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  1. Yes in the streets without routes is of course a diversion without routes. Why not take the new one in the new country roads with routes ? Greetings, H
  2. Hello @simonjackson1964 , I'm wrong because the diversion in country roads has already the routes in it. So I did not understand what you ment. . Sorry, Herman
  3. Hello @simonjackson1964 , they can be taken from the diversion in city streets, but still a work to do. Or maybe you just ment this. Then it's an hint to others. Kind regards, Herman
  4. Hello, I couldn't resist, just a test. Modified "1 Spur, additiv Spurlinien" from @BahnLand. And also sidewalks added on his "1 spur" (in one-lane streets). Kind regards, Herman
  5. Just a remark : twice the same number, same layout. Hello @hubert.visschedijk, Thanks ! I will certainly try those out later ... but not very soon due to a total different project I'm working on. (*) And one without streets this time. So sorry for now... I learned one thing here, stick a reasonable long time to your project, if I jump to much from one idea to another, nothing has been realized. But you really piqued my interest! And I appreciate your ideas a lot ! I'll be back ... Kind regards, Herman (*) Märklin catalog Primex80 275x155 cm.
  6. @hubert.visschedijk, that's really a smooth way to do this. Thanks again for this advice.
  7. Hello @hubert.visschedijk , thank you, again I learned something, and it is sure an answer to the quote above. I just made such a street as you proposed. Nice ! The following has nothing to do with your answer, but I still find it a pitty that if we want to connect the streets without routes ( via virtual routes ) with the newer ( splines ) through a ramp. Thanks again, kind regards, Herman
  8. Herman

    Ghost house

    @Modellbahnspass Thanks for the idea on the forum ! Kind regards, Herman
  9. Herman

