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Alle erstellten Inhalte von Dad3353

  1. I've installed Teams, after 'jumping through hoops'. I'll send my Teams email and we can try a test connection, perhaps, just to see what happens..? PM incoming... Ich habe Mannschaften installiert, nachdem ich 'durch Reifen gesprungen bin'. Ich sende meinen Teams eine E-Mail und wir können vielleicht eine Testverbindung versuchen, um zu sehen, was passiert...? PM ankommend...
  2. OK thanks. It seems obvious now, but when you don't know, you don't know. @hubert.visschedijk : I tried the 'type it in', and it works, so thanks for that, but I find it counter-intuitive. I wanted to type in the final dimension I want, not the dimension that will be added. I suppose everyone gets used to it, so I'll see. It's better than what I was doing, anyway, so ... I'll take you up, one day soon, on the 'Teams' offer (if I find out how to connect with that ...). What with 'Skype' and 'Zoom', I'll be quite modern, shortly ..! OK thanks. It seems obvious now, but if you don't know, you don't know. I've tried the 'type it in' and it works, so thanks for that, but I find it counter-intuitive. I wanted to enter the final dimension that I want, not the dimension that is being added. I suppose everyone gets used to it so I'll see. Anyway, it's better than what I did, so ... I will bring you up to the 'Teams' offer soon one day (when I figure out how to get in touch with it ...) With 'Skype' and 'Zoom' I will be very modern shortly ...!
  3. Oh dear; here we go... What's 'SKP'..? Oje, jetzt geht's los... Was ist 'SKP'...?
  4. Thanks, Hubert. If only that were the only problem..! It's too early; I'm still just playing around, finding my way. I have trouble, for instance, defining the size of an object I create (I add a 'measure', then 'pull', then rub out the 'measure'. I would prefer to type in the dimensions...). 'Moving' is very 'hit and miss', too. Maybe there are plug-ins or extensions to help with stuff like this..? It seems very clumsy for now. Danke, Hubert. Wenn das nur das einzige Problem wäre...! Es ist noch zu früh; ich bin noch dabei, mich zurechtzufinden. Ich habe zum Beispiel Schwierigkeiten, die Größe eines von mir geschaffenen Objekts zu definieren (ich füge ein 'Maß' hinzu, dann 'ziehe' ich und radiere dann das 'Maß' aus. Ich würde es vorziehen, die Maße einzugeben...). Auch 'Verschieben' ist sehr 'hit and miss'. Vielleicht gibt es Plug-Ins oder Erweiterungen, die bei solchen Sachen helfen? Es scheint im Moment sehr ungeschickt zu sein. Übersetzt mit www.DeepL.com/Translator (kostenlose Version)
  5. Thanks for the links. I've translated the Exporter, and managed to export my first, primitive, textured building. I'll have to experiment more regarding scaling, but it's looking good, for now. Vielen Dank für die Links. Ich habe den Exporteur übersetzt, und es ist mir gelungen, mein erstes, primitives, texturiertes Gebäude zu exportieren. Hinsichtlich der Skalierung werde ich noch mehr experimentieren müssen, aber es sieht im Moment gut aus.
  6. @BahnLand Where can I find this DirektX exporter, please..? Wo finde ich diesen DirektX-Exporteur, bitte...?
  7. Try Google Translate... or DeepL ...
  8. OK, I see the problems. There are several. The simplest way would be to look again at my one, posted above, and see how I did it. Here, though, the changes are needed ... 1 - The animation for closing is 'End', 'Backwards', so you need to invert all three events (for the two gates, and the gatekeeper ...). 2 - It should be triggered by 'Entering' 3 - The animation for opening is correct, but you've chosen 'All animations'; you only need the last one in the list. 4 - You need to add the animation for the gatekeeper, it's absent for opening 5 - The event name for opening is not the name of the contact. That will work, but it's confusing. Name the events the same as their contact. 6 - The 'opening' event should be triggered by leaving. 7 - As mentioned above, the 'close' contact has to be much earlier, to have the barriers closed before the train passes. Once closed completely, the opening will be smooth; It's not the case if the train triggers the opening too early. Hope this helps. OK, I see the problems. There are a few. The easiest way would be to take another look at my post above and see how I did it. But here are the changes needed ... 1 - The close animation is "End", "Backward". So you have to invert all three events (for the two goals and the goalkeeper ...). 2 - It should be triggered by 'Enter'. 3 - The opening animation is correct, but you have selected "All Animations". You just need the last one in the list. 4 - You need to add the animation for the gatekeeper, it is missing to open 5 - The event name to open is not the name of the contact. This will work, but it's confusing. Name the events just like their contact. 6 - The opening event should be triggered by leaving. 7 - As mentioned above, the "close" contact needs to be much earlier in order for the barriers to close before the train passes. Once it is completely closed, the opening is smooth; It is not the case if the train triggers the opening too early. Hope that helps.
