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Alle erstellten Inhalte von simonjackson1964

  1. Hi Pete Have you updated the drivers for your video card and mouse? This can sometimes fix issues like this. Not saying it will - apparently my computer won't load Windows 11, despite being only 6 or so years old. When I tried to install Blender it refused to load, and I was told that I should update my drivers... So I did and it had no effect whatsoever! But it's something to check. heers Simon
  2. True... but it would be nice to have a more elegant way of doing it.
  3. I guess no-one has an answer to this? Everything I've thought of could actually be done better at V5!
  4. I'm trying think of a way to do something at V7. I'm sure there is an easy way that I'm just not seeing, so I thought I'd ask... In real life, a railway line may have a speed limit of 120 mph (200 kph) but a locomotive towing a long and heavy goods train may well only be capable of 50 mph (80 kph). But then there might be a length of track on which the speed limit is 30 mph (50 kph). What I'm trying to do is put a physical limit on how fast certain trains can go. Same would apply to road vehicles, where the Lambo is capable of 276 km/h (171 mph), while the Trabant can just about get up to 100 km/h (62 mph) downhill with a following wind and two people peddling in the back! We can change the acceleration and break power, but on a straight length of track that's long enough with nothing in the way the heaviest of vehicles will unrealistically accelerate to the track speed. (Incidentally, I'm still trying to decide whether the apparent limits of 80 kph and 50 kph are realistic for German railways and if so whether that says something about the quality of the track, or the quality of the drivers... Given that the French TGV has a top speed of 200 mph, 320 kph, I find it hard to believe that German trains are limited to the speed of a 50cc Moped!) Anyway... What I've tried so far is putting a "Max Speed" integer variable on the locomotive and whenever any track contact triggers, check the vehicles absolute speed against that value and if it is higher set it back down. The problem with that is that as long as the train is on that track contact, the "Automatic Acceleration" property is active, so the speed gets set straight backup again if the contact is on a signal. So, I tried changing the acceleration value on the signal. That worked, it kept the long heavy freight pootling along at 30 kph (18 mph). But there's no way to set it back, because the signal is on a different setting when the train leaves the track contact, and the last thing you want is to set the "accelerate to" value to 120 when the signal is on HP0! About all I can think of is as the train leaves the track contact, set it to clear, change the value, set it to slow, change the value and set it back to off before anyone notices. The program should do it quickly enough that it would be visible as a mere flicker if that. But what I really want is something more elegant: When the speed of the vehicle changes, if the speed is greater than the maximum set it to the maximum. But I cannot find a way of doing that first part. How do I detect that the property "Target Speed(Absolute)" has changed?
  5. Ah, right. I had a feeling it was something like that. Thank you. Ah richtig. Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass es so war. Dankeschön.
  6. On a lot of layouts in the catalogue there is a "floor" - a seemingly infinite layer coloured as a grey-green carpet that sits at about z = -1000 . I've tried to find this in the past with no success and have sneakily copied it from other people's layouts. It actually provides a useful point of reference when one accidentally scrolls the view away from the layout. Does anyone know where I can find this? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Auf vielen Grundrissen im Katalog gibt es einen "Boden" - eine scheinbar unendliche Schicht, die wie ein graugrüner Teppich gefärbt ist und bei etwa z = -1000 liegt. Ich habe in der Vergangenheit erfolglos versucht, dies zu finden und es heimlich aus den Layouts anderer Leute kopiert. Es bietet tatsächlich einen nützlichen Bezugspunkt, wenn man die Ansicht versehentlich vom Layout wegscrollt. Weiß jemand wo ich das finden kann?
  7. @Jud91 Which version are you using? This would be handled differently at V5, V6 and V7. (I don't remember enough about V4 to say). At V5, it's a bit more complex, but you mentioned a deceleration contact - those didn't exist at V5. V6: First store the Object ID of the vehicle, when it arrives at the deceleration contact, in a variable on the associated signal. NB: You will need a variable on the contact with the object ID of the signal: When the signal changes, check to see if there is a stored vehicle. If there is, set its speed according to your track and the signal aspect. And lastly, but MOST important, clear the name of the stored vehicle. Or, use V7. This is all handled for you, and as Goetz said, you just give the signal setting an "accelerate to" value.
