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Animation vs Integrated switch / Animation vs. integrierter Schalter
Herman hat Thema erstellt in Beta-Bereich
Hello members. A bit of help or explanation 'how to use' please; I can understand the use of an integrated switch for lights , that have to go on inmediately when asked. But what about animations that need some time , example opening/closing a door , opening closing a level crossing street - tracks. I miss the "speed" factor in toggle switch integrated Hallo Mitglieder. Ein bisschen Hilfe oder eine Erklärung, wie man es benutzt, bitte. Ich kann die Verwendung eines integrierten Schalters für Lichter verstehen, die sofort angehen müssen, wenn sie angefordert werden. Aber was ist mit Animationen, die eine gewisse Zeit benötigen, z.B. das Öffnen/Schließen einer Tür, das Öffnen/Schließen eines Bahnübergangs, Straße, Gleise. Ich vermisse den Faktor „Geschwindigkeit“ bei integrierten Schaltern. Of course this can still be done by an animation. Is it supposed we still do it with animation ? Natürlich kann man das auch mit einer Animation machen. Sollen wir es immer noch mit einer Animation machen? Kind regards, Herman -
Hello @220hotwheels , @Neo , of course I tested his layout also. 6C4E5920-123F-48C9-9395-911F49989FBC Unfortunately, this layout is to big to swallow in V9 for my laptop. However, V8.5 in rest 70 FPS, when running 24 FPS. Not good , but on the edge of OK V9 in rest 24 FPS when running 4 FPS. And certainly to low. laptop GPU NVIDIA Geforce GTX 3060 , screen 240 Hz gaming display. Ok not the newest one, but not so old yet. Kind regards, Herman
Hello @Neo since I have for the moment the free version of V9 I only saved some little test layouts in V9. After installing the saved test systems are gone. Did you restart this V9 from my previous V8.5 ? No problem ... for me. Kind regards, Herman My error , I apologize PS the rails connected in V8.5 seems to hold their connection in V9.0.1.3 now. ( first test )
Hello @volkerfreimuth , is it possible to export a short layout example and put it here, so that other members can see why. And reproduce the problem. Hallo @volkerfreimuth , ist es möglich, ein kurzes Layoutbeispiel zu exportieren und hier einzustellen, damit andere Mitglieder sehen können, warum. Und das Problem zu rekonstruieren. Kind regards, Herman
Hello members, some vehicles (with online catalogue Keywords Lichted) , with 'Fernlicht' need still an adaptation at the new light system. Only "Abblendlicht" works. Just one example from them. But probably known / signaled yet. Hallo Mitglieder, einige Fahrzeuge (bei Online-Katalog Stichwort Lichted), mit 'Fernlicht' benötigen noch eine Anpassung an das neue Lichtsystem. Nur „Abblendlicht“ funktioniert. Nur ein Beispiel von ihnen. Ist aber wahrscheinlich schon bekannt / signalisiert. Regards, Herman
Hello @SualokinK , what a work done, great, and thank you for all the lovely models and variations Regards, Herman
Hello @220hotwheels , Pete. Indeed, on my laptop 19 FPS in rest, 3 - 5 FPS when running. That is much to low. - I believe you - if it is running in V8.5 at a reasonable FPS, then we have to wait until @Neo has an idea. Sorry, here I cannot help. Kind regards, Herman I think even you have a better graphics card. Here my graphics.
Hello Pete, With the Content ID number you refer to your layout at your home. We cannot see it there. So yes, you have to publish it, and a draft will do. It will be published with the same ID as that at your home. Herman example right click on your layout, and publish to the internet, choose for draft and go on. The draft is automatically removed from the internet catalogue after a month. Important P.M. You may of course publish it in 8.5 , in V9 you can only publish if already bought.