  9. Ah, if you mean the level crossing, I think the train is too fast, and doesn't give enough time before the barrier closes. I moved the 'close' contact much further back (halfway round the previous curve...). I'll have another look... Ah, wenn Sie den Bahnübergang meinen, ich denke, der Zug ist zu schnell und gibt nicht genug Zeit, bevor die Barriere schließt. Ich habe den "engen" Kontakt viel weiter nach hinten verschoben (auf halber Strecke um die vorherige Kurve ...). Ich werde noch einen Blick darauf werfen ...
  10. Sorry, lost in translation. What do you mean by 'transition' ..? Sorry, lost in translation. What do you mean by "transition"?
  11. Fascinating..! Thanks for that. Faszinierend..! Dank dafür.
  12. Not so easy to march to, then, eh..? Es ist also nicht so einfach, dorthin zu marschieren, oder? (Disclaimer : I'm a drummer, so ...) (Haftungsausschluss: Ich bin Schlagzeuger, also ...)
  13. The 'sewing together' of the parts is fine, and if the original recoding of the band has them doing those slow-downs and accelerations, that's a matter for their band master. I wouldn't hire him, but that's not the question..! The overall sound file is fine; no issues at all, so 'well done, your daughter'. Das "Zusammennähen" der Teile ist in Ordnung, und wenn die ursprüngliche Neukodierung der Band sie dazu bringt, diese Verlangsamungen und Beschleunigungen vorzunehmen, ist das Sache ihres Bandmeisters. Ich würde ihn nicht einstellen, aber das ist nicht die Frage ..! Die gesamte Sounddatei ist in Ordnung. Überhaupt keine Probleme, also gut gemacht, deine Tochter.
  14. Not my specialty genre, but technically it plays just fine. I didn't like the acceleration at each transition. How did you extend this from the original ..? The software I use (Reaper ...) stretches sounds, retaining the pitch. Did you use something similar, or did you stretch 'inside' the file '..? Not my specialty genre, but technically it plays well. I didn't like the acceleration at every transition. How did you extend this from the original ..? The software I use (Reaper ...) stretches sounds and maintains pitch. Did you use something similar or did you stretch yourself 'within' the file?
  15. No need to translate, as my browser does this for me, through Google. Not always perfect, but adequate for understanding the main ideas. Sie müssen nicht über Google übersetzen, da mein Browser dies für mich erledigt. Nicht immer perfekt, aber ausreichend, um die Hauptideen zu verstehen.
  16. @ coachman : If you look at the version I posted above ^^, you'll see how I did the level crossing (I added bicycles that pass when the gates are open to road traffic ...), and also how to animate the train doors on the Regio. The station halt signals are different from the block signals, too. Worth a look, maybe ..? If you look at the version I posted above ^^ you will see how I did the level crossing (I added bikes that pass when the gates are open to road traffic ...) and how to get the Train doors animated the region. The station stop signals also differ from the block signals. Maybe worth a look ..?
  17. These are the Events making the '60' speed. They affect all vehicles on all tracks. I don't know how or why they should be triggered, but the answer to the '60' speed is in there... Dies sind die Ereignisse, die die Geschwindigkeit '60' erreichen. Sie betreffen alle Fahrzeuge auf allen Strecken. Ich weiß nicht, wie oder warum sie ausgelöst werden sollen, aber die Antwort auf die '60'-Geschwindigkeit ist da drin ...
