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Is there any way to make a ring out of a primitive (cylinder)? (with a hollow inside)
I went out to photograph an old spike maul (hammer) Here is the result ever wonder how and why steam locomotives shoot steam out the sides as they start? there are valves they open at the bottom of the cylinder to start it moving
Here are a few pictures from today's trip/ Crossing gate used on State roads Crossing used on city streets (No gates) Old style crossing used at Promontory (No Lights) Old grade at promontory (curves across the valley to stay within 1.5% grade. another view of grade. to be continued....
correction, that model shown is technically a 0-8-8-0 and Big Boy is a 4-8-8-0. Still something like that would be a huge asset (No Pun Intended)
I'm going to add my vote as well. It looks like a UP Big Boy, but the Big Boy is a 2-4-4-0. The model shown could pass for a Big Boy.
pay attention to the bell and whistle
Ladung für Güterwagen, TEE Wagen
Curt84328 antwortete auf Udo Hentschels Thema in Fragen zur Planung
If I understand the first part of your question, you are asking about Freight wagons, and loads. Here is what I did. I have a freight car that is full of Barley. Wenn ich den ersten Teil Ihrer Frage verstehe, fragen Sie nach Güterwagen und Ladungen. Hier ist, was ich getan habe. Ich habe einen Güterwagen, der voller Gerste ist. This was done with a half cylinder. sized to fit the freight car, and about 3 mm tall. Dies geschah mit einem Halbzylinder, der für den Güterwagen bemessen und etwa 3 mm hoch war. it was painted with a barley texture, fit into the top of the freight car, and then linked to the freight car. es wurde mit einer Gerstenstruktur bemalt, in die Oberseite des Güterwagens eingepasst und dann mit dem Güterwagen verbunden. viele Grüße Curtis -
on June 11, I will be travelling to Promontory Summit Golden Spike site to demo MBS for the Locomotive crew and director. I wanted them to see Reinhard's modelling work. I'll also be placing a poster for MBS.
Here is a link to the files used to create the Jupiter and 119 series Locomotives. Please remember to have a locomotive on the track before beginning as Ebeben do not automatically resize when the scale is changed. Do Not import these files into MBS, put them on the hard drive and reference by file option https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aGYKQ5LFLz6s8zVL5sUlW0Kb95X0W3cf/view?usp=sharing Hier ist ein Link zu den Dateien, mit denen die Lokomotiven der Serien Jupiter und 119 erstellt wurden. Bitte denken Sie daran, vor Beginn eine Lokomotive auf dem Gleis zu haben, da Ebeben nicht automatisch die Größe ändert, wenn die Skala geändert wird. Importieren Sie diese Dateien nicht in MBS, legen Sie sie auf die Festplatte und referenzieren Sie sie nach Dateioption.
Files will be released as a zip file to download, and not in the catalog. I will be posting a link for people to download
Here are all 4 of the Jupiter class Locomotives, 2 from @Reinhard , and 2 Manual textures from @Curt84328 . Now to organize the files into folders and add instructions, and upload them. Gruss, Curt84328
Here is a Locomotive from my railroad. the 119 texture was reworked, and the 119 Tender was also reworked. I then stuck a logo on the front of the locomotive, and numbers on the sides and back of the tender. Here is a locomotive from my railway. The 119 texture has been redesigned, and the 119 tender has also been redesigned. Then I stuck a logo on the front of the locomotive and numbers on the sides and back of the tender. side view of loco and tender, green flag indicates express train Seitenansicht der Lokomotive und des Tenders, grüne Flagge zeigt Schnellzug an. Sand Dome detail, those are pine trees on top. Sand Dome Detail, das sind Kiefern auf der Oberseite. Logo replaces Numbers on Front. Das Logo ersetzt die Zahlen auf der Vorderseite. View from the Tender Blick aus der Tenderkarte
A bit of an explanation, there were 5 Locomotives in the series that produced 119. All were stationed at Ogden Utah as helper engines up Weber Canyon and Echo Canyon and the grade from Corrine to Promontory. 119 was not supposed to be at Promontory for the driving of the Golden Spike, but Union Pacific's intended Loco could not cross the Trestle at Devil's gate as some supports has washed out, so 119 was sent to Devil's Gate to get the UP Cars which had been pushed over the Trestle. 119 just happened to be next in rotation for use. I am creating textures for 116, 117, 118, 119, and 120. @Reinhard did you use a specific font for the numbers on your 119?
creating new skins (Textures) for Reinhard's 4-4-0 series Locomotives Here is one for her sister locomotive 116 front view Numbers were changed, and I redid the sand dome top.
I looked at the changeable scenery, and it seems very appropriate for curving around corners as it can be curved for any number of degrees between 1 degree up to 180. I might replace my 45 degree straight edges on the corners, but that is down the road a bit as I am working on a river right now as I have time.
I have uploaded (and Neo has released) a set of textures for building a mountain range background. It has 22 Images (11 Images and the mirror Images). By painting the texture on an Ebene (Plane) and then changing the dimensions of the Ebene (Plane) you can vary the width and or height of each section, and then placing them end to end with overlap as necessary then raising or lowering the Ebene at the edge of your layout creates some awesome background mountains. These are all the same Image. Es gibt alle die gleichen Bilder. Ich habe eine Reihe von Texturen hochgeladen (und Neo hat sie veröffentlicht), um einen Hintergrund für die Bergkette zu erstellen. Es hat 22 Bilder (11 Bilder und die Spiegelbilder). Indem Sie die Textur auf eine Ebene (Plane) malen und dann die Abmessungen der Ebene (Plane) ändern, können Sie die Breite und Höhe jedes Abschnitts variieren, und dann diese von Anfang bis Ende mit Überlappung platzieren, um dann die Ebene am Rand Ihres Layouts zu heben oder zu senken, erzeugt einige fantastische Hintergrundberge.
These should go in the western set, they go with Reinhard's 4-4-0 Locomotives.