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Alle erstellten Inhalte von simonjackson1964

  1. No, not talking about the signal basket, I'm talking about the little white rectangle that I drew an orange ring around. Nein, ich spreche nicht vom Signalkorb, ich spreche von dem kleinen weißen Rechteck, um das ich einen orangefarbenen Ring gezogen habe.
  2. Hi all. It seems that along with the new KS signal system, the Bundesbahn has perfected the power of levitation? On the KS signal variations for boom hanging, there is a white rectangle that is floating some distance below and in front of the signal. On the type 69 signals this is tucked up alongside the signal inside the cage, which makes sense. Is there an actual reason why this board is where it is, or did the person making the signal variation simply forget to move it? Hallo zusammen. Es scheint, dass die Bundesbahn zusammen mit dem neuen KS-Signalsystem die Kraft der Levitation perfektioniert hat? Bei den KS-Signalvariationen zum auslegerhängen schwebt ein weißes Rechteck in einigem Abstand unter und vor dem Signal. Bei den Signalen vom Typ 69 ist dies neben dem Signal im Käfig verstaut, was Sinn macht. Gibt es einen tatsächlichen Grund, warum diese Tafel dort ist, wo sie ist, oder hat die Person, die die Signalvariation vorgenommen hat, einfach vergessen, sie zu verschieben?
  3. @BahnLand Thanks, that's brilliant. I love the way the points have the correct shadow showing where the the blades are open. I think I shall be using these from now on! It's clear that a lot of work went into the making of them, and I also like that they re-scale themselves. so it doesn't matter if I'm using Z or 1 Guage.
  4. Hi all. Since seeing a previous question regarding guard rails on turnouts, I've been experimenting with them and have hit what I think may be an insoluble problem. First, my successes: But now my failure... The four frogs in the middle are easy enough, the same as the diamond crossing. But the two outer frogs are masked by the point rails... On real model double slips, the rails are different. The slip rails are tighter and shorter.
  5. There are some concrete steps and steel steps. - Es gibt einige Betonstufen und Stahlstufen. Other than that, you may have to make your own - Abgesehen davon müssen Sie möglicherweise Ihre eigenen erstellen
  6. Another question, related but different An advance signal displays whatever is shown on the next main signal. The reason the advance signals are blanked when mounted on a main signal that is red is obviously to avoid confusion in the event that the following signal is green. But what of a free standing advance signal? It can't be blank when the signal before it is red, because that would happen when there is a train approaching it. But after the train goes past, if the next signal id green, does it continue to display green? To turn it red as the train passes, at least the way I have them set up with a straight connection to the main signal, would also turn the main signal red. The obvious solution would be to blank the advance signal as the train passes (using the animation) then un-blank it either when the preceding signal goes green, or a train enters the block (the latter would probably be easier) or the "Route" is activated. I can figure out how to do all three of the above, but what I really want to know is: Is it necessary? Do the free-standing advance signals change as a train goes past? Or do they continue to display what the following signal displays, even though they are technically inviting another train into an occupied block?
  7. I've yet to find a decent explanation of the KS system which is why I'm using the 69 system! But, what you describe above is pretty much the same as the "two yellow" system in the UK. Again, it's only used ion really busy tracks where they want to keep things moving, most of the lines leading into London use it. A single green light means track clear proceed at track speed. A twin yellow means line clear but slow to reduced speed before the next signal. A single yellow means slow to zero before the next signal. Obviously, red means stop. So a 69 light showing HP1 with a green advance and a lit ZS3 V is effectively the same as two yellows in the UK... Most rural lines have just red/green lights. Slightly busier lines will have a single yellow between them, like upside down traffic lights.
  8. Ah, right. Thanks So in the situation I was describing, with signal A and signal B, and a track speed of 120kmh, the ZS3V is unnecessary. Signal A green and signal B red has the advance signal on A show yellow, and the ZS3 show 8 as per point 3 in your second example, where if both A and B are green The advance signal on A is green and the ZS3 is dark as the track speed doesn't need to be displayed? From what you're saying in the above examples, it seems to me that the ZS3V acts a bit like the UK block signals with two yellow lights The ZS3V on a green light is basically saying that the next light is going to have a yellow advance signal, the equivalent of two yellows in Britain.
