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  1. Hallo zusammen, die letzten 2: etwas übertrieben mit dem Dreck? lg max
  2. Sorry, selbstverständlich, es geht um die *.anim, nicht um die *.varlist .....mein Fehler. Das kommt davon wenn man 17 Fenster gleichzeitig geöffnet hat und nicht mehr weiß was man wo hineinkopieren soll --------------- Sorry, of course, it's about the *.anim, not the *.varlist .....my mistake. That's what happens when you have 17 windows open at the same time and don't know what to copy where. lg max
  3. For information only: The *.varlist , *.anim (corrected)is a text file in which the animations for the MBS are defined, as an example currently my animations of the V200: The numbers defines the Frame-Number according to Blender, everything else, I think, is selfexplaining Maschinenraum_Beleuchtung;12;13;noautoplay;noloop Kabinenbeleuchtung vorne;0;1;noautoplay;noloop Kabinenbeleuchtung hinten;2;3;noautoplay;noloop Frontlicht_weiss;4;5;noautoplay;noloop Rücklicht_weiss;8;9;noautoplay;noloop Frontlicht_rot;6;7;noautoplay;noloop Rücklicht_rot;10;11;noautoplay;noloop Maschinenbelüftung;40;55;noautoplay;loop x - Info;80;100;noautoplay;noloop cheers max
  4. Ok, here we go: Your approach is basically correct as long as it stays with simple animations without angle changes or ratios between different meshes (objects). But if you then, as in this case, build a more complex pantograph with a lifting system of different strings, you reach the limits with a keyframe animation and is then very difficult to correct and a tedious job. It is better to let the software do this work for us. The following probably reads very complicated and is certainly difficult to understand at the beginning, but once you understand the system behind it, it is easy to create more complex animations in the future. Ok, let's start: I created a small example for the simple bones animation. In this case we create 3 objects Slider (this, and only this remains in a keyframe animation because it is linear) upper arm lower arm We don't want to animate more than these 3 because the rest can be joined to an existing (animated) mesh. Now you animate the slider (and only the slider) vertically as a normal keyframe animation, but you should make sure that the height fits after the import into the MBS and that the slider is in contact with the contact wire. (As an example we take frame 1-40, so approx. 1.5 sec.) This looks like this: (but you know and can do that) Now we go to the bones, sounds more complicated than it is, you just have to understand the system behind it, then much explains itself. We now create 2 bones, one for the lower and one for the upper arm which is linked to the slider. For this we have to understand that we have 3 pivots. We now set the Pivot Point with Shift S to the first pivot point. Now we create the first bone (Shift A armature). We now set the Pivot Point to the 2nd pivot point. Select the 1st bone. In Edit mode- we attach the end of the bone to the 2nd pivot point with SHIFT S (Selection to Cursor). We stay in edit mode and with E we immediately attach the 2nd bone to it (just drag it towards Z for the moment). Now we do the same with the 3rd pivot point. First we put the Pivot Point to the pivot point, then in Edit Mode of the bone we put the end of the 2nd bone to the 3rd pivot point again with SHIFT S (Selection to Cursor). Now the whole should look like this, by the way you can change the display of the bones here: (In this case as with me as Envelope, which one sees just better) Now the bones are set (which are nothing else than a template for animations to which the corresponding meshes (objects) are attached). Now we will animate the bones with a very simple trick. To understand: The end of the bone chain should do nothing else than lift with the slider, the rest has to happen automatically, and it happens like this: Select the 2nd bone and in pose mode: activate the bone constraint and that is: "inverse kinematics", as target we select the slider because with it "upper" and "lower" arm should be connected. This is how it should look now and the bone animation is done, but now the connection of the real meshes is missing. For this we now link the upper/lower arm to the existing and animated