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Alle erstellten Inhalte von Herman

  1. Hello @Goetz , yes I do understand that clear. I used for a long time the same solution with "start" ( of course yours is more clear and compact, mine was from V6 ). If the first train comes in just when the opening is not finished yet, we have to close and add 1 to the counter. But then the "start" jumps the barriers back to start before the close. ( just tested also on your layout) That's not nice to see. That's why I changed to use current. So it is better we both say : it is not possible when you use current to open and close with both the "ôffnen" and "schließen" animations. I thougt for a moment there was a solution. Since the solution "current" and 2x "schließen" ( above red button ) seems ok (exept the late orange light on open), I stay with that solution here. Just a choice. Thanks for your layout, and the clarifications. I always learn from it. Kind regards, Herman
  2. Hello @Goetz . I think I used your suggested solution, because I use counters, I have to check it. But what if the second first train comes in just when the animation for open is already busy , then we have to close, and that's why I use "current". Best regards, Herman
  3. Hello, maybe I should have come directly with this. Bahnübergang Halb-Schranke.mbp With 2x "schließen" it works, I think, even the red/orange lights ? ( blue button ) But what is wrong when using "schließen" and "öffnen" ( red button ) Only solutions with current and not start please. Regards, Herman
  4. Hello @Goetz , thanks, seems very locigal. I'll try it out, probably after the weekend. But for the moment I'm not clever enough to make a single command button for open and close, and use both "öffnen" and "schließen" properly with current. I' ll make a little layout. There must be a logic misunderstanding in my mind , I think Greetings, Herman
  5. Bahnübergang Halb-Schranke Hello @prinz @Roter Brummer @Goetz and @Kai61 Sorry @Kai61 , I did not want to come in your topic and spoil your question. But at now I need some help myself on that subject. Two tracks are used with the same barriers. I managed to let the barriers stay closed when a second train comes in on the opposite side. I do not use start, but current. Because it is possible that the animation is already going on when the second train comes. For the moment I use always "Schließen" backwards and forwards. But yes @Roter Brummer was correct saying that the red/orange light is not ok when opening with this method. How can I best proceed to have it all ? Thanks in advance. It's time I review an old publication. But for the moment it should help with only a small example with a command button for close / open that barrier, with current , not start. And the red/ orange lights have to work correct. ( So do not bother the double tracks, I will tackle my layout") Thanks in avance, not urgent. Kind regards, Herman
  6. In the middle is a variable, a list of all outgoing lane contacts. This list is used to randomly drive cars to that track contact, thanks to setting a target. Idea: if there is a car on certain nearby pieces of this roundabout, the car arriving at the roundabout should wait. The pieces(*) of road are in a variable list for each entering track contact. In this demo, 5 roundabouts are shown. They all work with the same code. For this code, it is possible to create your own different combination of Siggi's roundabout. In this case, you need to change the list with the outgoing track contacts and all the lists for the incoming lane contacts. Test out. (*) Pieces for Siggi's roundabout, Neo's roundabout is a one-part model. In der Mitte befindet sich eine Variable, eine Liste mit allen ausgehenden Fahrspurkontakten. Diese Liste wird verwendet, um Autos nach dem Zufallsprinzip zu diesem Fahrspurkontakt zu fahren, dank der Einstellung eines Ziels. Idee: Wenn sich ein Auto auf bestimmten nahe gelegenen Stücken dieses Kreisverkehrs befindet, sollte das Auto, das am Kreisverkehr ankommt, warten. Die Straßenstücke (*) befinden sich in einer variablen Liste für jeden einfahrenden Fahrbahnkontakt. In dieser Demo werden 5 Kreisverkehre gezeigt. Sie funktionieren alle mit demselben Code. Für diesen Code ist es möglich, Ihre eigene Kombination von Siggis Kreisverkehr zu erstellen. In diesem Fall müssen Sie die Liste mit den ausgehenden Fahrbahnkontakten und alle Listen für die eingehenden Fahrbahnkontakte ändern. Testen Sie es aus. (*) Teile für Siggis Kreisverkehr, Neos Kreisverkehr ist ein einteiliges Modell. ( DeepL Translate Free version) Kind regards, Herman
  7. Hello, first a word of thanks to @siggi and @Neo for the models. I wanted to make a generic EV ( no Lua used ). Short description how it works is in the layout. Hallo, zunächst ein Wort des Dankes an @siggi und @Neo für die Modelle. Ich wollte einen generischen EV machen ( kein Lua verwendet ). Kurze Beschreibung, wie es funktioniert, ist im Layout. AB0F2220-49EB-45CF-B55D-1E6ED2E026F0 ( 8.5 Draft - Entwurf ) Thanks for looking and/or using, kind regards, Herman
  8. Hello, thank you Goetz. It had to do with the floating. ( learned now that this is set for the version, and not saved with a specific layout ) But thanks, Greets, Herman
  9. Hello, I changed my layout "Lier" a litte in V8 and republished it yesterday from V8 out (V8.5.3) When I looked today in V8.5.4.0 the window with the control buttons is at another place/shape. It is still in the correct place in V8. 8B39DB66-A04B-47CB-9D4F-B3F3A1043A8C This layout is not saved in my layouts of V8.5.4.0, only in the catalog and of course local in V8. ( I have both MBS versions on the laptop ) Of course not a real problem, just a strange effect ?. Regards, Herman The correct one in V8.5.3 Seen from
  10. Hello members. Straddle Carrier. Just a little layout I was testing this weekend. First thank you @fmkberlin for this nice model. Because it is a vehicle it can drive to a certain place. But it is also a crane. And it works as all the other cranes if positioned correct before the containers. The code with the conditions is very good to understand. Usable if there are not much containers to take/put. The code with the list is a bit more specialized, and more practical if many containers are used. Only the graphical EV is used. A lot of comment is added in the code ( English ) Regards , Herman Hallo Mitglieder. Straddle Carrier. Nur ein kleines Layout, das ich am Wochenende getestet habe. Zuerst vielen Dank an Fmkberlin für dieses schöne Modell. Weil es ein Fahrzeug ist, kann es an einen bestimmten Ort fahren. Aber es ist auch ein Kran. Und er funktioniert wie alle anderen Kräne, wenn er richtig vor den Containern steht. Der Code mit den Bedingungen ist sehr gut zu verstehen. Brauchbar, wenn es nicht viele Container zu nehmen/setzen gibt. Der Code mit der Liste ist etwas spezieller, und praktischer, wenn viele Container verwendet werden. Es wird nur die grafische EV verwendet. Der Code ist mit vielen Kommentaren versehen ( Englisch ) Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Herman 8.5 Straddle Carrier.mbp
  11. Hello members, thanks for your interest. Hallo Mitglieder, vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse. Herman
  12. This layout is built around a small container crane, the brewery “Graf André” and the station of Fürstenburg. But why not explore the plant yourself ? Day / Evening simulation, also via pressing a button. Possibility to follow the container train with cameras. Possibility to follow the red bus with a camera. A little shunting. Trains leave the table via portals to the two shadow stations beneath the base plate. Street traffic dissapears at the edges. Thanks for looking. Greetings Herman. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Diese Anlage ist um einen kleinen Containerkran, die Brauerei "Graf André" und den Bahnhof von Fürstenburg herum gebaut. Aber warum nicht selbst die Anlage erkunden?Tag-/Abendsimulation, auch per Knopfdruck. Möglichkeit, dem Containerzug mit Kameras zu folgen. Möglichkeit, dem roten Bus mit einer Kamera zu folgen. Ein wenig rangieren. Züge verlassen den Tisch über Portale zu den beiden Schattenbahnhöfen unter der Bodenplatte. Der Straßenverkehr verschwindet an den Rändern. Danke fürs Anschauen. Grüße Herman. 2A011316-B3F1-490A-B16D-D322389A8AB5
  13. Vielen Dank für die Erklärung, viel Erfolg damit. Herman
  14. Es war eine Antwort auf diese Frage. "Hintergrund des ganzen ist, das ich momentan dabei bin eine ältere Anlage ..." Sorry, ich habe nicht verstanden, was Sie wirklich wollten, mit Ausnahme der ersten Frage. Vielleicht ein Beispiel-Layout? Oder andere können Dir vielleicht weiterhelfen. Grüße, Herman
  15. Hallo @Wüstenfuchs , Hawkeye hat dir den Tipp gegeben. Funktioniert dieser Code? Grüße H.
  16. Hello @Roter Brummer , Deluxe
  17. Hello@Phrontistes , you can repeat the problem if wanted. Make a particle effect and link it to the vehicle. Let the vehicle drive When the vehicle is still driving go into the edit of the particle effect, change something. (*) The particle effect is still linked to the vehicle but not any more on the same coördinates. * I used "Rauch (dunkel)" and changed the emmiter size height from 2 to 3, but other changes will have mostly this effect. Correction, going into the edit is enough, you do not have to change something. The problem is not there if you edit the particle effect when it is not moving. Kind regards, Herman
  18. Herman


