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Alle erstellten Inhalte von Herman

  1. Hello @robertvandenbrandt , normally when using @Goetz 's solution you should find your own way. I once made this 67AAE7A8-6466-454E-9A3A-355A2F42AE8F in V7, just based on Goetz example. ( above left and right are two simplified tools that works with the same EV, but own virtual depots , to avoid collision of the cars, the two tools need each other ). But to find what still bothers you, maybe a layout or more specifications why it goes wrong ? Misschien je layout en/of specificaties wat er nog mankeert? You may always adress me in Dutch via P.M if you want, no problem. Je mag me altijd in het Nederlands contacteren zo gewenst via P.M. Kind regards, Herman
  2. Beforte @Phrontistes answer I did the following. I changed my MBS to "German", to construct the same EV as @Neo showed. That did the most to understand, after going back to construct it in my "English" version. And did some test to find the answers. To all members that maybe where enthousiastic as I was first, read also @Goetz reaction. @Phrontistes , thank you very much for the effort, I looked at your solution with the timers and can understand it. Kind regards, Herman
  3. Hello , I just noticed @Neo ' s post. And so discovered the option of the "Timer extended". ( combined with a trigger ) Is it possible that we get some extra information - general info of this option ? Or more specific : place of the timer in a timer event module ? Place of the action timer expires ? ... Kind regards, Herman
  4. Hello @prinz , just a question. I combined this model module with the basic layout module. Both are in "Automatic aus". If I send a train in from beneath, he automatic opens the red signal and goes to the right. ( ok, he must only go to the right here , that's not the point ) I tought I had to use the two white buttons when automatic is off. The same question for trains coming from the left exept they go straight. Kind regards, Herman .
  5. Herman

    Ronis Projekte

    Hello @RoniHB thanks for the exit hatch. Hello @Phrontistes nice layout. Regards, Herman
  6. Herman

    Ronis Projekte

    Hello @RoniHB , @Phrontistes , now it's ok. Why it would'nt come before ? I did use the correct ID in both cases. No problem any more. @Phrontistes said : "Perhaps you are confused a bit today ". No not at all. Something went wrong for a short time. Forget it. Kind regards, Herman
  7. Herman

    Ronis Projekte

    Hello @Phrontists , no elements found in catalog ( layout ) ? Hello @RoniHB , model found, but it has no animation for the exit hatch ? DEAE5AE9-046F-4362-B3AF-DBE6DDE3AD09 I have the english version at home. Kind regards, Herman
  8. Hello @anschnipp , yes only one 3way shown , but can be used for all the 3way track switches in a layout. Just paste from layout. Then each local copy will work with the same code. ( probably you knew this too, that's why we call it generic ). It was just ment for you to study a mix of solutions. Good luck working out your own solution. Kind regards, Herman
  9. Herman

    Jahrmarkt 2023

    Hello @opax , great, I enjoyed it very much ! Gruß , Herman
  10. Hello @anschnipp , sorry a misunderstanding. Good that @Goetz helped you already. But maybe I should have send you this solution I once made. ( this one is generic ) . Ungroup before use. 3 way switch generic.mbp Kind regards, Herman
  11. Hello @EASY , great models, I'm looking at them here in a layout. ( the drafts ) But I cannot put the lights on. ( no properties available ? ) Kind regards, Herman
  12. Hello @anschnipp , I found this in the catalog. Maybe there is something in for you, I'm not sure ? "Dreiwegeweiche mit Signal" von Easydiver. D2C3A7B6-F6F4-4E93-9DC0-34A35873C3DC. In online catalog, modules to insert. Kind regards, Herman
  13. Herman

    Jeannie the genie

    Hello everybody. This is an old game, or more a riddle ? Two players compete on a chess board with only a chess queen, he/she who first reaches the tile on the bottom right wins. I found Jeannie ( model from @Jim Knopf ) and let her play against you on a big chess board. You must start, and it is even possible to win. Can you solve this problem ? Have fun Kind regards Herman. Because not train related, only a draft : A383864E-A288-44FF-A35F-02E721956650
  14. Herman