    Ghost house

    Hello, Thanks to the idea of "Model Railroad Fun", wich I want to thank, I made this layout. Some Pictures : The layout is operational, and with me at home it's even finished. But next to models from the catalog, I used for the fronts and for 10 ghosts inside a primitive layer and put the texture over it from images of the internet. Due to probably copy rights I do not distribute the pictures. But if someone wants to extend it for home use, there is enough creepy to find on the internet. That's the reason I published the layout in the category "Layouts to extend". CC8F11E9-311E-4F24-8C76-2029AF4A7381 Kind regards, an have a nice day, Herman
  10. Hello @HWB, @Goetz Only information : on that day I got an email from the MBD studio something like : HWB has posted a comment in this topic. I went there, but it was just a message from Hermann to Goetz, and clearly it did not belong there. When I came back later to the topic Neo had already removed it. So I stopped paying attention to it. Greetings, Herman
  11. Hello, If forgot to mention : I used Edit and @Henry's idea to put the ramp at z =2,12 before connecting. Kind regards to all the readers, Herman
  12. Hello @Goetz, Thanks for this solution ! This does the job indeed. I took the ramp as Goetz said. And with the gizmo it's easy to adjust the z from the ramps just to the connecting points. Just personal remarks. My fear becomes true, both types of streets are not 100% compatible. Probably due to historical growth in previous versions ? Not that it bothers me, but there is still a small gap between the two kinds of streets. And putting the lower streets a 0,25 mm higher that can hide it, but then the sidewalk does not match anymore. Special thanks to @Henry for his topic to use virtual tracks in the special streets without routes like that for a bus stop etc. I wanted to use the benefits of both worlds. ( streets with and without routes) Thank you Goetz ! Kind regards, Herman
  13. Hello, please some help. I want to combine streets ( with routes in it ) and those without by the use of virtual tracks. But even in the most simple connection there is a bump down. ( my best my best attempt for the virual routes is now z=1,99, at 2 the routes in the street and the virtual routes do not match any more). What am I doing wrong ? Is a smooth connection possible in this case ? Greetings, Herman
  14. Hello Andy, Axel I tried this: vehicle.animations[$("Ereignisse").variables["Links10"]]:play(1, 0) , tested and seems to do what is asked for ? ( not vehicle dependent ) But resetting is a must. Maybe as Andy suggested with a reset track contact. Only I found the suggestion from Andy to use Lua ( in this case ) the best solution. Greetings Herman,
  15. Hello Members, I want to come back to this topic. It's not just showing this basic demo, I also wanted to invoke some comments. But no fish on the hook. (not yet) More explicitly: A visualization of routes in streets could help a lot. (maybe ask @Neo for a future development, or do I miss something ? ) When using EDIT with tracks (here a track switch) you can see the route. Even if it is a virtual track switch, you can see the route. So it is possible to define routes and even switch positions for that routes. ( As I did in the virtual Marklin example, I started with a straight virtual track ) But with streets ? Look at the impression of a crossing and possible routes. (the actual routes in the crossing are straight, but you can change them if you want). But you have to analyze the angle and position to find out where is which route... Kind regards, Herman
  16. Hello, This is for beginners only (*). If they want to use the diversion from the catalog. Diversion id : 75369FAE-01DD-4D26-B754-8C47833AE3FD In V6 this diversion has routes and switch positions included. You can see them, (even alter them) via EDIT. So no need to make them still with virtual tracks. For myself I made this demo - only to see the effect of changing the switch positions. Maybe others have something on this demo too ? The working demo : D17 Routes and switch position in a diversion V6 v01.mbp Greetings, Herman (*) Of course extra info/comments from experts are always welcome.
  17. Hallo Prinz. Danke für die Bemerkung. ... Ok für einen Tabelle. Hallo Wüstenfuchs, Ich habe einige Arbeiten von Prince gesehen und bin mir sicher, dass er sehr gut im Umgang mit EVs ist, und auch in Lua. Ich verlasse das Thema. Erfolg mit Lösungsfindung ! Schöne Grüße, Herman
  18. Hallo, Warum erwarte ich dort einen Fehler? In Lua wollte ich so etwas sehen: Weichenshaltung.variables["Weiche"] Nur um zu helfen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen. Herman
  19. Hallo, Ich schaue jetzt zurück auf den Code. Sicher hast du schon die Indizes in einer Zahl geändert. In der EV sind es Zahlen, außer "Weiche" und "Stellung" nicht. Sie sollten eine Variable mit einer Zahl darin sein. Ich interessiere mich für dieses Stück Lua-Code. (die geänderte). Schöne Grüße, Herman
  20. Hallo, Etwas stört mich immer noch. Aber ich kann nicht versprechen, dass ich es finden werde. Wenn es gelöst ist, freut mich das super. Dann hört es hier für mich auf. Wenn nicht, können Sie bitte den neuen Lua-Code eingeben. (ohne Textfehler) Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Herman
  21. Hallo, Eventuell hilft das: Signallistewest Index 1 -> bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie hier eine Ziffer 1 eingeben, wahrscheinlich haben Sie Text verwendet. Sie können es im EV angeben. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Herman
  22. Hallo, Soweit ich sehen kann, ist die Variable Signallistewest tatsächlich eine Liste. In lua wird der Index der Liste als [1] notiert, nicht als ["1"]. Bei mir erzeugt das den Fehler. Aber noch keine Lösung im EV für dich. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Herman
  23. Hallo, Ich habe Englisch verwendet, das ist der Google-Übersetzer auf Deutsch Dies ist nur ein Vorschlag, ich bin sicherlich nicht in der Lage, Ihr Problem zu lösen. Aber ... Eine Kopie des Skripts in Lua im Notepad gibt sofort einen Überblick über das Geschehen. Weitere Informationen über die Art des Fehlers sind ebenfalls erforderlich. (über Analysator?) Vielleicht kann jemand (ein Experte) helfen, den Fehler zu finden .... und dann kann man sich endlich eine Lösung im EV überlegen. Es ist nicht viel, aber ich wünsche Ihnen viel Erfolg bei der Lösung dieses Problems. Ein schönes Wochenende wünsche ich ihnen, mit freundlichen Grüßen, Herman
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