  9. A simple block signal with a mounted distant signal, a ZS3 speed limit signal that allows 120kmh (72mph) and a ZS3V signal that says 80kmh (48mph) if the following signal is red. The limit on the ZS3V supersedes the ZS3, if I understand correctly? Like this: Ein einfaches Blocksignal mit montiertem Vorsignal, ein ZS3-Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungssignal, das 120 km/h (72 mph) erlaubt, und ein ZS3V-Signal, das 80 km/h (48 mph) anzeigt, wenn das folgende Signal rot ist. Die Begrenzung auf die ZS3V ersetzt die ZS3, wenn ich das richtig verstehe? So was: I'm reasonably sure that's correct. While the main signal is displaying "stop" both the speed indicators are out, as the speed is zero by default. (The distant signal is also out.) When the main signal goes green, the distant signal lights up. If it is showing "Expect Stop", we need the train to travel more slowly so that it doesn't shoot past the next signal, so the ZS3V lights, displaying "8" for 80 kmh, but the ZS3 remains dark. Then when the distant signal changes to "Expect Go", the ZS3V goes out and the ZS3 lights up with "12" for 120 kmh. Ich bin ziemlich sicher, dass das stimmt. Während das Hauptsignal „Halt“ anzeigt, sind beide Geschwindigkeitsanzeigen aus, da die Geschwindigkeit standardmäßig Null ist. (Das Vorsignal ist ebenfalls aus.) Wenn das Hauptsignal grün wird, leuchtet das Vorsignal. Wenn es "Halt erwarten" anzeigt, müssen wir den Zug langsamer fahren, damit er nicht am nächsten Signal vorbeischießt, also leuchtet die ZS3V und zeigt "8" für 80 kmh an, aber die ZS3 bleibt dunkel. Wenn dann das Vorsignal auf „Expect Go“ wechselt, erlischt die ZS3V und die ZS3 leuchtet mit „12“ für 120 kmh.
  10. It works too... The bit I haven't quite got yet is how I'm going to change the maximum speed in the track contact for signals that have HP1 and HP2. I'll probably figure out a way to use the same EV that controls the HV ZS3 signals.
  11. Because it means that an express train will slow to an unrealistic crawl when passing a clear signal? [Edit] .... Wait... Set the "accelerate to" to the lowest speed, but don't set the decelerate to unless that is the track limit! Then have a contact right after the signal that sets the train's new speed! @Goetz Thanks, you've made my day. (Major edit to layout coming up)
  12. I've had this exact same problem. My solution, though inelegant, works. I have a number of events, all of which do the same thing. One is triggered when a train enters a track contact, one when it reaches the centre, one when it leaves, one when it enters a track length one when it leaves a track length. All of them do basically what Goetz said: check the vehicle's speed against a variable "Max Speed"on the vehicle, if it is greater they set it back to the maximum speed. The problem is that at V7 signals have auto-accelerate on them. This is good because it saves a lot of code to stop and start trains when signals change, but while the train is passing that signal, it still tries to set the speed to the signal's "accelerate to" speed - even once the signal has gone red, which is weird! The only way I have found to limit a loco's speed at V7 is to literally check it everywhere and set it back down. Having a low acceleration on the slower trains means they generally don't get too much above their max before something notices. If having maximum speeds on locos is important, you would be better off using V6, where the loco must be stored at the signal by an EV, and started by an EV when the signal changes, this EV can access the loco's max speed variable and set the speed as required. Hopefully V8 will take account of this and allow different trains to have different maximum speeds
  13. If I can do it, anyone can! Just as a matter of purey academic interest, I used a PECO streamline N-Guage dead frog point that happens to be sitting on my desk for no good reason to decide how they were supposed to look!
  14. Hi George, Happy New Year! I think this question was already answered? I don't think it's possible to put the value of a timer onto a display in the layout. But if all you want to do is monitor it to make sure it's working, you can use the Event Analysis tool: Add the timers to the list using the + symbol The only reason I can think of to put a timer display into a layout is if you are releasing trains manually "against the clock"? In this case, I have come up with a rather complex solution that works Create two number variables, Mins and secs. Set each to your start values. Create a timer that expires every second and restarts automatically. When it expires, if secs is 0, then if mins is 0, do whatever you want to do when the full timer expires. If secs is zero but mins is not, subtract 1 from mins and set secs to 59, otherwise subtract 1 from secs. Create three labels: Label-M, Colon and Label-S. Colon, you set to ":", line all three up, and at the end of the the event add actions to set Label-M = Mins and Label-S = Secs. It's not elegant, but it will do what you want
  15. @Herman Wow, that is really useful, thank you. I think this should be added to the Tutorials section! I've saved a copy to my database, so I can reference it when I need to. Thanks again. Simon
  16. I was browsing the other day and came across this: @Herman A very nice little layout. But how do you get the containers off the trucks and back onto the trains? This is one of the two events that does the job: An I figured out that the script at the start is what moves the containers. But the script... Might as well be in Arabic or Ancient Sumerian... I would love a quick tutorial on this? I can see it being so useful for cargoes of all types, or even wagons that need to be reset to their initial configuration after being shunted. Thanks Simon
  17. Here we go. This one has audio commentary, which is the first time I've done anything of the sort, but also it shows the widget so you can see exactly what I'm doing. It would be even better if it showed the mouse pointer but we can't have everything. https://youtu.be/hWsRQUckqNE
  18. Unfortunately the video doesn't show all the detail. I'll try using an external recorder to show it better.
  19. There seems to be something weird with the catenary system. Some times it does it and sometimes it doesn't, but if you try and stretch a catenary, for some reason it will sometimes "snap" back to about 1 scale metre long. The attached video shows the stretch working on one track, but having this weird bug happen on the other. https://youtu.be/RPwOBLtPfK8
  20. Well, we could still be wrong, we'll have to wait for a response from @Jud91 for that.
  21. You can use the event tracer Click the + under timers and variables to add those you want to see.
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