    Hello, since @EASY helped us with the function quaternion_to_euler(x, y, z, w) , the problem is solved ( for me ). I only wanted to find the x° y° z° global angles of an object in Lua. Thank you Easy ! Kind regards , Herman
  15. Hello @EASY , for such a nice solution thank you very much. I'm very happy with that. Kind regards, Herman
  16. Hello @Hawkeye . The 45° in my picture is the angle in the global system. ( we see it at positioning ). It is seen after your rotation of -15°. It started at 60°. Ok you wanted that, and did not achieve that; I did not know it. But I'm only interested in the angles vs the global system. So it did correct the -15° rotation in the global system. And I cannot find in Lua the 60° or the 45° for a specific object in the global system. But will we please leave it now ... Kind regards, Herman
  17. Thank you @Goetz so I did understand that. Now the remarks on @Hawkeye 's example print("globale Objekt-Rotation:") print("Rotation(rad) um x =",FZahl(Rotation.x,2), "y =", FZahl(Rotation.y,2), "z =", FZahl(Rotation.z,2), "w =", FZahl(Rotation.w,2)) print("Rotation(Grad)um x =",FZahl(math.deg(Rotation.x),2), "y =", FZahl(math.deg(Rotation.y),2), "z =", FZahl(math.deg(Rotation.z),2), "w =", FZahl(math.deg(Rotation.w),2)) I do not agree with this formulas. You only take the x, y, z, w from the Quaternion. Conversing to radials or degrees is a lot more complicated. But why not some pictures , what I mean is : start rotate with your program over x 15° The pictures are correct, your example does the job, but : So I still cannot find in Lua ( see the prints ) the wanted angle before or after the rotation. Hawkeye, but I appreciate it a lot you wanted to give some help. Let us leave it for now at "feature request". Kind regards, Herman
  18. Hello @Hawkeye , thanks for your example. It is the global angle that I need, not the local. A question : when we change from global to local or vice versa, only the view of the axises changes. ( to move stable along an axis if wanted ), but the values we see in positioning for the angles are only the global one. ( correct ? ) I have remarks on your example, but it takes a while to explain this correct. I learned already a lot out of your example, so thank you. See you again here. Kind regards, Herman
  19. Hello, @Hawkeye , thanks for the support. I'll have a look at your example. No sorry at all. We all can use Google translate here. Recent I too only work in one language here, however English. My German is not good enough. Yes, I already said that is probably so, that's why I went to "feature request". Hello, @Goetz , thanks for the reaction at @simonjackson1964 , yes I know. And I'm not looking to some formulas to find it, only if it should be easy available. Since Neo uses the quaternion to rotate, and shows the values in positioning, maybe ... ? But I repeat, an exotic request, and maybe the users will never want to use it. Kind regards, and thanks again. After looking at Hawkeye's example more toroughly , maybe I'll come back here. Herman
  20. Herman


    Hello @Neo , just a request for the future. Not an important one because we do not use it often directly, and exotic, only a few members will use it at all. So only a wish. In his studio Neo uses frequent rotations to perform wanted operations of the user. So Neo has already the necessarly tools to do some of the wanted calculations. This two are already given free : local t = $("an object").transformation.rotation -->but not very user friendly because of the quaternion. and $("an object").transformation:rotateZ(math.rad(30)) --> works fine, rotates further over 30° ( z -axis ) But if we want to find the angle an object is already rotated at the moment, or if we want to rotate directly to a specific rotation ( without knowing the actual rotation ), it is not given free. So I'm thinking of something like the following. Let us start with 0,0,z' (*) local a = $("an object").transformation.rotationZA --> where the result is the actual rotation angle over the z axis in rad. ( here the result is z' ) and of course also $("an object").transformation:rotateZA(math.rad(30)) --> where the object will end on the actual rotation of 30° ( z-axis ) ( here it should be ok if we only could rotate directly to 0,0,0 , already possible workaround -> rotate equal to an object at 0,0,0) As I said, only a wish, only should it be possible without much work for Neo. Kind regards, Herman ( * due to rounding errors, not all rotations over x,y,z are possible in the studio, so my question is specific when an object has two of the 3 angles = 0 , in my case 0,0,z' as said before ) If we fill this angle in, Neo will immediatly rotate to the 55,58 ° as wished. So he has this tool somewhere ?
  21. Hello, since ( I think ) there is not an easy solution for my question (for now), and I'm not looking for some formulas, see further under "feature request". Kind regards, Herman
  22. Hello, thanks, but this value is not the angle ( z ) in radians of that object. ( convert with math.deg print and see ). The second one : $("BR 80").transformation:rotateZ(0.25) is known by me and does correct the job for that angle in rad. ( I sometimes use it , to rotate further over x rad) Kind regards , Herman
  23. Hello @prince , is there something wrong with the ID nrs ? Greetings, Herman
  24. Hello, I need some help. How can I get the value of the rotation (over z) of an object ? ( Lua is fine, angle or rad is ok ) And then on some conditions, rotate it to another angle. (over z) Thanks in advance. Kind regards, Herman
  25. Hello @Andy, even I knew that. That's not wat I ment. In real live the tower is somewhere connected to the church, it is not an other separate building. But for me the model is fine as it is. Not important. Greetings, Herman
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