Hello, not found on that ID. Did you publish it first ? Herman
Hello @220hotwheels , you have to publish it first, a draft is good enough. Then under properties the content Id Number. As example the Nikolaus just published today Crossed the message from Götz. Pete, I'm also eager to see what FPS that layout gives here. Regards, Herman
Hello @220hotwheels , Pete. When I installed the free V9 beta version to test I tought to see the same, when I compared some of my layouts. FPS in V85 versus V9. But here V9 is newly installed and I had to register it also properly to my NVidea graphic cards. After that, there was still a loss of FPS in the same layouts, but very minimal. Pete, sorry, I read now your other post, saying that all is OK with your graphics. Then it is up to Neo to investigate. Kind regards, Herman
Hello, I tried it out this afternoon a long time at 3x speed. No problem found. ( English version V Hallo, ich habe es heute Nachmittag eine lange Zeit mit 3x Geschwindigkeit ausprobiert. Kein Problem gefunden. ( Englische Version V So difficult to find why it happens at your system. Es ist also schwierig herauszufinden, warum das bei Ihrem System passiert. Kind regards, Herman
AR 0677 Signal box / a personal touch in V9
Herman hat Thema erstellt in [International] Problems and solutions
Hello @Roter Brummer , the effect when using Neo's "lightsource". Hallo @Roter Brummer , der Effekt bei Verwendung der „Lichtquelle“ von Neo. Hello @Neo thank you for the 'lightsource" , it will give us ( non model builders ) the opportunity to add a personal touch on night scenes. Hallo @Neo, vielen Dank für die „Lichtquelle“, sie wird uns (Nicht-Modellbauern) die Möglichkeit geben, Nachtszenen eine persönliche Note zu geben. Kind regards to all users, Herman-
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Already known problem. Bereits bekanntes Problem. Hello @Neo , with the yellow square you can produce this almost every time. Test Layout 04.mbp in V8.5 Hallo @Neo , mit dem gelben Quadrat kann man das fast immer erzeugen. Rotation and height difference / Drehung und Höhenunterschied. Here it is obvious in V8.5 I forced to much the connection. Hier ist es offensichtlich, dass ich in V8.5 zu viel die Verbindung erzwungen habe. Grüße Herman
Hello @Neo , I was visiting my brother yesterday, so the answer only now. Hallo @Neo , ich war gestern bei meinem Bruder zu Besuch, daher die Antwort erst jetzt. 81F27204-B4D9-4A82-AD9E-C04A7DCA1EFF Bergbahn Neo, I will make a short report from some other layouts and send it to your e-mail. Especially those on streets are tricky to see. But as I said the train / cars stop at that place, and it is easy to correct in V9. PS: I work with layers so it always easy to hide decor, ground, tunnels etc. Neo, ich werde einen kurzen Bericht von einigen anderen Layouts machen und ihn an deine E-Mail schicken. Besonders die auf den Straßen sind schwierig zu sehen. Aber wie gesagt, der Zug / die Autos halten an dieser Stelle, und es ist einfach, in V9 zu korrigieren. PS: Ich arbeite mit Ebenen, so dass es immer einfach ist, Dekor, Boden, Tunnel usw. auszublenden. Neo, thanks for looking at this probem. Neo, danke, dass du dir dieses Problem angesehen hast. Kind regards, Herman
Just saying to other members. I now found different tracks and streets that are connected in V8.5. ( green in technical drawing ). They are not connected in V9 and the technical drawing shows red, although not always good to see at first sight. The good thing is that in V9 vehicles stop there, and that you easily can repair it in V9. A change in V8.5 and export , import to V9, stays giving problems due to the other (better) way of connecting tracks streets at different angles or height. Just as a note for other members. I have now found various tracks and roads that are connected in V8.5. ( green in the technical drawing ). In V9 they are not connected and the technical drawing shows them in red, although they are not always easy to see at first glance. The good thing is that in V9 the vehicles stay there, and that you can easily repair them in V9. Changing in V8.5 and exporting, importing to V9, remains problems due to the different (better) way of connecting tracks roads at different angles or height. Translated with DeepL.com (free version) Regards, Herman
Thank you @Goetz. Regards, Herman
Hello, the signal 164DAFCA-3159-4EFE-8763-F93E885F47D2 has no white or red light to indicate if it is SH1 or SH0. ( in V9 ) Greetings, Herman
Hello, when testing one of my layouts, ( 81F27204-B4D9-4A82-AD9E-C04A7DCA1EFF ) good working in V8.5 , in V9 a train stops and does not start again. So the whole running comes to a stop. Of course I have to look why, and will come back here if I know more, and can reproduce it on a smaller layout. Regards, Herman Each train stops at a signal ( low speed ), the train has still speed 40 km/h as it should on that signal, but does not move anymore. I 'll investigate further.
Hello, just like before, a fresh V9 without my V8.5 layouts. Kind regards, Herman
Hello, @Neo I downloaded the standard ß version. It took over my V8.5 layouts. If I buy V9 could I still (as before) become a total empty V9 ? Kind regards, Herman
Hallo, Nein, ich bin nicht böse über diese Straße. Gut gemacht, es gibt überall etwas zu sehen. Grüße, Herman
Hallo @Kappi Schönes Layout. Vielleicht sollte man auch den Boden im linken Tunnel herausschneiden. Kind regards, Herman
Hallo @aloys63 , Die Wiederholung ist wichtig, um alle Objekte in der Liste durchzugehen. Der Index der Liste ist numerisch. Eine Tabelle kann Text als Index haben. Wenn Sie spezifischere Fragen zu Listen/Tabellen haben, werden Ihnen sicherlich erfahrenere Mitglieder weiterhelfen. Grüße Herman
Berücksichtigung von ausgeblendeten Objekten
Herman antwortete auf Anlagendesigners Thema in Fragen zur Planung
Hello @Anlagendesigner , Thank you @Goetz and @Phrontistes for those ideas. I only combined them. ( and only a very tiny movement needed in Lua). Vielen Dank an @Goetz und @Phrontistes für diese Ideen. Ich habe sie nur kombiniert. (und nur eine sehr kleine Bewegung in Lua benötigt). Signal Invisible.mbp Kind regards, Herman