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Alle erstellten Inhalte von Herman

  1. Ok @Phrontistes , yes I know ok, I wanted to say go explicitly for variables. I should advice @220hotwheels to use variables. They are not so difficult to use. But of course it's his choice. Regards, Herman
  2. Hello Pete. . Yes the "Empty" vehicle is the problem. If you do not use the vehicle itself but a trigger ( vehicle) , there is always for the EV a correct vehicle there on the track contact. If not it would not be triggered. Then use a variable in the vehicle , if that variable exist, look in the variable which train it is. Does this help, or do I have to make/give an little .mbp to demonstrate ? Maybe @Goetz has a little example in his sleeve ? Kind regards, Herman
  3. Hello, do you have the same version V8 as the module you want ? Hallo, haben Sie die gleiche Version V8 wie das Modul, das Sie wünschen? Regards, Herman
  4. Hallo Mitglieder, in diesem Layout findet ihr jetzt auch Kommentare auf Deutsch, dank Henry. Veröffentlicht mit der gleichen ID. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Herman CDD311DD-1283-426C-B6A2-F0D21AC14C1A ( from V7 on )
  5. Hello @JEF GORIS. Hello members that should follow this. This "To Do document and excercises" above is for total beginners that want to use Lists. Here the excercices; I reworked them a little to be in accordance with the solutions. ( pdf in Dutch / English ) Excercices List.pdf Here the solutions for those exercises. But try to make them also yourself. List excercises.mbp Kind regards to all, Herman
  6. Hello @JEF GORIS , as long as you ask specific questions like this one, I will always try to help. ( and that's my only intend, I'll be happy if you are succesfull ) But in my paper I want to force you to make the exercices, the only way to get further. ( I know not a real manual, but a to do booklet ). For other members : the question was why does the lights do not go out ( see first picture ) You need to use the correct animation in stead of "All animations". (picture 1) You cannot choose the correct animation for "Object Iteration". (picture 1) So start first with a single object that has the correct animation. And there you can just choose the correct animation. (picture 2) Then change it to iteration. (picture 3) Try it please. Kind regards, Herman *** Addendum , also your green taste's list is empty. Copy it from the blue one, or use a module variable list for both.
  7. Hello @JEF GORIS , after the click on the envelop. Go to your inbox to read my message. You can there respond in the same manner as here. ( But we cannot attach anything there), so only text. I will read your letter and respond soon. Kind regards, Herman
  8. Hello @JEF GORIS . When I made a paper to help you with the container crane, also some comments were given in Personal Message (P.M) to you. But even after a time you did not read it, and so they were removed by me. Sorry to say, do you have trouble to find where to read this message ? When a new personal message arrives there is a notification. Just click the envelop. Only to help. Please understand that I used this to give you a personal message in Dutch, so I did not have to disturb other members with that specific answer for you. Kind regards, Herman
  9. Hello @Henry. Thank you for that remark. Waw Henry, great job, very nice, I just looked at it. As a Belgian ( Flemish side ) my language is Dutch and I can read a bit of German as a related language. But not to speak or write German. I had not the courage of a translate with an internet translator. So thanks again. Kind regards, Herman @Henry , am I allowed to take your German text and put it in my layout and republish it ? I will mention of course it's your translation.
  10. Hello @JEF GORIS , please, when you have some time read also the PM I send you. Groetjes Herman
  11. Hello @JEF GORIS , with what you learned about lists. You should understand this mini example. Especially to look at a specific animation. Barriers.mbp Is it ? Groetjes, Herman
  12. Hello @JEF GORIS , but your excercice works. But remember the lights on in MBS are animations. And animations work when the "play all animations" is on. Hold the mouse pointer a while on that symbol. Read also P.M. Kind regards, Herman OK ?
  13. Hello members, thanks to some idea's from @simonjackson1964 I gave the V7 demo an upgrade, and did put some new things in it. Let us say you have a freight train loaded by a crane with cargo. Then the train departs and took the cargo to another place. After a while you want all the cargo back on the start place, so the train can come and the crane can reload the cargo that is now exact on the same place as before. Then you need transformations. And that goes beyond the graphical EV. You need Lua script. This demo just give an introduction of transformations with easy to comprehend transformation instructions in the different samples. However this demo is not for starters / beginners of the MBS. You need a certain practice and knowledge of the graphical EV before, and even some starting notes of programming. On the other side, there is for experienced script users no news under the sun with this demo. I made it in the beginning of 2022, in V7, so I reworked it in V7. Download only if interested in starting with transformations, and willing to do some Lua script. You find a lot of comments in the script. You find it in the catalog under Finished Layouts. CDD311DD-1283-426C-B6A2-F0D21AC14C1A ( from V7 on ) Kind regards, Herman
  14. Herman

    Ronis Projekte

    Are there UFO's coming ??? Hello @RoniHB , thanks for the model. Kind regards, Herman
  15. Hello @Koriander , great news. I cannot wait until we see some beautifull and " a bit special " new layouts from you. Viele Grüße, Herman ( BE )
  16. Herman