bones: Select the lower arm and give it a "Child" constraint over Bone, the same then of course with the upper arm and Bone.001 (press "Clear Inverse" once and "Set Inverse" once). This completes the animation of the meshes, but........... But the whole does not work in the MBS, why? Because the MBS doesn't support direct bones animation, but it doesn't matter, because now we transform the bones animation into a keyframe animation like this: Select the lower arm again and activate "Bake Action" under Objects/Animation, select everything and press "OK", the same with the upper arm, and that's it. Now you can export and with the *.varlist *.anim (corrected)you define the animation in the MBS, as an example: Pantograf;1;40;noloop;noautoplay finished cheers max DAD_Pantograf.zip
  5. Das ist, wie du richtig schreibst eine Darstellungs-bzw. Berechnungssache im MBS (sowie in jedem anderen 3D-Game auch), darauf habe ich keinen Einfluss. Mal ein anderer Blickwinkel: lg max
  6. lg max
  7. Hi DAD Creating the animation takes 2 min. the explanation a little longer, am just creating this. cheers max
  8. ...und die letzte vom Grundtyp, jetzt versuche ich noch ein Weathering lg max
  9. Hi DAD If I see this correctly you are using a pure keyframe animation, correct me if I'm wrong, where you store start and end positions, possibly also intermediate positions of each mesh? If you want I can explain you how to do this with a bones animation in 2min. cheers max
  10. Hallo @streit_ross, die Griffe kann ich noch anpassen,die zusätzlichen Griffe (ich habe sie auch gesehen) werde ich nicht mehr machen da es eine weiter Version (derzeit sind es schon 6 von der Grundbauweise her) benötigt und es mittlerweile äusserst unübersichtlich wird. zur Loknummer: lg max
  11. Hallo zusammen, vielen Dank nochmal für die Likes und Kommentare, dafür ich habe ich jetzt noch einen lg max PS: Fehler in der TRAXX 3 wurde behoben und hochgeladen mit der Bitte an @Neo um neuerlicher Freigabe
  12. Uma saudação especial neste caso ao Brasil para Hubert ----------------- Een speciale groet in dit geval aan Brazilië voor Hubert cheers max
  13. Hello @Dad3353 1. If you want to make light (emissive) switchable, you need 2 identical objects, such as the cockpit of a locomotive. One cockpit gets the normal texture, the second cockpit gets the emissive texture, which is located at different positions in the multi/emissive texture. 2.Create the textures as normal and one as emissive (I see you can do that). Normal Texture (Object normal) Emissive Texture (Object emissive changed in animation) 3. the positions of these textures are shown above. The copies of the textures from normal to emissive are actually too bright, so you should darken the emissive a bit. 4. finally, you create the animation by simply exchanging the positions of these two objects. The area to the right of the normal texture (the area of the emissive texture) must remain black, otherwise the emissive texture will be disturbed. Hope that helps cheers max
  14. Hallo Brummi das freut mich... Hatte ich eigentlich nicht vor, kann ich aber machen, von welcher Standard? Die normale rote? lg max PS: Die Silverline ist noch in der Pipeline, wenn sonst noch jemand was eher ausgefallenes will, her damit
  15. Hallo zusammen, habe jetzt noch eine, diesmal in Grün: lg max
  16. Hallo @BahnLand, habe die Streifen bei beiden angepasst Das einzige das nicht so ganz passt sind die leicht ungleichen Farben (vielleicht liegt es auch an unterschiedlichen metallic/roughness Werten), ich habe dafür elfenbein: RAL 1014 und ozeanblau: RAL 5020 verwendet. lg max
  17. Hallo Hans. kann ich nachvollziehen, (LOD1)wird demnächst geändert. lg max
  18. ReWork fertig, beide Variationen installiert lg max
  19. Nachdem es wie es scheint beide Versionen gibt werde ich wohl auch beide als Variation machen lg max
  20. Nummer werde ich ändern (habe das auch vorher schon gesehen aber vergessen zu korrigieren, aber das V? (die gibt es wohl auch noch) lässt sich ändern...ich seh das alles schon nicht mehr lg max
  21. ...nächste Variation: ozeanblau/beige mit den ovalen Scheinwerfern: lg max
  22. Ja, gibt es... lg max
  23. Hallo zusammen, neue Variation: Rail Transport Service lg max
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