    Hello @SualokinK , only extra information. It is not the driver, but the contact point in your specific vehicle. I tested with several of your drivers that lock to a place in one of your's vehicles. Works fine in the other vehicles. But in the "Löffel-Bagger" ( and only in that vehicle ) they all provoke the same error. It's in the hands of Neo now. Kind regards, have a nice sunday Herman
  19. Hello @Hawkeye , @Goetz . "Asig BF Ost 01" This does not really help you. But I noticed that if you first change the signal to HP1 ( manual with properties ), and immediatly back to HP0 , the TrCt is now recognized and the trains stops as it should. ( English version) Kind regards, Herman Have a nice sunday.
  20. Herman


    Hello @SualokinK , yes the program crashes when you then move the driver. Kind regards, Herman
  21. Herman


    Hello, @SualokinK @Neo it probably has to do with the "Löffel-Baggerfahrer". When he is not on the layout I can change to the "alt" variant without problem. I'll do some tests and try to be more specific. ( also ) * Regards, Herman * the error occurs only if the "Löffel-Baggerfahrer" is inside on his place in the vehicle runtime error 231
  22. Herman


    Hello @SualokinK , great model When I put it on the layout and try to change to "Löffer Bagger alt" this error occurs. I do not know if you can do something, or if it is the studio ? @Neo After negating the error the variant "alt" is present. ( working in V8.5 English version). Then I tried to move the bagger to another place on the layout and this gave multiple errors, and a runtime error that kills V8.5. Maybe it has nothing to do with your model. Regards, Herman
  23. Hello @WalterW , is it possible to explain how you did this ? Some more information ? Maybe a picture ? Not for me, so specialists or @Neo could find an answer. Kind regards, I leave it to others, always possible there is some technical issue.. Herman
  24. Quote : "mit einem roten Kreuz versehen und lässt sich, wie gesagt nicht auf der Anlage platzieren." Hello @WalterW , you can have that effect if you try to drag the texture itself directly to the layout. Is that the case ? Try this : So here it works fine (V8), it is always possible you have a technical problem. Kind regards, Herman
  25. Hello @Neo , thanks for the deactivate. I kept my previous V8 with unchanged content as it should, and the installation of the V8.5 ( goes flawless. ( as usual ) Kind regards. (* I came back here because the payment window asked also for my licence ? When I ignored that, all went on )
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