  8. Yes! That one! In fact, at V7 it's even easier, you just select the correct route.
  9. I just needed to put the name of the correct extended variable in. If you look closely you'll see that the name of the variable on the signal is the same as the name of the keyword . Which is not what I had set up. This works: Previously it was trying to find the animation on a Keyword!
  10. You are welcome. When @Goetz first told me what they are and how to use them, I thought, "Meh, can't see them being much use", but now I use them all over the place, to dictate which events run in which circumstances. You can use a single track contact and have a whole raft of keywords on it, that all trigger different events. The important thing is to make sure the events don't conflict with each other! I also use lists and iterations. A track contact at the start of two or more different routes will have a keyword something like "Junction" or "Choose Route", and a list of all the available routes. A locomotive will also have a list of the routes it needs to choose. The event activated by the loco triggering the track contact with that keyword will iterate the available routes and within that iterate the loco's choices, and set the route when it finds a match. If it doesn't find a match it doesn't set a route and the train is stopped at the next signal! (It's possible to reverse the nesting of the iterations, but it really makes little difference). Anyway, have fun! Simon
  11. If you select the locomotive, then click on the three-bar menu icon at the top-right of the tool ribbon (see below) this opens events & Keywords/variables menu Select "Keywords/Variables", and add a keyword: Give the keyword a meaningful name, such as "London in name". You can then add the same keyword to all locomotives with "London"in the name. Then you select the contact that you want to use to affect the speed. Again, if you want it to happen on more than one contact, create a keyword on that contact, that means something to you. Say "London Train Triggered" Then create an event, for when the track contact is triggered. Change the name to something meaningful Then select the name of the track contact at the top, and replace it with "Select (Keyword)". From the drop-down in the pop-up menu, select the keyword you put on the contact. This will activate this event for all contacts with that keyword, and no others. Now create a condition on the event, as below, being careful to change the value of "Trigger" from "Contact" to "Vehicle", otherwise none of it works! (Learned this the hard way!) Finally, put the actions you wish to take - setting the vehicle speed, activating routes (V7) or setting points and signals (V4-6). They will only happen if the keyword "London In Name" is present on the triggering vehicle. And of course you can specify actions to take if it is not. That's the "Janet And John" version. I think when we're so familiar with how things work, we often forget that someone knew to the software might not know something the rest of us take for granted. If you already know most or all of this, please ignore, but Neo's post takes for granted that you know what a keyword is and how to create one. No reflection on Neo, of course, as it's a fairly common assumption, I've noticed! Cheers Simon
  12. Hi folks, I'd appreciate some help on this one, because I'm sure Ive got everything right. DB practice with the 69 type light signals is that when a distant signal is mounted on a main signal post, when the main signal is red (HP0) the distant signal is dark, to avoid possible confusion if the following main signal (that the distant signal is repeating) is green (HP1). So, the game designers have thoughtfully provided an animation on the distant signals to darken them At V6, the following works fine. (It's in my published "Valley Road" layout if you want to see it). However with the same event on V7: I get this: And the signal obstinately remains lit! It worked at V6, it doesn't work at V7.
  13. It's good! A lot better than I could do... Only one thing: the red and green lenses are on an arc, with a white light behind them (these are lowered aspect, raised aspect obviously has the green lens on top I've tried to upload a video to You Tube of the all too familiar German semaphore signals that show the same thing. I know you know this, but I'm trying to see if I can get this You Tube doohicky to do more than just play my favourite songs and let me watch funny videos
  14. updating this thread for V7... First off, I would love a detailed (English) explanation of the KS light signals? I've got the Type 69 and the semaphore signals sussed, but these are new? Second - The above solution to the scissor crossing doesn't work at V7, because the crossing routes use separate lengths of track, so the program doesn't realise they are in conflict. The solution is to shorten all 4 turnouts and carefully edit a diamond crossing to fit into the gap.