    Hello everybody, after my crazy layout contribution previous month, this new one goes of course back to the train table. I was inspired by some of @Modellbahnspass layouts, so I want to thank him. ( the two tracks shape of an 8 ) A pity he did not put new pictures anymore of his layouts . In this layout, the trains stay on the table, no portals or disappearing. The trains run randomly. Cars disappear when they leave the road. This happens through making them invisible and portals that lead them under the base plate. There is a day/night cycle. But it goes from 6h <-> 22h. You can also use the lights on/off button, it also goes to 6h or 18h. Thanks for looking, have fun. Bei diesem Layout bleiben die Züge auf dem Tisch, es gibt keine Portale oder verschwindende Züge. Die Züge fahren nach dem Zufallsprinzip. Autos verschwinden, wenn sie die Straße verlassen. Dies geschieht, indem sie unsichtbar gemacht werden und durch Portale, die sie unter die Grundplatte führen. Es gibt einen Tag/Nacht-Zyklus. Aber er geht von 6h <-> 22h. Du kannst auch die Lichter an/aus Taste benutzen, es geht auch auf 6h oder 18h. Vielen Dank für die Suche, viel Spaß. Übersetzt mit www.DeepL.com/Translator (kostenlose Version) Kind regards, Herman F434D836-3643-4ECC-A50A-69A5464962BB
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  17. Hello @simonjackson1964 Thank you very much for the tip ! Very usefull. $("20' Container").transformation:resetRotation() Kind regards, Herman
  18. and : " I wanted to run before I could walk " Hello @JEF GORIS , some basics of programming with the graphical EV. It is necessary to understand them. Event : something that happens. Ex : a track contact is triggered , a signal is changed , a vehicle stops. To perform things when the event happens we use Actions , Conditions, Iterations. By combining this three elements in the EV we can almost program all you need on the train table. ( thanks to NEO, he converts it automaticly to a working programming language. ) In the EV the computer works top down, when that action, condition or iteration is finished he goes to the following step. Action : examples : change the signal , start a vehicle with a certain speed , set a track switch in the correct position , make an object invisible/visible, play animations, defer execution a while, set a property or variable and so on .... In general it does a specific action. Condition : examples : Is the variable true ? ( boolean ) , Is a signal in a certain state ? , Is a vehicle on a certain track / track contact ? , Is a track switch in a certain state ? , and so on... A condition tests if a condition is met or not met. And it let you perform actions, conditions, iterations that only work under the condition. When the condition is met, put the actions there ( above the division line ). ( or a new condition, or an iteration ) When the condition is not met, put the actions there ( below the division line ) ( or a new condition, or an iteration ) Beneath the big yellow line the condition is finished, we can place there new actions, conditions or iterations. Iteration : examples ; For items in a list , For objects referencing a keyword, For objects linked to a target. The iteration is a loop : we use "For items in a list" to explain. ( the name of the list is here DorfLanterne, a variable of Taste up ) The iteration starts with the action(s) in the inside body of the FOR. This is done for one object from the list. He calls that object @Iter. (but you can give it a meaningfull name in stead of @Iter ). When the action is performed. ( with one @Iter ) and the loop comes on the brown line , he jumps back to the FOR line to see if there are still objects to do. If yes, he performs the actions with the next object from the list. If done the EV goes further after the big brown line with other actions, conditions or iterations, they have nothing to do anymore with the previous described FOR. That is why an iteration is also called a loop, in this case ( the objects from the list ) he repeats over and over the actions with a new object from the list until he had done them all. Of course the inner body of the FOR can contain actions, conditions and even other iterations. Dear Jef, only to give an idea how it works. Hope this can help a bit. In the beginning keep it as simple as possible. Groetjes, Herman, vragen ? doe maar hé.
  19. Hello @simonjackson1964 , because not so related to Jef Goris's topic, I come back here. Users that want it can still find that layout here. I made it in V7. Kind regards, Herman Remark : The mbp "put object on top of another object" is the full demo for transformations and rotation. V7
  20. Hello @simonjackson1964 , I have not the correct authority to put something in the Tutorial Layout section. Do you ? Yes, a corrupt quaternion can have that nasty effect. Kind regards, Herman
  21. Hello @JEF GORIS , thanks for the reaction. Use "Action" "Extra" "Set visibility" , State Invisible. I did not start yet with the second .PDF ( keywords ). But it will surely come after a time. I wanted first your reaction about this PDF. I'm finishing a layout I want to publish this weekend. ( I hope ). That goes first. The PDF about keywords is more work. Groetjes, Herman
  22. Hello @prinz , your attachment will be certainly usefull for some members. It is very detailled, but certainly not for starters or beginners. My purpose was only to make a very basic description how users can start using a list. Since it is so basic I hope @Neo does not mind this in the forum. I hesitate to make other PDF's of this basic kind, are they wanted after all by some members ? I did only want to help Jef. @JEF GORIS , here is a start, it handles only basics for lists to use. Maybe another for keywords ? Take your time to look at it. But please after a while some feedback. Kind regards, Herman Keyword - List part1.pdf for the moment only Lists are handled, this time in Dutch/English
  23. Hello @JEF GORIS, no that's not needed at all. In MBS there is wiki where you can learn a lot, but there are ( by my knowledge ) no other manuals. But please understand, I have also to learn from your feedback. I'm starting now a pdf with some basics for keywords and lists. With some very small exercices for the user, let me please know if it helps you, and if not why. I'll make this pdf in English/Dutch. See you again after a short time, Herman Groetjes,
  24. Hello Jef, I had expected some comments, reactions or specific questions when I gave you the pdf about the container crane. But no reaction. You may always, even in P.M, in Dutch ask those questions. Understand, I want to help, but have the difficulty to know with what you 'r struggeling exactly. Dag Jef, ik had toen wel commentaar, reacties of speciale vragen verwacht van je na de opmaak van de pdf over de container kraan. Maar geen reactie. Je mag altijd, zelfs in P.M. in het nederlands vragen stellen. Ik wil wel helpen maar heb problemen te begrijpen waar je exact mee worstelt. Beste groeten, Herman
  25. Correct, thanks for the remark. Greetings, Herman
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