 2016 Hi, great work ... ... it shows all things arround a harbor be done... (inclusive what happens under water...) EASY
FeuerFighter Geschrieben 11. April 2016 Geschrieben 11. April 2016 Hi, classwork greeting FeuerFighter
BahnLand Geschrieben 11. April 2016 Geschrieben 11. April 2016 Hello badattitude77, it's a very fantastic and excellent work, what you have realized here. By the way: You can enforce te beginning of the picture legend below the picture by making a line feed behind it. Many greetings from Munich BahnLand
badattitude77 Geschrieben 11. April 2016 Autor Geschrieben 11. April 2016 Thank you BahnLand. After I clicked on the "submit" button, I realized I should have moved the text below the images.
fex Geschrieben 11. April 2016 Geschrieben 11. April 2016 Hallo badattitude77, really beautiful what you've created here. Really great facility . Sorry, the hotel is also impressive. Greetings from Berlin fex Ps.: Excuse my English. I had to pull the google translater to rate.
Goetz Geschrieben 11. April 2016 Geschrieben 11. April 2016 The excerpt of your layout that you show here looks mighty impressive, badattitude77. Lots of interesting corners that beg exploring.
badattitude77 Geschrieben 11. April 2016 Autor Geschrieben 11. April 2016 Thank you fex and Goetz. Don't feel bad fex; at least you do speak German and English. I only know English, so you have me beat. There are probably hundreds of little details that could be added Goetz, but since I've left all of the scratchbuilt items in their primitive form, my computer's memory is about maxxed out on this one.
badattitude77 Geschrieben 11. April 2016 Autor Geschrieben 11. April 2016 I tried sharing this and other layouts with the community so people could explore it or use parts of it if they want, but everything I've tried sharing lately is reporting an unknown error. I don't like that because I enjoy exploring other people's work in the community, and I've been inspired by the work other people have done.
Goetz Geschrieben 11. April 2016 Geschrieben 11. April 2016 (bearbeitet) is it - maybe - a conflict of MBS versions that prohibts you from uploading a layout? If you're ahead of the current official version and working with a beta issue, uploads of layouts are not possible (I believe). Still - you can always export your layout to an mbs file and then attach this to a posting here. That would at least grant some readers here access to it. About Germany: Check out Rew Boss on Youtube. He's a brit who's now spent half his life in Germany. It's really entertaining to hear him describe Germany from his british point of view. Most of his videos are in English. And his German is excellent! Bearbeitet 11. April 2016 von Goetz
badattitude77 Geschrieben 11. April 2016 Autor Geschrieben 11. April 2016 Thank you Goetz. I had downloaded the beta upgrade, but I didn't like it, so I removed it. Some of the layouts I've tried to share were submitted before the upgrade, so I'm not sure why they are still in review, or why there are unknown errors. It seems the game has a few programming bugs still, but hopefully they will be worked out over time.
Gast N-Bahn-Bastler Geschrieben 12. April 2016 Geschrieben 12. April 2016 Hi, great work, each detail placed like real!! very fine greetings from illertissen Michel, the N-Bahn-Bastler
badattitude77 Geschrieben 14. April 2016 Autor Geschrieben 14. April 2016 Thank you N-Bahn-Bastler. All the scratchbuilt items are made from the game's primitives so if it will upload to the community anyone can use them and save them to their catalog if they want to. I don't see any sense in making something that can't be shared by others.
quackster Geschrieben 14. April 2016 Geschrieben 14. April 2016 hi vor 2 Stunden schrieb badattitude77: I don't see any sense in making something that can't be shared by others. Greetings from Remscheid quackster
badattitude77 Geschrieben 14. April 2016 Autor Geschrieben 14. April 2016 Greetings from the U.S.A. quackster.
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