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Alle erstellten Inhalte von Curt84328

  1. Compair with the real one. Very Nice detail/
  2. I have stood beside both the 119 and the Jupiter, within 1 foot, and personally measured the diameter of the driving wheels and they are exactly 60 inches. The 119 was made by Rogers Locomotive and Machine Works IN New Jersey from modified plans of Campbell. Note the red counter weights on both Drive Wheels.
  3. Here is a Baltimore and Ohio (also Chesapeake and Ohio) 85' bellows to bellows car made by Pullman Co. (Pullman made almost all of the passenger cars after about 1890
  4. Reinhard, the 4-4-0 locomotives were 1860s models, and as later locomotives came out, they got larger in size. Here is an 1892passenger / diner car from the Rock Island Line (Chicago, Illinois to New Orleans, Louisiana)
  5. I have a book somewhere that I will dig out and scan. I think it gives dimensions. Yes, old time cars had many heights. 3. I'll have to check on a website. 4. Heights did change
  6. Very well done, and very helpful. Thanks.
  7. I second the request for Mirror images of building models.
  8. Suggestions. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1nvVNC8xuZEQnKeLhxYCDPtZ8tp1bdyYz at .0:01 to 0:02 you see the controls for the locomotive. we are looking through a top mounted camera, not the cockpit camera. at 1:04 there is a switch, but it is a trailing switch (Convergent) and so does not need to be set. at 1:23.5 there is a facing switch that can be triggered from atop the locomotive when stopped. cameras can be set and triggered in the main layout, Locomotives can be started and stopped from controls on top. Tracks can be switched from the locomotive. in short, there really is no need for a mini controls operation in the main one.
  9. because track switches 2265 and 2266 cannot connect to anything, you must build events in the EV Switch position is changed: Track/Street: 2265 Position: 0 Actions Toggle switch position: Track/Street: 2266 Position: 0 (and for position 1 as well)
  10. You can connect something like a signal to a track switch and then possibly connect the track switch to another signal, and so on (Chaining), or setup an event that controls all the secondary switches and signals so that when either the switch or signal is changed, the others change.
  11. sorry this is english. to raise several tracks, group the tracks, then move to the end of the tracks, and release the group. All tracks are selected that way/ the program also shows the degree of slope. to get the actual track length (scale) select a track, click edit and read the length
  12. I saved my layout as an Mbp file, then moved some textures from My Textures to a subfolder within my textures. I then closed 3DTS and loaded the MBP file. It worked just fine with all the custom textures, so 3DTS must search all subfolders.
  13. Does it matter where custom textures and sounds are stored for a layout? I have several subfolders for Backgrounds, Materials, Signs, etc. If I shared a layout and included a link to the textures would the other person have to recreate my subfolders or just import them?
  14. I don't think the program will even install if it cannot find compatible graphics, so there is no answer.
  15. If I take an area (circle) about 1000 mm radius and plant it full of trees, link them to the bottom plate then stretch the same circle into a cone shaped mountain, will the trees rise with the landscape?
  16. a tiny section done
  17. I have a river that needs to be placed precisely on the landscape of my layout. Ich habe einen Fluss, der genau in die Landschaft meiner Anlage eingefügt werden muss. I took the plans, and clipped the section of the river out. I removed the background leaving just the river edges. Ich nahm die Pläne und schnitt den Flussabschnitt aus. Ich entfernte den Hintergrund und ließ nur die Flusskanten zurück. I expanded the edges to get exact power of two for dimensions. Ich habe die Kanten erweitert, um eine exakte Zweierpotenz für Abmessungen zu erhalten. This was placed on the base place exactly .1 mm above the terrain level. Dieser wurde exakt 0,1 mm über dem Gelände auf dem Sockel platziert. I now have a guide for adjusting the height of the river bed. Ich habe jetzt eine Anleitung zum Einstellen der Höhe des Flussbettes.
  18. I add my vote to a listing of commands and variables for use in the EV. I know there is a section in the Wiki, but it is hard to understand at times.
  19. this layout does not control or stop trains, it just signals from both ends of blue track red green signals.mbp
  20. try this a nice long track and at the beginning is a section called enter, with small section before call pre-enter ev says when train enters track (Enter) and train is located on track (Pre-enter) set variable (track section name) = 1 (and) set signal (red green) red next ev is when train exits track (exit section) and train is located on track (Pre-exit) set variable (Track section name) = 0 (and) set signal (red Green) green.
  21. looks like the BR 99 Tender is closed in front, and the BR 99 loco is closed in back. it has a bin mounted on the back of the loco for coal, and the tender has a retractible auger that extends to fill the loco bin. (This from pictures I have seen, but cannot upload.
  22. admittedly these are American Locomotives, but for what it is worth.. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1guaxaDh5jE8sEVkZ2Hgb2iQn7GbJnj4S this tender is open to front. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1AHQMBu3sQEZc49mbAy7xfswQi2kfr38q gap between loco and tender is about 4 inches. There is a plate that flips down from loco to tender so that they can shovel coal. this loco is a coal burner and still in operation.
  23. It would help to know exactly how you stop the locomotive, (EV command?) Sound should stop with the locomotive stopping. what switches on again?
  24. Lots of layouts use turning triangles. My layout plans have 2 on each main level. here are the closeup plans for one
  25. Tiny Bit of the town of Basalt. //
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