  15. Anyway, here's what I think would work: Have a "Keep Length" option on the "follow path" tool. So I put three lengths of track, two long and one the length of the turnout or crossing. And I set them to follow the path of the flexed track length, each in it's own place, keeping the lengths the same. I then delete the existing length of track, and add the route (and switch positions as necessary) to the short length in the middle. ===== Related but slightly different: Remember a long time ago I asked about doing a scissor crossing, because the vehicles were doing really weird things? The advice I got at the time (V5 I think) was to shorten two of the points and put a short length of straight track in there. Well at V7, that doesn't work. The track in the middle there is actually a diamond crossing. edited painstakingly to get the geometry correct, a tenth of a millimetre and tenth of a degree at a time! It has to be that way. If you just cross to pieces of track over each other, the routes don't recognise each other and the trains do a wonderful job of passing through! A single diamond in the middle like that gets locked by one of the two routes that use it and the other goes into wait mode! I'm going to try and find the original thread and add the above to it. Cheers, Simon
  16. I know... I realised that after I posted it. In this case I have moved the branch junction further up the main line, so the branch and main run parallel for a while - which is actually prototypical, at least in the UK. I have to say, at some point, that I LOVE the route system at V7. Interlocking everything using contacts and boolean variables was such a pan to do by hand.
  17. I've not figured out how to do those fancy videos yet, so I'm afraid yu'll have to make do with stills. (I'll get there, it's just finding the time). Goodbye smooth curve, hello wiggles! The only way to do it is to position the turnout over the track, carefully, first. Bur what if I'm trying to do some "clever" engineering and create my own turnout with unique track geometry? (And yes, I've managed to do this, it's an interesting exercise in "getting it right!") Suppose I want to put a turnout on this curve (below)? The flexible track length is already in place, but I've decided I want a siding, loop, or branch connection, and for "Reasons" it has to go Right There! As you can see, the existing turnout doesn't align with the track and if used will change the shape of the curve, meaning adjustments to scenery, catenary. ballast, landscape, roads... Far easier to be able to cut that piece of track out, and change the cut length into the turn out by adding a route and switch positions... I'm thinking maybe this could be achieved by adding a "Keep Length" option to the "Follow Path" function? Otherwise it is almost impossible to shorten a length of flexible track and keep the geometry the same.
  18. A handy little power tool that does everything except hammer in nails. And is really good at cutting lengths of track. What would be handy would be a way of cutting a length of track in two. Or more specifically into three so the bit in the middle can be lifted out and replaced with a turnout. For example. Cheers Simon
  19. I'm watching this thread... @Jud91 Some3one did create the "Butterly" station and signal box, name of @kdlamann. I don't know if he went so far as to create signals and rolling stock. @Dad3353 I would be very interested in your offer to make UK semaphore signals. I have some ideas for how the "infinite variations" could be accommodated, by building a kit of parts that can be put together. I'm not sure how that would function though.
  20. So I tried to see if I could replicate the problem on a small test track. No luck. Both engines behave exactly according to how they should So it must be something on the layout I went through everything I could think of. Checked the routes and the events that activate them. Found nothing. Let the layout run for a couple of cycles of the bay platform and guess what? It didn't do it! Both engines stopped where they were supposed to! I'm now watching to see if it continues to behave or if the problem is now intermittent!
  21. Hi Goetz Of course I'm happy for you to have a look at it, I was just concerned about uploading the whole layout just to resolve this one issue. If that is what you need, then please say so. Hi Doeg The coupler on the one tender being disabled is necessary, but the point is that both locos reverse in to the bay platform, the same and the other loco is sitting at the buffers the same. The problem with your suggestion is knowing when to uncouple the engine. It's simply easier to do the moment the train stops because it activates an event by stopping. (And yes, I know, I forgot what they were called and couldn't be bothered to fix it, it's cosmetic) Hi Brummi I'll have a look at that. Thanks Simon
  22. Hi Goetz It's a mystery. There is no reason whatever for one loco to behave differently. I'd upload the layout, but it's kinda big, this is just part of module 1 you're looking at, and it's migrated from V6. I'm considering just replacing the BR 01-118 that is misbehaving, or at least creating another clone of the one that isn't and swapping them out, just to see what happens. I've checked the settings, I've checked the code, I've checked the routes, and everything is the same apart from the names. So my best guess is there's something in the underlying code that isn't working properly. I'll try and capture a video of it happenning, but I'm not sure if that will help. The only other suggestion is that we can somehow get on a collaborative chat like MS Teams over the weekend and I can demonstrate, and you can tell me what you need to see. Cheers Simon
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