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Alle erstellten Inhalte von Curt84328

  1. 130 works, so not a bug, but a feature.
  2. I was trying to create a square panel (Rechtech) with the dimensions in mm of 3050 x 128. it defaulted to 3050 x 130. seems 130 is the smallest possible dimension.
  3. Another view, from Passenger train with cover and walls on Parking level.
  4. Use EV. set condition when controller is changed (Red or off) action set track vehicle speed to 0 on track where you want to stop, second ev when controller is changed (green or on) action set track vehicle speed to what you want for the same track. there are other more complex event chains but this is start.
  5. I'm not really good at 3d modelling, but will spend some time and try to learn
  6. this layout is just getting started in V4 This is the parking level, and serves to store trains. This is the only visible controller on parking level as other switches are automatic. track sections controlled by the parking controller closeup of track. This is a Custom texture, based on Union Pacific trackage in 1869. Track is Iron (Not Steel) and so is brown. 4 spikes per tie with no tie plates. There are seven trains in this layout with special views this is the tour locomotive seen from a camera on top. throttle control and stop in center and controls for other cameras inside view of a passenger car, and yes the car was created by seahund. back view 1 of 2 sidelooker views for scenery when train is running I will send an mbp file in a few weeks. this is the bottom layer of 4 curtis
  7. I will start sending a few screen shots.
  8. I thought I'd take a minute and tell about myself. Pardon the fact that this is in english. My name is Curtis and I live in Utah, in the USA. I am 59 years old, and when young (about 3 years old) had an old Lionel 3 rail train set (non working) that I played with. about 7, I remember my uncle had an HO scale set mounted on a 4 ft by 8 ft base plate, and I always wanted one. When I was about 22, I bought the parts for a layout of 4 ft by 8 ft with some fancy lighting system. I always wanted to build a large layout, and had plans, but never had anywhere near the space needed. I played with a number of computer railroad simulator programs, and in 2015 discovered MBS. At first I just played around with it discovering what the program was capable of. About 2016 I started to build a large layout, and experiment with what I could do. I restarted this layout in 2018 when V.4 came out. I would share my progress, but have used a lot of custom textures and other things. This layout should be really cool when done, but that is at least a year away. Kind regards to all Curt
  9. To all modellers, greetings If anyone feels up to the challenge, I think that two old time American Locomotives would be nice. Specifically Union Pacific's 119 and Central Pacific's Jupiter. below are links to a series of pictures of the 2. for scale. the driver wheels are 5 feet tall (152.4 cm) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nAhsqg7t7N_B5BV8kFKNFS2g4rWlVgIE?usp=sharing (119) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1mZAEOd7pz0y8eCOgYIdr0pwoVogYcu59?usp=sharing (Jupiter and 119 pictures) Jupiter burned wood and had a balloon stack, 119 burned coal and had a tall black stack. Both were 4-4-0 locomotives It may not be possible to reproduce the exact artwork on the tenders and sand domes. 119 had huge counterweights on the drive wheels, Jupiter did not. these are the original colors, and Locos were built from original plans
  10. enjoy your vacation.
  11. for simple mountains you can use a separate plate from the main plate and after making the first basic height adjustment, export the Height map, and import it into Paint.net, USE effects / Distort / Crystalize and use a small cell size. Für einfache Berge können Sie eine separate Platte von der Hauptplatine verwenden und nach der ersten grundlegenden Höhenanpassung die Höhenkarte exportieren und in Paint.net importieren, Effekte verwenden / verzerren / kristallisieren und eine kleine Zellengröße verwenden.
  12. A few of my textures. textures1.zip
  13. some of my custom hopper and flatbed loads
  14. I use a half cylinder primitive sized to fit a hopper car and paint different textures on it for simulating loads like Iron Ore, Grain, Potatoes, etc. you can make the primitive invisible to simulate unloading.
  15. upper and lower plates should be on different layers, hide the lower when adjusting the upper.
  16. Would it be possible, in an upcoming release of MBS, to allow a user to save a preferred brush size for mountains, painting and holes? I commonly use brush size 10, gradient 0, and vertical shape. It would be handy to set your own defaults, or have the program remember what you last used.
  17. file format(s) are blend, 3ds, and what looks like wavefront. I just downloaded Blender 2.78c , but am very new to 3d modelling. the file appears to contain 3 trees. I'll include some screenshots, and maybe someone can tell me what to do.
  18. sometimes it may be desired to adjust the terrain between two tracks that are at different levels. Using the terrain adjust feature in MBS results in terrain that is level with each track, but leaves a rough terrain between tracks with huge gaping pits. Note the holes between the tracks activating the landscaping icon (The Mountain) allows you to make fine manual adjustments to the area between tracks. Clicking on the first (Topmost square that is at least partly in the area to adjust) and reading the height below, then entering the value into a calculator will allow you to determine the values for adjusting. clicking the bottommost square (again, in the area to adjust) will give you the other value. take the top value - (Minus) the bottom value to get the height difference. in this case the height difference is 21.56 MM now take the number of squares between tracks - (Minus) the top and bottom Squares/ Example has 6 squares (not counting top and bottom squares). Divide the height difference by the number of squares, this value turns out to be 3.59333 mm insert this value into memory. take the height of the top square. - (Minus) the calculated value to get the height of the second square. take this value (Minus) the calculated value for the third square, and so on. When you reach the last square the value read should match the calculated value for same square within .1 mm This results in a smooth, even slope between tracks.
  19. Wenn diese Frage vorher gestellt wurde, bitte entschuldigen Sie die Wiederholung der Frage. Ich habe einige 3D-Modelle im Web gefunden (die auf den Webseiten als kostenlos markiert sind) und wollen sie richtig skalieren, um in das MBS-System passen. Gibt es ein Programm, das dies tun wird und wie mache ich das? Danke für Ihre Hilfe.
  20. I'll work something up.
  21. there is not a way to read the name of a wagon (rail car) so the only way to do this is to setup the track and have each car backed onto it's own track, or section thereof. you can make several trigger tracks and have them very short. this would allow a train to backup, drop a car, pull forward, drop another etc.
  22. let me check and see on some system variables
  23. this will seem very complex, but you can setup an event in the EV where a train enters a track (track sections can be very short, and with conditions you can set a direction.) and when the train enters the track section, it triggers a coupler on a sp, specific wagon with either the front coupler, the rear coupler, or both to open or close, this will drop a wagon on a siding track via EV. ask if you need more info.
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