  18. BlockSignal 1 has a 'List', it should have a 'Table' for the speeds. BlockSignal 6 should release Blocksignal 5 BlockSignal 1 should release Blocksignal 6 It may not be a good idea to use Block Signals for Station Halts. In my version, I separated these roles, using Form signals for Halts. BlockSignal 1 hat eine 'Liste', es sollte eine 'Tabelle' für die Geschwindigkeiten haben. BlockSignal 6 sollte Blocksignal 5 freigeben BlockSignal 1 sollte Blocksignal 6 freigeben Es ist möglicherweise keine gute Idee, Blocksignale für Stationsstopps zu verwenden. In meiner Version habe ich diese Rollen mithilfe von Formularsignalen für Halts getrennt.
  19. I'd like to indicate a broken rail, too, which caused me many problems. Just after the level crossing, here... Ich möchte auch auf eine kaputte Schiene hinweisen, die mir viele Probleme bereitete. Kurz nach dem Bahnübergang hier ...
  20. I'm looking at it now. The level crossing will be easy, I think, but there's a lot of stuff imported that is no monger used. There are Events that mention 60, but I don't know yet which are needed and which are not. Back shortly... Ich schaue es mir jetzt an. Der Bahnübergang wird einfach sein, denke ich, aber es werden viele Dinge importiert, die nicht mehr verwendet werden. Es gibt Ereignisse, die 60 erwähnen, aber ich weiß noch nicht, welche benötigt werden und welche nicht. In Kürze zurück ...
  21. This works for me...
  22. OK, Hubert; thanks. I'd better stop posting here, anyway, as it's supposed to be a 'Blender' topic ..! OK, Hubert; Many thanks. I better stop posting here as it's supposed to be a "Blender" topic ..! @BahnLand : The answers to my questions are in the information linked to by Hubert, so please ignore my questions above. Other questions will be posted to a separate topic. Many thanks. Die Antworten auf meine Fragen finden Sie in den von Hubert verlinkten Informationen. Bitte ignorieren Sie meine obigen Fragen. Andere Fragen werden zu einem separaten Thema gestellt. Danke vielmals.
  23. @BahnLand : Another explanation, please..? I finally got the complete Simple House exported from SU 2017 and imported to MBS, by copying the 'Animation' part of your own '.x' file, and pasting it onto mine (we're using different Export versions; where did your v4.0 come from, please..?). I don't understand, however, how the 'Palette.png' file is used. It has nine colours, but I can't pick one to paint with. How would I make a Png file if I wanted bricks and roof tiles..? Does SU use Colours and Materials differently (the Exporter doesn't Export a 'Colour' jpg, only 'Materials'...). If I want to insert glass panes into the windows, do I need another, external, Material file, or can I just 'paint' the windows with 10% opacity..? OK, that's too many questions at once, but I didn't understand the 'Palette' file. Maybe the answer is there, somewhere..? Noch eine Erklärung, bitte ..? Ich habe endlich das komplette Simple House aus SU 2017 exportiert und in MBS importiert, indem ich den 'Animation'-Teil Ihrer eigenen' .x'-Datei kopiert und in meine eingefügt habe (wir verwenden verschiedene Exportversionen; wo ist Ihre v4? .0 kommen bitte ..?). Ich verstehe jedoch nicht, wie die Datei 'Palette.png' verwendet wird. Es hat neun Farben, aber ich kann keine auswählen, mit der ich malen möchte. Wie würde ich eine PNG-Datei erstellen, wenn ich Ziegel und Dachziegel wollte? Verwendet SU Farben und Materialien unterschiedlich (der Exporter exportiert kein 'Farbe'-JPG, nur' Materialien '...). Wenn ich Glasscheiben in die Fenster einfügen möchte, benötige ich eine andere externe Materialdatei oder kann ich die Fenster einfach mit 10% Deckkraft "streichen"? OK, das sind zu viele Fragen gleichzeitig, aber ich habe die 'Palette'-Datei nicht verstanden. Vielleicht ist die Antwort irgendwo da ..?
  24. This first-approaching train should set the other track to 'Stop', maybe, and release it once passed..? Dieser sich zuerst nähernde Zug sollte das andere Gleis vielleicht auf "Stop" setzen und es freigeben, sobald es passiert ist.
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